The Damned and Deranged ⇝ Luk...

By asdflkjhg5sos

25.8K 1.6K 1.1K

In which, Luke moves to town without the warning of what's lurking RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 8TH IN THE RUKE S... More

warnings and description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen (+)
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen (+)
chapter seventeen *
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight (+)
chapter twenty nine (+)
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-five *
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

chapter thirty-four

295 18 18
By asdflkjhg5sos

I added in the first bit to wrap up that part of the plot so now we're nearly finished so pls comment and vote no one does and this is one of my fave books

Luke's wearing my dogs collar around his neck, my dog legit has that one

Also there's another character death


Luke sat in the university cafe, waiting for Ben to arrive, he'd texted him to come over and meet him. Luke hadn't said why he hoped that the book his birth parents gave him would be enough. Reece had walked him here, said he was busy leading a search party for Calum, it was official that he was missing and probably by the Witches. Ashton was basically shitting himself with anxiety.

When Ben entered Luke saw him and smiled, waving him over. Ben walked over and sat down in the seat opposite Luke. "Hey." Ben said, "good to see you're not dead."

"Yeah, always good to be alive." Luke smiles tightly, Luke then placed the book on the table. "My parents told me something very uh crazy, and I learnt I was adopted, Reece knew the hole time actually but it wasn't his place to tell me so he didn't. I found out my birth parents lived here in Etheridge."

"Really? What happened to them?"

"They were murdered brutally, Reece says they never found out by who." Luke then gulped, "I had two brothers, Jack, he uh died the day my birth parents did. But I had another, he was also adopted here and stayed in Etheridge." Luke then opened the book to a certain page to Bens dad, the sheriff, "by him." Luke said.

Ben stared down at the page, seeing his dad. Luke watched him gulp, "oh." Ben scratched at his cheek, "so uh we're brothers."

Luke nodded, "Yep, also you know what will really piss you off, our parents thought Reece and Michael were responsible enough to babysit us, Calum and his sister." He smiled trying to joke.

"Fucking—Reece of all people? Babysitting four kids?"

"He gave up and made Michael do it."

"That's even worse man."

Luke giggled, flipping to another page showing Luke and Ben with their birth family. "This is them, they got along with everyone, they were loved by the town, I'm pretty sure our mum was in charge of the witches until she died. One day I want to find out who killed them and I want to do worse to them."

Ben sighed, "god this is fucked up. How did dad never tell me?"

"Probably to protect you, but then you got involved anyway, then I happened to show up. It's some weird fucked up fate." Luke flipped through some more pages, showing photos of their family with Reece and the sheriff, "they were all the best of friends, the thought that Reece probably saw me born makes me want to laugh."

Ben bit his cheek, "I want to speak to my dad, can you come with me? He's at the station."

Luke nodded, "Sure."

They left the cafe and walked to the police station together, Luke told Ben about everything he'd learnt about their family. When they arrived at the station it was chaos as people were joining search parties, Luke heard Reece somewhere, yelling instructions and orders at people. So Luke smiled to himself and the two of them walked down the corridor to where the sheriff's office was. Ben knocked at the door, hearing someone drop to the floor, a curse and a yell to come in. They entered and Luke looked at the sheriff who picked up a book, then sat down, he looked up, "oh hey you two." He smiled warmly.

"Hey." Ben said, coming further in to the room, sitting down in the chair. "Can we talk?"

"Sure what's up?"

Ben took Luke's book and turned it to a page, "you never said I was adopted."

The sheriff sighed and looked to Luke, "your parents finally told you?" Luke nodded, "and did Reece talk to you." Luke nodded again. "Crap."

"It's okay dad," Ben said, "it just explains a lot actually."

"Are you gonna ask me a bunch of questions now? Because I knew your birth parents well." The sheriff asked.

"No, I'm not because they're dead, all I wanted to know Luke explained. That they were witches, but I'd like to ask if I'm a witch?"

"No, you're not." The sheriff answered, "according to your parents it skipped you and Jack, powers went straight to Luke and so did that book because of its spells and history."

Luke hummed, "that's why I got chosen for the trials huh?"

"Yeah." He sighed, "I'm sorry Ben, I wish we could've told you, that your mother was here to talk to you."

Ben walked around the desk and hugged his dad, "thank you dad." He said quietly, "thank you for taking care of me, of even thinking of adopting some kid."

"You weren't some kid, I was best friends with the Hemmings family, we would've done anything for them, we had Luke for a while too until he was properly adopted."

Luke smiled softly, "that's nice of you."

"I'm happy I could have helped, wish we knew who murdered your family but we never could."

Luke shrugged, "my guess is the werewolves, they hate witches."

"There was never proof." The sheriff said, he rubbed Ben's shoulder, "you two should head home with the search party going on, it's a full moon in a few days."

Luke nodded, "thank you Sheriff."

Luke and Ben left the station together, Ben walked Luke to his dorm, they lingered at the doorway, "so uh, you're my little brother." Ben said, making Luke smile, "I flirted with you and almost asked you out when we met so now I feel weird."

Luke laughed, "it's okay," Luke gave Ben a quick hug, "thank you for seeing me today, it means a lot to know this."

"Me too, I'd like to hang out more, like proper brothers."

Luke nodded, "I'd like that, thank you. We could have a movie night later once Calum is found if you like, Ash won't be good company until Cal is back and safe."

"Yeah sure."

Luke nodded again, "okay, I'll text you soon." Luke unlocked his door and went inside, no one was in the room except a note from Ashton that he would be back that night after the search.

Luke kicked off his shoes, going to his bed and grabbing his art sketchbook, he opened it before hearing a tapping from the window. He stared at the window, the last time there had been something at the window it had been Calum in his wolf form. Luke stood up from the bed, but a wave of nausea and dizziness hit him, he gasped and clutched at the bed for support. He slid down against the bed frame and to the floor where he pulled his knees to his chest. He took in deep ragged breaths, his hand went for his phone in his pocket, pulling it out and calling Reece's number.

Before Reece could answered Luke's eyes slipped closed, his body slumping against the floor.

"Luke?" Reece's voice came through the phone, "baby what's wrong—"

The call hung up.


Luke woke up in the weird underground caves that belonged to the witches, there wasn't any sunlight so he couldn't decipher the time of day, he sat up and whined at a pain in his neck. There was candles in the room at the corners, there was the door in the room, which suddenly opened, letting Whitney the head witch enter the room. She gave Luke a sweet smile, "come with me." She said, "quickly."

Luke stood up, following after her where she lead Luke to another room which was empty except for some chains attached to the walls and ceilings. Luke gulped as Whitney picked up a golden bold, before brandishing a dagger from her waist. Luke took a step back, but she shook her head, "I need your blood for the initiation of you pass this challenge." She said.

Luke frowned and put his hand out, to which she grabbed. She placed the knife in his hand, Luke made a fist around it before she pulled, slicing through his palm, he hissed loudly and squeezed watching the blood drip in to the golden bowl.

The witch put the bowl down and wrapped a piece of red clothes around Luke's wound, "no doubt Reece will heal you afterwards if you succeed."

"Probably." Luke said, "what do I need to do?" Luke asked because there wasn't anyone else in the room, who did he have to kill?

"To kill a supernatural being." She smiled.

"A person?" Luke asked.

"He's not really a person." She said.

"I can't do that, I don't want to kill someone, no again." Luke said softly, hoping she would see he had done enough to be here and didn't need to.

Whitney just shook her head, "you'll do this, because if not, Reece won't be alive in an hour."

"What do you mean?" Luke asked, "don't you dare fucking hurt him?!" Luke yelled, glaring at her heatedly. "You witches think you control everything, I knew my birth mum would've done ten times better than this bullshit!"

"So you found out." She said nodding slowly, "and the wolves are planning an attack against the vampires, Reece and his family specifically. I have control over them at the moment, a small treaty between us occurred and I used it to my advantage for you."

"You bitch!"

Then another door opened in the room and two cloaked witches dragged Calum half conscious body in to the room. Luke gasped as Calum was placed in to the chains, around his wrists and ankles. Luke knew he could get through them easily. "Is it a full moon?" Luke asked, god how long had he been kidnapped for?

"It is, Calum will change tonight, and he will kill you if he does, so it's you or him. If you die, Reece won't hesitate to kill Calum."

Luke swallowed down the urge to tell her Reece and Calum were friends, it was apart of her plan all along. Luke looked to Calum, he was shirtless and in a pair of shorts, blood and dirt all over his body, he opened his eyes and stared at Luke, he looked exhausted. "Luke?" Calum rasped, "you gotta get out, it's not safe." Calum dropped his head and moaned in pain.

"Please not Calum, anyone but Calum."

Whitney then thrusted her hand in Calum's direction and he screamed in agony, watching as his arm broke backwards, forcing him to turn in to his wolf skin. "Please stop!" Calum yelled, "no! It hurts! Please!"

"Put him out of his misery Luke."

"Stop it!" Luke screamed, with her distracted Luke used his powers and threw her a few meters backwards in to the wall. Luke quickly dashed to Calum and grabbed his face, "Hey Cal, it's okay, I'll help you and get you out."

"You need to leave Luke." Calum let out weakly, then looked to Whitney's direction, "watch out Luke!"

Luke was then thrown backwards in to the wall, he fell to the floor with a huff and groaned, pushing himself up, he wasn't about to give up and just let Calum die. He was pushed back again, feeling his head fill with pressure, he pressed his head to the floor as he screamed, he'd done the same to Gabby the other day.

Luke mustered up his powers and blocked her out, he got up weakly and lunged for her, they fell to the floor, Luke's hands going to her throat. He kept up the mental block as his hands tightened, "Luke use the knife!" Calum yelled.

Luke kept her still and grabbed the knife, thrusting it down in to her chest. She gasped and stared up wide eyed at Luke. The blond let go of the dagger, his hands shaking. He scrambled off of her body and over to Calum, who held him to his chest. "It's okay I got you." Calum said, smoothing down Luke's hair as he sobbed. "I'm so sorry Luke, god I'm so so sorry."

Luke shoved his face in to Calum's neck, "I didn't want to, she was gonna kill you and me, I couldn't let her do that, I can't have you die."

"I'm okay." Calum said, though he was pushing down the ache in his bones to change. "Can you help me out of the chains?"

Luke nodded and got the chains off of him, Luke took off his light jacket and put it on Calum. They wrapped each other in another hug just as the doors opened, Luke turned around quickly ready to fight for his damn life when he saw it was just Reece and Michael.

Reece ran to Luke and cupped his face, "you're okay?"

"I'm fine, but—" Luke looked at Whitney's body, where Michael was checking for a pulse. Michael looked back at them and shook his head. Luke sobbed again and moved back in to Calum's chest. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay, Luke, you saved me." Calum said.

Reece stared at them, then looked at Michael with wide eyes. Michael cleared his throat, "I'm getting weird twilight vibes here, so we should leave before back up come and find her body."

Calum and Luke stood together, Reece and Michael moved quickly to help Calum walk, "woah you're really hurt." Michael said.

"Since when have you cared?" Calum asked him.

"I always have you idiot." Michael said. Michael gave Reece a look, "take care of your boyfriend."

Reece let Calum go and grabbed Luke's hand, "cmon lets go."

"I'm sorry." Luke said.

"It's okay Luke, stop saying that." Reece placed a kiss on Luke's head. "I understand why."

They left the underground systems, Luke realising that they were in the cemetery, or rather under it. They left out of a large crypt, Luke looked around, "I was always unconscious when I came here I didn't realise it was here."

"Seemed logical and Witchy to me." Reece said, "we had an educated guess."

They got to Reece's car, Luke and Calum climbing in the backseats, with Michael driving, Reece kept an eye on them. Calum lay his head on Luke's lap, shivering, but sweat dripping from his body. "Does it hurt?" Luke asked softly.

Calum nodded, "I can feel all my bones breaking," he grumbled, before his arm snapped back again like Whitney had made before, he screamed making Luke hold his arm down quickly, "it's okay, I got you." Luke soothed.

"Okay he's turning, he can't stay in the car much longer." Reece said, "Cal can you make it until we get to your house?"

"No, no, I won't, just let me out of the car, I'll go from here." Calum said, before he suddenly growled, his eyes flashing gold in Reece's direction. Luke's eyes met Reece's frightened but also worried.

"Mike stop the car."

The car came to a halt at the side of the empty road, Luke opened the door and got out, helping Calum out. Everyone got out of the car, watching as Calum stumbled away from it, he fell to his knees and sighed roughly, "guys you should go!"

Luke started to cry as he watched Calum fall on to his back, howling out in pain, Luke made a move to help him but Michael grabbed his arms. "You can't help, he'll just kill you." Michael said softly.

"Please." Luke said, looking to his boyfriend, "help him."

Reece walked over making Michael sigh in aggravation, Reece was too whipped for common sense. Reece knelt down a metre from Calum, "we're gonna leave, I'll call your dad and tell him, someone will come for you, help you out, bring you back down to earth. I'll call Ashton too."

Calum nodded and he bucked against the group, "tell Ash," he gasped, "tell him I love him."

"I will." Reece said.

Calum then growled and lunges for Reece, his sharp canines exposed and snapping at him. Reece rolled them over and pinned him down, "don't get too close!" Michael yelled.

Reece shoved Calum away from him, and they quickly got back in to the car. Luke stared out the back window, watching as Calum's body contorted and he slowly turned, and in the distance there was a large brown wolf in the road.

Luke was brought back to the car when suddenly, "Michael! Stop!" Reece yelled, "the border, Luke won't make it!"

The cars breaks hit and Luke fell in to the seats, a wave of nausea hit him and he scrambled from the car quickly, to his knees where he vomited all across the floor. Reece joined his side, rubbing his back, "you okay?" Reece asked, "what was it?"

"I think the border." Luke said, "god I feel so sick." Luke said, he stood up and ambled down the road. Reece followed behind him, hearing Michael get out of the car. Luke's body swayed side to side, he was walking like the undead.

"Luke." Reece said, making Luke pause, "cmon we need to get you home, we can go to mine and you can sleep, you've had a—"

Luke turned to Reece when he stopped mid sentence, seeing he'd frozen, Michael had too. That's when Luke heard the chanting coming from the forest each side of the road, looking in to the darkness he could see flickers off candles, and slowly with each chant witches came from the forest.

Luke looked around him, he couldn't run, not being so close to the border, he was just tired. "Reece." Luke said softly, looking at his frozen figure, "oh god."

The witches closed in more, and Luke fell to his knees again, the hole in his jeans was bigger, his knees bloody. Luke took in deep breaths, feeling his chest tighten, before he fell unconscious on the floor.

When Reece and Michael unfroze, Reece stooped misstep and blinked, Luke was gone. "Luke?" He asked, turning on the spot and looking around, then to Michael, "he was just here! What happened?!"

Michael sighed, leaning against the car, "Man, he passed all the trials technically, so he's gone, they took him."

Reece huffed out a breath, then screaming, "fuck!"


I think 3 more chapters now oh my anbdjwbd also my student loan came in and I have 2.9k now woooooo

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