Journey To Agartha

By RoyalFamily_King

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Lorietta's normal life would turn into a dashing-weird-flying and uhh immortal journey to once a myth to real... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53


44 0 0
By RoyalFamily_King



The myth of Agartha, or the Hollow Earth, they say. It was once just a story to tell. Without references, without  books, facts or evidences of it. The Agartha, they say, is the Land of the Goddess, where the paradise is, and has The White Waters, The Living Fire and The Land of Wonders. Those are things hard to explain for a single girl who happened to enjoy the journey to the Land of the Gods.

There are hundreds of entrances around the world. But it is not easy to enter the Hidden World. unless, invited.

"We're gonna be late!." I heard Connor shouted outside of our window.

I grabbed my staff and touched my knuckles with my other knuckles. It hid my staff well. I suddenly missed this. I glanced at Zeus who is sitting comfortably in my bed. He was watching me, smiling.

"What? You're creeping me out."

He chuckled and got up. He hugged me from behind and faced us in the mirror. His chin were in my shoulder, like a little kid. 

"Are you ready?."

I smiled and caresses his hand wrapped around my stomach.

"I waited for this my whole life."

"You didn't wait for me, that's so bad of you." 

I rolled my eyes. "Now, will you go out now? If daddy founds out that you're in my room, you'll be dead."

He kissed my cheek and grinned playfully.

"Am I not dead yet?."

He backed away while grinning. I knew he had to run now because just seconds after he disappear in thin air. Dad's usual knock was heard from the door.

"You're taking a lot of time, you'll be late!." Dad yelled from outside.

I breathed and stared at myself on the mirror.

I am ready.

Rushing outside, hugging daddy so tight is probably what I'm gonna miss when I returned to Agartha. We bid long farewells, mom even cried a bit for letting me go.

They knew all along.

About the Agartha, my life there, my fate inside that world and about Grams. They just didn't want to wake the tremors inside me for the years I'm in compell of Zeus' spells.

"Please take care of my daughter." Daddy dramatically asked Zeus.

I felt his arms snaked around my waist and kisses my head sweetly.

"You don't need to ask for it, dad." He grinned.

"What dad." I nudged him on his side.

"He's my dad too." He laughed as we head outside.

The portal that only us can see is like a de javu to me. After years of not seeing it, it's like a new episode of my life. I've been waiting for this. I knew I came back for this.

We held hands and smiled to each other.

I turned to mom and dad as they waited at the stairs of our house, waiving to us, smiling and almost crying. I mouthed I love you to them and turned back to the portal.

"Are you ready?." Lorcan glanced at me and grinned.

"She's been waiting for this her whole time, come on dude, don't ask her again! It's like I'm listening to some crappy president who kept on repeating her broken promises!." Zeus groaned.

We all laughed and I can't believe that I laughed with them. I eyed him unbelievably and he just winked back at me.

"Let's go now. I've been missing Agartha's fruits." Remus chuckled.

We all smiled at each other as Elijah chants his spells for a protection while falling down the portal. It's his innovation huh.

"Just say that you miss someone there, brother." Perse rolled her eyes.

I shook my head and stared at the portal.

With my familiar strength, I tried pushing myself with my force but I ended up pushing all of them. Frowning, I mouthed sorry.

"Quite strong." Victor grinned.

"Quite amazed." Kazalen followed.

"Quite impressive." Hashima added.

When we all turned to Frances, he just shook his head.

"Quite idiots." He murmured.

I laughed and with my remaining force, I pushed all of us inside the portal even if they're still getting ready.

Connor kept on cursing while falling down.

After a long time, this warp feeling is the only thing I missed from this portal. The warping colors around me is getting me dizzy, as usual.

Seconds of falling down, I think we finally reached it.

I opened my eyes and adjusted myself from the familiar blinding light. Covering my eyes with my palm for a second, helped me eased the hurting light.

I heard nothing.

Then, everything changed when I saw the familiar white backgrounds, the river, a tree and a bench. I'm on the park again.

Walking around, with the stretch of flowers following my footsteps around, I smiled.

"Hello." My voice echoed.

"Oh, you're here." A familiar voice answered.

The scene rapidly changed.

From the white park, I stood in front of the vintage, rusty small door with blooming flowers Someone has gave me. The memories went where I needed them, the last time I was here was when this flowers are slowly dying.

And now it makes me happy to see them bloom.

I proceed inside the blue room and there wss the table and the two chairs. On the table was the vase of the same flowers.

I sat in front of the table and as I sat, a door appeared again and a Little Boy came out.

He has no backpacks now but he still wearing the cute hat with smile and forgive print on it.

Standing to have some respect, I heard his small voice chuckle. His/her face is still unrecognizeable. Still no definition of gender. But I'll stick with a guy.

"So respectful, Augustine."

I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"I so have a lot of questions."

He sat. "That's expected from you."

"But I aint entertaining all of them. As you can see, I'm so busy right now."

Thinking. I got on my seat and licked my lower lip.

"Why did you not helped me remember things?." I asked him.

He tapped on his table.

"I was on a state of confusion for a long time." I added.

He hummed. "There was once a plant, it is called strawberry. The farmer keeps his patience until it is riped and is good to harvest."

I creased my forehead, trying to analyze His words.

"In other words, you are one of a stubborn girl!."

Rolling my eyes, cos He just ruined the mood. He's just teasing me around! And I can't blame Him for everything that happened because it was my fate after all!

"My mind's been asking question every time! I can't blame it."

I cleared my throat. "And..the others went after me. It was a great help for letting them out of Agartha."

"Nah. I didn't let them out. I want you to discover it yourself but they've been pestering my office by using rituals! Argh, nuisance immortals!." He ranted.

I smiled.

Really, Zeus? I know you're behind all of those nuisance to The Prophecy's office. I know you so well that you and Elijah has been doing those "rituals" to ask for help.

A woman came out from the door He uses earlier and it startled me.

The woman with a hard on her back walks towards His table and put down some papers.

Oh, so He's really busy huh.

"Good day, Miss." The woman greeted me so beautiful.

I gulped and nod awkwardly.

Uhh, is that an...angel?

"The gates will open in 10, P." The woman said.

I saw Him nod and the woman smiled at me before leaving the room.

"Look at all of these." He said, referring to the pile of papers in front of us.

I creased my forehead at those.

"These are all the mortal's prayers and wishes." The large pile?

Over billions of people in Earth, their prayers, each of them is encoded here? Wow! Technology and innovation!

"Each one of them has a minimum of half paper prayers and wishes. And they're all repeated for the same day, same nights. Argh, they only need me when they are in need! Mortals!." He ranted again.

Biting my lip, I felt the guilt.

He is just the only one assessing all of the prayers that was being sent to him.

"A-are you gonna grant all of it?."

He sighed. "I wanted to. But I don't want them to be greedy. If they don't need to have it yet, I aint giving them the chance to have it."

"Patience." I murmured.

"Very good." He said. "A perfect chance for a perfect time."

Now I understand.

It's not your fault if you haven't received the thing you prayed for. There is always a perfect timing for you.

"The only thing that makes me sad with this work is, I get a lot of requests, I don't get the exact amount of feedbacks." He stated.

I slowed than.

With the huge pile of papers, and it was all requests and wishes. He only got a little bit of feedbacks. Means, only some of those people appreciated His help.


"Mortal's not rude. Don't say that." He said obliviously.

Frowning, we stayed silent for a minute and laughed afterwards.

I can't believe I'm a mortal and looks like on behalf of them, He's passing this unto me.

His clock rang. I looked at him with a sad look.

I still have lots of questions and concers. But I guess I don't have all of His time for me, unless I want to help Him with those "papers".

"Just last question." I said.

He hummed.

"R-remember my friend. Trevor."

The familiar pain in my heart subside for a little bit. I think that He felt it too.

"Is there any way I can track his new body from the reincarnation process? Or atleast, if I can handle his soul for resurrection?."

"Hmm, this is quite hard." He said.

Sighing. "I-it's okay. Maybe it's too much. I'll ju--."

"Sydney, Australia. Hammilton village and as per your grandmother, I kept her soul in a bottle. She's a masterpiece of mine so I'm afraid I cannot let her wander around."

With widen eyes, tears slowly formed behind mine.

Trevor has been reincarnated! He already has his new life and without knowing his bravery here! And my grandmother..

"I-is she okay?."

"She's fine with me, Lorietta."

Nodding. I got up from my seat and smiled.

I'm done here. My whole life, in His hands, has been changed. And I'm gonna beat those papers for writing feedbacks for Him. Thanking Him for all of His blessings and gifts for the whole humanity.

"Go live a happy life with the boy. You deserve it."

I smiled and nodded.

"Thank you very much, P."

The door behind opened and I looked at it. Walking slowly towards it, was my heart bidding my goodbye to My Creator.

I hold the door and was about to go our when I heard Him bid His last words.

"And one thing." I turned to him.


"It's gonna be a boy." He laughed.

Confused, he pushed me outside and there was the Agartha. The familiar garden of tons of various beautiful flowers. I stood on the middle of it still not moved on with what happened.

I looked around and found them on a picnic mat. All of them. Even Abel, Cain, Josh and Nessi! Connor wad riding Abraxas and was playing around with Persephone.

Smiling, I started walking towards them.

Zeus head turns to me as he got up from the mat. Smiling he met me halfway of the garden.

I hugged him quickly and closes my eyes.

"Am I finally here?."

He chuckled. "You're finally here."

He pulled away and caresses my cheek.

"Did I tell you I love you, already?." Grinning, he tilted his head.

I swear, my face's heated up already and is already blushing! We didn't have this kind of moment from the past years due to some circumstances.

Standing on my tiptoe, I planted a soft kiss on his lips. In return, he lost his guts. He blushed like a girl.

"I love you, Zeus."

He looked around and when we realized that they are all busy. He took this wonderful oppprtunity to seal my lips with his soft, blinding kiss.

May this kiss be the lock of our love to each other.

I can finally say I finished my mission in Agartha by sealing our love with each other.

Long live, The Prophecy.


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