Little Tomlinson *UNDER MAJOR...

Por PinkPrincess00

129K 2.2K 252

All Rights Reserved 2012 ©PinkPrincess00 Book One Más

Unexpected News [1]
Nothing [2]
Baby Girl I'm Your Dad [3]
No Place Like Home [4]
Mushu [6]
Cheater [7]
I Love You [8]
Ken Dolls [9]
Saturday Dreaming [10]
Princess Tellie [11]
Harry's Dream [12]
Hitting and Kicking [13]
New York [14]
first xmas <3 [15]
YEAH!!! BUDDY! [16]
Completely Alone [17]
WHO'S POV? [18]
TMH TOUR! [19]
It's Finally Hit Me... [20]
So Darian's Not Keen To Share [21]
Oh shit Lou! [22]
Bitch Slap Her [23]
Tour & Imagination [24]
The Party Don't Start 'Til I Walk In [25]
Oh thy Romeo [26]
Eidee Will Save Us All!
If We Do It Right We Do It Once
Well That's Just A Slap In The Face
Ed Sheeran
Don't Ya Think It's Weird? Weirder Than Weird?
I Guess It Runs In The Family/ Oh Shit Lou P2
I Love You... But You're so Bad...
Killian You Bloody Pervet!
A Lie Is Formed
Thank-You Eidee
It's Not Really The End

Wardrobe Changes & Pap's[5]

4.1K 84 13
Por PinkPrincess00

The ride to Louis' house consisted of Louis, Zayn and Niall blabbing about the album they were working on and a lunch stop at Nandos.

"Zayn and I will get the stuff out of the back." Louis muttered to Niall.

"Oh will we?" Zayn asked.

"Yeah we will." Louis sassed. "You can not out sass me Malik."

"Oh yes I can."

"I'll take these." Louis said grabbing the two suitcases from the boot.

"I'll take this. "Zayn said grabbing the box. "Where's she sleeping?"

"Uh in a room!" Louis replied in a 'duh' tone as he walked to the front door. "Remember Perrie and El got a bunch of stuff and painted the walls pink and practically wasted my money on stuff they thought a three year old would like?"

"Just asking." Zayn defended as he dropped the box near the front door. "Anyway I'm gonna go. Niall, do you want a lift home?"

"That'd be great." Niall said walking towards Zayn and Louis a smile on his face.

"You're on your own mate." Niall said putting a hand on Louis' shoulder. "That kid, doesn't talk, hasn't said a single word at all. Have fun keeping her alive."

"That's assuring..." Louis muttered. Zayn gave him a confused look not knowing if Louis was being sarcastic or serious.

"We better go...good luck Lou." Zayn said giving him a weak smile.

"Have fun." Niall added as he and Zayn walked out the door.

"Oi! Where's my car?" Louis shouted out the door.

"El's got it!" Zayn called back. "See ya later Louis!"

"See youse...." Louis sighed before closing the front door. He at least hoped one of them would stick around for a bit, he wasn't exactly sure what he was supposed to do with a three year old who didn't speak.

"Ugh..." He muttered as he started undoing his tie. As he did he looked at the staircase and saw Tellie awkwardly sitting on the first step, her eyes were wide with awe as she looked around the foyer. She was amazed by how big it all looked, never before had she seen anything as big as the foyer in Louis' mansion.

"Hey..." Louis started awkwardly. "Um, you okay?"

Tellie mumbled something alone the lines of "big" and "house" making Louis' eyes light up.

"Do you wanna see it...?" He asked taking a couple steps forward. "The house...?"

Tellie nodded and slowly stood up from the staircase.

"Okay... So over here," Louis walked towards the left of the staircase Tellie following him. "Is the lounge room."

Tellie watched as he stood in the middle of the room motioning around him. The room was fairly big, the walls were white and had a couple of photos hung. What caught Tellie's eye more was the large flat screen T.V that was against the wall with a DVD player and some other thing Tellie had never seen before. The drapes in front of the window were a light red, and the lounge was chocolate and a coffee table was in front of it. There was two Brit awards by the window but Tellie had no idea what they were and laughed slightly at the weird shape.

"Okay, now um... This way..." Louis muttered walking back into the foyer. Tellie followed Louis as he walked to the right side of the staircase revealing a white kitchen as well as a normal but expensive looking dinning room. Tellie's eyes sparkled with awe as she looked around the dinning room.

"Um... lets go upstairs..." Louis muttered as Tellie grabbed his hand. Louis had the same weird feeling come over him the first time he'd held Tellie's small hand.

"When we're up here I'll show you your room..." Louis smiled looking back at Tellie, who's grin grew wider at his words and she quickly followed him upstairs. Her hand still in his. Louis went to lead her down a hallway, but Tellie was stiffened in her spot staring at a staircase leading up in confusion.

"Oh yeah, theres some more floors." Louis added as he saw Tellie's confused look. "You wanna see?"

She nodded violently making Louis crack a smile. He walked towards the other staircase Tellie at toe confusion and awe filling her.

"There's only some bedrooms and a games room..." Louis said motioning towards another staircase and a living space with two doors on a hallway. Louis watched carefully as the little girls eyes lit up in amazement. He wasn't sure what kind of life she had with Phoebe, but he knew it wasn't anything like how it would be now.

"Do you wanna see your room...?" Louis asked.

Again, Tellie just nodded.

"Come on..." He muttered walking towards the staircase slightly tightening his grip on Tellie's hand.

Louis walked down the stairs and towards a door. He stopped and waited as Tellie came down the stairs.

"In here..." Louis said,opening the door. A small gasp escaped Tellie's mouth as she walked into the large room. There was a large widow on the back wall with a bed pushed next to it. The bed had a pink bed spread as well as knitted white blanket drapped over it.

"Mine...?" Tellie mumbled so quietly Louis could only just hear.


As soon as the words left Louis' mouth Tellie had let go of Louis' hand and ran and jumped on the bed with a wide grin on her face.

"I'm just gonna get changed you stay in here okay..." Louis muttered backing out of the room. Tellie was to busy gazing at the room in awe to notice that Louis left.

He returned twenty minutes later in a different outfit carring the box and Tellie's suit case's.

Tellie watched curiously as Louis sat on the ground and ripped the tape from the large card board box. He began to open the box revealing an over flowing amount of stuffed animals.

"MR CUDDLES!" Tellie shouted running from her bed and grabbed a toy penguin from the box.

"Toys..." Louis said rumaging through the box. "Brilliant..."

Tellie sat back on the bed holding the penguin tigthly to her chest.

"You like that toy?" Louis chuckled and all Tellie did was nod tightening her grip on the stuffed toy. Louis looked at the two suitcases and pulled them over.

"Shoes..." He muttered opening the first one. "Clothes..."

Louis scrunched up his face in confusion as he looked at the two suitcases.

"You don't have much clothes..." Louis stated looking at Tellie.

"Mummy had no money..." She mumbled hugging the penguin closer.

"Do you want more clothes...? 'Cause we could go shopping when El gets here..."

Tellie nodded. "Please..."

Louis spun so he was facing Tellie who had moved to the fall.

"So Tellie... Um, how old are you...?" Louis began. Tellie held up three fingers. "Right... Um, What's your favourite colour...?"

"Purple..." She whispered back.

Louis nodded and thought for a second. "Do you go to school...?"

"No... But Mummy had a piggy bank..."

Louis frowned at Tellie's words his mind running wild with thoughts.

"Do you wanna get changed...?" Louis said noticing Tellie was still in the dress. "It's getting late."

Tellie nodded vaguely, still holding the toy silence creeping into the room.

"Louis!" El's voice came breaking the silence.

"Up here El!" Louis shouted through the door. Her footsteps echoed up the staircase, Louis chewing on his lip as Tellie twisted the toy in her hands.

"Hi..." Eleanor said entering the room smiling.

"Hey, um she," Louis pointed at Tellie. "Has basically no clothes."

Eleanor's eyes widened in shock. "You serious? day tomorrow-oh my god we can look at all the little people clothes."

"Yeah if you wanna..." Louis trailed off. "But you'll have to do it 'cause she hardly talks and I'm me..."

"Hey Tellie, do you wanna get changed sweet heart?" Eleanor cooed. Tellie nodded as Louis got on his feet.

"You have to help her you know." Eleanor said walking half way out the door.

"I don't feel comfortable-"

"Lou she's your daughter. There's stuff you have to get used to." And with that Eleanor left a smirk on her lips.

"Um... Your clothes are in there," Louis pointed to the suitcase. "Um... Are you okay... Um... I'll.. I'll wait out here..." He muttered leaving the room. Tellie looked at the door before getting up. She slowly opened the door to see Louis leaning against the wall fiddling with his red beanie.

"Can you help me..." She whispered looking up at Louis.

"Oh... Um... Yeah... Sure..." He replied ushering her back into the room. "Do you know what your putting on...?"

Tellie pointed to the Hello Kitty pyjamas that she'd pulled from her suitcase.

"Okay...what do you need help with?"

"My dress..." She whispered bitting her finger nails.

Twenty minutes later Louis was bounding down the staircase, Tellie slowly following after.

"Hey." Louis said sitting on the lounge next to Eleanor.

" know I have to go back to Manchester in a couple of days..." She replied lying her head in his chest.

"Your leaving me?" He scoffed in a fake hurt tone. "Really?"

Eleanor chuckled. "I love you Lou-" She was cut off by a loud BANG coming from the next room.

"You left her alone didn't you?" Eleanor said eyeing Louis...


Eleanor rolled her eyes before standing up, Louis next to her, and began walking into the room.

"You okay sweetie?" Eleanor cooed walking over to Tellie who's mouth was in an 'O' shape.

"Sorry..." She mumbled quietly her voice filled with fear before backing away and running up the staircase.

"What she do?" Eleanor asked as Louis scanned over the room

"No idea...! Nothing's out of place or anything..."

"You do realise she's scared? A lot..."

"Yeah..." Louis stopped midsentence his eyes widening.

"Found what she did?"

"How the fuck did she do that...?" Louis exclaimed.


"-This is gonna be one tough kid-"

"-What she'd do?" Eleanor said as Louis went upstairs. Louis went straight down the hallway and opened Tellie's door.

"How the hell did you do that?" Louis exclaimed walking into the room, the door banging on the wall.

Tellie was sitting on the floor with twenty at the least, stuffed animals. She looked up at Louis with teary eyes and whispered something.

"You can talk to me you know?" Louis said his voice softening. He went and sat on the ground next to Tellie as she nodded slowly.

"Are you gonna talk to me...?"

Louis facepalmed as Tellie nodded.

"Can you talk? Cause I'm starting to get the idea you can't." Louis said sarcasm filling his voice.

Tellie laughed. "Yes..."

"You can talk! Praise the lords!"

Tellie burried her head in her knees a smile planted on her face.

"Are you gonna keep talking to me...or are you..." He trailed off.

Tellie nodded making Louis facepalm again.

"This is gonna be tough..." He muttered to himself...

"...You have to get her this." Eleanor exclaimed grabbing clothes of the rack. Eleanor had insisted on going shopping for Tellie at six in the morning, and now at eleven am Louis was scared at how much longer it would take.

"Oh Louis! Look at this! I love looking at kids clothes!" Eleanor gushed as she put more clothing into an already full trolley.

"El I think half the store is in this trolley." Louis replied motioning towards the trolley.

"The girl has no clothes, beside's we have to get her shoes to." Eleanor sassed.

"Yeah but there's no need to buy a whole store-getting her this. Definitely. That's my contribution to this." He said getting a 1D shirt. Eleanor just laughed. Tellie awkwardly trailed behind watching Louis and Eleanor carefully. Her eyes ocasionally traveled around the other customers, and she got even more confused when teenage girls screamed at the sight of Louis. She watched as another group of girls threw a fit of screams before walking closer to Eleanor and Louis.

"Daddy..." She mumbled tugging on his shirt. "Daddy..."

"Yeah?" Louis replied looking down at Tellie. Tellie pointed towards a group of girls jumping around as a paparrazzi stepped in the store.

"Oh shit..." Louis muttered. "El..."

"Thank you." Eleanor said taking the reciept from the lady at the check-out. "Yeah?"


"Come on Lou, you deal with this everday. We'll just ignore it like last time."

"Yeah you see Tellie doesn't... So..." Louis' trailed off.

"Oh my god I forgot!" Eleanor exclaimed as they walked out of the store a camera flashing as they did.

Tellie's eyes widened as cameras flashed fans shouting questions about the three year old.

"Hey it's okay." Louis cooed picking Tellie up and cradeling her to his chest.

Tellie cried into Louis' chest as he and Eleanor left walked down the street holding shopping bags, paparazzi following after.

"It's over." Louis cooed as he and Eleanor reached his car. "It's all over..."

"...You need to eat to survive you know?" Louis said for the hundredth time. Him and Eleanor had spent the past hour miserably trying to convince Tellie to eat, ans so far failing...

Tellie nodded but still kept her arms folded across her chest.

"I swear the god if this kid doesn't eat..." Louis trailed off angrily. "God help me..."

"She's gotta eat, she's like two-"

"Three." Tellie interrupted quietly.

"Well if you're three shouldn't you be able to talk a bit more?" Louis asked again. Tellie shrugged and looked at the floor making Louis groan.

"Out of the kids in the world," He started. "How the hell is this one mine?"

"Please tell me it wasn't intended to be as rude as that sounded Lou." Eleanor said dully.

"No I just mean if you didn't know she was actually my kid and someone told you it was my kid would you believe them?" Louis replied.

"By the way she acts no, by the way she looks yes. She has your eyes you know..."

"Exactly..." Louis muttered his gaze going back to Tellie. "If you eat I'll take you to DisneyLand."

"Lou!" Eleanor snapped slapping his arm. "You can't bribe her to eat."

"Why not? My kid." He replied smugly. "I'll get you a dog as well."

"I'm not hungry..." Tellie mumbled bringing her knee's up to her head. "Can I sleep?"

Louis sighed. "Fine, go to bed-but your eating tomorrow whether you like it or not."

Tellie nodded and continued staring at Louis.

"Shit you don't know where anything is," Louis muttered getting up from his seat. "Come on."

Louis led Tellie upstairs and watched as she laid in the bed her fragile body not moving at all. For the rest of the night Louis stayed in Tellie's room, sympathetically watching her cry and squeal in her sleep knowing there was nothing to do about it...






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