Beyond The Boundaries [Male/F...

By Kfanficlover247

197K 4.5K 2.4K


Little Miss
Stuck Like Glue
Sudden Request
Unexpected Turn
Going Crazy
How could you
By your side
When I'm with you
All I need is you
Unexpected Announcement
The More,The Precious
More Memories To Make
Please Protect TWICE Im Nayeon!
[Not a chapter]Happy Birthday To Sana 💜
Without a word
Time passes by
Could it be?
Unpleasent Sight
Move Forward
Trick Me
Only You
Never Regret
Thank you
Have Faith & Hope Again
Can't Help
True Blessing & Support
Sacrifice Truth
Can't Be Replace
Stand By My Side
Unbreakable & Inseparable
Accept Us
Beyond Boundaries
Happiness Fulfilled
💜The Best Presents I Have💜
Would you be interested?

False Alarm

4.9K 132 117
By Kfanficlover247

[One week later]

(Sana and I picked up my mom came home last week.My mom,Sana and I went shopping for food.)

Mom:"What do Miss Sana want to eat?"

(Sana looked around while thinking.)


(My mom giggled.)

Mom:"Then,is there anything you want to eat y/n?"

You:"I don't know mom."

(Sana and I looked around carefully,trying to figure out what to eat for tonight's dinner.I finally know what I want to eat for dinner.)


(My mom looked at us.Sana and I both looked at each other.Then,we looked at my mom.)

You:"Kimchi fried rice."


(We both said it at the same time.We looked at each other.)


You:"Yah..I want Kimchi fried rice."

Sana:"I want Jjampong."

You:"I'm older than you."

Sana:"By four days."

(There was a moment of fire sparking between us.)

Mom:"Both of you are so cute.Acting like kids but you two are high school students."

(My mom giggled.)

You:"Let's play rock,papers,scissors."


(Sana and I started getting our position ready.We places our hand behind our back.)


(We both threw out our hands.What a unfortunate scene.I threw out rock and she threw our papers.)


(She jumped up with happiness and jumped around me.)


(I froze while looking at my fist.My mom was laughing in the background.)

Mom:"Haha..Y/n..Why would you choose rock,paper,scissors when you always throw out rock in the first turn?"

(I looked at my mom.)

You:"I do?"

Mom:"Of course,you and Sana always play it.Have you not realize it?"

(I looked at Sana.)

You:"You cheated."

(Sana shook her head in a playful way.)


You:"You did."

Sana:"I didn't.I figured it out ever since we were 8 years old."

You:"That I always throw rock?"

(Sana nodded.)

You:"No wonder you always beat me in this game."

Sana:"Well..You're too late."

(Sana stick our her tongue at me.)

Mom:"Jjampong,it is."


/Time skips/

(My mom was in the kitchen,making dinner while we were in the living room.)

You:"Mom,I can come in and help you."

Sana:"Yeah,me too."

Mom:"No,it's okay.I'm almost done."

(I looked at Sana.I thought about if I should tell her about me liking Momo.But I don't want to hurt her feelings.)

Your Mind:"Sana and I never keep secrets from each other.We would always tell each other everything."

(Sana looked at me.She noticed me,looking at her.)

Sana:"What?Is there something on me?"



Your Mind:"I want to joke around for a bit to get things off my mind.I don't want to think about it.."

You:"What is that?"

(I pretended to be surprised.Sana started to freak out.)

Sana:"W-What?What is it?"

You:"Oh heck..I'm not touching that."

(I shook my head.)

Sana:"Is it a bug?"

You:"Don't get close to me."

(I started moving away from Sana slowly.)

Sana:"Hurry!Get it off!"

(Sana jumped up and shook her head like a crazy person.)

You:"I was just kidding."

(She stopped and looked at me with crying look.)


You:"That's for cheating."

(She sat down.)

Sana:"I didn't cheat.You were just stupid.You were too slow to realize."

Your Mind:"Did she called me stupid and slow?"

You:"I'm not stupid.You're the one who-"

Mom:"Kids,come and eat your Jjampong."

(We looked at my mom.We see her placing our bowls on the table.We headed towards the table.We both sat down and looked at each other.)

Mom:"Both of you need to apologize to each other."


Mom:"Ah..There's no "but".Both of you need to apologize."


Mom:"Do you want to eat or not?"

(I let out a sigh and look at Sana.)

You:"I'm sorry."

Mom:"Okay..Miss Sana,you need to apologize as well.In order to correct your wrong actions,you need to apologize to be forgiven."

(Sana looked at me.)

Sana:"I'm sorry."

(My mom smiled.)

Mom:"Now,you two can eat.I know Miss Sana like spicy food.So I made it spicy only your bowl."

(Sana smiled brightly.)

Sana:"Thank you Mrs.Takahashi."

(My mom patted Sana's back gently.)

Mom:"You're welcome."

(Sana took a few bites from her Jjampong.)


You:"Mom,do you know when Sana's parents are coming back?"

Mom:"Mrs.Minatozaki told me that she will be coming home next week while her father is going out in another oversea business."

(Sana's eyes opened wide because she's surprised about the news.)


Mom:"Yes,that's what she said to me today."

Sana:"I haven't see my mom like 3 months."

You:"She still call you twice every week at night."


You:"Why can't your dad call you?"

Sana:"He don't have to."

You:"I mean he's your dad."

Sana:"Don't worry."

You:"I guess."

Sana:"My mom said I won't be lonely because I have you by my side.You'll always be by my side right?"

Mom:"Of course,you two been together for 13 years."


Sana:"Yeah..You going to be by my side right?"

Your Mind:"Damn it.."


Mom:"Let me head back to the kitchen so I can think what to make tomorrow day for breakfast,lunch and dinner."

(Sana and my mom looked at each other.)

Sana:"Okay,you may go."

(My mom left us alone.Then,Sana looked at me.)

Sana:"What were you saying?"

You:"Well..Yeah bu-"


(My phone was ringing.I looked at it and my screen said"Momo 🍑"All my Contacts have emojis with it.I like to used emojis with names for my contacts.Sana has a 🐶 emoji with hers.I quickly answered Momo's called.)

You:"Oh,Momo..W-What's Up?"

(I got up and went straight to my room.I closed my door behind me and sat down on my bed.)

(Play while reading.)


(I looked at my screen and placed my phone next to my ear.)

You:"What's up?"

[Momo]:"Nothing,I feel like calling you."

(That sentence made my heart flutter.)

[Momo]:"Did I disturb you?"

Your Mind:"You save my life."

You:"No,you're fine."

[Momo]:"Do you have any plans tomorrow?"


[Momo]:"I was wondering if you want to hangout?"

Your Mind:"Is this..A date?.."


[Momo]:"Probably at the mall."

You:"Okay.What time?"

[Momo]:"Around 11 am."

You:"Okay sure.I'll pick you up?"

(I heard Momo's laugh though the phone.)

Your Mind:"Awww,she's so cute."

[Momo]:"Okay sure.I'll see you tomorrow y/n."

You:"Okay bye Momo."



[Momo]:"Hey y/n?"


[Momo]:"Good Night."

(My heart started pounding fast.)

You:"G-Good Night."

*Call Ended*


(I need to shower to cool off this heat of mine.I grabbed my towel and was about to head out to the bathroom.When I opened my door,Sana was standing in front of my door which scared the crap out of me.)

You:"Ohhhh shi-"

(Sana gave me the cold glare.)

Sana:"Was that Momo on the phone?"


Sana:"Are you going somewhere with Momo?"

You:"Were you eavesdropping my conversation?Where's my mom?"

Sana:"She went outside watering the grass plants.Now,answer my question."

You:"Yeah,I am."

Sana:"No you can't go."


Sana:"Because I said so."

You:"That's not a good reason."

Sana:"You said you'll be by my side."

You:"Yeah bu-"

Sana:"Are you taking your words back?"

You:"No,Sana look-"

Sana:"No,it's either you be by my side or we're not friends anymore."

(My heart felt a sharp pain for some reason.)

You:"But that doesn't mean I'm prohibited from finding a relationship!"

Your Mind:"I said it?!"

(Sana was shocked due to my sudden tone.)

Sana:"So you do like Momo.."

(Sana turned away and I grabbed her wrist.)

You:"Look Sana..Let me explain.

Sana:"Let go."

(She kept her head forward while she spoke in a cold tone.I let go her hand and she ran to upstairs.I heard her door being slammed.I felt another sharp pain in my heart.)

Your Mind:"I really messed up.I wasn't planning to to tell her."

/Time skips/

[Next Day]

(I came out from my room after I dressed up to hang out with Momo.I spotted Sana and My mom eating breakfast.)

Mom:"Y/n,come and eat."

(The first thing I was worried about was Sana.I looked at Sana.But she didn't pay attention to me.She continues eating her food,pretending like I'm invisible.I tried to act nothing happen.I smiled at my mom.)

You:"No,I'm fine.My friend and I are going to hangout."

Mom:"Guy or girl?"

You:"Sheesh..It's a girl."

Mom:"Better not come home late.You know how dangerous it is at night."

You:"Okay Okay..I will."

(I grabbed my keys.Yes,I have a driver license to drive a car.I only drive my car to hangout,take my mom or Sana our and trips.I don't use it for school.)

/Time skips/

(Momo gave me her address to pick her up.I slowly arrived at her place.)

You:"Ohh man..I'm so nervous."

Your Mind:"I wonder if Sana will be okay?"

(I couldn't forget what happen between Sana and me last night.)

??:"Sorry to keep you waiting y/n!"

(I turned my head and spotted something that was unexpected.)

Your Mind:"Oh my god."

(My mouth slowly dropped.She opened the door and sat down.She put her seat belt on and looked at me.)



(She smiled.)

Momo:"Let's go."

(I turned on my car and we drove off.)

/Time skips/

(Momo and I hung out for 3 hours at the mall.Momo was in front of me,looking around at stores.I looked at her and noticed something shocking.She sort of act just like Sana.But the difference is that we're the same.Momo isn't a rich girl.Momo and I have so many things in common.She understands mostly everything we talked about in the past 2 months even the first day of school.She reads my actions and my mind like a open book.)


(A female's voice brought me back to reality.)


Momo:"Did you hear what I said?"

You:"What do you say?"

Momo:"I said let's eat."

You:"Oh okay."

(She grabbed my hand and took me to eat at the food court.It had everything that we wanted.)

Momo:"What do you want to eat?"

(We both looked at the menu.)

You:"I don't know.What about you?"



(She pointed at the menu.)

You:"Okay.I'll get japchae."


/Time skips/

(I finished my japchae.I looked at Momo while she was eating her jokbal.)

Your Mind:"Should I tell her?That I like her?Screw it..Let's go."




Momo:"I want to tell you something."

Your Mind:"Aw no.."

Momo:"I don't feel the same way as you."

Your Mind:"What just happen..?"


Momo:"Look..I knew you had a thing for me..Well it wasn't a thing I could say.."


Momo:"Well,everything you did was obvious.But I wanted to see if everything that I see is true or not."

(I thought about everything I did for Momo last week.I did everything that a person would do for their crush.I bought drinks for her,carry her backpack,spend every lunchtime with her and listen to her problems.)


Momo:"Because I don't feel the same way as you do.I may not feel the same way but I'll always be the friend you need a shoulder to lead on and a ear you need someone to listen to your problems."

You:"I didn't realize that I like you."

Momo:"To be honest..I think you're confused about how you're feeling about me..I think that you want people to understand you.You and I have a lot of things in common but not does not define love.I can read your mind and actions like a open book.That's because you and I think the same."

(I thought about her words for a bit.Momo placed her hand on my shoulders.)

Momo:"I think the reason why you didn't want to tell me what happen between you and Sana is because you might feel embarrassed.Dahyun told me what really happen on that night."

(Everything what Momo said made sense to me.I did wanted someone who can understand me.I just want someone to understand me without me telling them.Momo is someone who can read me without me saying a word.I looked at Momo and smiled.All my feelings were sorted out.It turned out I didn't like Momo at all.)

You:"Thanks Momo."

Momo:"No problem.I hope that you can find someone who you truly love."

(We both smiled.)

/Time skips/

(I dropped Momo at her house.We waved goodbye to each other.Then,I went home.After I came home,my mom ran to me.)

Mom:"Y/n,you're home."

You:"Yeah.Why did you need something?"

Mom:"I called Miss Sana but she didn't answer.So I was wondering if you can go and check on her?"


(My mom went to the kitchen and I headed up stairs.I knocked on her door.)


Sana:"What do you want y/n?"

(I tried to see if her door is locked.Luckily,it wasn't locked.I opened her door slowly and spotted her on her bed,laying down.She was facing the other way.)

You:"I had something to tell you."

Sana:"Go away.."

You:"Well..Momo and I.."

Sana:"I don't want to hear it."

You:"I want you to hear it."

Sana:"I said go away."

(She got up and throw her body pillow at me.I blocked her attack and I looked at her.When I looked at her,I realized that she was crying.I ran to her and placed both of my hands on her face.I looked at her with worried expression.)

You:"Yah..What's wrong?Are you hurt?"

(Sana pushed me away.)

Sana:"I told you to leave."

(She got up and pushed me away.She kept on pushing me away.I couldn't handle her act anymore.)

You:"Momo and I aren't together."

(Sana stopped.)

You:"You finally stopped."


You:"I don't like Momo that way."

Sana:"What do you mean?I thought you liked Momo."

(I looked at her.)

Your Mind:"It turned out to be misleading.."

You:"Who told you that?"


(I walked over to Sana and cupped her face.I look straight into her eyes.)



(I smiled.)

You:"Sana-ya,don't lie to me.."

Sana:"I-I'm not."

(She looked down and show the pouting face.Then,she looked at me.)

Sana:"Are you sure?About what you said?"

You:"Yeah,Momo and I are just friends."

Sana:"I'm sorry y/n."

(She gave me the puppy eyes.I smiled and patted her head.)

You:"For what?"

Sana:"I didn't mean to limit your freedom and choices.I became really selfish.."

(She became really upset because she think it's her fault.)

You:"Stupid..It's not your fault."

Sana:"No,you're free to go whatever you want.I will never interfered your choices for now on.What I want is for you to be happy.If you're happy then I'm happy."

(She smiled.)

You:"Same here.What I want is for you to be happy.As long you're happy,I'm happy."

(We smiled at each other.Then,we heard my mom's voice.)

Mom:"Aiya!You're home!"

(Sana became surprise.)


(She walked out of her room.I followed her and came out of her room too.She tilt over the balcony and spotted her mom.Her mom looked and spotted both of us.)

Sana's Mom:"Oh!Sana and Y/n!Hi!"

(She waved at us.)


(Sana ran downstairs and ran straight into her mom's arms.Her mom and Sana hugged each other.Her mom patted her back while they were hugging.)

Sana's Mom:"Sorry for being gone for 2 months."

(Sana shook her head.)

Sana:"No..It's okay.I understand you and dad have work."

(Her mom smiled.Then,she broke the hug and looked at Sana.She placed her hands on Sana's face and smiled at her.)

Sana's Mom:"Aigoo.My little girl turned into a outstanding young woman.How's everything?How's school?"

Sana:"Everything's going great so far."

Sana's Mom:"I'm sorry I could call you last week."

Sana:"It's okay mom.What matters is that you're home."

(They both smiled.Sana's mom looked at me at the balcony.)

Sana's Mom:"Y/n,come here and give me a hug.We haven't hugged for a long time."

(I came downstairs and gave her a hug.She patted my head.)

Sana's Mom:"I can't believe y/n became a wonderful young man/woman."

(She smiled at me.)

You:"Thank you for your kindness."

(She patted my shoulder.She looked at my mom and both of them started tearing up.)

Sana's Mom:"Keiko!"


(They hugged tightly.Then,they looked at each other.)

Sana's Mom:"Taking care of the kids must be a lot of hard work.I'm so sorry that you have to take care of Sana for me while I'm gone.I'm in debt to you."

Mom:"No don't be.It's my job to take care the house and your daughter.I'm the one who is in debt.I owe you all my appreciation for letting us,live with you for 13 years."

Sana's Mom:"But you're not only a housemaid.You're my one and only best friend who has always been for me.You took care of Sana like she was your own kid."

Mom:"It's okay.She act just like you when you were young."

(Sana's Mom looked at Sana.)

Sana's Mom:"Sana?Really?"

(She looked back at my mom.)

Mom:"Yes,she's clingy just like how you were to me."

Sana's Mom:"Oh no..She's my past self."

(They joked around and laugh at Sana.)


(I couldn't help but to laugh.Then,Sana looked at me.)


You:"It's true..Hahaha!"



[Secret Story]

/Time skips/

(School has already finished.I began heading out because she wasn't in her class.So I thought she must've be waiting at the school gate.I spotted her.)


(I ran towards her.She looked at me with a surprised expression.)


You:"Why weren't you in class?I waited for you."

Sana:"I thought you would be out here."

You:"No,I told you I'll pick you up from your class."


(She gave me the puppy eyes.)

You:"It's fine.I know you didn't do this on purpose."


(Sana and I turned around and spotted a lady who looked so familiar.Sana smiled and gave me her backpack.)

Your Mind:"My god!What does Sana have in her backpack?!It feels sort of heavy than usual."

(I looked at Sana.Sana was running so fast towards that person.)


(They ran towards each other and hugged tightly.)

Nayeon:"How's senior year for you?"

Sana:"It's going great so far.Unnie,what about you?How's college?"

Nayeon:"Oh my god!It's like so tiring than high school."


(Sana's mouth dropped.)


Sana:"What are you doing here?"

Nayeon:"Waiting for my boyfriend."

Sana:"Eh?!You already have a boyfriend?!"

Nayeon:"Yeah,we been dating for a month."


(Nayeon smiled.)

Nayeon:"Thank you."

(Sana pouted.)

Sana:"I wish I can find someone to be in a relationship.I want to be in one already."

(Nayeon laughed.)

Nayeon:"Don't worry Sana,you will some day."


(Sana and Nayeon turned around.)


(He called Nayeon while he was walking over to us.)

Sana's Mind:"Whoa..He is really good looking."

Sana:"Unnie,What major is he in?"

Nayeon:"We're in different department but he is majoring in musical."

Sana:"Whoaa..That's so cool."

(Nayeon giggles.)


Sana:"What's his name?"

Nayeon:"His name is so cool as him.Lee Min Hyuk."

Sana:"Ahh..Lee Min Hyuk."

(They watched him walking towards them.He approached them.)

Min Hyuk:"Who is this?"

Sana:"Hello my name is Sana Minatozaki.Nice to meet you."

(They exchange bows and shake hands.)

Min Hyuk:"Ahh..So you're Sana that Nayeon was talking about?"

Sana:"Oh?Unnie talks about me?"

Min Hyuk:"She talks about everyone."


(Nayeon and Min Hyuk looked at each other and back at Sana.)

Min Hyuk:"Honey,she's cute."

(Nayeon placed her hands on her waist.)

Nayeon:"I thought I was cute."

(Min Hyuk smiled and gave Nayeon a quick kiss on her lips.Sana grasped and cover her mouth.She didn't expect Min Hyuk to do it in front of Sana.)

Min Hyuk:"You are cute.You're so cute that you took my heart with your cuteness."

(He spoke while looking into Nayeon's eyes.Nayeon smiled and hit his shoulder.)

Nayeon:"What the heck?"

Min Hyuk:"Are you ready?"

(Nayeon looked at Sana.)

Nayeon:"I guess I have to go.Sorry for taking your time."

Sana:"It's okay."

Nayeon:"But not y/n."

(Sana turns her head and spotted Y/n,holding her stuff.)

Sana:"Ah!I forgot about y/n!"

(Sana started heading towards y/n.Then,she quickly turned her head and waved at Nayeon.)

Sana:"Bye Nayeon!We'll see each other."

(Nayeon looked at Sana.)

Nayeon's Mind:"Sana,fighting!"

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