Aberfourth Dumbledore

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The cart hurtles through the railway system below ground, going so any diffrent ways I thought I was going to become car sick. Then we are falling and before I could do anything Hermione casted a spell to slow us down so that we won't get badly hurt. The alarms went off. "Well done, Hermione." Harry told her.

"Oh, no, you look like you again." Ron said and I put my fingers over my lips telling him not to mention it.

"The theif's downfall." Griphook told us, "Can be deadly."

"Get back under the cloak, I can handle this." I said noticing the goblin who had led us down here was passed out but was stirring slightly. They all did what I said and got under the cloak. The goblon got up and looked at me. "What is the meaning of all this!" I demanded.

"I am very sorry about this, Madam LeStrange. It seems that we are having a break in." He apologized.

"Get me to my vault now, before I skin you." I said, and I did sound like my mother for a moment, it scared me for a moment as well. The goblin then led me to the vault but not before walking past a dragon with a bell type thing. He led us to the vault and opened it, I then place the imperious curse on him. They came out from the invisablity cloak.

"I don't see why you needed me." Griphook said.

"They made a stupid deal when I already had a plan." I shrugged. I looked around the vault. "Do not touch anything." I told them.

"Why not?" Ron asked as he touch something and it started to copy itself.

"That's why!" I told them. I looked to the shelf that was highest in the back and saw the cup. Then the toom was full of cups and I was standing on a table reaching for the horcrux. I grabbed it as I watched Harry give Griphook the sword. We got out of the vault and Griphook ran.

"Theives! Help!" Griphook yelled.

"You bastard!" I cursed at him. "You didn't have to give us away. We could have walked out of here but no! You had to just announce that we were here." We ran through the halls of the vault's hallways. We ran towards the dragon and it spit fire putting the goblin that led us down here into dust.

"That's unfortunate." Ron said.

"We can't just stand here!" I yelled.

"I've got an idea but its mad!" Hermione yelled lookimg at the dragon.

"Hermione, you are brilliant!" I told her. She turned to the dragon and put a spell at the chai that was holding the dragon down to the ground, breaking the chain.

"This is your idea!?" Ron shouted. We jump on the dragon but it doesn't move.

"You are free." I told the dragon in parseltonuge. The dragon instantly started flyig upward. It keeps flying up, breaking the glass at the top of Gringotts bank. We had made it out alive. "This is amazing!"

"I agree!" Ron smiled.

"Drop us by the country side then go straight to Romania. I have a friend who will take good care of you there." I told the dragon.

"Thank you." The dragon told us.

"You are oh so very welcome." I smiled at it. "The dragon thanks us." The dragon then puts us on the ground after a while. The moment we got off the dragon flew away.

"Did you get a name?" Ron asked, jokingly.

"His name is Susan and he wishes that you respect his life choices." I said automatically. We walked for a little bit after getting changed and Hermione gave me back the necklace and ring. I put the spell back on my hair, instantly flattening it. I took my brush and brushed it out then pulled it back.

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