If Only You Knew.

By TheWanted_Fans2

15.2K 406 185

Megan and Jodie want nothing more than to be happy but things keep coming up that cause upset between them an... More

Part 1 - You ready?
Part 2 - Nando's.
Part 3 - Meet and greet.
Part 4 - Stay please?
Part 5 - I'm sorry.
Part 6 - What?
Part 8 - Home.
Part 9 - The memories.
Part 10 - Uhh.
Part 11 - Questions, questions, questions...
Part 12 - Toby and Lizzie.
Part 13 - Er, I-I...
Part 14 - I'll miss you.
Part 15 - Wanted Wednesday.
Part 16 - LA baby.
Part 17 - Last day.
Part 18 - Home.
Part 19 - Heartbreak?
Part 20 - Dried tears and worry.
Part 21 - Weakness.
Part 22 - Bad dream.
Part 23 - Blame and guilt.
Part 24 - Wishes.
Part 25 - Regrets?
Part 26 - Broken.
Part 27 - Love and hate.
Part 28 - Surprise.
Part 29 - Plans and laughter.
Part 30 - The dinner.
Part 31 - Things change.
Part 32 - Laughs and memories.
Part 33 - Bets and plans.
Part 34 - Smiles all round.
Part 35 - O' happy days.
Part 36 - Rampage time.
Part 37 - Secret planning.
Part 38 - A little bit... Intimate.
Part 39 - Agreements, arguments and plans.
Part 40 - Epliouge.

Part 7 - Wow.

449 12 0
By TheWanted_Fans2

*Two weeks later*

*Jodie's POV*

Nathan's back from tour today, it's been two weeks since I see him last but we’ve been texting. Megan's also moved into the flat, her mum seemed fine with her moving in with me until she heard about Nathan and Jay, then they had a massive argument, so Megan completely ignored her mum and moved in anyway, to be fair she is 16 and she can do what she wants. I smiled as I rolled out of bed, walking to the bathroom and looking in the mirror. To be honest I looked exhausted, I peeled my pyjama bottoms and top off and turned on the shower, letting the hot water hit my body.

After 20 minutes I decided I better get out, I turned of the shower, grabbed the towel and wrapped it round me, I walked into my room and picked out my clothes, it was mid-march so I grabbed a pair of light jeans and a top. I dried myself off and got dressed, someone knocked on my door and pushed it open, I turned round to be expecting Megs, but no, it was Nath.

"Hiya." I blushed, I had no makeup on and my hair was wet...

"Hey, Jods."

"How was tour?"

"It was amazing, the amount of support was great, you can never get used to the screams and the fans singing the lyrics to you." he spoke, rushed,

"Calm down Nathan." I giggled, he blushed slightly

"Oh and I met this girl, like she's gorgeous, she's got amazing blue eyes and blonde hair, I also give her my snapback..." he smiled, I laughed at him even more, he chuckled back,

"Let me do my hair then we can go anywhere you want." I told him, he nodded so I grabbed my straighteners and turned them on leaving them so heat up whilst I did my makeup.

*Nathan's POV*

I smiled as I watched Jodie sort her makeup and hair out,

"What you looking at Sykes?" She winked,

"You. Problem?" I joked as she walked over; I grabbed her waist, pulling her down onto the bed beside me and tickled her,

"Please Nath, stop!" she squealed,

"What the hell’s going on?" Megan asked as she walked "Oh you're tickling her... Your gonna die Nath!" Megan continued as she walked out. I finally stopped tickling Jodie,

"Where do you wanna go then?" she asked,

"Well, how about we go for a walk round a park then come back here, order in and watch TV?" I suggested,

"Great idea, mind if I invite Megs? She'll be alone otherwise." she questioned,

"Course, maybe I should get Jay out too..." I said, Jodie giggled before walking out and going to talk to Megan, leaving me sitting on her bed. I looked round, getting up of the bed and examining her wall closely, there were several pictures of her and Megan over the years, and some other girls, I smiled, and looked at more photo's, I walked over to her desk thing and there was the picture of me and her at the airport, she was smiling at the camera and I had my arms around her and I had my head on her shoulder smiling, I grinned at the picture before returning to her wall.

*Megan's POV*

Jodie's gonna get Nathan back one day for tickling her and it's gonna be funny.

"Megs, you wanna come out with me and Nath?"

"Where you going?" I questioned,

"Going to the park for a walk then gonna come back here."

"Erm, yeah, if you don't mind, I don't wanna intrude on yours and Nath's personal time!" I answered,

"You're not intruding, plus, Nathan's gonna see if Jay wants to come." she told me, I jumped up and started getting ready, Jodie giggled as she left the room. I put some make up on and grabbed my bag before walking into Jodie's room, neither Nathan or Jodie see me enter as they were having a little cute moment, she was standing in the mirror, his arms wrapped round her waist and his head resting on her shoulder, I pulled my phone out and took a picture. It was only when the phone made a noise that they looked at me, I smiled as they broke apart, both of them blushing and looking at the ground,

"When you two get together you won't have to worry about hiding things." I muttered as I walked back out the room,

"I heard that Megs!" Jodie shouted from her room,

"You were meant to, now you two need to stop having your cute moments and get your arses out here so we can go!" Seconds later the appeared at the front door, "You ready?" I questioned, sounding like their mother, considering I'm the youngest you would of thought it'd be Jodie shouting at me but obviously not. They both nodded so I ushered them out the front door, locking it behind me,

"Is Jay coming?" Jodie asked Nathan who simply nodded his head as he was driving, once again, Jodie and Nathan was in the front and me in the back. I poked her and nodded towards a CD that was in the front, she giggled back at me, within seconds she had All Time Low blasting through the speakers of the car,

"Bit sad you have your own CD Nath!" I joked, shouting over the music, Jodie giggled at us two, in the end we all started singing along through the various tracks. We pulled up outside a massive house, Nathan grabbed his phone and started typing away, within minutes Jay appeared and jogged down the driveway, getting the back too and putting on his seatbelt. Jodie pressed play and on the CD again and Glad You Came started playing, Jodie nearly died at one point, well when Nathan didn't sing 'Drink it if you can' and changed to go 'D-d-drink it if you can', me and Jay sat there laughing, it come to the chorus and I stopped singing all together, just listening intently to Jay's vocals, I smiled to myself just listening, afterwards we sung along to many other songs, much to the likes of The Weekend, Lightning, Invincible, Rocket and Gold Forever. We got out at this massive park but it was relatively quiet and mostly filled with families, meaning the boys wouldn't get noticed too much. Nathan and Jodie walked ahead laughing whilst me and Jay were admiring how cute they would be together. After 5 minutes we got bored and started talking about tour.



"Tell me about your life? I wanna get to know you."

"20 questions?" I suggested, Jay nodded in response,

"You first!" I smiled,

"Where did you grow up?"

"Essex/London. Favourite song of your own?" I answered,

"Last To Know! Erm, what do you look for in a guy?"

"Cute, funny, bubbly, good looking, laid back, sweet, thoughtful, caring, don't mind what colour hair and preferably green or bright blue eyes, they're amazing. What about you and girls?"

"Brown hair, brownish eyes, cute, funny, smart, beautiful, good personality, caring, understanding, sweet. Any sisters or brothers?" Jay answered and asked,

"One younger brother. Thoughts on your future?" I replied,

"Er, well, I'd like to be settled down, married, have a little boy and two girls, nice house. You?"

"Same." I smiled softly.

*Jay's POV*

Me and Megan continued asking each other questions, being a fan she knew pretty much everything about me. We'd now caught up with Nathan and Jodie and we were having a group conversation when my phone buzzed. 

From - Max:

You two going back to the girls flat or coming home after?

I asked Nathan,

"Go back to the girls flat if that's ok with you's?" I nodded and so did Megan and Jodie, I quickly text back.

To - Max:

Going back to the girls, so we'll be back late.

I slipped my phone back into my pocket before joining in with the conversation.

*Jodie's POV*

I smiled to myself, if everything could last forever, this would be one moment I'd want to stay in, Nathan caught my attention, he was smiling at me,

"Oi, stop staring at me!" I giggled, he blushed and smiled, we walked through the gardens, I watched Megan an Jay, they're so cute, all of a sudden she pushed him in a bush and run off laughing throwing her head back with laughter, Jay got up and brushed himself off before running after her, I looked at Nathan, he was smirking and within seconds he grabbed my hand and we were running. Hold up... Nathan Sykes is holding my hand. So within weeks I've gone from being this crazy obsessed fan to being a friend and currently holding hands with Nathan. We finally caught up with Jay, he was standing above Megan tickling her, making her laugh uncontrollably.

"Jods, help me?" Megan squealed from beneath Jay,

"You didn't help me earlier!" I poked my tongue out at her before I walked over to the bench nearby and sat down, Nathan slowly sat down next to me, sliding his arm around my waist pulling me closer. I smiled as I looked up at him, my eyes flickering between his eyes and his lips, he leaned in and within seconds his lips crashed into mine. Fireworks erupting inside. I could hear Megan and Jay making sickly, romantic, soppy comments about us. I blushed as I pulled away, Nathan looked at me,

"That... Was... Amazing!" He whispered breathlessly, looking straight at me. I giggled at his comment before pecking him on the lips quickly and turning to Megan. She smiled at me but didn't realise that faces Jay was pulling from beside her. I giggled even more as Nathan's hand slipped round my waist once again. I was starting to get used to Nathan, not as a pop star or the UK’s teen heart-throb, but as Nathan Sykes, the farmland boy that moved to London. And for once I asked myself,

Could my life get any better?

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