You Have My Word

Por BrendaDaaeDestler

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Book three in The Beauty Underneath series. Matthew Collins and Catherine Daei are now married, but their sto... Mais

Chapter 1: Six Months Later
Chapter 2: I Can't Believe It
Chapter 3: One and Then Another One
Chapter 4: Always Be Here
Chapter 5: I Miss Him
Chapter 6: Two Months Later
Chapter 7: We'll Get Through It Together
Chapter 8: Gender Reveal
Chapter 9: Not Young Anymore
Chapter 10: Four Months Later
Chapter 11: You Feel Okay?
Chapter 12: I'm So Scared
Chapter 14: Don't You Dare
Chapter 15: Come Back To Me
Chapter 16: Four Months Later
Chapter 17: Seven Months Later
Chapter 18: You Wouldn't Understand
Chapter 19: I Thought We Had Agreed
Chapter 20: Just Someplace
Chapter 21: I Was Protecting You
Chapter 22: Six Months Later
Chapter 23: Three Years Later
Chapter 24: Cancer?
Chapter 25: I Love You Too
Chapter 26: He's Gone
Chapter 27: Miss Daei
Chapter 28: You'll Figure Out a Way
Chapter 29: You Can't- No
Chapter 30: How Does She Do That?
Chapter 31: Please, Not Violet
Chapter 32: Same Difference
Chapter 33: Not Much They Can Do
Chapter 34: True Love Endures
Book Four

Chapter 13: She's Drving Me Crazy

78 9 15
Por BrendaDaaeDestler

Mari sat on the bed, wrapped in a towel and picking a scab on her knee. Her face was despondent, exhausted, and pale.

"Hey," Josh said softly. "Are you alright, Hon?"

"I'm fine," Mari nodded quickly before clenching her teeth and putting on a sweatshirt.

Josh wrapped his arms around her from behind. "You know you can tell me anything, right? This marriage only works if we talk to each other."

"I know," Mari mumbled, giving a little sigh.

"Honey, what's on your mind?"

Mari's eyes filled with tears. "I can't fit my Star Trek shirt."

"It's alright, Sweetheart," Josh said softly.

"No, it's not!" Mari exclaimed. "Because that means this is real, Josh. Like, way too real. Like, before we were in block format Mario Brothers and we've jumped up to a Wii console kind of real. Which means by the end of this, we're gonna be at Xbox 360 in which everything's so real that you feel like you're jumping off a cliff. I'm not ready for jumping off a cliff! I want my t-shirt and my normal clothes. And my god, Josh, I will fit into them! End of story!"

"Calm down, Honey. Think of it this way: we're fortunate. Matt and Cath got stuck with twins. We only have one. Just try to stay calm, alright? It's not good to get worked up about it."

"One is too many," Mari whimpered. "Negative one. We should have negative one."

"It'll be okay, Mari. Don't worry," Josh comforted.

"You can say that. You don't have some parasite draining the life out of you," Mari hissed. "I was fine. I had come to terms, but then this morning- and you can see it, Josh, and it's there and it freaks the life out of me, and until now it was deniable, and I could be sensible, but I'm gonna start freaking out."

"Look at me," Josh sighed, putting a hand to her cheek. "I'm here. Nothing is going to happen. I won't let it. Okay? Everything is going to be fine."

"What if I die, Josh?!" Mari exclaimed. "It happens. There's all sorts of complications and disorders-"

"Shh. You won't die. Don't say that."

"I have to, Josh, because we both know I-" she was stopped as Josh's lips clashed with her own, and every worry seemed knocked a million miles away.

"Mariah," Josh said firmly, pulling back and cupping her face in his hands.

"Yes?" Came her shaky reply.


She bit her lip and gave a trusting glance upwards. "Alright."

"Would you please just let me enjoy this?"

Mariah looked at him with utter confusion. "What is there to enjoy about this?!"

"We're having a child. It's a beautiful thing," Josh laughed softly. "It's a blessing, whether you think it is or not."

Mari looked at him in wonder. "How can you do that?"

"We're bringing another human being into this world," Josh continued with a smile. "That's a gift. Not everybody is able."

Mari wiped away few tears and chuckled. "Now you're making me feel guilty."

"Don't," Josh said softly. "It's alright to be upset. I just think that you need to realize that we have a good thing here."

"Mhm," Mari said, putting a hand against the wall.

"I love you," Josh smiled.

Mari sunk into a nearby chair and closed her eyes, a frown etched across her face. "Mhm."

"Hon, are you alright?"

Mari rested her had against the wall. "Just a bit dizzy. It'll pass."

Josh grabbed her hand gently. "Have you been drinking enough water? I heard Jack mention something about dizziness and water once."

Mari didn't answer.

"Mari?!" Josh exclaimed frantically. "Mari, talk to me!"

"Shh, stop yelling. I'm just gonna rest my eyes for a minute," Mari mumbled incoherently.

"God, you scared me," Josh sighed in relief. He gently lifted her out of the chair and brought her over to the bed, gently laying her down. "Do you feel alright?"

Mari gave a small whimper as another wave of dizziness hit her. "Everything looks static-y."

"Mari, I think I should get Jack over here. This isn't normal."

Mari stared at him blankly. "I can't hear you."

Josh immediately pulled out his phone and dialed Jack's number. "Jack? Jack, I need you to get over here. It's Mari, she...I don't know what going on, just please hurry," he stammered frantically.

"Calm down!" Jack laughed. "I'm about to go into surgery. Has she eaten today?"

"I-I don't know," Josh sighed nervously. "She said she was dizzy and now she can't hear and I'm freaking out."

"She probably hasn't eaten enough. Get some food and water in her, and if that doesn't work, call me back in an hour. You know, I sure take care of you an awful lot."

"Shut up," Josh moaned, ending the call and returning to Mari's side. "It's going to be alright, Hon."

Mari nodded and gave a shaky sigh.

Josh went to the kitchen and quickly returned with a slice of pizza and a glass of water. "Here, Babe. Eat this."

"Thanks," Mari mumbled, attempting to take a small bite. "I guess I forget that I'm eating for two now."


Matt carefully crept past the couch and past the bedroom.

The twins were sleeping soundly, or so he thought. He gave a small chuckle as Logan's wide eyes stared up at him.

"Hey, buddy," Matt whispered. "Go to sleep!" As he turned to leave the room, he knocked over the vase on the side table. It shattered over the floor in a loud crash.

"Shh, little girl," Matt winced as his daughter started crying loudly, "it's okay." He turned to Logan to soothe him as well.

Logan stared back at him with the same wide eyes as before.

Matt's eyes narrowed, his frown deepening. He picked up his little girl and held her with one arm, taking Logan's little hand around his finger.

"Matt, what happened?" Catherine yawned from the doorway.

"I knocked over the vase," Matt said slowly, his eyes still fixed on Logan who was cooing and smiling while his sister cried loudly.

"Ah. Don't worry, Logan's just quite," Catherine chuckled, moving to her son. "He doesn't cry much unless he can tell I'm upset or if it's thundering...or if I drop something in the kitchen."

Logan cooed gently at the sight of his mother.

"Hey, Sweetheart," Catherine said softly, lifting him out of the crib. "You shouldn't be awake."

Logan curled up on Cath's chest.

"See? He's fine."

"Right," Mart said slowly, shaking the idea from his head. "Never mind."

"No, what is it?"

"He couldn't be...deaf, could he?"

"He just had his hearing checked yesterday, remember?" Catherine laughed.

"Right," Matt sighed in relief. "I forgot."

"It's okay," Catherine chuckled, kissing her husband gently. "Do you want me to take Lotte so that you can get some sleep?"

"Yeah," Matt nodded. "I might sit and look some stuff up real quick."

"Okay," Catherine smiled, taking her daughter from her husband after resting Logan back in his crib. She brought Charlotte to the terrace and the child stopped crying almost immediately. "There," Catherine whispered. "See how peaceful the city is at night? It seems quite, but if you listen, you can always hear the noise, the music. It's everywhere, kid. You will understand in time. Sometimes you have to search for it, sometimes the music is in people you meet, but you will find it. But when you do, you have to be careful. Music is a very powerful thing. Let it fill you, and you can do wonderful things. Let it consume you, and it may be your downfall. Let it guide you, and your soul will start soar. Above all, if you ever feel alone or sad or scared, listen to the music of the night...Okay, maybe I've watched Phantom of the Opera too many times."


"Hey, sport," Matt smiled, shutting his laptop. "You don't have a clue what I'm saying, do you?"

Logan stared back with small smile.

"That's alright," Matt smiled softly. "We'll figure it all out eventually. Life throws all sorts of stuff at you, good things and bad things. Somedays you're sitting and you can't help but wonder what makes it all worth it. You make my life worth it, sport. It's worth more than anything I could have dreamed, and I wouldn't change it for anything."

Catherine came in and laid Charlotte down in her crib. "Thank God, she fell asleep," she whispered to Matt.

"What do you think they dream about when they smile like that?" Matt asked, wrapping an arm around his wife. "What can they know of happiness?"

"I don't know," Catherine smiled fondly. "But it sure is adorable."

"It is," Matt chuckled. "How's Mariah holding up?"

"She's a wreck."

"You know, I haven't talked to Josh yet," Matt sighed. "I feel like he's a million miles away lately."

"I understand that," Catherine nodded.

"It's weird," Matt sighed, "not having him to talk to."

"Well, you have me. That's the bright side of marriage," Cath grinned.


Matt eagerly rang the door bell.

Josh opened the door. "Hey," he sighed. "My wife is pregnant and she's driving me crazy. How's your day been? Good?"

"Yeah," Matt said slowly, "good."

"Great," Josh laughed deliriously. "Then you can take this out, right? Be a pal? Thanks, man." He placed a large garbage bag in Matt's hands.

"You okay?" Matt asked slowly.

Josh stared back, wide eyed. "I honestly have no idea."

Matt nodded. "I've been there, man."

"Do you know the capital of New Jersey?"

"No," Matt said slowly.

"Neither do I. Mari's been crying over it for the past twenty-three miniutes. She got it wrong. She's watching Jeopardy," Josh murmured, running stressed hands through his hair.

"Boy, Catherine wasn't kidding," Matt chuckled.

"And she keeps calling me Jonah," Josh whimpered. "I don't know why. I think it has to do with some band. Can you help vacuum? I can't find my car keys...wait, no...I don't have a car. Have you seen my bike? Someone stole my bike."

"Josh," Matt laughed, "slow down. One thing at a time."

"Matt," Josh said very slowly, ""

Matt put both hands on Josh's shoulders. "Calm down. It's going to be okay."

"No. I was fine. Everything was good, and then I woke up this morning and- oh my god, in married Matt! Did you know that?! I got married! And now I'm gonna be a dad! Married! When?! How?! Help!"

"Yes, you got married nine months ago. I was at the wedding. As for the dad part, I think you know how that happened."

"No! I don't!" Josh yelped. "I'm tired and super confused. And I can't find my Mario socks, and my wife has some parasitic, freaky, bean plant, human thing growing inside her and I have to act like this is cool and everything's good. It s not good, Matt! I am not good!"

"You'll be fine," Matt laughed. "I freaked out at first too, and still do sometimes, but it'll turn out fine. Just give it time."

"This can't be happening," Josh whispered pitifully.


"Tacos!" Carlos grinned as he stepped through the door.

"Thank you," Catherine moaned. "Matt went to see Josh, and Charlotte started screaming. I was finally able to get her down for a nap, but I'm going crazy."

"Is the little man still behaving himself, though?" Carlos asked with a thoughtful frown.

Catherine nodded. "Yes. Thank god," she sighed. "He's definitely going to be a quiet kid. He really listens too and reads emotions well. I can already tell that he's going to be compassionate."

Carlos smiled. "I'm glad. Do you think the kids have more Daei than Collins in them?"

"I couldn't say, but I do see a lot of my mother's and Lotte's traits in them," Catherine grinned. "That makes me happy."

"I see that," Carlos chucked.

"Hey, do you think you could watch the twins while I shower?"

"Sure. Do you mind if I put them in their swings and put on Phantom of the Opera?"

"Yes, but don't tell Matt," Catherine chuckled.

"I won't," Carlos laughed.


"That was refreshing," Catherine sighed, lifting Logan out of his chair and sitting on the couch next to Carlos. "Have they been good?"

Carlos picked up Lotte and sat her on his lap. "Angels," he smiled.

"Good," Cath smiled as Logan made an excited little noice at Emmy Rossum appearing on screen.

"It looks like your son already has a little crush," Carlos chuckled.

"Great," Catherine moaned with a laugh. "Chasing girls is the last thing I need him doing right now."

"Let's crawl before we walk," Carlos nodded. "Literally. The kid can't even crawl. I wouldn't worry about girls for a few more years."

"You're probably right," Catherine sighed.


"That movie never gets old," Carlos grinned as the musical ended.

"Tell me about it. I could watch Gerard Butler in The Point of No Return mask all day long," Catherine smirked.

"I don't think Matt would approve."


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