The Chosen One ( Male reader...

By Balasubas19

367K 4.4K 6.3K

Your Name is Y/N L/N. You didn't know who you're parents are. Ozpin invited you to join Beacon academy to bec... More

About the Reader and Harem
Weapons, Outfits and ETC.
Chapter 1: The Umbrella on Beacon! And Reunion
Chapter 2: Shocking Discovery! And meeting new people
Chapter 3: Initiation and show of power!
Chapter 4: Badge and Burden
Chapter 5: A master's gift.
Chapter 6: Before the Umbrella.
Chapter 7: Morning Routine, Intense training and Contract!?
Chapter 8: Confessions!
Chapter 9: Forever fall and A Master's visit!
Voting Poll
Chapter 10: Pushing to the limits!
Chapter 11: The 3rd member!
Chapter 12: Stray and dark past
Chapter 13: Black and White with a brutal fight
Chapter 14: I will return
Volume 2
Chapter 1: Welcome to Nemesis Clan and New member of the Harem!?
Chapter 2: Mission Nemesis
Chapter 3: Homecoming with a food fight!
Chapter 4: Vengeance is served
Chapter 5: Time to work/Vision or dream?
Chapter 6: Painting the town
Some changes
Teaser for future chapters :0
Chapter 7: Extracurricular, talk about dance and the truth!
Change the cover?
Chapter 8: Dance night!
Chapter 9: A master's habit rubbed to his student
Chapter 10: Upgrades
The Spartan's guardian angel (20K reads special)
Chapter 11: The breach
Chapter 12: My Purpose...
Volume 3
Chapter 1: Vytal festival
Chapter 2: Team Sapphire vs Team CFVY
Chapter 3: Supporting the team and a special fight!
Intro for this book
Chapter 4: Meeting the Uncle, Older sister and the rematch!
Chapter 5: Birds and bees and the truth
Chapter 6: Something isn't right
Chapter 7: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 8: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 1: Path to recovery and the new recruit
Thank you for 80K reads special and fun facts!
500 (almost) followers special!
500 followers special! Q/A
Chapter 2: Raiding the base!
Winner of the Voting!
Chapter 4: The Alpha VS The Omega
Chapter 5: New players and Stepping stones
Chapter 6: Uncles and Aunts
TCO Spin off Story: The white devil (Canon)
Arts about this Book!
Chapter 7: Alliance
Chapter 8: New allies/Awaken my Brothers!
Chapter 9: Boost of Power! And The Chosen One's champion
TCO Spin off Story: Y/N's secret technique! (Canon)
Rest in Peace Kobe Byrant
Chapter 10: People from another world
Voting Pool I
Chapter 11: Meeting the keyblade masters
About the book
REMAKE is up!

Chapter 3: New pieces

1.2K 31 20
By Balasubas19

No one POV

The members of nemesis clan is seen sitting on their respective bullheads after a successful mission against on their new enemy named: The division.

Y/N is seen adjusting Mercy and Death as Cree speaks to him.

Cree: Say Y/N, how much data did we get?

Y/N: Probably 8 terabytes of data.

Penge: Damn, that's a lot of memory.

Jade: All of the information is in the data?

Y/N: I believe so.

Then Y/N puts Mercy and Death on his back as his scroll is ringing. Y/N picked it up as he looked at the annotation: GIRLS

Y/N: *inhales deeply* I just hope that they never learn this.

Then Y/N answers the scroll.

Y/N: Hello?


Y/N moves his head away from the scroll as he recovers from the high pitch of his girl's ranting.

Y/N: *thoughts* They knew!

Y/N: What's wrong?


Y/N: Girls, sorry for not telling you this.


Y/N: Yep, love you all bye.

RWBYNPY: Love you too honey.

Y/N ended the call as he puts back his scroll He notices that his clan mates are looking at him.

Y/N: I know, I'm dead when we came back at beacon.

Cree: May your pour soul rest in peace.

Penge: Good luck on that one.

Jade: I'm out. *whistles innocently*

Y/N: *sigh*

Then Y/N looked at the skies filled with stars as he sighs and all of them are heading back to beacon with the data they need.

<*Small time skip brought to you by Y/N preparing himself from the ranting of his girls*>

No one POV

The bullheads of nemesis clan landed at the beacon courtyard as the members of nemesis clan drops off from their bullheads one by one. Y/N is seen drops off from the bullhead and looked at his clan mates.

Y/N: Everyone is here? *everyone nodded* Got, now let's put a briefing-

???: Y/N!!!

Y/N looked at the source of the voice to see his girls rushing towards him as all of them gave Y/N a bone crushing hug and crashes on the ground.

RWBYNPY: Are you all right!? Is anything broken!?

Y/N: Eeerrrkkk, I'm fine.

RWBYNPY: Good.... Good....

Then all of them stands up. After they stand up, the girls grabbed his trench coat and starts shaking him violently back and forth.


Y/N: *dizzy* I-

Then the girls shakes him again harder back and forth.


From the corner of his neon (e/c) eyes, he can see the rest of nemesis clan huddles each other in fear from the rampaging girls.

Y/N: *dizzy as f*ck* I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I -A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-M-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-O-O-O-O-O-O-R-R-R-R-R-R-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y-Y!

RWBYNPY: *shakes Y/N harder* NOT ENOUGH!!!

Luckily, his family just arrived in time as they calmed down his girls as the girls dropped him on the ground with a dizzy face.

Y/N: *still dizzy* He... Hehe... Sorry.

Jade: Let me help you.

Jade helps Y/N stand up while dizzy, but he can still stand up as he looks to his girls with a stern look.

Y/N: *sighs* Sorry girls, I don't want to tell you about this. But....

Y/N kissed his girls on the cheeks one by one as the girls blushed like a tomato.

Y/N: I can make it up for all of you.

Yupia: Y/N, you have a explanation to do.

Y/N: Right, our mission was to infiltrate our new enemy's base and gather the data. And destroy their base. That's it.

Emilia: Say, where's the data?

Y/N: *shows the USB* Here.

Ruby: Well what does it contains?

Y/N: Blueprints of weapons, bases and hideouts, members, and Salem's inner circle. Anyways, let's head back to beacon and we have a briefing about it.

Everyone nodded as they head back to the academy as Y/N scratches his head. Then he felt a hand on his right shoulder to see Neo with a angry face.

Y/N: Look I'm sorry.

Neo raises a sign and it written:

Neo: You have to make it up for buying me ice cream!

Y/N: *chuckles* I will.

???: *robotic voice* Yo, Y/N, I have some good things here.

Everyone looked to see Ace in his AI form.

Y/N: Okay what is it?

Ace smirks as he steps aside. What everyone saw made them in shock.

Y/N: *shocked* Artificial.... Intelligence...

The red AI came to everyone.

???: Hello citizens of Vale...

*At the nemesis clan base at Mistral*

(Play the music)

Felix is staring back at shock to a evil version of Y/N standing in front of him. Felix looked down to his fellow soldier who died.

Felix: *anger building up* You darn monster!

Umbrella black: ...... Do not worry human, soon I'll send you to the same place like that foolish boy over there.

Felix gritted his teeth in anger as Umbrella black chuckles evily.

Umbrella black: Death is a blessing for foolish people like you.

Felix: *angry* You.... Who...No, what are you?

Umbrella black: Hmmm, interesting question. I'm going to answer your question because your going to die anyways.

Felix looked at him with anger building up inside him.

Umbrella black: I am just a weapon created for Salem and to my commander. I am their tool for ruling Remnant.

Felix: Tool?

Umbrella black: You see, I'm not born. I am created to end lives. *grins sadistically* I was made to end the chosen one's life.

Felix: *getting shocked* You mean Y/N?

Umbrella: Ah, the son of the chosen one? Yes... Him.

Then Felix looked at the wide field, making Umbrella black look at the field.

Umbrella black: Ahhh, you still wanted to fight, even you are outmatched against me.

Then Felix uses his semblance, XLR8 as he made it to the wide field with ease. He turned in front of him to see Umbrella black standing already, making him shocked.

Umbrella black: You mortals are so fascinating in your flaws and actions.

Felix readies his guns and his suit as Umbrella black sighs.

Umbrella black: You don't see that I'm helping your species? For the greater good of Remnant.

Felix readies his stance as Umbrella black chuckles.

Umbrella black: If you had any sense your death is a mercy for you and your so called home.


(Stop the music)

(Play the music)

Felix charges towards him with this sword:

Umbrella black laughs sadistically as he blocked it with his umbrella. Felix grunted as he tries to slice him but he dodged it and punched him in the gut. Not even his armor can't protect him from the damage as he stumbles back.

Felix readies his stance again but Umbrella black kicked him in the gut so hard, that he flies back and crashed on the ground. Felix stands up again as he readies his gun.

He fires all of the ammo to Umbrella black, but he simply sliced them all with inhuman speeds as he rushed to Felix. Felix readies his sword as Umbrella black swings his umbrella but he blocked it, then he followed it by kicking him but he blocked it with his right hand.

Felix tried to stab him but he simply dodged it as he punched him in the back of his head and elbow blows him in the back as his bones cracked and kicked him way.

Felix ended up crashing on the wall with a small crater on his back as Umbrella black charges towards him and kicked him in the gut, followed by kicking his right arm as his right arm's bones cracked and flies away and uses his umbrella and fired it towards Felix.

Felix got hit as he kneels down in pain and removes his helmet and coughs blood. Felix looked up to Umbrella black.

Umbrella black: Done already? I am merely using my power and I'm not even trying.

Then Umbrella aims his umbrella to Felix as Felix saws his sword laying on the ground.

Umbrella black: Begone!

Just before he pulls the trigger, Felix uses the last of his aura as he uses his semblance to grab the sword and throws it to Umbrella black.

Umbrella black: What the!?

Umbrella black dodged it but it disarmed his weapon as he went down to the ground with a angry face.

(Stop the music)

Umbrella black: *angry* Why you!

Then he saw nothing but ruins of the fields. He knows that Felix ran away as he chuckles.

Umbrella black: One of human's best methods, run away.

*With Felix*

Felix is seen hiding on a destroyed warehouse as he holds his right arm in pain and walks in.

Felix: Darn, he strong, for a copycat.

Then he went to a destroyed office and he saw a briefcase. He went to it as he opens the briefcase and he saw the experimental dust that the nemesis clan had.

He grabs it and went out on the office as he grunts in pain.

Felix: *breathes heavily* Gotta report this...

Then he crushed the dust crystal as he was engulfed on a purple aura. Just as he was going to escape...


He looked up to see Umbrella black floating in the air as he looked to him.

Felix: Goodbye copycat!

Umbrella black: Hmph! Do you think that crystal of yours can protect you from me!

Umbrella black points his weapon to Felix. Just before the weaponized bullet hits him, he suddenly disappeared like a smoke, making Umbrella black shocked.

Umbrella black: WHAT!?

Now only Umbrella black is only remaining on the destroyed base as Umbrella black looks for him.

Umbrella black: What a coward. Running again.

Umbrella black pressed his ear piece.

Umbrella: Bring them in....

*At a secret room*

No one POV

Team RWBY, JNPR, Sapphire and the members of the nemesis clan is now having a briefing after the mission. Y/N"s parents are in there as everyone is all intrigued on 3 AI floating in the center...

Y/N: So yeah, that's what happened girls... Sorry if I didn't tell to all of you...

The girls slowly smiled as they went to Y/N and kissed his cheeks, which made him slightly blush.

RWBYNPY: Apologies accepted~

Cree: *clears his throat* Now that is done, can we return to where we are?

Cree pointing at the 3 floating light bulbs (Author: XD)

Y/N: Right. Now, mind if you tell us your designation?

The red floating AI introduce itself first.

Noel: My designation is FFXIII, or simply call me Noel.

The blue floating AI floats besides Noel.

Hope: My designation is FFVIII, or simply call me Hope.

Then the yellow floating AI stands besides Hope.

Zack: My designation is FFX, or simply call me Zack.

Ace in his AI form stands on the holographic table.

Ace: Okay. Introductions is over.

Y/N: Say Ace, where did you find those 3 AI? Are they inside the base?

Ace: Affirmative, as you were getting Intel and Data on the base, I heard a distress signal, not from the military base, but a machine. And since I'm using my overpowered suit, I dig myself in without getting caught and saw them.

Ace points to the 3 floating AI.

Y/N: I see.

Ruby: *turns into chibi* That's so cool! Y/N can I have one?

Zack: Sorry Miss Rose, but we are not pets.

Yang: *alerted* How did you know my sister's name?

Y/N puts a hand on Yang's shoulder. 

Y/N: Yang, calm down.

Noel: It's simple Miss Xiao Long, our objective is to get information all around the world.

Cree: Intel?

Jade: For what?

Hope: For war.

Everyone is silent, knowing this is serious.

Y/N: War?

Zack: Correct. The head of the military named: "The Division" forced us to get Intel and information all about you and the Nemesis clan.

Penge: But why?

Noel: Because the head wants you all... Dead and he's working to the Queen.

Emilia: Queen? You mean Salem?

Noel: Yes.

Kai: Darn those monsters.

Weiss: But why they want us all dead?

Zack: Because the queen's inner circle sees you all as a threat to them. They all see you as a obstacle to rule Remnant.

Y/N: *roles his eyes* Of course.

Kai: Can you give us all the details about the division nor Salem''s faction?

Zack: We can! We still have the data about it.

Y/N: Good. Now let's go through it and-

Y/N cuts off when he felt a dark presence as everyone except Kai and Emilia looks to them.

Pyrrha: What's wrong?



A strong explosion is heard and felt outside the room as Y/N readies his weapons.

Y/N: Everybody prepare!

Ace: I'll go to my body!

Ace disappears as everyone goes out and prepares everything. Y/N immediately activated his suit and flies up. Y/N is flying on the skies and....


A red beam narrowly missed him as he dodged it, but the beam hits an another target. The red beam hits Ozpin's office and it creates a huge explosion.

Y/N looks in horror at what he did and looks where the red beam came from. Then he saw a armored figure with ruby colored suit and simply walks towards on the courtyards of beacon.

???: Hello.... Chosen one....

-End chapter

Author: And cliffhanger! Who's this new guy?PengeArrow XxGamingBoy55xX InsaneLord3

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