5SOS doctor/ dentist imagines

By 5sosxruel

412K 4.9K 201

*requests closed* 5SOS dentist/ doctor imagines That's it. That's the description. Read the first chapter s... More

Doctor (imagine for 5SOTOP_2003)
Doctor (imagine for NewVals)
Doctor (trigger warning)
Dentist (imagine for BrxannaLucxa)
Dentist (anon)
Doctor (imagine for 5SOTOP_2003)
Dentist (imagine for hallohellohola)
Doctor (imagine for NewVals)
Doctor (imagine for 1DHyperion)
Doctor (imagine for BarbaraSieger5)
Doctor (imagine for yadaschreijer)
Doctor (imagine for Mcgirlygirl200)
Doctor (imagine for kristenherron)
Doctor (imagine for karaCurtislove)
Doctor (imagine for -smileycashton)
Doctor (Imagine for kristenherron)
Doctor (Imagine for yadaschreijer)
Doctor (imagine for BarbaraSieger5)
Doctor (imagine for southerngirl212)
Doctor (imagine for KaraCurtislove)
Doctor (imagine for BarbaraSieger5)
Doctor (anon)
Doctor (imagine for formula09)
Doctor (imagine for elbaa99_)
Dentist (imagine for BarbaraSieger5)
Dentist (imagine for hallohellohola)
doctor (imagine for karaCurtislove)
Doctor (imagine for cosmicnighttime)
Doctor (imagine for BarbaraSieger5)
Dentist (imagine for formulaO9)
Dentist (anon)
Doctor (imagine for alibrooke28)
Doctor (imagine for teeny_tiny_)
Doctor (imagine for beth_irwin23)
Doctor (imagine for karaCurtislove)
Doctor (imagine for jessiemar850)
Dentist (hallohellohola)
Doctor (imagine for braidedukulele)
Dentist (imagine for moonegirl)
Doctor (cosmicnighttime)
Dentist (anon)
Doctor (karaCurtislove)
Doctor (5sosiswhyiamalive)
Doctor (sleroux)
Dentist (imagine for KristynY19)
Doctor (nicobiersack2)
Doctor (alibrooke28)
Doctor (anon)
Dentist (hallohellohola)
Doctor (southerngirl212)
Doctor (AScott9)
Dentist (KristynY19)
Doctor (beth_irwin23)
Doctor (NewVals)
Doctor (elbaa99_)
Doctor (kristenherron)
Dentist (cosycal)
Doctor (Randomgirl9235)
Dentist (idkaskniall)
Doctor (Sammygirl123459)
Doctor (elbxx_)
Dentist (johnwatsonisbae)
Doctor (BeachPineapple57)
Dentist (Rosequeen365)
: )

Doctor (imagine for elbaa99_)

5.1K 81 1
By 5sosxruel

"Jaz, I'm not feeling too good about this date, my stomach hurts,"

"You're just nervous,"

"It's been hurting for days,"

"Oh well, he's a doctor and he's hot, he'll be like your hero,"

"Seriously Jaz," I sighed, watching my taxi arrive, "I've got to go,"

"Okay, have fun,"

She hung up and I went outside, my dress suddenly clinging to me in all the wrong places, and my hair a mess. I'd never felt so insecure about a date because I had seen photos of him, and he was more than a little attractive.

I sat in the car, the pain in my stomach seeming to grow as we got closer. I considered telling him, but it would ruin our date.

Although, I'd humiliate myself and ruin it anyway.

I paid the taxi driver and waited outside, having no messages from Luke at all. Perhaps I was stood up.

It was a cold night, spitting slightly, so perfect to make me even more sad. Jaz was probably lying, probably pranking me.

He wouldn't go for a girl like me anyways. A couple of men walked past, looking me up and down. Suddenly I was on guard. What had I got myself-

"Elba? You must be cold," Luke smiled, securely wrapping his arm round my hip. Any other gazes dropped, and he quickly escorted me inside.

"Sorry, I just didn't want them looking," he said, letting go straight away. I blushed, but my stomach did drop a little when he let go. Mind you, my stomach was doing a lot of things, hurting being one of them.

We were taken to a table and sat down, Luke kindly keeping my small bag under his coat.

A sharp pain shot through my body as we scanned the menu, my lips pursing.

"Are you okay?"

"Tough choice,"

"You like food huh?"

I looked down and bit my lip, shifting my gaze to the salads instead.

"I didn't mean it like that, you look stunning by the way... I meant you enjoy good food. I do too,"

"You don't just have to say that," I smiled, "I'm probably such a catfish,"

"No, Jaz didn't show me the most flattering photos of you,"

"This day just keeps getting worse,"

"What happened before this?" he asked softly, "hey, I know we just met but I know I don't want this to be our last date,"

"It's nothing, stupid little things,"

"They can build up though," he smiled, "I know what I want,"

I shrugged and looked back at the menu, laughing slightly as he covered the salads with his hand. Choosing pasta, we ordered the food and drink.

"So tell me more about yourself,"

"That's such a stereotypical line,"

"Well Jaz told me your name and showed me a photo them bam, here we are,"

"Okay, well I like watching films, walking my dog and...," I shrugged, trailing off and looking down again.

"I'm not judging you,"

"I don't usually wear things like this, or do things like this. It's out of my comfort zone,"

"Well, I think you look great in the dress. Stop pulling at it, because it sticks to all the right features,"

I smiled and winced, holding my arm across my stomach.

"I have a dog too," he mentioned, "she's called petunia,"

"Petunia," I laughed, "cute,"

"What's wrong?" he asked more seriously, "I can see you flinching, and you're hugging your stomach like your life depends on it,"

"It's nothing,"

He reached across and felt my forehead, furrowing his eyebrows and grabbing his coat.

"What are you doing?"

"We need to go,"



"Don't be stupid,"

"I'm the doctor here," he said, catching a waiter and telling them we wouldn't be eating anymore.

He put the coat round my shoulders and carried my purse, taking my weight as I stumbled to the car. It was properly starting to hurt, and I didn't know if it was bad timing or because I'd finally given in.

"You're okay,"

"It hurts," I groaned, squeezing my eyes shut in the seat. The phone rung and someone picked up, Luke quickly explaining the situation.

They were saying things like get an ultrasound, and page Clifford, but what freaked me out the most was that they were looking for surgery places.

"No, no, Luke I signed up for a date,"

"We'll have to reschedule that one, I'll come over and look after you though," he smirked, holding my hand.

"Don't do this," I cried, each sob hurting my stomach more, "What's wrong?"

"That's what we will find out, quieten down before you scare people,"

He helped me out the car and my legs gave way, agonising pain ripping through my side. I almost fell, so he picked me up.

"I'm gonna crush you,"

"No you won't,"

I breathed into his shoulder, the bright lights burning my eyes. We were going through the hospital, Luke being called and my body being placed in a wheelchair.

"Go with Michael while I scrub up okay?"


"Hey,hey, it's ok. What's your name?"


"Okay Elba, I'm Luke's friend, and so are Calum and Ashton," he said, pointing to the two guys in the room we just entered.

"You need to put a gown on I'm afraid,"

"It hurts too much to move,"

"I'll get a nurse," Calum said, Ashton just pushing them out the door.

"Okay, I know it's uncomfortable and you don't know me but there's no time to lose, so I'm gonna help you change,"

He carefully started to take my dress off, quickly replacing it with a gown before I could be embarrassed. Then he slipped the bra off and gave me some awful pants.

"You can do that one yourself."

"Where's Luke?"

"I can hear him outside, I'll get them,"

I sobbed as the pain grew more intense,  Luke coming to my side. He laid me down and took my temperature, Michael checking my blood pressure.

"Calm down ay?"

"That's hard,"

"I know," he smiled, putting his hand under the gown and onto my stomach. He started pressing down, one in particular being horrific.

"Oh my," Calum mumbled, shushing me and cupping my face with his hand.

"It's okay," Ashton reminded, "I'm gonna do an ultrasound,"

"I think we know the problem," I snapped, Michael wiping my tears.

"Don't do that," Luke said sadly, moving the bed, "Cal and Michael are going to leave us now,"

They took my round the hospital into a much darker room, lifting me onto the bed and exposing my stomach. I didn't even care at this point, because it hurt too much.

"Sorry I ruined our date,"

"You've not, this clearly needed sorting. Why didn't you go to a doctor?"

"I'm scared,"

"Okay, well this news might not help but I hope we've proven it's not too scary," Ashton sighed.


"Your appendix is very inflamed, and the only option left is to remove it,"

"I'm gonna be put to sleep,"

"Well, yes," Luke said, taking my hands, "Calum and Michael will be doing it for you,"

I couldn't fight back, so I let them put me on a bed and take me straight to the surgery room. Nurses put my hair up, starting to prep me.

Calum and Michael entered, standing in my view.

"Okay you, we're gonna give you sleeping medicine and sort you all out. Luke will meet you when you wake up,"

"I'm scared,"

"Don't worry, this isn't dangerous,"

I felt a sharp scratch and a rush in my arm, Calum running his fingers through my hair.

"Don't fight it yeah?"


And I was out.


"Elba, open those eyes for me,"


"That's me," he chuckled, rubbing my shoulders, "wake up,"

"My tummy hurts,"

"More painkillers coming soon, don't worry,"

"Am I okay?"

"You're perfectly fine,"

"I don't have anyone to help me at home,"

"I'll pop round every so often, but we still need another date,"

"We do indeed,"

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