The Drug Lord's Son (Complete...

By Failedthetest

1.5M 50.2K 14K

"Last warning, Frank. Give it to us, or your little boy here sleeps with the fishes." He slammed the corded p... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 35

21.3K 751 175
By Failedthetest

We were determined to return the next day. We packed the few supplies we had. It was so hard to believe we had nothing to go back to. No home, no father, no little brother.

"Let's head out. Got everything?" Nova said. Mom stood in the kitchen while we were heading out the door.

"I'm staying."

"What? No! You can't stay here alone." Jumped  Liam.

"He's right mom, you can't stay here alone."

"I'm not as fragile as you think. I don't want to go back. I don't want to see the people who killed my son. I'm sick of fighting. I just want some peace. I can protect myself."

"Mom, I really think you should come with us."

"So it's safer for me to walk into a fight? No. I'm staying right here. I can fend for myself if someone comes in."

I looked at Clarke.

"Is it alright if she stays here then?"

"Of course. Tank would appreciate the company."

Clarke went out to the car as us three Merlin kids said our goodbyes. Mom hugged all three of us.

"Please...Please come back to me. I can't lose more of my children." She pleaded. Wet tears began to roll down her cheeks.

"We will, mom." I said.

"Once we wipe out everyone who hurt us we will no longer have enemies. We will get revenge for Jack." Said Liam.

She wiped away her tears and sniffled.

"Lock the door on your way out." She said.

Liam handed her a small handgun and a knife. There were also functioning house-phones.

"Call the police if you have to. Stay safe, mom." Liam looked at her one final time. We went out the door and locked it, leaving our depressed mother alone.

I thought about Jack. How his body had to be abandoned. What happened to it? Did the Rossi's take it? Did they burn him? I wish we could've given him a proper burial. I wish I would've grabbed his lifeless body when I had the chance.

"Here's the plan." Stated Clarke when we reached the Illinois boarder.

"Liam and Nova are going to get the weapons. I wrote down the locations of our hidden artillery and where to retrieve them from. Don't get caught."

"Will, we will be interrogating an old friend."

He dropped Liam and Nova off down the road from his home.

"Raid my home first, then storage. We will be back in an hour."

They agreed and hopped out of the car.

"We're going to Glaccki's place.We find him, we find out where my father is."

We went to his apartment building and quietly examined the premises. I followed Clarke up to the third floor, he gave me a gun that I knew I still wasn't capable of using.

The door was locked.

"Stand back, I'm gonna kick it down."

"What? Kick it down? Didn't your father teach you how to pick locks?"

"Well, yeah."

"Maybe we should do that. It would make less of a scene."

"Oh, yeah. Good thinking."

We picked the old lock and pushed the door open. It was empty. The place smelled like an ash tray. The furniture was outdated and stale. The kitchen tile was a dirty brown color.

"Not here." Clarke checked the other rooms.

"Where else would he be?"

"With my piece of shit father. I wonder what they have planned. At least Michelle is dead."

We searched his apartment for anything useful. All we could find was a bottle of vodka in the freezer. Clarke took a chug of it and offered it to me. I shook my head.

"Such a good kid, Will." Clarke said putting back the alcohol.

The door knob suddenly turned. Clarke pulled me down, ducking behind the counter.

We pounced up, pointing our guns at the entered person. It was Glaccki, holding up a knife in defense.

"You came back, you little shit." He put his hands up in defense.

"Move and I'll blow you away. Where's my father tonight?"

"Why don't you ask him yourself?"

Clarke charged closer to him and slammed the door. I followed, still directing my gun towards Glaccki.

"Where's my father you meaningless garbage?" Said Clarke.

"Is that how you talk to a family friend?"

"You were never anything close to family to me.  Do we have to do this the hard way?"

"You're dad isn't happy with you, Clarkie boy. If he sees you he will smash your head into the pavement. He won't even hesitate."

"Good thing I'll be smashing his head first. NOW WHERE IS HE?" Clarke raised his voice in Glaccki's face. He did not seem fearful of Clarke.

"Do your worst."

Clarke stole the knife from his hand and tossed it across the floor.

"Grab that chair, Will." He pointed to one of the chairs next to the tiny kitchen table. I drug it over.

"Working with the Merlin's now? Daddy will love that."

Clarke punched Glaccki in the jaw with one hard blast.

We tied Glaccki to the chair and gagged his mouth to prevent him from screaming.

I was conflicted. I remember how frightened I was in that position. How unbearable the pain was. Not sure how much more I could take. I wasn't a fan of torture.

"Clarke. Is this right?"

"What?" Said Clarke, holding Glaccki's own knife to his throat.

"Torturing him. It doesn't feel humane."

"Do you not remember when he did the same thing to you? Do you forget that they are the reason your little brother is dead?"

My heart sank. He was right. Glaccki had crucial information we needed.

Clarke did just that. He beat Glaccki until he couldn't take the pain anymore. He was bleeding and bruised. His eyes swollen, his lip gushing with blood. His body received cuts from his own knife. Clarke pulled down his gag off Glaccki.

"Speak." He ordered.

"He's picking a shipment up tonight. By the docks. South east side. Nine O'clock." Glaccki coughed.

"What is he picking up?"

"He didn't say."

Clarke pointed the knife at Glaccki.

"I swear! He didn't say! I swear! I assumed weapons of some kind!"

"Who's all gonna be there?"

"Not sure. Maybe a few. Not a big operation." Glaccki began wheezing a bit.


Clarke padded down Glaccki and took his cellphone. He slammed it onto the ground and crushed it. He left Glaccki tied to the chair.

"Let's go, Will."

We found Liam and Nova with the weapons. It wasn't as much as I expected. We loaded everything we had. Wagner joined us for our mission.

"Do you really think we're all gonna be able to take them down?"

"I don't suspect too many people to be there. Glaccki is indisposed. Hopefully that rat Toni and his father are there so we can get rid of them too."

"Heard anything about your father?"

"No. Still in prison. We haven't had phones for a while, no way he could contact us. Can't call the house, it's toasted."

"He didn't call you either?" Nova asked Wagner.

"'Nope. Haven't heard a thing. Least if he's in there he's safe from King." He responded.

What was worse? Being imprisoned or captured by King? No doubt my father would be charged for his crimes, and sent to prison for the rest of his life. He has made a lot of enemies that are in prison. Would they be worse than King?

"Let's head out. We have to be there before they get there. I know what lot it is. Let's end this shit." Ordered Liam.

We loaded up the car at Wagner's place. Before leaving, Clarke and I stepped outside, away from everyone. It wasn't quiet as Wisconsin was, but still peaceful.

"The sky is nice." He admired.

"Would be nicer to see the stars."

"There's stars in Wisconsin." Said Clarke. "Maybe we could go back there, when all this is over. Take a permanent break from this shit. You know, some peace."

"I would like that." I smiled.

"Will, I know this is crazy. We haven't known each other for a long time, and we were raised to be enemies. But, I don't know. There's something about you. I haven't felt like this."

"Me either. I know what you mean. You make me feel less alone." I told him. He reached for my hand.

"Just think. This is almost over. Soon it'll be just us, and only us. We can do whatever we want. I promise, Wisconsin is great in the summer. You have to see it. The greenest fields you'll ever see. And the flowers are so bright. Then the apples from the apple tree are a bit ripe, but that's how I like them." It was rare to see Clarke excited about anything, but when he talked about leaving his eyes lit up.

"Can't wait." I smiled.

We leaned in and kissed.

My body melted as it did every time our lips were together. He was so genuine. So kind. Not at all what I expected when I first met the brooding man tasked with the job of guarding me because they thought I was my brother.

Nova, Liam, and Wagner came out of the house.

We separated abruptly.

"Ready?" Clarke asked. They nodded.

"Let's get this over with so I can get a smoke." Wagner said.

We began walking to the car. Liam stopped me.

"Can I talk to you a sec? Just be quick."

Nova gave him a look and kept walking. Great, am I going to get my ass bitched out again?

"Will. Tonight we can't mess this up." Liam stared down at me.

"I know, I know."

"I'm just saying. If anything happens tonight, don't be afraid to shoot. Your life may depend on it. Nova and I can't focus on keeping you alive, you gotta do that for yourself." He explained to me like I was a child.

"I know. I'll do what I have to. Mom isn't losing any more kids tonight."

"And Will..."

"Yes, Liam?"

"I just wanted to say sorry for being kind of a dip shit. I don't think you're a Hufflepuff. You're a bad ass Gryffindor."

It was funny Liam tried to make a Harry Potter reference. I'm surprised he did it correctly.

"Thanks, Liam. But I'm a proud Hufflepuff."

His lips quivered, almost into a smile.

"Now, let's go fuck that asshole up and end this shit. For good."

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