Star-Crossed Myth: The Divine...

By Starlight-Writer

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A Star-Crossed Myth Fan-Fiction. Abbey thought her life would be nothing but mundane until she is to see six... More

Chapter I: Shooting Stars
Chapter II: When It Rains It Pours
Chapter III: Burden by Destiny
Chapter IIII: Count Your Blessings
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story I
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 2
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 3
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 4
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 5
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 6
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 7
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 8
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 9
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 10
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 11
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 12 (END)
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 1
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 2
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 3
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 4
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 5
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 6
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 7
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 8
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 9
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 10
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 11
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 12 (END)
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 1
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 2
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 3
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 4
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 5
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 6
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 7
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 8
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 9
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 10
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 11
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 12 (END)
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 1
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 2
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 3
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 4
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 5
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 6
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 7
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 8
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 9
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 10
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 11
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 12 (END)
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 1
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 2
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 3
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Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 6
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 7
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 8
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 9
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 10
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 11
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 12 (END)
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 1
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 2
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 3
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 5
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 6
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 7
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 8
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 9
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 10
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 11
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 12 (END)
Chapter V: Losing Sleep
Chapter VI: One Thing After Another
Chapter VII: The End Of The Dream
Chapter VIII: Race Against Time
Chapter IX: Last Piece of the Puzzle
Chapter X: Last Piece of The Puzzle Pt.2
Chapter XI: Rewrite the Stars
Chapter XII: One Wish
Author's Note

Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 4

35 1 1
By Starlight-Writer

The Next Day...

Ichthys is on my mind even at work. I'm tempted to go check up on him, but afraid I'll just be a bother, and not like I should show up unannounced, and it's not as if I can get there instantaneously if Ichthys doesn't summon me.

"I guess I can always take the back roads home and stop by..." I mumble as I clean off a table. "But, Dui said Ichthys would be down for two or three days..."

I'm talking to myself, as I try to come up with excuse after excuse to not go over to visit him, as much as I would like to, to put my mind at ease.

"Hey, Abbey. Table five!" Emily calls out as she walks by.

"C-coming!" I respond, tucking the cloth in my apron pocket, while adjusting my ponytail.

Everyone is doing extra tasks around the place and being more chipper than usual all to prepare for a 'Open-Mic' show event tomorrow night. Just following the demands from my two bosses, Hannah and Jack who are giddy for the event. As it's been a while since we've done a show where not only employees, but customers as well can get involved.

Looking around at the excited faces, listening to the lively chatter, I sigh with a small smile on my face. Deciding to go and check up on Ichthys after all.

"There you are. Heyyy, Abbey!"

Someone calls for me from the entrance of the resturant.

I spin around to see a cheerful Ichthys.

"Ichthys?!" I say, slacked jawed. I shake my head and walk up to him. "B-but what are you doing here? Are you okay, should you be out and about like this? You looked totally exhausted yesterday." I fire my concerns at him without warning.

"Pfft...that?" He chuckles, waving off my worries. "That was nothing! I just needed a good night's sleep." He then has his own look of concern. "Oh, did Dui say something to you? That guy's such a worrywart."

Getting a good look at him, I can admit he doesn't look as worn out and pale as he did yesterday, but it's not enough to convince me.

"Anyways," I quickly try to change the subject, but I don't end up straying far. "Uh, I actually wanted to thank you properly for healing my finger. I know I acted weird when I first saw your...divine power, but...then"

"Huh? What's wrong? Why the formal thanks you all of a sudden?"

"O-oh, I just...uh..." The thought of him using his power to heal my finger, makes me look closer at him. "Are you sure...your feeling better?"

Ichthys sighs. "Maaaan, did Dui tell you?"

I shrug. "Like...about how using your healing ability shortens your life?"

"Oh, so you did hear." Ichthys looks down.

"Well...I mean, I know it's none of my business, but since you've already told me that your going to die one day, and with everything else, I just wish you would've told me..."

"Why? I didn't want you to get all weird, and uptight, and worried. That's no fun."

"But, if I had let you use your powers to heal a serious injury of mine, I would've been upset and angry when I found out the truth later."

Ichthys laughs. "That's nothing to worry about."

Nothing to worry about?'s your life we're talking about here...

Ichthys quickly changes the subject this time. "Whatever. Anyway, what are you doing? You seem busy."

"Huh?" I look around me, watching my co-workers' bustle. "Oh, we're just preparing for tomorrow's event."

I spot Emily who is eyeing me with a big grin.

I wave to her. "Sorry, Em, I'll get back to work."

She giggles. "No, no, it's fine. You guys can whisper sweet nothings to each other all you want!"

I slap a hand against my forehead. "Urgh..."

Ichthys takes a look around, noticing some of the fancy lights and decorations. "This stuff is pretty awesome."

I shrug. "Yeah, it helps make the place look more attractive and the event more enjoyable. It's not something we do often, but when we do, it's a lot of fun for everyone."

"Cool." He smiles. "You really got into this."

"It's a team effort." I tell him, gesturing to my co-workers. "It's usually just me who puts on a show, with little effort put in. But when holding bigger events like this, sharing the stage with others...It's a lot of work, keeps us busy but it's worth the while. It's fun." I wink.

"Being busy, fun? Weird." Ichthys looks at my strangely.

"Oh, Abbey!" Jack calls emerging from the back room. "Can you see if the lights over there are hooked up okay?"

I nod. "Sure."

"I'll go with you." Ichthys follow behind me.

Jack grins. "Awesome. t would be great to hear an opinion from a fresh pair of eyes."

Emily pops up from behind Jack, and speaks to Ichthys. "You know, Abbey always works her ass off, to make sure everyone will enjoy themselves. Of course, you wouldn't know it because she hides it behind that tough façade."

"It's true, she even comes in on her days off." Jack adds in.

"O-okay, that's enough you two!" I shush them.

Ichthys puts a hand over his mouth as he chuckles.

We make our way near the back of the stage, hidden away by the view of my co-workers and customers.

"I guess you don't get it, huh? Gods can do anything just by snapping their fingers."

Ichthys agrees. "Yeah, we don't need to 'prepare' or anything normally. It must be tough being human, having to work hard for stuff so many days in advance."

I shrug. "I guess, but like I said, it can be well worth it in the end." I pause and look at him. "You know, if you want you can come by tomorrow, and see for yourself?"

"Abbey!" I hear Jack shout my name in a panic, hearing loud commotion coming from the entrance of the store.

I speed walk around to the front of the stage.

"We've got a big problem." He says, worriedly looking at me.

"What's going on, Jack?" I ask.

Emily and some of the other employees come over to us as well.

"A bunch of customers just arrived. Some have the posters we put out earlier." Emily says.

"What?" I look at her confused. "What do you mean?"

"What's wrong?" Ichthys asks me.

I run my fingers through my hair. "Well, we put up posters for the event, but the event doesn't start till tomorrow. Why...?"

Jack begins directing everyone to handle the customers as we get to the bottom of the situation.

"Sorry, Ichthys." I tell him before running off to assist at the entrance.

The entrance of the restaurant is crowded with people.

The employees try to explain the situation to the customers, but the people are to rowdy to listen.

I stand up on the bar counter and shout. "Hey!"

Everyone immediately dies down and I gesture to Jack to take it from here.

"Yes, hello, everyone. As much as I like to see a big crowd wander into my restaurant, I can see that you're here for more than just the food, but the event isn't until tomorrow."

The crowd of people mumble amongst themselves out of confusion.

"But the flyer says it starts today!" Someone speaks up.

I hop off the counter and tap the shoulder of someone who holds one of the posters. "Do you mind if I take a look at that?"

They hand me the poster and I look it over, spotting the date near the bottom. Clearly stating that it starts today. I show Jack, who rubs his chin nervously.

"Oh no, I wrote the wrong date, I was so sure I had written the right one." Hannah says, looking upset.

"But some of the other waitresses, including myself are the one's who put up the posters, we should have doubled checked." I tell her, not wanting her to take all the blame.

"So, what are we going to do?" Emily asks. "I mean, can we really afford to say we made a mistake and have them leave?"

"But we're not ready yet." Another employee states.

I worriedly look between my colleagues, and the waiting customers.

"So, can we come in already?"

"Yeah, don't make us wait any longer."

The customers begin to complain.

"What are you thinking, Jack?" I ask my boss.

He scratches his chin. "I mean, if we don't ask them to leave, our only choice is to hold the event as planned."

Hannah worries. "But there's still quite a bit to set up, l-like the music, a-and..."

"What to do..." I mumble to myself, looking around at the stirring crowd, and the panicked co-workers.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, and I spin on my heel to turn around and see a calm looking Ichthys.

"I think you're forgetting one major detail, Abbey." He tells me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"Don't just stand there panicking. Ask me for help."

"Wait, ask you?"

He nods. "Well, yeah. You told me about the event. I have a pretty good idea on what it's supposed to be like.

I bite my bottom lip. "I... I don't know, can you really help?"

He grins. "You've been working hard to get ready for this, right? Why not just do it today?"

I shake my head. "N-no, if you end up exhausting yourself again because of me..."

"I'll be fiiine. I told you, I just needed a good night's sleep to recover."

I look at him with doubt.

He pats me on the head. "If you're going to say, 'Save me, god!' now's the time."

Moved by his kind words, I feel myself blushing, and a mischievous smile spreads across his face as he looks at me.

He leans in close. "Where's my 'please god!' kiss?"

I place my hand on his face, pushing him away. "Okay, that's enough."

He laughs. "Hahaha, I'm just joking."

I sigh, exasperated.

"Okaaay everybody!" Ichthys waves his hand in the air to get everyone's attention. "Please, take your seats!"

"Wait, no, Ichthys!" I panic.

"Come on, Abbey, Jack." Ichthys nods to us. "Hurry up."

Jack leans down to mumble in my ear. "Is this a good idea?"

I shrug, knowing from my gut instinct to trust Ichthys. "Jack, let's get to work." I tell him with a confident smile.

Jack mockingly salutes me. "You got it, kiddo."

Jack turns around to order his employees in directing, and serving the customers.

I go to assist, but Ichthys stops me. "Abbey, help me out once everyone is seated, okay?"

"Sure." I nod.

Once the customers are seated in the dining area in front of the stage, and have some refreshments, I go back stage to find Ichthys.

"Okay, were good to go."

He nods. "Okay!"

Still feeling a linger of doubt on the idea that Ichthys could really help. All I did was give him a basic idea of what this event was. It leaves me asking over and over again, is this really going to work?

"Okay, first things first, the lights!"

Touching my shoulder, Ichthys snaps his fingers, and the lights go on, brightening the center of the stage.

The customers who were once lively chatting amongst themselves quiet down once they notice the lights. Whispering, and pointing at the decorative lights around the area.

I notice right away that there are different decorative lights hung around the customers. Different from the lighting we originally hooked up above the stage. Different colored lights in the shape of stars encircle the dining area.

"Whoa..." I say in awe.

"Next is..." Ichthys begins to say.

"The equipment." I blurt out to him. "Like the mic and speakers."

"You got it." He nods, snapping his fingers.

The microphone stand moves to the center of the stage, along with large speakers being placed near the back on either side. I notice some cords slithering there ways to their respective placements.

"Okay, next, the curtains." Ichthys snaps his fingers again.

The curtains dramatically slide open with a swooshing sound.

"Thanks, Ichthys, I'll let Jack take it over from here." I tell him.

"I can stop?" Ichthys asks, looking surprised.

"Yeah, but now comes the hard part..." I cringe.

Nodding to Jack, he makes his cue on stage, announcing the open-mic night event.

The hard part where we try to encourage people to come up and entertain. Either with a song, or comedy, or some sort of talent. No one ever wants to be first to break the ice. Not until they at least get a few drinks into them.

Jack ends his spiel, and waits for someone to step up, but the customers look at one another out of nervousness. Feeling the uncomfortable atmosphere thicken.

"Hmm...I got an idea." Ichthys says with a smile.

He once again snaps his fingers and the star lights brighten fading in and out of different colors. Then on the ceiling a realistic galaxy appears with its own stars twinkling, as if it's being projected.

The customers 'oooh' and 'aaww' at the sight.

Next the speakers produce a playful music that sets the mood perfectly, and the customers become lively once again, pointing up at the ceiling.

"Well? Whaddya think?"

"It's incredible!" I cheer, my hand reaching up as if trying to touch one of the stars.

"This little old thing?" Ichthys laughs. "I could do this all day. Besides..." His lips form a cheeky grin. "The real fun hasn't even started yet."

"Wait, what do you mean?" I worriedly ask.

He waves his hand, telling me not to fear. "Just sit back and enjoy..."

He snaps his fingers, and the lights and music shut off.

Everyone is in pitch black darkness.

The customers and the employees gasp, and murmur their concerns.

I tug on Ichthys sleeve. "I-Ichthys, what are you—?"

He takes my hand gently, and once my eyes adjust in the dark, I see him with his goofy grin, lifting his hand again to snap.

The snap echoes, but nothing happens.

"Hm?" Ichthys looks around, confused before snapping again and again. "...That's weird..."

"What's weird?" I say with a panicked tone. "What's going on?"

"Uhm..." He nervously chuckles. "I can't use my powers."

"What?!" I exclaim.

Everyone begins speaking their confusion and concerns aloud.

"Crap, I guess we got to announce that the program is over, and get everyone to leave." I head for center stage.

Ichthys grabs my hand. "Juuust kidding!"

When our hands connect, I hear a snap, and...

The star lights come back on. And above where I'm standing, stardust begins to rain down on everyone.

Everyone claps, cheers, and is all around enjoying themselves.

I breathe a sigh of relief, turning back around to smile at Ichthys. "Thank you. This is amazing. Everyone is really having a good time."

"Really? Cool!"

"But, about your powers not working before...was that because—?"

"That? That only happened because I wasn't touching you, Abbey. I pretended not to be able to use my powers to give you a little scare."

I snap my own fingers and point at him. "I knew it!"

He laughs. "I think it actually added something new to the show. Everything worked out in the end, right?"

I sigh and shake my head, smiling ear to ear at this trickster of a god. As stare at his beaming, playful face, I find my heart palpitating crazily.

He notices my gazes and stares back at me.

I suddenly feel my heart skip, and my body temperature heat up. "Uh-um...thank you."

"You're welcome. Helping people isn't so bad sometimes." He says, looking out at the audience with a smile.

Even though there's no need for Ichthys to use his powers now, I keep holding his hand anyway. I think back to before when helping with his punishment job and how harsh he was on the boy, Ken. But from what I witnessed here today, I see that he's truly a kind god.

Or perhaps, I'm over thinking this...

Ichthys is unreadable as ever, and while standing by his side, looking up at his handsome face that's illuminated by the colorful stars around us I get an unfamiliar feeling...

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