Forever Mine

By kananaw

4.3M 187K 5.7K

[FOREVER MINE COMPLETED] [HIGHEST: #1 on lovelife] [#32 in fiction] [#104 in bisnis] "Mr. Ramirez, lepaskan... More

Forever Mine.
Tale Of The Underworld (Part 1)
Tale Of The Underworld (Part 2)
F.M 01 & 02 - It's day light robbery! ..
F.M 3 - Something fishy going on ..
F.M 4 - Falling Into A Trap ..
F.M 5 - The monk is out!
F.M 6 - In a need of cleaning
F.M 7 - Count me in ..
F.M 8 - Dragging the devil out ..
F.M 9 - The Aurora ..
F.M 10 - Encounter
F.M 11 - Married & Have 8 Kids! ..
F.M 12 - Can drinking a lot of alcohol makes us hallucinated?
F.M 13 - Little blue ..
F.M 14 - Maybe a promise then
F.M 15 - A sudden celebration ..
F.M 16 - Devil predator instinct: Activated!
F.M 17 - When the devil smile
F.M 18 - Cure for a hangover headache ..
F.M 19 - Confrontation
F.M 20 - An eagle emblem ..
F.M 21 - You're smitten & you don't even realizing it
F.M 22 - How can Ramirez have you as a decendant, Moron?
F.M 23 - The only reason;
F.M 24 - Nightmare;
F.M 25 - Take...over?
F.M 26 - That's weird
F.M 27 - Who said that i want to see him?
F.M 28 - Blue & grey collide;
F.M 29 - Familiar woman
F.M 30 - Officially
F.M 31 - Until then my love
F.M 32 - A man from both sides;
F.M 33 - glint of recognition
F.M 34 - Almost got chocked to death
F.M 35 - My unreachable dearest woman;
Behind the scene & Characters intro? click!
F.M 36 - The wailing of stupid dog
F.M 37 - What am i dreaming last night?
F.M 39 - For a woman;
F.M 40 - No! You cannot like another woman!
F.M 41 - Genius! Killing 5 birds in one stone!
F.M 42 - All this damn documents;
F.M 43 - Night discovery
F.M 44 - Terrifying pair of eyes
F.M 45 - Bad luck
F.M 46 - Damn, this high heels
F.M 47 - Dumb people
F.M 48 - Who?
F.M 49 - Poking the devil and you shall get the consequence.
F.M 50 - They're mine to deal with
F.M 51 - The devil thirst of blood.
F.M 52 - Is she your plaything, Raf?
F.M 53 - Her condition.
F.M 54 - And...the show begin. Finally.
F.M 55 - Who do you think you are?;
F.M 56 - Didn't he know who he's dealing with?
F.M 57 - Annihilate everyone who tried to harm her;
F.M 58 - At least, she's gone now;
F.M 59 - The dark side of the devil
F.M 60 - Gav, please say something!!!
F.M 61 - Awaken;
F.M 62 - Illusion of Almighty Gavino Ramirez;
F.M 63 - What do you want?
F.M 64 - What is your master name?
F.M 65 - Wait, last night i'm not dreaming?!
F.M 66 - The real Gavino Ramirez;
F.M 67 - Is our master possessed?
F.M 68 - I Will Take You To Eat Tasty Food;
F.M 69 - You're stranger?
F.M 70 - Who said you can leave?
F.M 71 - Who said that i want you to repay me by working?
F.M 72 - Be mine.
F.M 73 - Are you crazy!?!;
F.M 74 - Pffft...Impossible.
F.M 75 - This man truly shameless!
F. M 76 - I can give you a more useful activity.
F.M 77 - I won't let her leave.
F.M 78 - I keep what's belong to me.
F.M 79 - You can't just do that!
F.M 80 - Handling this man need a 10000% patience!
F.M 81 - First quarrel.
F.M 82 - Since when did i humiliated you?
F.M 83 - Sudden fright.
F.M 84 - He's an enigma.
F.M 85 - What's the problem?
F.M 86 - I won't hurt her.
F.M 87 - This silly girl.
F.M 88 - Another Tantrum.
F.M 89 - That's even sound sexy.
F.M 90 - What if i refuse it?
F.M 91 - Then, i will do it in a hard way.
F.M 92 - Out of sight, out of mind, out of heart.
F.M 93 - As delicate as a little fairy.
F.M 94 - A Fortress.
F.M 95 - I was drawn to you.
F.M 96 - Not further than this.
F.M 97 - Gut feeling.
F.M 98 - As expected.
F.M 99 - Are you done?
F.M 100 - You can't even catch a cat?
F.M 101 - Have a mercy on us please!
F.M 102 - This is a good news!!
F.M 103 - Provoking The Devil.
F.M 104 - Devil Seductive Skill: Activated!
F.M 105 - Their point of view.
F.M 106 - 180 degrees of changes.
F.M 107 - Are done playing, little kitten?
F.M 108 - It's dangerous.
F.M 109 - Master, jealous?!
F.M 110 - What is the reason?
F.M 111 - Do you love her?
F.M 112 - Her last string.
F.M 113 - I'm sorry, little one.
F.M 114 - What just happen!?
F.M 115 - You're still here?
F.M 116 - An alarming discovery.
F.M 117 - Woke up in daze.
F.M 118 - Her fears.
F.M 119 - Fall into his trap.
F.M 120 - A deal as a way out.
F.M 121 - Little kitten complained.
F.M 122 - A hidden threat from the devil.
F.M 123 - All the answers.
F.M 124 - The manipulative great devil.
Forever Mine New Year Special Edition!
F.M 125 - Stuffed all the single people with morning display affection.
F.M 126 - The new assistant is a...woman!?
F.M 127 - Problem arises.
F.M 128 - A turmoil heart part. 01
F.M 129 - A turmoil heart part. 02
F.M 130 - No matter who you are.
F.M 131 - The person behind all the rumours.
F.M 132 - The fury of little kitten.
F.M 133 - Vino, are you trying to kidnapped me!?!?
F.M 134 - Tricking the little kitten
F.M 135 - Oh deer!!!
F.M 136 - As bright as the sun.
F.M 137 - are you really want to help me?
F.M 138 - Sharing it with you.
F.M 139 - An unknown enemy.
F.M 140 - The warmth that feels so good.
F.M 141 - Under The Northern Lights.
F.M 142 - This new form of relationship with his little kitten.
F.M 143 - This slander really irritates me.
F.M 144 - Not again!
F.M 145 - Let's play interrogation game!
F.M 146 - Scolding these two troublemaker.
F.M 147 - I have you. Always, right?
F.M 148 - The cost for hurting his little kitten.
F.M 149 - Morning, darling.
F.M 150 - This lovey dovey almost make them had a mental breakdown.
F.M 151 - On Top of The City of Love
F.M 152 - Just the two of us.
F.M 153 - Have a faith in your man.
F.M 154 - Let me in and give me everything.
F.M 155 - Gavino Ramirez you're a beast!
F.M 156 - My heart almost stop beating.
F.M 157 - My darling is so cooperative!
F.M 158 - They start it again (1)
F.M 159 - They start it again (2)
F.M 160 - His arrogance will be his downfall
F.M 161 - She's more complicated than we thought before.
F.M 162 - Just forget about us the single people.
F.M 163 - If you're a cat, you already lost 6 of your life!
F.M 164 - Her elegy.
F.M 165 - you're so enchanting.
F.M 166 - White lotus act.
F.M 167 - The jealous great devil.
F.M 168 - Punishing little kitten.
F.M 169 - No mercy for whoever that try to flirt with you.
F.M 170 - Crushing her in her own game (1)
F.M 171 - Crushing her in her own game (2)
F.M 172 - What mistakes i made in my previous life to have a bad luck like this?
F.M 173 - It is you!!
F.M 174 - Her guardian angel.
F.M 175 - The devil has come.
F.M 176 - I know you will come, darling.
F.M 177 - Yun Sheng Wrath.
F.M 178 - The memory of hers in his mind.
F.M 179 - He is definitely crazy.
F.M 180 - Hello, Mother.
F.M 181 - You don't have to worry anymore.
F.M 182 - It hurts so bad.
F.M 183 - Her past.
F.M 184 - Is sister-in-law sick again?
F.M 185 - What should she do now?
F.M 186 - What happen to little kitten?
F.M 187 - Identity of the mysterious guy.
F.M 188 - Drowning in despair (1)
F.M 189 - Drowning in despair (2)
F.M 190 - I will never stop.
F.M 191 - Crazy old man.
F.M 192 - Her past & the hope that comes along with it [ END ]
Thankyou notes, Forever Mine FAQ & Annoucement Forever Yours.

Forever mine cast & announcement

12.1K 408 104
By kananaw


Hai Gengssss!!!
Maaf aku gak bisa up untuk hari ini, sangat amat minta maaf. Aku juga kemungkinan gak akan bisa up untuk kurang lebih seminggu ke depan karena tadi tiba-tiba pas lagi nulis untuk up hari ini tanganku nyeri banget dan pas di periksa ke dokter ada peradangan otot gitu. Jadi untuk beberapa hari ke depan harus pake perban dan benar-benar ganggu sih aku sampe susah untuk nulis juga.

Jadi aku minta maaf untuk semuanya yang sudah nunggu untuk up Forever Mine, ini bener-bener di luar kendaliku juga hehe mohon pengertiannya ya!! Setelah ini semua berakhir & sembuh semoga aja kurang dari seminggu waktunya aku pasti lanjutin lagi dengan banyak up supaya kalian bisa baca sampe abis.

Pasti habis kok, aku sudah bisa membayangkan bagaimana alur ini semua sampai selesai satu buku ini.

Mohon pengertiannya ya & maaf sekali lagi tidak bisa up untuk hari ini & beberapa hari ke depan.

Have a good day everyone!


Forever Mine Cast

Kurang lebih ini yang selalu kana pikirkan untuk mereka semua. Kalau ada yang nanya Amel kayak gimana Gavin kayak gimana Diego kayak gimana aku cuma bisa bayangin mereka. Kok cuma segini? sisanya gimana? sejujurnya masih belum dalam bayangan. Aku selama ini membayangkan karakter itu hanya dari imajinasi & ketika aku coba untuk cari inspirasinya sejujurnya it's fucking hard. for real. aku sering merasa gak puas karena ini gak kayak mereka, auranya kurang, tatapan matanya kurang dan lain sebagainya tsk, tsk. emang agak ribet orangnya. jadi akhirnya baru nemu segini tapi, mungkin suatu saat aku bakal temuin pasti akan aku update hehe

Amelia Candrakirana

Gavino Lucio Ramirez

Diego Salvatore Ramirez

Dimitri Ivansov

Rafael Valentin Ramirez

Leonardo Marquez

Yun Sheng // Nathanael Ramirez

Jiro Hamada

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