Tourtured Soul [Completed]

Bởi wildflower0217

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A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Athens Riddle. Daughter of Tom Riddle, aka Lord Voldemort. She hates her father a... Xem Thêm

The Message
Leaky Cauldron
Sirius Black Pt. 1
Sirius Black Pt. 2
James Potter?
Quidditch World Cup
Lost and Found
The Goblet of Fire
More Truth, Less Lies
When Slytherins Party, They Party Hard
Figuring out the Golden Egg
The Very Late Welcome Prank and the Argument of the Year
The Last Task
The Death of The Twin
Dumbledore's Army
Another Death, But Are They Really Dead?
The Death of a Great Man
2 Lockets And A Warning
Telling the difference
The Café
A Broken Nose and Some Fire Whiskey
Godric's Hollow
The Destroying of a Horcrux and a vist to the Lovegood's
Can you stop?
It's about time
Aberfourth Dumbledore
Back at Hogwarts
Too Many Feels and The Battle of Hogwarts
A few announcements.......
They're back: Sneak Peek for next book?
One Shot (Basically another chapter)
My Reaction After 2 Years
The Malfoy Affair

The Finale

150 3 2
Bởi wildflower0217

The Great Hall......

McGonagall hugged me the moment I walked into the Great Hall. Then Sirius, then Remus, Tonks, Harry, Hermione, Ron, George, Draco, Molly and Arthur.

"I may have killed your mother." Molly told me.

"Okay." I shrugged, "She was a lunatic."

"Now that is an understatement." Fred said with a smile, then everyone left tongive the two of us privacy.

"I knew you were going to come back but not until after you died." I told him, "Death said something in my head while I was talking to Voldemort, I am guessing that is when you--" He cut me off with a kiss, I automatically kissed back.

"Athens Riddle, I love you." He told me.

"I love you too, Fred Weasley." I replied.

"Now that this war is finally over we have wedding planning to do." He smiled at me.

"That can wait till tomorrow." I said as I hugged him and he hugged me back. Then everything was peaceful.

The next few days were hectic. Fred and I have been looking for places to live, Molly has been helping planning the wedding. Hermione, Ginny, Molly and I are going dress shopping that Friday which is tomorrow. I had to go to Gringotts yesterday becuase I inherited everythig in my mother's vault and the stuff in Voldemort's vault which apparently he has. At lot of the stuff had dark magic properties which I sent to be destroyed. Then I needed to talk to Sirius who was with his god son, Remus's son, Edward Remus "Teddy" Lupin. He was a metamorhagus like his mother.

"Hey Sirius, can I talk to you?" I asked as I walked into the living room, Fred and I are staying in Grimwauld place untill we fid a place of our own.

"Of course." He said with Teddy in his lap.

"Would you walk me down the isle at my wedding?" I asked him. Then smiled at me and I think I already knew the awnser.

"Yes! I would love to!" He said excitedly. "Wait. Why didn't you ask Draco?"

"George is Fred's Best man but Draco is one of his groomsmen." I told him. "In school I kinda made sure they got a long becuase the three of them mean the world to me but then Draco and the twins became friends and I am greatful for that."

"Okay now I haven't seen the ring yet." He said gesturing for my hand. I gave him my hamd that had the ring on it.

"Fred knows I don't do flashy. I just love it." I told him.

"Emerald with a rose gold band, intresting choice but very pretty." Sirius said.

"How's Remus doing with it being the first night of the full moon and all?" I asked.

"He sent me a letter this morning saying everything went fine. Anyway how is wedding planning going?" Sirius asked.

"Molly has offically completely taken over." I told him and he laughed.

"It only feels like yesterday when you proved I was innocent." He smiled. "And the papers are not calling you Voldemort's daughter but The girl who saved us all."

"I can't take all the credit. Hermione, Harry, Ron and Nevile need to take some credit." I said honestly.

"How are the nightmares?" Yes I am still gettig nightmares but it is mainly nightmares of Fred, dying again.

"Still there but not as bad as nefpre the Battle of Hogwarts but at least I am back on a normal sleeping schdule." I told him.

"Are you inviting Professer McGonagall to the wedding?" He asked.

"Yes, it would be hard for me not to becuase almost as soon as Fred asked me to be his girlfriend, she had to come and get me to see Dumbledore. She then asked me if the two of us were dating and when I told her yes all she said was 'It's about time'." I explained.

"I think it's funny how Fred kinda told you not to go to the Weasley's Riddle for two weeks becuase you need rest." Sirius smiled.

"Yeah, well I kinda became an insominiac while I was on the run." I sightly chuckled.

"Same thing happened to me when I was on the run." Sirius shrugged. "When is the wedding?"

"Two weeks. We wanted to do it this week but with this week being the full moon we decided against it." I shrugged.

"That's nice of you to think of Remus." He smiled. "What did you mean when you told Voldemort you were not an angel?"

"When I was on the run by myself there were times Deatheaters were chasing me, I had to kill them otherwise they were going to take me to Voldemort. He know I killed them and I am surprised he didn't bring it up." I awnsered honestly.

"It kept you safe, right?" He asked.

"Yes." I awnsered him.

The Wedding......

Sirius kept his promise and walked me down the isle. Many people were there, mainly Hogwarts students and Fred's relatives. Even McGonagall showed up. My dress was simple and when I say simple I mean it.

(A\N I am skipping to the vows.)

"Athens, the day we met was probably one of the best day of my life. You used to be this quiet girl, who stood up for people even if it was against your own house or your own cousin. I never knew when we met that it was going to end up this way. That day George and I invited you to throw snowballs at people, mostly Professer Quriell who was storing Voldemort in the back of his head, not that George amd I knew it at the time and we got you a dention, you became more out spoken. That day I knew we were going to be best friends for the long run. We did so many pranks that year, my favorite prank that year is the one the two of us pulled on George with the beetles but he got us back. Then your second years, my fourth year when everything got serious. When you told me who your father was, zinwas surprised but honestly I didn't and don't care becuase you are you, your not him. Then you had to go and scare the crap out of all of us when you got petrified outside the library, which you never go into by the way. Then the next two years after that where just years of me worrying about you. I never expected you to say yes to me when I asked you on date and you said yes I was even happier, then when I asked you to be my girlfriend which right after that Professer McGonagall came and got you and I remember what you told me she said, 'It's about time.' Then your sister had to come and kill you and I was a wreck. Then you came back to life at your funeral which in my opinion is kinda funny but I was very thankful. Then the year of the Goblet of Fire. That was an interesting year but what I am trying to say with this whole thing is that even though you are reckless as hell, I will always love you and stand by your side so we can be reckless together. Athens Bertha Weasley, I love you." Fred said his vows snd I smiled as he smiled at me.

"Fred Weasley, you are the best possible person I know. You know how to make me laugh and smile. After I died for the first time and came back from the dead that frst night you were there for me when I had my first nightmare. The moment you asked me to throw snowballs at people, I knew that moment we were going to be best friends bit little did either of us know those eight years ago we would end up right here. I don't regret it for a second and I never will. You and George both nrpight me out of my shell and I had always neen kinda out spoken but you brought it out more and I honestly proably wouldn't have been able to any pf the stuff I have done without you. I can not wait for us to be reckless together. Fred Weasley, I love you and I always will." I vowed.

"Do you Fred Weasley take Athens Riddle to be your wedded wife?" Kingsley Shacklebolt asked, he was officiating our wedding.

"I do." Fred smiled.

"Do you Athens Riddle take Fred Weasley to be your wedded Husband?" He asked me.

"I do." I smiled.

"You may kiss the bride." Kingsley smiled. We both smiled into the kiss. Then there were many cheers and a lot of clapping, there was a loud whistle, probably coming from Sirius. When we let go of each other, I swore that I saw Draco crying. The reception was a lot of fun. We danced then I had to dance with Sirius, then Draco, then George. Harry attended the wedding, Ginny was his date, they were offically dating so were Ron and Hermione. We decided not to go on a honeymoon. We still went to work in the morning at The Weasley's Riddle and the most trouble we get is someone trying to shop lift something. Everything was perfect.

1 year and 6 months later.........

We were home in the place we found near Diagon Alley. It was the morning, a Sunday so we didn't go to work that day. I had the urge to throw up so I pretty much ran to our master bathroom and threw up. "Ath? Are you okay?"

"I think I might be getting sick or something." I told him or I might be something else, I might be pregnant. Fred then came into the bathroom and picked me up bridal style.

"Today, rest. If your not better by tomorrow I'll take you to St. Mungo's." Fred told me as he laid me down on my side of the bed then covering me up with our blanket. Then he began to walk out of the room.

"Freddie, where are you going?" I asked him.

"I am going to make some tea." He said, then leaving. I cuddled into the blanket wondering if i could be pregnant. Would I be a good Mother? Or would I turn out like my mother? I threw up again the next morning, Fred left telling me he had to let George know what was hoing on. Untill he got back, I got dressed.

Fred's POV............

I walked into the Weasley's Riddle and George was at the counter, probably waiting for Athensns and I. "George, I have to go take Athens to St. Mungo's."

"What happened?" George asled immeaditly.

"She has been sick for the past two days and I am worried about her." I told him.

"Go take care of my best friend." He ordered.

"George, what if she's pregnant?" I asked my brother. "Remember when Mum sat me down before the wedding and listed the symptoms of pregnancy?"

"Yes, of course." He told me.

"She has had morning sickness, she has been very sensitive to smell. She has been eating a lot more in the last few days then she usally does." I told him.

"Then, what happens, happens amd if she is pregnant you two will make great parents. Do you know how many times you have baby sat Teddy Lupin? I have seen you two with him and Teddy adores the both of you." George told me.

"Do you know how much of a troublemaker the kid woud be?" I asked him.

"Then our legacy will live on forever!" George smiled.

Athens POV............

When we got to St. Mungo's Fred got us checked in and it didn't take them long to call us back to one of the rooms. The healer asked the basic questions.

"Mrs. Weasley, I am happy to say nothing is wrong with you but you are pregnant." The healer told us. I had the most mixed emotions, I looked at Fred and he was in shock, he wasn't the only one in shock. We went home soon after.

"Bloody hell." I sighed, "When should we tell everyone?"

"Let's have everyone over, then we can tell them then." He told me. "How are you feeling?"

"Nervous, excited, but more nervus then anything." I awnsered, "What about you, how are you taking this?"

"The same as you." He replied, "I love you Athens."

"I love you too, Fred." I smiled at him, then kissing him. That night we set owls to Molly and Arthur, Draco, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione, Bill and Fleur, Percy, George, Sirius, Remus and Tonks telling them tomorrow that they are invited to come over tomorrow amd that they should becuase it is important. We wrote one to Charlie, who is in Romania just telling him that I am pregnant.

The Dinner Party........

Everyone made it, we were all gathered in the living room. "So, what is going on?" Sirius asked. Fred and I smiled at each other.

"I am pregnant." I told them. Molly was the first to hug me, everyone hugged me.

"I am going to be a grandmother!" Molly smiled. "I know you are worried but you will make an amazing mother."

Nine months later........

We had twins. Destiny Faith Weasley and Athena Hope Weasley. Draco and George are both the god parents of oir two girls becuase we couldn't decide.

Everything was perfect but when they turned ten we decided to have the discussion about my side of the family with them. "Destiny! Athena! Can you come in here for a second?" I shouted up the stairs of our home. They instantly came running down the stairs and I walked into the living room. They met Fred and I in the living room. "Mom, Dad, what's wrong?" Destiny asked as the both of them sat on the couch.

"Today we need to have a chat about my side of the family and the Second Wizarding War. When you go to Hogwarts next year you will learn about my side of the family, a lot and a lot about me." I began as I held my husband's hand. "My biological parents are Voldemort and Bellatrix LeStrange and I had a sister, Samara Riddle. Voldemort was a hypocrite, he hated half-bloods and muggle borns with a passion. He hated that I supported them which he killed your Aunt Samara just to get me over on his side but it didn't work. I hated my sister for a very long time becuase she kade mulitpul attempts on my life and once in my third year she killed me but Death came to reap me and said I couldn't die untill my father was dead. The Battle of Hogwarts ended with me killing my father. Your grandmother on your father's side actually was the one to kill your other grandmother on my side." Then I explained it all. I told them the story of us. A story of love, tragedy, bravery. Everything, including the fact that pretty much everyone in my nuclear family has tourtured me. I told them how Draco saved our lives when Harry, Hermione, Ron and I were on the run. How Sirius took me in after third year becuase Lucius Malfoy used the Cruciatus curse on me. I told them how I met Tonks, I told them the truth.

The End or is it?

We have reached the end of this story. It is okay to cry. I have as well. This is probably the favorite story I have written so far. Fred and Athens lived happily to a very old age. I will miss writing this story. If you want more stories by me check out my profile. I may end up making a sequel or a book or one shots for this story but idk yet, notbing is 100% yet.

With Love


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