The Chosen One ( Male reader...

By Balasubas19

367K 4.4K 6.3K

Your Name is Y/N L/N. You didn't know who you're parents are. Ozpin invited you to join Beacon academy to bec... More

About the Reader and Harem
Weapons, Outfits and ETC.
Chapter 1: The Umbrella on Beacon! And Reunion
Chapter 2: Shocking Discovery! And meeting new people
Chapter 3: Initiation and show of power!
Chapter 4: Badge and Burden
Chapter 5: A master's gift.
Chapter 6: Before the Umbrella.
Chapter 7: Morning Routine, Intense training and Contract!?
Chapter 8: Confessions!
Chapter 9: Forever fall and A Master's visit!
Voting Poll
Chapter 10: Pushing to the limits!
Chapter 11: The 3rd member!
Chapter 12: Stray and dark past
Chapter 13: Black and White with a brutal fight
Chapter 14: I will return
Volume 2
Chapter 1: Welcome to Nemesis Clan and New member of the Harem!?
Chapter 2: Mission Nemesis
Chapter 3: Homecoming with a food fight!
Chapter 4: Vengeance is served
Chapter 5: Time to work/Vision or dream?
Chapter 6: Painting the town
Some changes
Teaser for future chapters :0
Chapter 7: Extracurricular, talk about dance and the truth!
Change the cover?
Chapter 8: Dance night!
Chapter 9: A master's habit rubbed to his student
Chapter 10: Upgrades
The Spartan's guardian angel (20K reads special)
Chapter 11: The breach
Chapter 12: My Purpose...
Volume 3
Chapter 1: Vytal festival
Chapter 2: Team Sapphire vs Team CFVY
Chapter 3: Supporting the team and a special fight!
Intro for this book
Chapter 4: Meeting the Uncle, Older sister and the rematch!
Chapter 5: Birds and bees and the truth
Chapter 6: Something isn't right
Chapter 7: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 8: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 1: Path to recovery and the new recruit
Thank you for 80K reads special and fun facts!
500 (almost) followers special!
500 followers special! Q/A
Chapter 2: Raiding the base!
Chapter 3: New pieces
Winner of the Voting!
Chapter 4: The Alpha VS The Omega
Chapter 5: New players and Stepping stones
Chapter 6: Uncles and Aunts
TCO Spin off Story: The white devil (Canon)
Arts about this Book!
Chapter 8: New allies/Awaken my Brothers!
Chapter 9: Boost of Power! And The Chosen One's champion
TCO Spin off Story: Y/N's secret technique! (Canon)
Rest in Peace Kobe Byrant
Chapter 10: People from another world
Voting Pool I
Chapter 11: Meeting the keyblade masters
About the book
REMAKE is up!

Chapter 7: Alliance

860 20 13
By Balasubas19

Author: Before we start, the girls' abilities and capabilities are improved dramatically thanks to Y/N and his family's training to them. They can stand and survive attacks from enemy cyborgs. They all trained their limits to it's peak. On the story!

No one POV

It's now done. Y/N and his team finally finished loading their things they needed before they go to Mistral. The girls and his family packed their things they need, and EVERY single thing they needed for this journey.

With Y/N, he is seen standing in front of Roman as he said his final remarks to Torchwick before going to Mistral.

Y/N: Well Roman, this is goodbye. Going to Mistral and stop them.

Roman: *hummed* Just promise me one thing kid.

Y/N: What is it?

Roman: Take care Neo for me.

Y/N nods as Roman lights his cigarette.

Y/N: Got it.

Y/N and Roman shakes their hands together. Because of Y/N's actions and compassion, Roman Torchwick is now changed. Y/N and Roman releases their hands as Y/N spoke up.

Y/N: You know, I've come from a very long way...

Roman: *raises an eyebrow* How so?

Y/N: I mean, back at the previous time, I'm just a vigilante, stopping criminals, white fang and a certain carrot top back then. *looks to Roman* No offense.

Roman: *chuckles* None taken.

Y/N: That was the old times. But now, I am stopping a army that wants everyone turn into cyborgs, a queen that can control and command Grimm, and most of all, learning my existence and my true purpose.

Roman nodded and silent. Things wasn't the same since the fall of beacon and his awakening. Back at the old times, Y/N as the Umbrella chasing Roman and his fellow White fang goons is a good old memory.

Roman: Yep. But I still remember when you throw a Atlas paladin to me and almost kill me!

Y/N: *chuckles nervously* Sorry.

Roman chuckles lightly as he puts his hands on Y/N's right shoulder.

Roman: Don't worry kid, I take care things here in Vale. I've been know all the locations of Vale for a long time.

Y/N: *smiles* Don't do anything stupid without me Carrot top.

Roman: And don't be persistent Mister "Umbrella".

Y/N nodded before saying goodbye to Roman and went to the ship, where the NEMESIS clan is waiting for him. Y/N took a good view to their new ship.

Y/N: *smiles* Let's test this new baby!

Y/N eagerly walks towards the new ship and enters. Y/N saw the crews and members inside the ship, doing their tasks before ascending to the skies.

He also saw the NEMESIS clan also helping on the ship. Gab is seen checking the weapons and defense system of the ship, Penge, being one of the fast members of the clan, is typing on their super computers on fast speeds while Jade is monitoring the ship's status. Benjamin using his clone is calibrating the ship's system while the rest is on their respective areas to maintain.

Y/N: How's the status darling?

Jade: So far so good honey, we are at stable state. We take care the rest here Y/N. Also, our base near in Mistral is prepared for landing all of our army.

Y/N: Good to hear. How about camouflage systems?

Jade: All green. Mistral will never see us entering the kingdom. We take care of the rest here Y/N. You can catch up with the girls and your family.

Y/N nods as he gives Jade a kiss on the cheek, making her blush a little. Y/N went to the passengers part as he opens the door to reveal his girls on ONE big room.

Y/N: Hey girls. Feel yourselves at home!

Nora is seen jumping on the bed upwards and downwards with a big grin on her face.

Nora: Yes we are! This bed is so comfy!

Blake: You sure have good taste on architect Y/N. *smiles*

Yang: Plus! This ship has training room! Even better at beacon!

Y/N: *chuckles* That's what you get from a boyfriend who is a chosen one.


Y/N: *thoughts* Oh Oum, I think I put too much weapons.

Weiss: Where did you get all the Lien to build this darling?

Y/N: Some help from the clan and with my mom. And for the Lien? Who knows?

Pyrrha: I guess that the most of your time is spend on this?

Y/N: Yep! My first priority as always will be my girls.

Yupia: Same *smirks*

Y/N closes the door as he removes his coat. Y/N looks to the girls warmly as he lays on the bed.

Y/N: Cuddling time girls! I have free time!

Girls: YESSS!!!

The girls cuddles to Y/N as he almost got crushed. Y/N embraced the pain as he groans.

Y/N: Errrrrrkkk. Gotta love and embrace this!

Girls: Sure you are~

*With Kai and Emilia*

Kai: I'm so proud. *smiles proudly* I raised our children in proper way.

Emilia: I know honey. *smiles* I can't wait to become a grandmother.

Kai: Same. But I'm still protective on our daughter. Since she's the fall maiden, it is sure that they will target our daughter. And if any of the boys decides to play my daughter's heart.

Kai slowly emits blue and white aura as his eyebrows twitching.

Kai: *deadly tone* I'm going to make them suffer for eternity.

Emilia: *sighs* I know. DIO will be overprotective to her as well.

Kai: I know. Don't mention it. One time some boys tries to flirt with her, and... DIO kinda saw it and smashes the kid with a road roller.

Emilia: And don't forget that he keeps punching it till the boy is not moving.

Kai: Indeed, there will be a time for that. For now, let's focus on our main tasks.

Emilia: *nods* Right. The 3 AI's is now providing all the Intel we've gathered and now we are heading to Mistral with huge army.

Kai: Right.

*Outside the ship*

The engine starts to activate as it's thruster turns a 90 degrees and starts to launch for the skies.

(Similar to this)

The ship starts to ascends as the fallen leaves blows away while the birds is flying away. The ship ascends to the sky to see fleets of ships besides them.

The fleet contains frigates, destroyers, battleships, transportation, and every technology they have. This proves that NEMESIS has a huge firepower for this upcoming war. They are so advance that they can annihilate kingdoms and put Atlas technology in shame.

While they starting to move and head to Vale, they saw a explosion and small smoke on the forests of Vale. Luckily they already see it as they starts to deploy small amount of NEMESIS soldiers and 2 specialists of NEMESIS. Jade warns Y/N about this as he broke the cuddling with his girls.

Ace: *to Y/N* Hey Y/N, heads up. We have a small intervention happening.

Y/N: Right. Who are we gonna fight?

Ace: *to Y/N* White fang forces and hijacked Atlas military weapons.

Y/N: All right. Sorry girls, cuddling time is over. Job calls. Who wants go with me?

Yupia: I come in Y/N!

Y/N: All right. *looks to girls* Say, who wants to join for small action!?

The girls immediately raises their hands. Y/N chuckled at their attitudes.

Y/N: All right. Suit up!

*With Ace*

Ace appears on his small dark room as he presses some holographic buttons. He finished typing as a small door opens and reveals his combat robotic body.




Ace: *smirks* Good to be back.

Unknown to them all, this is not a simple intervention...

*With Raiden and Maverick Security*

Raiden: How much farther Courtney?

Courtney: *via com* 5 mikes out and closing.

Raiden: Good. Preparing for insertion.

Raiden is seen on the insertion pod of their mach 2 jet with his visors on. Looking for the shores of Vale with his cyborg eyes.

Boris: *via com* Any signs Raiden?

Raiden: Still nothing on the visuals Boris. Are we sure that they are not leaving yet?

Boris: I'm not sure. But as far as I know, they still here.

Raiden: Right....

Raiden continues to search for the shores... Until Kevin shows up on his screen.

Kevin: *on the screen* Hey Raiden! There are some cyborg signatures on our destination.

Raiden: Show it to me.

Kevin showed it as it reveals bunch of cyborgs, machines and armed forces of white fang.

Raiden: White fang and Desperado working together?

Kevin: *on the screen* I doubt it, looks like Desperado has control TO white fang. It's more like they control white fang as their own pawns.

Raiden: *growls* They deserve it. They deserve it to the people who lost their lives because of their actions for "freedom".

Kevin: *on the screen* They have been discriminated, and been violated. What can you do Raiden?

Raiden: Watch me work Kevin. Besides, Adam is desperate.

Raiden saw a picture of Adam, who is seen leading the White fang, and he's visibly desperate.

Raiden: Desperate on their next moves. Since the awakening of the chosen one and the revelation of the truth during the fall, they are completely silent. Off the radar, who knows?

Kevin: *on the screen* You can say that. Some of the government of the kingdom is hunting down Adam Taurus.

Raiden: Don't mind it. I will hunt him down.

Boris appears on Raiden's hologram screen as he speaks up.

Boris: *on the screen* Raiden, a Desperado captain is in site. Codename: Jhin.

Raiden: Noted. So I will be launched on my insertion pod, help the chosen one and the NEMESIS clan, take down Jhin and offer a unity with the chosen one and the NEMESIS clan. That's all then.

Boris: *on the screen* Affirmative, still the desperado and Jhin is anticipating us. They will have a grand reception awaiting for you. Do not let your guard down.

Kevin: *on the screen* Heads up, enemy Gekkos are launching.

Raiden: Dammit. I hope that the chosen don't do something reckless and stupid.

*With Y/N*

Y/N: NEMESIS coming through!

Y/N with his harem, Ace, Gyro and Penge is seen stopping White fang's invasion on the villages on the coasts of Vale. Y/N switches to mercy and death as he shoots through White fang grunts and does a 360 spin dodging enemy bullets.  Y/N lands gracefully as he shoots them back.

With his girls, Ruby shoots the white fang grunts with her crescent rose as Weiss summons two knights to accompany her. Blake throws her Gambol Shroud as Yang grabs it and flies towards the group of White fang grunts.


Yang dives to the group as she got dozens of them. With Ace, he flies towards the hijacked vehicles as he morphs his robotic hands into hand cannons.

Ace: *robotic voice* Hi. We need to talk.

The white fang forces fires their weapons to Ace... And it didn't do any damage on his body as Ace fires his hand cannons, taking down enemy white fang forces. With Pyrrha, Nora, Yupia and Neo, Pyrrha throws her shield as it bounces back and takes down 5 white fang grunts as she catches it.

Nora: *with a big grin* NORA SMASH!

Nora smashes the hammer with her hammer as a small earthquake created on her position. Yupia and Neo charges together as Yupia unsheathes her dust blade and starts attacking White fang grunts while Neo kicks a White fang grunt's balls as she kicks his head and slices his torso, knocking him out.

Meanwhile with Gyro and Penge, they are seen taking down White fang grunts while counting the enemies they taken down.

Gyro: 86! *slashes a white fang grunt*

Penge: HA! 91! *emits blue electricity*

Y/N: Yupia! Help the people in the evacuation!

Yupia: Got it!

Yupia rushes to the group of white fang grunts as she slides through them and knocks them out by spinning her kick with strong force. She dodges incoming attacks as she slices through the barricade of grunts.

With Ace, he got hit by a explosive launcher by the white fang as he got flying down and got recovered as his nanites repairs the damages.

Ace: *robotic voice* S#it!

Y/N: Language!

Blake: Does not anyone going to mention that our honey says "language"? *kicks down a enemy*

Yang: I noticed that! *suplexed a enemy*

Meanwhile with the WF group leader, he watches in horror and anger as he saw his troops getting defeated by the NEMESIS clan. His right hand or rather his 2nd in command came to him.

WF 2nd in command: BOSS! WHAT SHOULD WE DO?!

Before he responds to his fellow commander, Ace fires a laser beam to their vehicles as he flies up and taunts them with a big middle finger.

Ace: *in robotic voice* HEREEEEEES JOHNNY!

Ace continues to fire with his massive hand cannons as he destroys many WF vehicles and eliminated WF grunts.

WF grunt 1: WHAT IS GOING ON!?



Before the commander makes his move, a explosion is created on their location nearby as they were blown away by the blast. Ace lands softly as his hand cannons morphs into hand blades as the rest regroups with Y/N and Ace.

Y/N: Everyone all right?

Yupia: Yeah. We have fun!

Nora: *pouting* Awww, no more?

Weiss: Better to save energy Nora.

Nora: But I want to break more legs!

Y/N: *chuckles* We can do that later my hammer queen.

Ace: *robotic voice* Yoo Y/N, I have the commander.

They saw Ace with his nano clamps dragging the slight awake WF commander as he coughs.

WF commander: *coughs* You hit us good.

Y/N looks to the girls with a serious look. The girls knows this as they took steps back away from Y/N. Y/N proceeds as he looks to the WF commander with a intimidating look.

Y/N: Nice try to destroy a peaceful village, sadly you've ended up ass kicked by NEMESIS. Now. *glares* Where is Adam?

The WF Commander didn't answer, but only spits blood to Y/N's suit. The girls saw it as they start to get angry.

Y/N: *sighs as he cleans the blood* I'm supposed to be going nice to you. Bur no, hard way it is!

Y/N sheathes mercy and points it to his neck, making the WF commander shake in fear. Unknown to them, many eyes are watching them.

Ace on the other hand, detected something on the radar, then suddenly disappeared, Ace forgets it and focuses on the main tasks.

Y/N: I ask you one last time.... Where is Adam?

WF Commander: *shaking* I-i-i-in Mistral! Working with D-des- S#it they gonna kill me!

Ace: *robotic voice* Hold up... They?

Y/N: Dammit.

WF Commander: *still shaking* T-t-t-they want me t-t-t-to send a message for you. F-from my superiors!

Y/N: Give it to me. Now.

The WF Commander grabs his wallet on his pants as he is still shaking. Ace aims his hand cannons to WF commander for just in case. He reveals a black colored scroll as Y/N picked it up.

Y/N: Ace, guard him.

Ace nods as Y/N opens the scroll and reads the message from Desperado. He saw a unknown cyborg grinning on the scroll and there's a message below.

Good Luck Chosen one. Good luck for taking us down... If you can.

Y/N sensed something off, telling that his instincts that something is coming. He heard metal stomping and crashing nearby the village and Ace's radar starts appearing enemy forces, alerting the chosen one and the others.

Y/N: S#it! They are not alone!


They all saw walking robots, and maned cyborgs rushing on their way. More specifically, desperado forces attacking them.

Play the music!

Y/N: Weapons free!

Y/N unsheathes the judge while Ace morphs his hands into hand cannons again as he fires it to the enemy gekkos.

Penge: It's an ambush!

Penge dodges incoming enemy bullets as Gyro sliced down enemy cyborgs, while the girls formed up together and fights off the enemy cyborgs.

Ace: *robotic voice* *to Y/N* Yo Y/N! Those walking vending machines and the cyborgs doesn't have aura! But they have weapons that can kill professional huntsmen and huntresses!

Y/N: Noted!

Y/N lands and slides as he dodges 2 swings of enemy swords as he morphs the judge to it's normal form and slices them down as blood sprays over their dead body. Y/N saw more incoming enemy cyborgs as he switches to mercy and death as he unleashes huge rounds to the enemy cyborgs.

With Ace, he fires wires to the Gekko's legs as he tied them up and slices it's head with his nano hand blade with force. Ace dodges enemy rounds as he morphs his left hand into nano shield. Ace noticed something odd while fending the enemy cyborgs.

Ace: *thoughts* Something isn't right. Desperado sends cyborgs and gekkos, and it has it's platoon leader, and where IS the leader?

With Y/N, he dodges enemy attacks as he switches to dragon's wrath gauntlets as he smashes the ground to create a shock wave, making the enemy cyborgs stagger and flies off the distance. Y/N caught a enemy blade as he grabs it and dodges horizontally and sliced their torso, killing them.

With the girls, they formed a circle together as they start fending off the enemy cyborgs. Weiss stabs her rapier on the ground as the whole ground turns to ice, and Yang follows it by smashing it, creating a fog of smoke to the enemy cyborgs.

Yupia hands out a EMP grenades as she throws it to the enemy cyborg and explodes, disorientating the cyborgs, and Neo and Yupia runs together and slices the enemy cyborgs.

With Ace, he fires 2 wrist mounted missiles to enemy Gekkos and explodes violently as Ace flies up and takes a good look on the battlefield and starts scanning the area.

Ace: *robotic voice* *to com* Heads up, 23 enemy cyborgs incoming. Penge and Gyro wind them up!

Gyro: I got it! *emits electricity*

Penge: Roger!

Both Gyro and Penge emits electricity as they rushes together with lightning sparks behind them and starts slicing down enemy cyborgs in quick and rapid speeds. Ace switches his right hand to nano hand blade as he dives down to take down enemy cyborgs.

With Y/N, he switches to the judge and morphs it into scythe as he slices down 4 cyborgs surrounding him. He immediately morphs it into it's normal form and stabs a enemy cyborg behind him without looking and removes it.

Y/N and Ace finally finishes all enemy cyborgs as Ace unloads his weapon clips and starts cooling down while Y/N sheathes the judge as the girls, Gyro and Penge regrouped with them.

Stop the music!

Y/N: Done and done.

Ace: *robotic voice* Where's their leader? 

Before Y/N speaks up, they hard a clapping in a far distance with a robotic chuckle. Y/N and the others are alerted as they ready their weapons, in case things get ugly again.

???: Not bad Chosen One... Not bad.

Y/N: Who's there? Identify yourself.

Yupia: Girls, I have a bad feeling about this.

???: There's no need for rush Chosen one... Introduction first as always...

A red beam fires towards the destroyed house. The beam is so fast that Y/N had a little time to dodged it. Y/N successfully dodged it and the red beam hits the house and creates a small explosion.

The unknown cyborg came out from a destroyed house to reveal a cyborg with red visor, a hand gun on his left hand and packs of grenades on his side. He's also seen holding a rifle on his right hand while walking towards the destroyed battlefield while humming.

???: Ahhhh~ Now this a art!~

He motioned to the bloody battlefield and destroyed villages. Ruby and Weiss shuddered at his statement, Blake and Yang narrows her eyes, Nora is resisting the urge to smash him, Pyrrha and Yupia is on their guard while Neo is confused on his remark.

Ace: *scoffs* *robotic voice* You call this art? Destroying villages, and killing innocent people?

???: Oh!~ Why yes it is!

Y/N: I'm sorry am I looking to a maniac robotic version painter?

Jhin: Humorous, not bad... I am Jhin. The perfectionist of art, and the artist of Atlas.

Y/N: I take that your from Desperado?

Jhin: Why yes of course!~ I'm just following orders as you can see. And the others are to execute.. All of you!~

Ace: *robotic voice* Ain't gonna happen Vending machine.

Ace aims his hand cannon to Jhin. Before Ace fires, with amazing speeds, Jhin hands out the revolver and fires it to Ace's left hand cannon, destroying in the process.

Ace: *robotic voice* S#it my hand!

Y/N: You know what, I'm gonna ignore the language thingy and let's be serious! Ace, get the girls out of here now!

Ruby: But Y/N, We can-!

Y/N: No! Go now! I'll be fine!

Y/N readies and sheathes mercy and death while Ace immediately repairs his destroyed left hand and went to the girls. Before the girls ignores Y/N's pleases, they heard a shock wave from the air.


They all look to the source of the crack noise as they saw a black cyborg standing up with visor covering his eyes and face with a katana on his back. He rises up and walks towards the group, while Jhin slowly chuckles.

???: Just in time.

Jhin: I was wondering when will you come... Jack the Ripper.

???: No one calls me that anymore. Also, picking a fight with kids? Come on, do you have any sense at all?

Jhin: You know me Raiden, I am a perfectionist.

When Yupia heard Raiden's name, her eyes widened beneath on her visor. He finally sees Raiden after so many years after rescuing her from Atlas experiments.

Yupia: *mutter* Raiden?

The girls didn't heard it except for Blake thanks to her faunus heritage. While the others are trying to process what's happening.

Ace: *robotic voice* What.... The... Hell is going on?

Y/N: Don't know Ace. Get them out of here. *looks to the girls* I'll be all right. Tell to the others that we can handle this.

Y/N winks to the girls despite at the deadly situation. Ace nods as Raiden walks besides Y/N who activates his helmet and powers up his suit while Jhin loads his guns and rifle as he humming.

Y/N: Explanations later. We fight.

Raiden: Right. It's a pleasure to fight alongside with the legendary chosen one.

Raiden sheathes his HF blade and does a fighting stance as the blade emits blue electric current as the smoke from the damages rises from the skies.

Y/N: Nice sword. But I have my own one!

Y/N unsheathes the judge as he adds and amplifies it with his nano technology as he also does a fighting stance as well. He charges his suit to 100% as both Raiden and Y/N prepares for battle.

Play the music!

Raiden: Good. Don't hold back.

Y/N nods as he activates overdrive X10 while Raiden retakes his stance. Jhin forms a rifle on his hand as purple roses falls around him as he hummed.

Jhin: Let's set the stage!

Jhin starts firing empowered shots as both Raiden and Y/N dodges it before it hits them. Raiden skids down as he charges to Jhin while Y/N rushes to Jhin with the judge ready to slice down Jhin.

Before both Raiden and Y/N charges Jhin, he throws 2 grenades to both of them. Raiden slices it down before it explodes while Y/N blocks the grenade and twats it away. Raiden starts swinging his HF blade as Jhin manages to block and dodges his attacks. Jhin fires 2 empowered shots to Y/N as he dodges it as he jumps upwards with the judge ready.

Jhin jumps away as Y/N missed his attack. Jhin lands gracefully as he throws 3 traps on the ground before it disappears. Y/N uses his enhanced senses as he saw the traps covered with cloaking devices.

Y/N: I distract him!

Y/N morphs the judge into rail gun form as he fires empowered shots to Jhin. Raiden slices down the traps as he rushes to Jhin with electricity emitting on his body. Jhin shots back a empowered shot, only to meet Raiden with a HF blade on his hands.

Both Raiden and Jhin crashes to the ground as they both regained their stances. Y/N lands besides Raiden as he morphs the judge into it's sword form. Jhin looks to a destroyed tall tower as he chuckles.

Jhin: Let's make this entertaining shall we?

Jhin jumps in inhuman strength and lands on the top of the tower. Raiden and Y/N nods as Raiden jumps towards to the tower while Y/N flies towards the tower and lands as he prepares to fight Jhin.

Jhin morphs his gun into rifle mode as he fires empowered shots at rapid pace. Y/N dodges it and slices down incoming shots. Unknown to Jhin, Raiden jumps behind him as he swings his HF blade. Jhin with less than a seconds, he blocks it with his rifle and throws a grenade to Y/N with his foot.

Y/N and Raiden regroups together as Jhin retracts his rifle form into sniper form as he chuckles. Raiden readies his HF blade while Y/N morphs the judge on buster sword form.

Jhin: Now THIS is a play!~

Jhin jumps high enough and fires his sniper rifle as both Raiden and Y/N dodges it but it destroys a platform and making a hole. Jhin fires his sniper rifle as he propels himself to both Raiden and Y/N. But Y/N swings the judge in buster sword form downwards, making Jhin crashing to the ground. Both Raiden and Y/N jumps down to chase Jhin and finish this once and for all.

Raiden and Y/N lands with one knee to see Jhin with his sniper rifle charging at full power as he shouts to both of them.

Jhin: Sadly, Our PLAY ends here!

Jhin starts firing his sniper rifle at full power at Raiden and Y/N. Raiden managed to dodges his shots while Y/N creates a shield from his suit and blocks it. Y/N deflects one of the empowered shots as he charges to Jhin.

Raiden slices his rifle as Jhin uses his handgun fused with blade as he blocks Raiden's HF blade. Y/N hands out a grenade as he fused it with ice dust as he rushes to Raiden and help defeat Jhin. Raiden saw Y/N holding a ice dust grenade as he headbutts Jhin strong enough to disorientate him and kicks him down on a broken wall.

Y/N took the chance as he throws the unpin ice dust grenade to Jhin. Jhin recovers and saw it as he tried to run away, but he got caught in the blast and slowly turns to ice and finally freezing him. Raiden took the chance as he enters Zandatsu mode and starts slicing down Jhin. Y/N switches to mercy and death and morphs it into blade form and helps Raiden slicing down Jhin.

And after 10 seconds of non stop slicing down Jhin, Raiden chops his head off and Y/N smashes Jhin's freezing body, shattering it in the process. Raiden lands softly as he sheathes his HF blade and Y/N sheathes mercy and death as Jhin's remains explodes.

Stop the music!

Before Y/N speaks up, Raiden got a incoming call from Jhin as he answers his call.

Jhin: *call* I... Lost.... But the play..... Is finished... At least.... I die..... For a cause.... For.... The Queen.... Apologies my Queen... They were....Stronger than I... Thought... But.... They will.... Never fall... I will.... Always bloom.... Like a flower.... In the dawn...

Raiden: So much for Opera play...

Y/N: So.... Your the one who's Yupia saved from Atlas.

Raiden looks to Y/N with a surprised look as he nods.

Raiden: So she told you then?

Y/N: Yeah. I thank you for saving her.

Raiden: And I thank you, Chosen one for taking care of her.

Y/N: Please call me Y/N or the Umbrella only. Come on, the others needed introductions and a talk.

Raiden: Right. Wait.

Raiden calls Boris and his team as he speaks to them.

Raiden: Boris. Mission success, now all that remains is a talk with the chosen one and the NEMESIS clan. Mind if you help me with the explanations?

Boris: *in the call* We got you covered Raiden. Quickly, the NEMESIS and the others needed answers on what's going on.

Raiden: Roger that.

Raiden dismissed the call as he turns to Y/N who's waiting for him.

Raiden: Y/N, may I talk to your team and to your family?

Y/N: Sure you can. Why?

Raiden looks to Y/N with a serious look as he spoke 2 words that surprises Y/N.

Raiden: A Alliance.

-End of chapter

Author: Done and done! Sorry for not updating a while since I'm busy with school works. But here it is now! New chapter boys! genesis25250  PengeArrow XxGamingBoy55xX nathancarter25 InsaneLord3

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