The Chosen One ( Male reader...

By Balasubas19

367K 4.4K 6.3K

Your Name is Y/N L/N. You didn't know who you're parents are. Ozpin invited you to join Beacon academy to bec... More

About the Reader and Harem
Weapons, Outfits and ETC.
Chapter 1: The Umbrella on Beacon! And Reunion
Chapter 2: Shocking Discovery! And meeting new people
Chapter 3: Initiation and show of power!
Chapter 4: Badge and Burden
Chapter 5: A master's gift.
Chapter 6: Before the Umbrella.
Chapter 7: Morning Routine, Intense training and Contract!?
Chapter 8: Confessions!
Chapter 9: Forever fall and A Master's visit!
Voting Poll
Chapter 10: Pushing to the limits!
Chapter 11: The 3rd member!
Chapter 12: Stray and dark past
Chapter 13: Black and White with a brutal fight
Chapter 14: I will return
Volume 2
Chapter 1: Welcome to Nemesis Clan and New member of the Harem!?
Chapter 2: Mission Nemesis
Chapter 3: Homecoming with a food fight!
Chapter 4: Vengeance is served
Chapter 5: Time to work/Vision or dream?
Chapter 6: Painting the town
Some changes
Teaser for future chapters :0
Chapter 7: Extracurricular, talk about dance and the truth!
Change the cover?
Chapter 8: Dance night!
Chapter 9: A master's habit rubbed to his student
Chapter 10: Upgrades
The Spartan's guardian angel (20K reads special)
Chapter 11: The breach
Chapter 12: My Purpose...
Volume 3
Chapter 1: Vytal festival
Chapter 2: Team Sapphire vs Team CFVY
Chapter 3: Supporting the team and a special fight!
Intro for this book
Chapter 4: Meeting the Uncle, Older sister and the rematch!
Chapter 5: Birds and bees and the truth
Chapter 6: Something isn't right
Chapter 7: Battle of Beacon
Chapter 9: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 2)
Chapter 10: Awakening
Chapter 11: The Aftermath
Volume 4
Chapter 1: Path to recovery and the new recruit
Thank you for 80K reads special and fun facts!
500 (almost) followers special!
500 followers special! Q/A
Chapter 2: Raiding the base!
Chapter 3: New pieces
Winner of the Voting!
Chapter 4: The Alpha VS The Omega
Chapter 5: New players and Stepping stones
Chapter 6: Uncles and Aunts
TCO Spin off Story: The white devil (Canon)
Arts about this Book!
Chapter 7: Alliance
Chapter 8: New allies/Awaken my Brothers!
Chapter 9: Boost of Power! And The Chosen One's champion
TCO Spin off Story: Y/N's secret technique! (Canon)
Rest in Peace Kobe Byrant
Chapter 10: People from another world
Voting Pool I
Chapter 11: Meeting the keyblade masters
About the book
REMAKE is up!

Chapter 8: Give them more time and all out battle (Part 1)

2.5K 35 18
By Balasubas19

Author: I'm back everyone! Sorry for a long update because of my exams and here's the new chapter! I'm making Cinder a little bit OP so that I can make this chapter possible. I'm also changing the ending of this volume so that I can make the future chapters possible.

Author: One more thing, never test the anger of the gentle person. (A foreshadowing) On the story!

No one POV

The team of huntsmen and huntresses were resting at the evac point where the rest where waiting for the others to come.

Ruby is sitting on the debris with Neo, Weiss is looking for Y/N, Blake and Yang were talking where Y/N is, Jaune were looking everywhere for Y/N and Pyrrha, Nora is worried and Ren is holding his left side of his stomach, Yupia is checking her communications to find Y/N and Pyrrha.

Jade is breathing heavily due to overusing her semblance, Cree is sitting on the ground, Benjamin is healing the others, Gyro is scouting out the whole city with quick scan to search where Y/N and Pyrrha is, Fox is drinking water, Nanix is helping Gyro to search Y/N and Pyrrha, and Kursura is checking the others.

Jade: Is everyone okay?

Everyone nodded at Jade as Gyro came to Jade.

Jade: *worried* Do you find them both?

Gyro: No. *heavy breathing* I used all of my aura for my lightning run but I don't see Y/N and Pyrrha everywhere.

Ruby: Then I'm going to find them!

Weiss stands up with Ruby.

Weiss: No! Let's find Y/N and Pyrrha!

Yupia: I'm joining in as well!

Yang: No! We are all going!

Nora: Count us in!

They all saw the rest of team JNPR and RWBY standing up. Neo also stands up to help Y/N.

Roman: Be careful Neo.

Yang: What are we waiting for!? Let's find them!

Everyone nodded as they proceed to find both Y/N and Pyrrha. Y/N's girls were really worried, including his close friends.

*Back to you*

No one POV

Y/N and Pyrrha run out of the front door. The muffled sounds of Ozpin, Alfa and Cinder's fight can be heard.

Y/N: I tell the others to regroup with everyone else.

Pyrrha turns and stares silently at Beacon Tower. Y/N's voice soon breaks her concentration.

Y/N: Pyrrha.... Why did you hide such a secret?

Pyrrha: Y/N, I...

Their conversation is interrupted by an explosion, followed by Cinder using fire to fly up through the elevator shaft. The two teens stare at the tower in surprise.

Y/N: Ozpin...

Pyrrha: There's no time. Go. Get to Vale and call for help.

Y/N: Pyrrha, don't think about it. She's above your league!

Pyrrha slowly turns her head to stare up at the top of Beacon Tower.

Y/N: No don't Pyrrha! I can't let you-

Y/N was cut off by Pyrrha kissing him. The kiss was lovely and passionate and everything else was silent. Y/N realized that this kiss... Was a goodbye kiss.

Y/N's eyes snapped and he knows what to do now. Instead of himself getting out of here, he's going to let Pyrrha get out of here. He knew what Pyrrha is planning.

Y/N grabs her waist and used his strength which made Pyrrha surprised. Y/N tossed her to the locker behind him and closed it.

Pyrrha: Y/N!? What are you doing!? Let me out!

Y/N: I'm sorry Pyrrha. I can't let you do it. I already marked the coordinates of this locker where everyone else is regrouping and there you will meet the rest of the nemesis clan. Get out of here as fast as you can, don't look back and... And don't come for me.

This made Pyrrha's eyes widened.

Pyrrha: No! Don't do this! It's my fault for hesitating so long! It's my mistake to fix!

Y/N: And you die if you get up there!

After Y/N finished his sentence, tears was start to drop in his face.

Y/N: I already lost so many precious diamonds, and I can't afford to lose an another one. That's why I have to go not you.

Pyrrha: Y/N! No! You'll die if you go up there!

Pyrrha was using her semblance to get out by bad luck for her that Y/N knows the content of the locker.

Y/N: The funny thing is, that I've should've died when I was 7 years old back at my home. I've been living on this world which was cruel as I speak. They need a protector, the light in the darkness and there hope in the future. Go find professor Goodwitch or any of the professors or any of the nemesis clan members. You have more information about whatever was going on down there.

Y/N was marking the coordinates of the locker.

Y/N: One more thing, as your boyfriend and as a co leader of the nemesis clan, It's my responsibility to take care of you girls and I will fix your mistakes even it turns worse. You and the rest of the girls are my precious diamonds..... And my heart tells me that I will regret it once if you go up there.

Y/N puts his left hand to the locker and looks at Pyrrha's emerald eyes once more.

Y/N: Thank you girls for everything. Tell to the girls that I'm sorry about the promise.

Y/N pressed the button as the locker flies up to the skies.

Pyrrha: Y/N!!!!

Y/N: Don't worry girls. I'm not dead as long you girls still remember me.

Then Y/N put his heads down as his tears were starting to form once more. He starting to remember all the fun times he had with his girls.

*Flashback No. 1*

Y/N: Hey Ruby! Here's your cookies!

Y/N handed out to Ruby a 15 pieces of cookies on a paper bag. Suddenly Ruby hugged Y/N as he patted her head.

Ruby: Thank you Y/N!

Y/N: You're welcome little red.

*Flashback No. 2*

Y/N is on team RWBY's dorm finding ice dust in Weiss's supplies. As he was looking for the dust, his foot was stuck in ice and he saw a schnee logo beneath in it. Y/N gulps at this moment.

???: Ahem!

Y/N looked back to see and it was Weiss with her arms crossed.

Weiss: Mind if you tell me what are you doing with my supplies?

Y/N: Um.... Looking for ice dust.

Then Weiss breaks the ice as she proceeds to kiss Y/N in the cheeks.

Weiss: You're very lucky my adorable dolt.

*Flashback No. 3*

Y/N was on a bookstore looking for some good novels. As he was passing by a section full of smut books, he saw Blake, holding a ninja of love volume 2 book. Blake saw Y/N as her face went red from embarrassment.

Y/N: Don't worry kitty cat, I won't judge you.

Blake: *smiles* Neither do I.

*Flashback No. 4*

Y/N was going home with Yang which she is drunk. They were walking back to beacon while Yang was saying some words while she's drunk.

Yang: *drunk* Y/N~ I want you to be my dragon!

Y/N: Um... Later Yang.


Y/N: Oh oum help me.

*Flashback No. 5*

Y/N and Pyrrha were training at the rooftops as Pyrrha swings her sword as Y/N countered it with nightbane and summoned the judge on his back and put it in Pyrrha's neck, making her go surrender.

Y/N: *smirks* I win.

Then Y/N proceeds to kiss Pyrrha in her lips, making her weapons drop in surprise. Y/N ends the kissing session as he sees Pyrrha in red face.

Y/N: You look so cute.

Pyrrha: *blushing* P-P-Pervert!

Y/N: But you like it don't you?

Pyrrha: Y-Yes!

*Flashback No. 6*

Y/N was making pancakes for his breakfast as he put his pancakes on a plate. He turned back to get his pancake syrup. As he looked back, he saw his pancakes is gone and she saw Nora sitting on the table, demanding more pancakes.


Y/N: *smiles* Of course.

*Flashback No. 7*

Y/N was in the showers, taking a good bath. Y/N finishing showering as he exits the bathroom with towel covering his lower body. Right on cue, Yupia entered in as she saw Y/N covered his lower body as she looks at Y/N's ripped body, making her jaws dropped.

Y/N: *smirks* Like what you see?~

Yupia: *blushes harder* P-P-Pervert! Baka!

*Flashback No. 8*

Jade saw Y/N training with his weapons, shirtless. Jade was blushing madly as she watches Y/N's training. After the training, Y/N saw Jade blushing as he smirks.

Y/N: This body is all yours if you want!

Then Jade walked out with a red face and not so long, she had a nosebleed.

*End of flashbacks*

Y/N dried his tears as he looked at the tower and proceeds to enter. When he entered the tower, he can still feel Alfa's aura beneath the tower. Y/N activated his suit and proceed to go down beneath the tower.

Not so long, he made it to the basement of the tower and he saw Alfa carrying Ozpin with one hand on his shoulders. Y/N checks both Alfa and Ozpin.

Y/N: Are you both okay!?

Alfa: Yeah. Just Ozpin pissed off a fall maiden.

Ozpin: My bad.

Y/N: *idea pops up* Hey I have an idea.

Alfa: *raises an eyebrow* Idea?

Y/N: For our plan. *to comms* Ace, regroup with us. It's time.

Ace: *in comms*..... On it.

*With Ace*

Ace and Penny were protecting the ships filled with citizens as they were fending off the grimms.

Ace: *robotic voice* Die you filthy beast!

Penny: I got your back boyfriend!

Ace morphed his hand into a hand blade and swings it towards the incoming beowolves towards them as Penny used her weapons to kill the rest.

(The hand blade)

Ace: *robotic voice* And that's all of them.

Penny: Well done my boyfriend!

As they were going to celebrate, Ace received a message from Y/N as he answered it.

Y/N: *in comms* Ace, regroup with us. It's time.

Ace: *to comms*...... On it.

Ace looks at the tower as Penny approached Ace with a worried face.

Penny: What's wrong boyfriend?

Ace: *in robotic voice*..... Penny, regroup with the others.

Penny looks at Ace questionably as he looks to the tower once again.

Ace: *in robotic voice* As for me, I will go with Y/N and Alfa to fight the woman in the broadcast.

Penny's eyes widen in shock as time seems stopped ticking for a moment.

Penny: No! I will go with you Ace! You know that you can't face her alone! Let me help you!

There was a short silence then Ace looks at Penny's worried face.

Ace: *in robotic voice* Penny. Did I tell you the definition of human?

Penny: .....No why?

Ace walks to Penny as he hugs her as Penny hugs him back.

Ace: *in robotic voice* Penny. Human is a physical being, knows human feelings and most especially, they know how to love.

Ace broke the hug as he looked to Penny with a worried face.

Ace: *in robotic voice* I am made of Y/N's half personality. I have been trying to be human for years with Y/N. But here we are, I'm already human because of you Penny. I wish that I'm a human so that I can kiss you, love you and have a family.

Then Ace hugs Penny once again.

Ace: *in robotic voice* I love you always.... Penny.

Before Penny responds, Ace knocked her out as she falls and gasp on Ace's shoulder. Ace carries Penny on bridal style as one of his bodies came to him and proceeds to grab Penny.

Ace: *in robotic voice* I'm sorry Penny, but I have to do this alone. Always remember that I love you always, and I'm not dead as long as you still remember me.

Ace puts his left hand to Penny's forehead.

Ace: *in robotic voice* Remember, memory is the key. *looks to his body* Go. Take her to the evacuation zones.

Then his body flies up in the skies as Ace looks at the tower and chuckled a little bit.

Ace: *in robotic voice* Here goes nothing.

Ace activated his foot thursters and now headed to the tower. Then Ace something came up in his memory.

Ace: *in robotic voice* Let's make this quick.

Then Ace upgraded his foot thrusters and went even faster.

<*Small time skip brought to you by Y/N facing Cinder*>

No one POV

Cinder was strolling on the headmaster's office. With every step of her heels, she was smirking because she claimed the fall maiden powers, crushed Vale and killed innocent lives. As she was walking, the grimm dragon looked at her.

Cinder: Shhhhhh~

Then she heard the doors of the elevator was opening. She was expecting Pyrrha Nikos since she's next in the line of the fall maiden candidate. But when the elevator doors were opened, she saw Y/N and Alfa with their fighting stance.

Cinder: *smirks* Oh? More weaklings gathering?

Y/N: Hmph! You call us weak?

Alfa: Why don't you see it by yourself?

Cinder was interested on what they said. Cinder put her hands down as Y/N and Alfa does a crouching position.

(Play the music)


Cinder smirks as they finished there sentence.

Cinder: *smirks* Bring it.

Then Y/N and Alfa powers up with every single aura they have as the ground was shaking once more and the air became heavy.

(Imagine Cinder is in the middle)

Both Y/N and Alfa were grunting as they powered up and using every single aura they have. Y/N was glowing (SF/C) and his hair turned into (F/C) while Alfa is glowing green as his hair was spiking up.

They were also roaring as they both powering up. There roars were heard throughout the entire beacon academy as the ground was shaking stronger and violently and the winds were blowing harder.

Y/N closed his eyes, remembering his promise to his girls and everyone else.

Y/N: I will protect them! No matter what!

Then his muscles were increased a little bit as his neon (E/C) glows and his aura became bigger. Alfa's hair turned into spiked and green as he was also remembering his promise to Winter and Qrow.



Then his hair spiked up as it turned into (F/C) and his aura turned into (SF/C) as the winds blew harder.


Due to the intense pressure, the surroundings in the tower were destroyed as the grimm dragon landed on the ground due to the intense pressure.

Not so long, Y/N and Alfa were walking towards Cinder with everything they have.

(Replace the golden hair with your favorite color and replace the golden aura with your second favorite color)

Alfa: Ready for round 2?

Cinder:......Come and fight me.

(Stop the music)

(Play the music)

Y/N prepared the judge and nightbane on his hands while Alfa uses his gauntlets as they took their battle positions.

Y/N dashed to Cinder as he morphed his sword into scythe and Alfa dashed with Y/N with his gauntlets ready and faces Cinder with her fall maiden powers on. Cinder blocked Y/N's scythe and Alfa's punch as Y/N goes down and sweeps her legs as Alfa kicked her arm and dropkicks her and she lands on the wall with a crater on her back.

Y/N: I'm sorry. Can't hear you right here.

Alfa: *thoughts* I hope this plan works.

Cinder: *slowly standing up* Don't get so cocky YOU WEAKLINGS!

Cinder releases a huge fireball as Y/N and Alfa dodged it. Cinder dashed to Y/N with her dust blades and collides with Y/N's judge and he was pushed back a little bit. Alfa summoned his jet engine katana and morphed it into cannon and starts firing Cinder with huge loads of blasts.

All energy blast hits on Cinder and smoke was covered on the top of the tower. Y/N stands up and readies his gauntlets and his foot thrusters on his suit. Cinder powers up and the whole smoke was blown off as her fall maiden powers activated once again.

This made Y/N's eyes widened a little bit, surprised on her power.

Y/N: *thoughts* Where did she get this kind of power!?

Cinder: *looks to Y/N* DIE!

Cinder releases a hoard of flames to Y/N as Y/N uses his magnetic wings to cover himself from the incoming fire. Alfa dashed to Cinder with his gauntlets and proceeds to give barrages of punches to Cinder as Y/N readies Mercy and Death and starts firing to Cinder to take back up for Alfa.

Cinder was struggling a little bit n Alfa's barrages of punches and Y/N's back up fire as she got irritated a little bit.

Cinder: Impudent...

Cinder caught Alfa's left arm as she looked at Alfa's green eyes with her amber eyes and uses her fall maiden powers.

Cinder: Impudent gnats!

Cinder punched Alfa in the face, making him flew away and landed on the debris. Cinder looks to Y/N as he puts his mercy and death on his back and readies his gauntlets and powers up. Cinder also powered up as well and dashed to Y/N with her dust blades on her hands.

Cinder starts attacking Y/N with relentless speed as Y/N starts giving her barrages of punches. Y/N is avoiding most of her attacks since her powers were stronger than his overdrive. Y/N punched Cinder on the face as she growled and kicks Y/N in the gut as he landed on the ground again.

Cinder summoned her bow and starts giving Y/N barrage of arrows with her fall maiden powers in it as Y/N's instincts kicked up and starts avoiding the barrage of arrows incoming towards him.

As Cinder was releasing more bows, Alfa dashed to Cinder with his gauntlets ready as Cinder looked back to see with Alfa on her back with his fists ready to punch her.

Alfa: Don't forget me b*tch!

Alfa punched Cinder with his right arm in the face, making her flew away as Y/N stops dodging and regrouped with Alfa.

Y/N: The plan is going well.

Alfa: *smirks* Let's put this a notch shall we?

Y/N: Yeah!

Cinder stands up as she looked at the two fighters as both Y/N and Alfa powers up and dashed to Cinder. Y/N readies dragon's wrath gauntlets, dragon's wrath semblance and fully charged his overdrive. Alfa readies his gauntlets and fully charged his new form as they both start attacking Cinder with fast and powerful coordinated attacks.

(This is how you and Alfa fighting Cinder together)

Cinder: Fools!

Cinder caught both Y/N's and Alfa's arm as they were shocked a little bit on her actions.

Cinder: I'm in a level above you!

Y/N: Ha! My ass!

Alfa: Prove it!

Then Y/N and Alfa powers up as they putting more force and power on their arms as Cinder was grunting a little bit on their attack. Cinder launches 2 fireballs on both Y/N's and Alfa's arm, making them sting in pain a little bit as they landed on the ground and panting a little bit.

Y/N: You weren't kidding. She's strong.

Alfa: Much stronger than the both of us.

Y/N: But here's the good part, the plan is going all along.

Alfa: Yep.

Cinder was still looking at the two fighters as she activated her fall maiden powers and readies her dust blades.

Cinder: *cocky tone* Finish with your scheming boys?

Alfa: *powers up and prepares his fighting stance* Don't worry. Let's play more often shall we?

Y/N: Prepare yourself for round 2! RRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!


Both Y/N and Alfa dashed together with everything they have against Cinder as she prepared herself to the incoming attacks.

(Stop the music)

*On the ground earlier*

Both team RWBY, the rest members of team JNPR, Yupia and Neo were attacking the grimms that were on their way as they searching for Y/N and Pyrrha.

Ruby: Get out of the way!

Ruby fires her crescent rose to a Ursa major, Weiss is summoning more knights, Blake was using her clones to kill the grimms very quickly, Yang was firing her shotgun gauntlets to the grimms, Jaune was defending himself to the incoming hordes, Nora is smashing the grimms with her hammer, Ren was providing back up fire, Yupia is in the skies as she fires her blasters to the grimms and Neo was using her umbrella to kill the grimms.

All of them were feeling strained. And yet they still haven't found Y/N nor Pyrrha yet.

Weiss: Everyone on me! I'll make an ice shelter for us to recover!

Before anyone could, they heard metal bending from the above. They saw a rocket locker being torn apart in a black glow and tossed it to a Ursa major. Pyrrha landed in front of them as she gasping for breath.

Pyrrha: That locker took me long to break through. Y/N must've known it was made from materials that I can't bend easily.

Jaune: Pyrrha!?

Blake: What are you doing here!?

Yang: And where's Y/N!?

Pyrrha turned around to face them, and everyone is treated to a terrified Pyrrha, which was very rare and unnatural to say.

Pyrrha: Everyone! Please help me save Y/N!

Yupia: *landed near Pyrrha* Woah calm down, what's wrong?

After Yupia finished her sentence, Weiss created a temporary ice shelter for them as they take a quick break.

Pyrrha: It's Y/N, he... He... He went up to the tower to challenge the woman in the broadcast! He's going to get himself killed! Not even Ozpin and his master can't beat her!

Everyone was shocked and some gasped at Pyrrha's statement.

Weiss: Why would he do such a idiotic thing?

Pyrrha: He did it... To buy time for us, and to prevent me from making a stupid choice.

After Pyrrha finished her sentence, they saw explosions and bright lights on the top of the tower and earthquakes were occurring on their ice shelter. They also heard the roars of both Y/N and Alfa against Cinder.

Ruby: *willingly* We can ask more questions later! We need to go now!

The others nodded and everyone else rushed out from the ice shelter and start cutting through on their path. Everyone else was running and fighting with everything they have as they going to the tower. Everyone was rushing to the tower as they run faster. Ruby was using her semblance, Weiss is using her glyphs, Blake is using her gambol shroud, Yang is using her shotgun gauntlets, Jaune was on Yupia's back as she flies, Nora was using her hammer and fires grenades to propel herself, Pyrrha was using her semblance on her body to move faster, Ren was running on his top speeds and Neo was running as well.

As they were running, they saw Ace in his upgraded thrusters flying towards the tower with high speeds. At the same time, they saw Penny on the way on the tower as well. Penny saw the others.

Penny: Ruby!? What are you doing here!?

Ruby: We were finding Y/N! What are you doing here!?

Penny: I'm going to the tower! Ace is going in there and he's going to fight the woman in the broadcast!

Everyone is shocked on what Penny said.

Jaune: Come with us! We are also going to the tower! We are going to save them!

Penny: Right!

The others nodded as they all ran towards the tower, saving their closest people on their lives. Everyone was worried on both Y/N and Ace as they rushed towards the tower.

Author: This part is where all you did to the RWBY characters, or rather the impact towards them.

Ruby POV

Y/N is my biggest idol on my whole life. I always looked up on him as he continued to inspire me. He even saved me back at the initiation and now our boyfriend. It's my time to repay him back for saving me. He promised me that we are going to be the best leaders on beacon.

You always call me little red or a cookie monster, and I liked it both. You always give me cookies when you have some free time.

One more thing, if you didn't show up in the docks, team RWBY would have broken up. Then when we are together, we are like heroes stands in his/her allies.

Hang on Y/N, your biggest idol is coming through!

Weiss POV

What is he doing!? He's my knight in shining armor! I can't let him die! Then, I'm starting to remember our times together.

Snowflake and Snow angel, that's what you called me everytime. If not, sometimes you called me ice queen. When I met Pyrrha, I also met a gentleman and strong person like you, but you and Yupia ended up. You're reason to coming in beacon was much better than mine, you want to protect everyone while I wanted to make a name for myself.

If wasn't for you motivating me, I don't know what to do. You were always there for me, no you are always there for us. When I tried to take Ruby's position as a leader, you step up and made me realized on what you said. I'm very thankful for that.

Hang on my lovable dolt, your ice queen is coming!

Blake POV

Dammit Y/N!? What are you doing!? I can't lose you!

You were one of the kindest and heartwarming people I've ever met. You didn't care if I'm a faunus or a ex white fang member. You treated faunus equally. You gave me books that I love dearly when you have free time, and I will never forget that you gave me ninja's of love volume 2 and 3.

I heard how you stand up against the faunus discriminators and haters, and I love how you do that. You will always be my ninja of love.

Yang POV

Why? Why Y/N? Why are you doing this!?

You were one of the reasons why my fire is still on. When we first met, you were in the skies, in your suit as you gave me and Ruby a two finger salute. When I got a close up look on you, I saw your eyes the fire of a strong and a loving person. I always loved how you stood up to the faunus discriminators.

You will always spark my fire. Always.

Hang on Y/N, your sunny little dragon is coming!

Jaune POV

I went to beacon to become a hero like anyone else. Then you came to my life. I don't know you even you are the protector of Vale.

When you came to Ruby, I was wondering how you have the skills to get a girl. I always asking you how to get one, at least one. That's one of my biggest problems, then not so long, you told us about your past, and I realized that your problems is much bigger than mine and not so long, Ozpin told us about your true identity and I felt really bad for you, not knowing who you really are.

You didn't care when I used my fake transcripts to get in beacon, yet you still trained me and become a knight. I will never forget to say thank you for everything.

Hang on my best buddy, your knight is coming!

Nora POV

I can't lose you my pancake syrup! I can't go through the pain once again!

Me and Ren have a rough past, but you showed us that you have more rough and dark past. Then I felt sad, because that's me when I was a kid. That's why I love you Y/N. You always make pancakes for me when we have a free time.

Hang on my pancake syrup, we will break her legs together!

Pyrrha POV

My childhood is nothing else but training and then I became a champion and called me invincible. That's what they called me. When I came to beacon, many people were asking for photographs and everything else, then you came to me, not asking for a photograph, but asking for a normal friend, so I accepted it.

When we are together, my heart is beating much faster than it was. I knew that destiny is telling me that we were meant together. You didn't care whether I'm a popular figure, you treated me like anyone else. When we fight for the first time, I saw your skills and I was both shocked and amazed on your skills, so I decided to be my training partner both to me and to Jaune.

When you told me about your past, I felt heartbroken and sad, not knowing the pain you're in to. What make it worse is that Ozpin tell us that you never knew who you really are and you're true parents. Not so long Ozpin told me about the maidens and I was the next candidate and I was thinking about accepting it or not and it weighed really heavy for me, then you came to me, and somehow it made the weigh lightens a little. You tried your best to help us all and I'm happy for it.

Hang on Y/N, the invincible girl is coming.


Hang on my dear friend, hang on.

Me and Nora had a dark past but you showed us that yours is much worse and yet you're still standing strong, I have a lot of respect to you. You always hang out with me and Nora in weekends and we cook pancakes together. I'm just glad we've met a person like you.

Hang on Y/N, were coming for you.

Yupia POV

We've gone through so much Y/N. So much.

When we split up since the destruction of our home, Atlas took me and start experimenting me with robotic parts. I thought I would never see you again. Some scientist let me escape at their labs and I'm heading back to Vale looking for you.

When I came to beacon, I was looking for you, but you are looking for me. I told you about my past and you told that you will protect me from Atlas and you did. I will never forget what you did to Ironwood and I would like to ask you for one more. Ozpin told us about your past and I felt sad and heartbroken, never knowing your true parents are.

Hang on Y/N, I'm coming.

-End chapter

Author: Aaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnddddddd done! I will make a part 2 of this chapter and we are near to the climax! @InsaneLord3 @BattleDroid1106 here's the new chapters!

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