His Name is D.A

By Tearenfrenzy

86.8K 1.2K 71

So.. Roman has a sister. She may or may not fall for the Lunatic Fringe. Seth is a precious baby. ...Yeah tha... More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Ch. 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 41
Ch. 42
Ch. 43
Ch. 44
Ch. 45
Ch. 46
Ch. 47
Ch. 48
Ch. 49
Ch. 50
Ch. 51
Ch. 52
Ch. 53
Ch. 54
Ch. 55
Ch. 56
Ch. 57
Ch. 58
Ch. 59
Ch. 60
Ch. 61
Ch. 62
Ch. 63
Ch. 64
Ch. 65
Ch. 66
Ch. 67
Ch. 68
Ch. 69
Ch. 70
Ch. 71
Ch. 72
Ch. 74

Ch. 73

564 4 0
By Tearenfrenzy

*With Marie* 

Marie was breathing heavy but trying to slow it and her heartbeat down so that she could better concentrate. "Why are you doing this Bray? What do you stand to gain from taking me?" She asked with the strongest voice she could muster. He laughed cruelly before answering. "You, my beautiful dear. I stand to gain you." He chuckled again before continuing. "I set my mind on owning you and possessing you the moment I saw you. You were so beautiful that day, sweating as you took on the boys. And again when you set down to eat and the kind Baylee took your order. Then you made your transformation into the current you and it was as though you shined your brightest! I couldn't wait anymore. Oh no I had to have you. I forced you and your boys into a corner and then I took what was always meant to be mine. You!" He stated with a sickening look of adoreshin on his face. Marie grew angry at his confession. "How dare you!?! I belong to no one! I will not be claimed as a possession by anyone. And while you may have a sickening obsession with me...I do not feel the same way." She stated with the calmest tone she could possibly muster. At this Bray frowned. "And why not? I will do anything for you. Be anything for you. Is that not good enough? I can do better. I can be better!" He stated ending in a shout. Marie took a deep breath as she planned what she would say and do next.

*With Roman, Dean, and Seth* 

"They must think we stopped following them. They've slowed down and stopped weaving through traffic." Roman stated. "That was the plan. Let them get comfortable and think that they are safe so we can keep tailing them.  That way they also won't drive as recklessly too." Seth stated with a slight smirk. "Way to go Architect!" Dean stated clapping Seth on his shoulder in appreciation. *5 Mins later*"Is that a freaking chopper!?!" Dean asked as they heard it soaring through the air before it set a spotlight on the Wyatts car. "Holy sh*t it is!" Roman shouted in surprise.

"What the hell is that?!" Bray shouted as a bright light filled the windows of the car. "Its a helicopter I believe," Marie replied gently. "Bray, please. Don't you think this has gone a little too far? You've taken me against my will. You are being followed by the cops. A helicopter no less!" She pleaded with him. Bray quickly turned to face her. "But...But you were supposed to be mine! I did this all for you! I did all this so that I can have you! For us! So that I can give you the world!!!" Bray shouted in sorrow and frustration. Marie sighed in almost pity. "I know. I know Bray. It's very all flattering really but...but this isn't how you should go about it. Why didn't you just tell me how you felt? It never would have come to this if you had." She asked sadly. "I know. I-I'm sorry Marie." Bray stated before sighing. "Stop the car." "What?!" The rest of the Wyatts asked. "Stop the damn car!!!" Bray shouted. The car came to a stop slowly. "Go. You're free now. I should have known you can never cage something so beautifully wild as you. Go!!!" He shouted one last time. Marie gave a sad smile. "Thank you, Bray. It takes a strong man to let go of what they want the most." She stated as she gave a light kiss to his cheek. As she was exiting the car she heard him say, "I may not have been able to hold you in this lifetime but... maybe I can in the next." As the door shut behind her Marie had just a few seconds of eye contact before the door shut and a gunshot rang out.


The last chapter is next!

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