The Damned and Deranged ⇝ Luk...

By asdflkjhg5sos

25.8K 1.6K 1.1K

In which, Luke moves to town without the warning of what's lurking RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 8TH IN THE RUKE S... More

warnings and description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen (+)
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen (+)
chapter seventeen *
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight (+)
chapter twenty nine (+)
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five *
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

chapter thirty

352 28 33
By asdflkjhg5sos

Please vote and comment through out

Also Luke's so fucking hot I wanna smash


The next morning, Luke was shaken awake by Ben who looked panicked, Ashton and Calum were sat looking just as panicked. "Get up Luke!" Ben yelled, ripping the covers off of Luke, blushing when he realised Luke was in some tiny shorts and no shirt. "Reece did a bad thing!"

Luke's eyes opened, "he always does bad things, be specific." He sat up and pulled the covers over his chest.

"He killed people." Ben said, "my dad came and got him, there's thirty bodies in a bar outside of town." He said, "he's at the station, you need to go to him and ask him why the fuck he did it."

Luke stared at Ben, "I already know why he did it." Luke gulped, "gimme a minute to get dressed."

They all left the room and let Luke dress, once he was ready they all went to the police station in Ben's car. When they arrived, all of the deputies and cops were staring at the group, then a set of doors opened and Ben's father was walking towards them, "come this way." The sheriff said.

Luke walked over quickly, "is Reece okay?" Luke asked.

"You should be asking if the people he hurt are okay, they're not, they're all dead." He said, making Luke look down. "He's in the cells, you can try and talk to him." Luke nodded and was lead through to the cells. "He's in a special cell that we had installed, it stops all creatures."

The went through another door which had a key code and then Reece was there sat behind bars, Luke walked over quickly, holding the bars but pulling back and hissing as he felt the burning sting. "You're supernatural now." Reece said softly, watching as Luke blew on the marks covering his hands.

Luke looked up at the sound of his voice, "are you okay?" He asked, "Reece you promised me you wouldn't do anything."

"She deserves better than stupid witches dirty work, all for a fucking trial." Reece spat, looking to see the sheriff a few meters behind Luke, he looked so disappointed in Reece, the man was like a father figure to Reece sometimes, he'd not seen his own father in four hundred years, Reece had murdered him.

"If I knew it was her I wouldn't have put her through it."

"You would've been killed on the spot for refusing." Reece replied, honestly.

Luke licked his lips, "I would've done it for you, I'd die for you Reece."

Reece stared down at his entwined hands, he didn't say anything and just stared. He hated that Luke had fallen for him, t wasn't supposed to happen like this, Reece was just gonna see Luke because he looked like Elizabeth, maybe kill him after a while but god Luke had grown on him too easy and too quick. Then Luke was a Chosen and it really went to shit.

"What did you do?" Luke asked them, voice soft and quiet, he was scared and worried.

"I went to a bar." Reece said.

"How many?" Luke asked, how many people did you murder this time?

"Twenty seven." Reece said, "they're gonna pun it on a bar fight gone bad, guns were pulled."

Luke nodded to himself, at least Reece wouldn't be exposed, "what's gonna happen to you."

"He's going to court." The sheriff said. "He's gonna be put on trial, and they'll decide if he's punished."

Luke nodded again, and watched as Reece stood up, "at least it pushed back your trials." He said.

"It did?" Luke smiled.

Reece nodded, walking right up to the bars, he pressed his hands to the metal bars and simply clenched his jaw when his skin burned from what they were made of. "Reece—" Luke started, wanting to make him stop it, he hated Reece punishing himself. Reece then reached out and touched Luke's cheek softly, "I'm sorry." Reece said quietly.

Their eyes met and Luke smiled, feeling Reece's rough fingers on his soft cheek. "It's okay." Luke said, and it wasn't okay, Reece had murdered people, but Luke was just happy Reece was here and okay.

Reece reached his other hand between the bars and cupped Luke's face, he smiled but then his grip on Luke's tightened and Luke was gasping and Reece forced Luke in to his memories, liked he'd done when Luke had found he was a vampire.

Luke's eyes were forced to see Reece's point of view, watched as he ripped open people's throats with his teeth and crushed windpipes with his hands and ripping hearts from chests. Men, woman, teenagers, Reece didn't care who as long as he killed. Luke watched as the police came and the sheriff shot Reece, with a bullet that could actually kill vampires, and forced Reece to back down, who was hissing with his bright crimson eyes and sharp teeth, blood dripping down his mouth and neck.

Luke was suddenly ripped back from the cell, the sheriff holding his arms, as Luke stared at Reece in shock, his boyfriend grinned at Luke. "You still want a kid with me?" Reece asked Luke, bringing him back to their conversation yesterday.

Luke turned on his heel and left, hearing Reece yell after him, "I knew you couldn't stomach it!"

Luke got out in to the main part of the police station, the sheriff right behind him as Luke met his friends, hugging Ashton tightly and letting Ash squeeze him reassuringly.

"Are you alright?" Ben asked Luke.

"I wanna go home." Luke said, looking up at Ashton, "can we go back to the dorm?"

Ashton nodded and they all left the station, getting back in to Ben's car. Ben didn't start the car and instead turned to Luke in the back seats, he was staring out the window at the station. "What happened?" Ben asked.

Everyone stared at Luke and he sucked in a breath, "he showed me in my head with his stupid fucking mind thing, what he did."

"What did he do?" Ashton asked, sitting up in the front seat.

"He went to a bar and murdered twenty seven people, teens and women, innocent people. He showed me it so I would leave him." Luke said, his voice steady and empty, he couldn't believe Reece had done that.

"And will you?" Calum questioned.

"I don't know," Luke shrugged to himself, "I can't be with such an abusive monster, what if one day it's me he attacks and I can't come back? He'd feel so guilty for it."

"Be selfish for once Luke." Ashton said, "we all know that Reece is dangerous."

"But isn't Calum too? He hurt you."

"I wasn't in control—"

"And neither is Reece." Luke pointed out, "he died and came back to life wanting to tear open people's necks. His blood lust made him kill his own mother." Luke sighed, "I know I can't blame the vampire thing on everything because surely that's just showing the dark parts of Reece isn't it?" He asked his friends. "Now can we just go home, I want to nap and call my mum."

Ben sighed and turned around, putting the car in to drive. They headed back to the dorms and Luke got out first and went quickly to his room, he took off his jacket and slipped in to the bathroom that connected between his and Ashton's room and their neighbours. Luke locked the doors and sat on the toilet lid, like dialled his mums number and waited.

"Hey babyboy." His mum cooed making Luke smile to himself, he heard Ashton enter their room in the room over.

"Hey mum." Luke sighed, "I just wanted to call because I know it's almost Christmas and I know I can't exactly come home just yet."

"We can come visit you, I can tell your dad and brother you've got exams to prepare for and you can't leave." His mum offered, she knew everything that had happened with Luke, and she knew why, but she couldn't tell Luke exactly.

"Okay, it'll be nice to see you." Luke leant back against the toilet, "I've missed you and dad, and Charlie." His little brother and dad and he missed them so so much.

"They miss you too." His mum sighed, "I'll come and bring you presents for Christmas and I can finally meet that boyfriend of yours too."

Luke sniffled, feeling overwhelmed at everything, he just wanted to go home to his family, life was so much simpler, all he had to worry about back then was Wes. "I don't think you'll meet him." Luke wiped at his nose, "we're having some problems." He hadn't told his mum about what Reece was. "He's a bag person for me."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She frowned, "you can talk to me about it if you like."

"His ex came back and she left again, so uh, he went a little off the rails." Luke explained, "it was bad, but it'll be fine, I don't wanna talk about it."

"That's okay. I've gotta go, so I'll come see you soon, I love you babyboy." She said.

Luke smiled, "okay, I love you too."

They hung up and went back to the bedroom, on the bed was a note saying Ashton and Calum were in the games room. So Luke went down the floor to the games room where the couple were with Q and Liv on the sofas. They looked up when Luke came in, Liv nodded at him, so he nodded back. "You alright?" Calum asked.

Luke hummed, "I'm okay, but I wanna ask a question."

"Sure." Calum answered.

"Reece is going on trial for last night soon, how does it work?" Luke questioned.

Calum licked his lips, "like a normal trial, but only someone defending him, no one going against him to the jury of the creatures and a single human, and they decide if he should be punished for his actions."

"And what's the punishment?"

"Death." Liv answered immediately.

Luke gulped, "oh." He sat down on the other sofa in the room.

"He'll need people testifying." Calum said to Luke, "telling them why Reece should live."

Luke sighed, "I don't know if I can do that." Luke said.

His words made Liv stand up quickly and rush towards Luke using her powers and shove Luke against the sofa roughly, "what do you think you're saying Luke? That you won't help Reece?" She seethed.

Calum moved and threw Liv off of Luke, "get your nasty little vampire hands off of him!"

Liv stumbled back, "You're his boyfriend! He's our leader! You can't just say no because your feelings are hurt!"

"He showed me what he did." Luke climbed over the back of the sofa so Liv couldn't get to him, "to scare me away; he doesn't want me around."

Liv scoffed, before she looked to Q, who looked very confused and shocked at what his girlfriend did. She made him forget quickly and easily, before turning back to Luke, who's eyes widened. "He doesn't know?!"

"No, I like it that way." Liv said, "treats me like a normal person that way."

Luke clenched his jaw, "I wish I was clueless." He said.

"No shit Sherlock, I'm jealous of him." Ashton spat.

It made Calum huff and sit down, "I wish you'd never been introduced to this but Reece couldn't keep his paws off of Luke."

Ashton snorted, "have you seen Luke he's the cutest one here."

"Hey!" Liv said, "I'm pretty cute."

"Yeah for a murderer." Calum replied.

Luke laughed softly, before the door opened again and in walked the sheriff with Ben by his side. "Hello boys." The sheriff said, "I wanted to come by and ask you guys something." Everyone paid attention to them, so the sheriff spoke again, "I wanted to ask for any volunteers to speak at Reece's trial."

Luke gulped, "I uh, I don't."

"Really?" Ben asked.

"No, he wants me gone." Luke said, "he knew killing people would cause this."

"I'll do it." Calum said.

"Why?" Luke asked, "you hate him!"

Calum shrugged, "he's a good leader, if he's killed, the wolves will attack the vamps at their weakest and mess up the system and he can't have that, my dad wouldn't like that."

Luke frowned, "okay, I'll do it."

"Great." The sheriff nodded, "you'll be briefed tomorrow before the trial on what the questions are."

"It's tomorrow?"

"Yes, they tend to move quick here." The sheriff said. "Well I'll be seeing you tomorrow at the courthouse." He left with his son, Ben waving goodbye to them.

When they were gone, Ashton looked to Luke, "don't you love Reece?" He asked him.

"Of course I do," Luke sighed, "but what he showed me was a blood bath, this was all because of Elizabeth dying again, he's done it twice now, he's shown me both times."

"Maybe because he knows you won't judge him." Ashton supplied a suggestion.

"Well I do." Luke scoffed. "But he said as I left, you want a kid with a monster like me?"

"Oh," Ash said, "deep."

Luke hummed, "maybe he's right, I can't do that with him, we can't have a normal relationship, he's a vampire and I'm a witch, when has that ever worked?" Luke scoffed, putting his head in his hands.

Ashton leant against Calum, "Bonnie and Enzo?"

"Enzo was murdered." Luke said roughly, "So, no, not happy for them."

"At least you're the one who lives in that show." Ashton said, "look maybe just forget about it for now, Reece is stupid but you love him so you're gonna help him live and you're gonna win the trials and you're gonna live Luke," Ashton got up and sat in front of Luke, "the world needs Luke Hemmings."


Twd trash, the world needs rick grimes

I'm nearly finished and I just wanna spam the hell outta this

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