The Chosen One ( Male reader...

By Balasubas19

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Your Name is Y/N L/N. You didn't know who you're parents are. Ozpin invited you to join Beacon academy to bec... More

About the Reader and Harem
Weapons, Outfits and ETC.
Chapter 1: The Umbrella on Beacon! And Reunion
Chapter 2: Shocking Discovery! And meeting new people
Chapter 3: Initiation and show of power!
Chapter 4: Badge and Burden
Chapter 5: A master's gift.
Chapter 6: Before the Umbrella.
Chapter 7: Morning Routine, Intense training and Contract!?
Chapter 8: Confessions!
Chapter 9: Forever fall and A Master's visit!
Voting Poll
Chapter 10: Pushing to the limits!
Chapter 11: The 3rd member!
Chapter 12: Stray and dark past
Chapter 13: Black and White with a brutal fight
Chapter 14: I will return
Volume 2
Chapter 1: Welcome to Nemesis Clan and New member of the Harem!?
Chapter 2: Mission Nemesis
Chapter 3: Homecoming with a food fight!
Chapter 4: Vengeance is served
Chapter 5: Time to work/Vision or dream?
Chapter 6: Painting the town
Some changes
Teaser for future chapters :0
Chapter 7: Extracurricular, talk about dance and the truth!
Change the cover?
Chapter 8: Dance night!
Chapter 9: A master's habit rubbed to his student
Chapter 10: Upgrades
The Spartan's guardian angel (20K reads special)
Chapter 11: The breach
Chapter 12: My Purpose...
Volume 3
Chapter 1: Vytal festival
Chapter 2: Team Sapphire vs Team CFVY
Chapter 3: Supporting the team and a special fight!
Intro for this book
Chapter 4: Meeting the Uncle, Older sister and the rematch!
Chapter 5: Birds and bees and the truth
Chapter 6: Something isn't right
Chapter 7: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 8: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 1)
Chapter 9: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Volume 4
Thank you for 80K reads special and fun facts!
500 (almost) followers special!
500 followers special! Q/A
Chapter 2: Raiding the base!
Chapter 3: New pieces
Winner of the Voting!
Chapter 4: The Alpha VS The Omega
Chapter 5: New players and Stepping stones
Chapter 6: Uncles and Aunts
TCO Spin off Story: The white devil (Canon)
Arts about this Book!
Chapter 7: Alliance
Chapter 8: New allies/Awaken my Brothers!
Chapter 9: Boost of Power! And The Chosen One's champion
TCO Spin off Story: Y/N's secret technique! (Canon)
Rest in Peace Kobe Byrant
Chapter 10: People from another world
Voting Pool I
Chapter 11: Meeting the keyblade masters
About the book
REMAKE is up!

Chapter 1: Path to recovery and the new recruit

2.4K 31 27
By Balasubas19

No one POV

*5 months later*

It's been 5 months since the attack on beacon and the awakening of Y/N's chosen one powers. The whole remnant saw the awakening and the attack on beacon. Some were traumatized and some were alerted on the attack.

The 4 kingdoms told the council what happened on that event. After they told what happened, the council is now aware of the maidens, the chosen one and the Grimm queen.

If Y/N didn't activated his inner power, he would be in ashes right now as we speak. If the nemesis clan wasn't there, many people would have died. Some people were blaming Ironwood for turning there weapons against them.

The recovery was a very long time, but still it was possible. The Grimm was exterminated thanks to Y/N, the virus was halted. Communications were working again thanks to the efforts of the nemesis clan and Atlas' help. Atlas, Vacuo and Mistral send aide after the attack.

Now they are all united against a common foe.

The white fang retreated and the acts of releasing Grimm on the city is revealed, the faunuses all over the world were disgusted on what they did.

Meanwhile to the others, They were recovering after the attack.

Team RWBY is staying on Patch, Team JNPR is helping rebuilding Vale, Team Sapphire is currently training and making new technology for future use.

Thanks to Blake Belladonna's efforts, she communicated to Menagerie on what happened. Her father, Ghira Belladonna, He told to everyone that he will respond with aide to the others.

Y/N on the other hand, he was training with his family. He was training to fully utilize his newfound powers with his father, Emilia is upgrading his tech on a another level, while Leo and Incursio is training him on endurance and hand to hand combat.

His master Alfa is training as well. He made an oath to himself that he will not let this tragedy ever happen again. Jeanne is started to perfectly use her fall maiden powers. Ace is currently upgrading his bodies and he's safeguarding the city of Vale.

Back to Y/N, one question that was stuck on his mind until now...

The f*ck is Ozpin thinking?

That is the question that burned on his mind over these months. Is Ozpin using them as tools, not a student? Why Ozpin choose Pyrrha as the next candidate of the fall maiden? Are they weapons pointing to each other?

When the time has come, he will talk to Ozpin about this to answer the questions. Don't ever forget that he's still angry on Ozpin's choice of the next fall maiden. He knows that Ozpin dragged his loved ones into a war, a war that they should never been with.

Thanks to everyone's efforts, Vale has been rebuilt in 4 months. If it wasn't for Y/N activated his powers, the damage would be much bigger right now.

In a nutshell, everyone is alive because of Y/N.

The time has come to Y/N talks to Ozpin. He went to the headmaster's office to talk about this. Right now.

Ozpin: Ah, Mr L/N, how may I help you?

Y/N took a seat as he gaze to Ozpin.

Y/N: Let's talk professor Ozpin.

Ozpin: About what?


He said that with a hint of venomous voice as Ozpin put's his coffee mug on his desk.

Y/N: Are we really your students Ozpin? Or are you using us as weapons?

Ozpin: Let me-


There was a few seconds of silence until Y/N speaks.

Y/N: Do you have ANY idea how much Pyrrha weigh that burden?

Ozpin: I-

Y/N: If you think that everyone I know are friends, you are wrong. They are my family.

Ozpin: Y/N-

Y/N: How many people died following you!?

Ozpin: That's... Not important.

Y/N: Nor the people you sent to their graves.

Ozpin: Y/N, please, I can explain.

Y/N: Is that why you select us chess pieces? So that you can play OUR lives and sacrifice when you saw the fit!?

Ozpin: Please-

Y/N: Was Pyrrha was a sacrificial object to you AS WELL!?

Ozpin: It was her choice.



Y/N: You should thank my master. If it wasn't for him, your soul will go to a 14 year old farmer boy.

Y/N stood up from his seat.

Y/N: I'm not against you Ozpin, but this time no more secrets should be held. And stop playing someone else's lives. I take my leave.

Y/N heads to the elevator and leaves, leaving Ozpin shamed on his actions.


Finally now that is done. I've said those words so that he'll stop playing our lives. He dragged everyone I loved into a war. I woke out in the elevator when the elevator dings and opened. I'm heading where my family is. As I was walking, someone is calling my name.

???: Hey Y/N.

I look at the source of the voice to see and it's Pyrrha.

Y/N: Hey Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: Can we talk to your team's old dorm?

Y/N: Oh... Sure.

Me and Pyrrha walked together to my team's old dorm. As we were walking, I can see her a... Sad and guilty face? Sad? To what? Guilty? To what? I need to stop speculating and I wonder what are we going to talk about.

<*Small time skip brought to you by author RWBY volume 6 episode 1*>


Not so long, me and Pyrrha made it to my team's old dorm as I and Pyrrha entered. I signaled Pyrrha to sit on my bed as I also sit on the bed as well.

Me and Pyrrha had been sitting on the bed for 2 minutes. I've waited to let her speak, but these 2 minutes is nothing but silence. So I decided to speak up.

Y/N: Pyrrha?

She was still looking down.

Y/N: Pyrrha? What's wrong-

No one POV

Pyrrha: *cold tone* Why?

Y/N flinched at the sudden cold tone of her voice. Is this about the attack on beacon? That is the question that burned on her mind for 5 months after the fall.

Pyrrha: Why did you go up there? Why did you put your life for mine? Why would you do something reckless?

Y/N was surprised. Did the attack really affected her that much? He was conflicted as he was choosing the right words for her.

Y/N: .... I could ask you the same thing.

She said nothing as she looks to Y/N.

Y/N: I knew what you're going to do and I couldn't allow it. You and I saw what she did to Ozpin and to my master, and you're still willing to go up there. I just couldn't allow you to sacrifice yourself like that. Not when my life is like nothing but fighting.

As soon as he said that, Pyrrha grabbed the front of his trench coat and pulled him close to her face, warm tears were gathering on her emerald eyes.

Pyrrha: How can you say that!? How could you think you had to sacrifice yourself for the others!?

Y/N: Because you were going to do the exact same thing! Don't think I didn't know what you were planning to do! You were going to go up there to fight her don't you!? And get yourself killed!

She flinched slightly as she let's go of his trench coat.

Y/N: I've known you long enough to know that you've always put others before yourself. You've been so caring to others, especially me, that to the point you're going to weigh that burden instead to the others. But the thing is... What you're doing is too far.

Then Y/N looks away to Pyrrha.

Y/N: I cannot let you and the others suffer on what I've gone through. What's the point of my training and all gain of my power to protect all of you when you put yourself in danger?

Y/N looks back to Pyrrha as he hugs her gently.

Y/N: Promise me that don't ever do that again for me. Please?

Then Pyrrha hugs Y/N as he continues to hug her.

Pyrrha: I... I promise.

<*Small time skip brought to you by Y/N calming Pyrrha down*>


After our intense conversation, me and Pyrrha are walking back to the others. I've finally calmed her down after that. I think she's traumatized after the attack. As we were walking back, I saw electricity on our training grounds.

Pyrrha: Did you see that?

Y/N: Yeah I see that. Grab my hand.

Pyrrha proceeds to hold my hand as I activated lightning run to go on our training grounds. After a second, we've made it as I saw Team RWBY, the rest of JNPR, Sapphire, and the nemesis clan. Gyro noticed me.

Gyro: Just in time fearless co leader!

Everyone looked at me and Pyrrha.

Jaune: There you are! Come and see this!

Jaune pointed out the training ground as blue lighting passed by. Whoa, who's this?

Y/N: That's the new recruit?

Jade: Yeah, his name is @PengeArrow .

Right on cue, I saw him throw a grenade and it... explodes electricity!? What the heck!? Wait a second...

Y/N: Is he the blue arrow head?

Fox: Yep.

Then I saw him readies his katana. More like a electric katana as he sliced the incoming enemy bots.

Ruby: *turns into chibi* Oh that so cool!

Weiss: I must say he's not bad.

Benjamin: He's 14 years old.

Me and everyone else (except the nemesis clan) at Benjamin. DID HE JUST SAID HE'S 14!?

Blake: Are you serious?

Benjamin: Yes.

Yupia: Well s#it.

I can't believe it. He the youngest to all of us. I must say he surprised me there. I continue watching his fight as he prepared his electrical bow and arrow and start releasing arrows on the enemy bots.

(The image of the enemy bot)

Y/N: He's fast and strong at the same time. He's worthy to join the team.

Then he slashed the torso of the last enemy bot as he puts his weapons on his back and he looked at us. He waved at us as we go down to welcome our recruit.

Not so long, we've made it. Me and Jade come first to congratulate the new recruit.

Y/N: I'm surprised that you're just 14.

Penge: Yes sir! Penge arrowhead at your service!

Y/N: I'm Y/N, or you may call me Umbrella. I'm the co leader of the nemesis clan. *points to Jade* This is Jade, the leader of the nemesis clan.

Jade: Welcome to the nemesis clan Penge.

Then the others starts to introduced themselves as I smiled at this moment. Even at the times of recovering to pain, we were still smiling and helping others.

Y/N: Anyways, everyone let's go on the headquarters and there we will talk. It's getting cold here.

Some were chuckled at my remark as we proceed to our headquarters. I also messaged the other nemesis clan about our mission that is going to be operated at night.

<*Time skip brought to you by Penge slicing the screen*>

No one POV

Every members of the nemesis clan is on the table conference as Jade and Y/N explained the operation.

(The table)

Y/N: The operation will start at 0000 hours at the small islands of Vale everyone. Ace believed that there's a hidden base of our new enemy hiding there.

Jade: The objective is destroy that base, left no weapon that can be reused, get information, get any technology that they have and destroy the base.

Y/N: Everyone will attack on the base. Ace is going with us this time as extra firepower on this mission. Any questions?

Cree raised his hand.

Y/N: What is it?

Cree: Does your girls and your family know about this?

Y/N paused for a moment as he realized the conversation between him and his family.


Kai: Are you sure about this?

Y/N: Yes dad.

Emilia: Just be careful sweetie.

Y/N: *chuckles* Mom, I survived a fight to a fall maiden.

Leo: Just promise us to come back alive!

Jeanne: Yeah!

Kai: Does your girls knows about this?

Y/N: .... No.

Emilia: What!?

Leo: Why!?

Y/N: I don't want my girls to be worried about this. We are facing a new enemy. A new enemy that we've never dealt with.

Kai: .... Just be careful.

Emilia: We got this when the girls are going to ask about this.

Y/N: Thank you Mom.


Y/N: Yyyyyeeeaaaahhhhhh...

Cree was a little bit skeptical, but he shrugged it off.

Cree: Alright, you've heard our leaders. Let's be prepared for this mission.

Everyone nodded as they all stood up and left to prepare themselves.

*In Salem's castle*

(Play the music)

Salem is sitting on her chair as the door was heard opened and Salem looked at who it is and it was commander red coming to him.

Salem: What is it Red?

Commander Red: The base is successful, all operations are good, the army is ready for any attacks, and "her" condition is stable.

Salem: How about the fall maiden powers?

Commander Red: About that, it's not the exact fall maiden powers. We are going to gave her artificial fall maiden powers under my command.

Salem: Are you sure that this is going to work?

Commander Red: If I play my cards right, then yes.

Salem: How about your project?

Commander Red: Project Black? He's ready my queen. What shall I order to him?

Salem: I want you to order him to attack one of the nemesis clan's base. It's your choice on his choice of weapon.

Commander Red: Yes my queen. *looks back* BLACK!!!

He shouted it like he's ordering someone. A few seconds later the doors slowly opened and to see Umbrella black walking towards commander Red with his weapon on blood.

(The image of Umbrella black)

Commander Red: I see that you've killed the training dummies.

Umbrella black: .... Yes Commander Red. What is your orders?

Commander Red: Attack this Nemesis clan's base. I will give you the specific coordinates later.

Umbrella black: Yes commander. *leaves*

Umbrella black leaves as one thing came on his mind...

Umbrella black: Assign targets and I will kill them all.

-End chapter

Author: What a intense and cliffhanging chapter! Things got higher in this volume after volume 3 everyone! Stay tuned for further chapters! @InsaneLord3 @XxGamingBoy55xX @PengeArrow @BattleDroid1106 Here are the new chapter!

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