The Damned and Deranged ⇝ Luk...

By asdflkjhg5sos

25.8K 1.6K 1.1K

In which, Luke moves to town without the warning of what's lurking RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 8TH IN THE RUKE S... More

warnings and description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen (+)
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen (+)
chapter seventeen *
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight (+)
chapter twenty nine (+)
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five *
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

chapter thirty-one

351 22 17
By asdflkjhg5sos

hiiii pls comment and vote ty love you all


Outside of the monster court room Luke stood with Calum and the sheriff, "you'll be asked some questions that we usually ask, like when has Reece shown human compassion and love and when he'd done something for the community."

"He's done all of those things." Luke said, surely this should be easy, Reece was a good leader after all.

"Definitely," Calum agreed.

"Can I see Reece before it starts?" Luke asked the Sheriff. He wanted to right things between them, because what if what he said wasn't enough and Reece was executed today?

The sheriff nodded, "okay," Calum said he'd go catch up with Ashton so the Sheriff lead Luke through the building through some doors and got to a grey door, "he hasn't talked at all since you left the station, so I don't know what you'll get out of him."

Luke sighed, then the door was opened and Luke stepped inside, and at the table was a handcuffed Reece. Reece looked up and blinked hard, "what are you doing here?" He spat.

"To talk." Luke said and sat on the seat opposite the table. Luke reached out and touched his hands, fingertips skimming across his knuckles, Reece didn't move them and let Luke touch him. "I'm going to go out there later and talk about all the great things you've done."

"It's a pretty short list," Reece said.

"It's not at all, you know that." Luke said, Reece had done stuff for this town and the vampires, protected them all.

Reece stared at Luke until their eyes met, "give it up Luke." Reece said, "I'm gonna end up being killed right in front of you, you don't want to be around for that." He promised.

"It won't happen." Luke said, finally entwining their fingers. "Stop it."

"I'm being realistic!" Reece yelled. "The punishments were made because of me attacking them before. I was fucking lucky to be alive, that my punishment was just being locked up and for that long was terrifying, I can't do it again Luke, I'd rather choose death than starving in a hole."

Luke felt himself tearing up, "please don't do this to me, you told me you wouldn't leave me like that, you said you wouldn't die and it'd be me and my stupid human years that teared us apart not you being stupid."

"Luke, stop."

"No!" Luke yelled, standing, he walked around the small metal table to Reece and cupped his face, "I love you—"

Reece jerked his head away but Luke glared and his witch powers kicked in and forced Reece to look at him. "You are going to get out alive, Reece."

Reece closed his eyes and sagged, giving in, if Luke believed as much then maybe, he could persuade the judge that Reece could be saved. Luke leant down and kissed Reece's forehead, then his lips, "say you love me back then you idiot." Luke whispered.

Reece sighed against his mouth, "I love you so much."

Luke then wrapped his arms around Reece and hugged him tightly, "we'll be alright."

The door to the room then opened, and a guard stood there, "it's time to go."

Luke left the room and took his seat beside Calum in the first row. After a few minutes, Reece was lead in, restrained, by the same man who'd interrupted them. Reece was made to sit in front of the large crowd, right in front of Luke, just like any other person on trial. When the judge walked in, everyone stood, Luke took the chance to look around, seeing people of every species, it was like everyone wanted to come see the infamous Reece Grean on trial.

"Please be seated." The judge said, he was a large creature who looked lizard like. "We're here for the trial of Reece Grean, after the slaughter of thirty people in Madusa's Bar. I believe Reece has two people speaking for him, Calum Hood and Luke Hemmings. I want everyone to listen and make the right decision as Reece has a high position in our society and with the trials going on at the moment." The judge then signalled for the first person to come out and Calum stood. Luke gave his hand a squeeze and let him go.

Calum went and took his seat at the witness stand, he looked to the judge, who nodded at him. "You can start."

Calum licked his lips, seeing his sister and dad were in the crowd for him, he was a little nervous to do this. "I feel as if I should start by saying that I don't particularly like Reece, but that's just probably because I think he's am arrogant dick, not because of anything else." Calum shrugged lightly, "he's had a hard life, worst than most of us here, I feel as if the vampires have it worse, what with the fact that if they become a vampire they've died, terribly usually." Calum didn't wanna look at Reece because he knew Reece would be making fun of him for this afterwards, that was if he survived. "The attack Reece did was rage, pure blinding rage, the witches had made Reece's boyfriend, Luke, bring back a life for the trials. The witches never tell us anything, never reveal their plans, they didn't tell Luke that the live he was bringing back was Reece's girlfriend, who'd been murdered by townspeople in 1922. The witches put a spell on the bones and the body so that she would die after a few days, her death had brought back all of that anger and rage and he'd snapped again. He spent two hundred years with his girlfriend, he was in love with her, only for her to be killed off again like a bad TV show plot."

Calum gulped, "you people can't tell me you wouldn't lash out in rage at a death like that, if your sister or lover was murdered right in front of you, twice. You'd be mad too. I surely would be." Calum said, thinking of Ashton, Ashton could never protect himself from the supernatural, he was pretty and defenceless.

"If Reece is killed for this, he vampires won't have a leader, and they'll be running around like headless chickens, giving any other creatures to opportunity to attack them while they're weak. Like the wolves who have had a bad history with them. I would consider Reece is a good friend of mine, he helped me when I had lost control on a full moon, he helped my boyfriend when I had bit him, he doesn't deserve death, he was just angry."

Calum had finished, and took his seat again by Luke.

Luke was called to the stand and gave the judge a soft small smile, playing the easy role of the doting boyfriend who would do anything for Reece (and he would). "I'm Reece's boyfriend, and I have quite a lot to say. Reece showed me what he did that night and as messed up as it was, he felt guilty for it, he showed me it to prove to me that he didn't deserve me." Luke licked his dry lips, looking at Reece who sat with his handcuffs on. "Aren't vampires notoriously bad anyway? You ask if he shows human compassion but he's not human, not anymore. Have any of you watched a vampire movie or show?" Luke shrugged, "they've always been seen as bad and mean and murderers but they're heightened emotions make them strong and weak. Reece is loyal and loving, loyal to me and his people, and loving to his girlfriend, he killed for her, twice, I would do the same if I had the skills." Luke admitted.

"The last time this happened was forty years ago, Reece couldn't be blamed for this, it was white blinding rage caused by the witches, they are to blame, for all I know they could have made him do it for a sacrifice, because aren't deaths helping them around here?" Luke questioned and his suggestion made the crowd start discussing it and raising their voices. There didn't seem to be any witches present.

The sheriff stood, "Luke you can't make that assumption."

"Why not?" Luke asked, "they murdered a fourteen year old boy just to protect you, innocent people die by their hands every single day. I could be next!" Luke explained, trying to get his point across, and though he knew they weren't to blame for Reece's murders, he could distract them away from it. "And Reece is a compassionate and loving man, if you were to witness how he was with me, you'd know, he wants to have a normal future with me with children and a white picket fence and a dog."

Reece grinned, "I'm allergic." He said, well had been when he was living.

Luke smiled, "Reece is a good man, he has his flaws but that's because of his powers of a vampire. If he were a normal human being, he wouldn't do this."

"That's enough Luke." The sheriff said and looked to the judge, "you should make your decision soon." He said.

Luke took his seat by Calum again, and the room cleared out as the decision was to be made, Reece was made to stay in his seat, so Luke hung back and approached Reece, sitting on the edge of the desk. "Did I do well?" Luke asked.

Reece grinned, "brilliantly." He'd seen how Luke had distracted them from him and to the witches, who weren't here to protest against it. "Give me a kiss Luke."

Luke leant down and kissed Reece softly, his hand on his cheek.

"Thank you so much for saying that." Reece said.

"Did I change your mind then?" Luke asked, about a family, about them, about a future.

Reece chuckled, "maybe."

The decision took an hour to come and when it did, Reece sat patiently, feeling Luke sat right behind him, ready for any answer. The judge came back in, and sat at the stand, everyone stood up, ready to hear.

The judge cleared his throat, "The decision is, Reece Grean won't be punished." Most of the crowd cheered, being happy vampires and Luke, Reece turned around and beamed at the blond. Then the judge spoke again, "and a full investigation of the witches shall be done, after the trials."

Luke froze, "fuck," he whispered, Reece spun back to him and their eyes met, both full of fear and dread.

That was his chance to live.


The trials are gonna continue!!

Sorry I didn't update I've been writing some other books, rip, but we're nearing the end now and I can't wait

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