The Damned and Deranged ⇝ Luk...

By asdflkjhg5sos

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In which, Luke moves to town without the warning of what's lurking RUKE GREMMINGS COMPLETED 8TH IN THE RUKE S... More

warnings and description
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen (+)
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen *
chapter sixteen (+)
chapter seventeen *
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty eight (+)
chapter twenty nine (+)
chapter thirty
chapter thirty-one
chapter thirty-two
chapter thirty-three
chapter thirty-four
chapter thirty-five *
chapter thirty-six
chapter thirty-seven
ruke books

chapter twenty seven

290 21 24
By asdflkjhg5sos

Some dramaaaaa

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At Luke's second trial, he didn't even glance at Gabby and Collin as he waited his turn. He was first to be grabbed by the witches, and walked in to the room with ease but then he saw a pile of bones on the concrete floor. He was pushed to his knees in front of the pile, he stared at them in confusion, "who is this?" Luke asked the witches as the door shut and they stood in front of it, staring ahead of them, they were simply there to kill Luke if he failed.

But then the door was being opened again and in walked two men, carrying a young girls body, Luke's eyes widened as it was deposited beside him, "oh my god." Luke reached out and felt at her neck, he touched at the right spot but couldn't feel a pulse, "oh my god." Luke repeated, feeling bile rise in his throat, there was a dead teenage girl in front of him, she looked to be his age with long flowing blond hair, she wore a white dress that went down to her ankles.

Luke looked between the girl and the bones and realised what he had to do. Somehow he had to put the soul of the bones in to the dead girl, he didn't know who the soul belonged to, he didn't think this was how he'd bring someone back to life, his practising had been for nothing. He didn't know how to do this.

So Luke improvised.

He picked up one of the dirty bones, holding it in his fist and placing it on top of the body. He moved everyone bone on to her body and then held his hands over her like he had done to Jack and the butterflies.

Luke closed his eyes in concentration, and he started to think about all the things this young girl could do with her life when she would live again, but then Luke's head throbbed and he felt blood drip down his nose. He dropped his hands and touched his nose, that seemed to make the witches move towards him but Luke held out his hand, "stop, I can do it," Luke said.

They stopped and went back to their previous spots, Luke resumed his hands again and started to think think think when abruptly the girl shot up wit a gasp, knocking the bones to the floor. Luke reached out and cupped her face, "hey, hey, breathe." Luke said, his eyes meeting the girls, "what's your name?" He asked her.

"Elizabeth." She gasped out, sounding exhausted. "Where am I?"

Luke's mind flashed to Reece's Elizabeth, it couldn't be could it? "What's your last name? Do you know Reece?" He asked impatiently.

"Reece? Where's Reece? Where am I? I need Reece!" She screamed, tears started to stream down her dirty face as she sobbed, "I'm not a werewolf or vampire, who am I? What's happening?" But before Luke could do anything he was being grabbed by the witches out of the room.

Luke was thrown back in to the main room, Collin and Gabby noticed how panicked he looked, "what happened? Who'd you bring back?"

Luke stayed on his hands and knees, breathing heavily, "Elizabeth." He whispered, chanting her name softly in to the dirty floor, this couldn't be happening? She was dead? Her bones wouldn't be around anymore, she would've been buried near Reece's home, Luke had so many questions he didn't notice Gabby being dragged out of the room to do her trial.

Luke was so shaken by what had happened his brain didn't comprehend Collin didn't come back and Gabby's cries.

Luke didn't even remember being knocked out until he woke up when the van he was in stopped outside of the Chosen house. The van doors opened and Luke squinted in to the light of the street lamps outside, he was pulled from the van and stumbled but caught himself and looked up at the house seeing Michael and Reece were waiting at the front door, sat on the steps.

Luke gulped at what he had to tell Reece about, he glanced at Gabby who climbed from the van and went up in to the house quickly, the door slamming behind them. Michael mumbled a few curse words at her for being so brash. Reece stood up and walked towards Luke as the blond watched the van drive away down the dark street.

Reece stopped in front of Luke, frowning, "you okay? You look panicked."

Luke gulped and stared up at Reece, "something happened."

"What? Collin didn't come back so clearly he didn't make it, is it that?" Reece asked but Luke shook his head. "Then what baby?"

Luke licked his lips and glanced at Michael behind him, who was walking towards them. "I brought back Elizabeth." Luke uttered, he couldn't look Reece in the eye as he said if.

Reece's brain was slow, but it caught up to him, "my Liz?" He asked softly.

Luke simply nodded, and watched as Reece left in his car, speeding away. Luke swallowed roughly, feeling his throat was dry, like he'd burnt his mouth.

"Shit." Michael said, he looked down at Luke. "I'll walk you home."

Luke nodded, they started off down the road, "I couldn't have known who I was bringing back? He still loves her doesn't he?" Luke asked Michael, who seemed to know Reece the most except for his sister.

"They spent two hundred years in love." Michael shrugged, "you don't forget that easily."

On the walk back to the university, they stopped at a petrol station and went inside, Luke walked around at the snacks and then saw the milkshake machine making Luke smile softly. He grabbed a cup and placed it on the stand and pressed the button for the banana milkshake, it started to pour out of the nozzle.

Luke felt a hand on his shoulder making him freeze up, he took in a small breath feeling and hearing the heavy breathing, he knew instantly it wasn't someone human, so he mustered up his powers and turned suddenly, thrusting his hand in to their chest, it made the person fly backwards in to some shelves. "Michael!" Luke yelled.

Michael rushed around the corner and stared down at the person with wide eyes, then to Luke, "you just attract danger huh?" He said.

The attacker pushed themselves off the floor and Michael quickly moved in front of Luke, he still had to protect the kid after all.

"I wouldn't fucking try it." Michael said when the person let out a vicious growl, revealing sharp canine teeth, "fucking werewolves!" Michael hissed.

The werewolf rushed them again but before he could lay a finger on Luke, Michael had shoved his hand in to his chest, gripping his heart, "I said, not to fucking try it." Michael said before viciously ripping his heart from his chest cavity, the werewolf fell to the floor in a heap.

Michael dropped his heart on the floor and turned around to Luke, "grab your milkshake and let's go."

Luke grabbed his milkshake and they rushed from the shop, leaving behind a dead werewolf and a terrified and traumatised employee.

Michael knew Luke could stay at his dorm tonight so he took him back to the mansion, Luke didn't object but he would have preferred his dorm with Ashton that seeing Reece at the moment.

As they arrived at the mansion, Luke called up Calum who answered quickly, "oh great you're alive." Calum gushed, "what's up?"

"Uh someone tried to kill me again, so I won't be at the dorm, can you please go look after Ashton tonight?" Luke asked, he heard Michael snort at the words kill me again, Luke was too used to saying that now.

Charlotte came to the front door as Luke hung up the phone, she pulled Luke in for a hug, "You're okay." She smiled, pulling back, "Reece called to say what happened at the trial."

Luke nodded, "Uh yeah, he kinda left me with Michael and a werewolf tried to kill me so I can't be at my dorm right now." Luke explained making Charlotte furrow her brows.

"Okay, I'll take you to Reece's room."

"Actually can I stay in a spare room?" He asked.

She nodded and lead him up the stairs, she opened a door and let him inside. She left him for a few moments before she came back with a cup of tea for Luke, the blond gave her a grateful smile as he kicked off his shoes, he needed a moment to breathe after his long day. "Thank you."

Chat nodded, sitting beside him, "Michael just explained it all to me." Luke hummed, then felt Char touch his shoulder, "I'm happy Luke, you just brought my daughter back." She said.

Luke looked at her happy face, "it's not her body though, she doesn't look the same, it's just her soul."

"That's enough for me." Charlotte said.

"I think I've lost Reece too." Luke admitted to her, it felt weird to say as she was his sister.

"That doesn't matter." Char said but it did matter and Luke teared up at the thought of Reece not being his anymore, they'd gone through so much, they hadn't even gotten to be intimate and now he was gone, he wouldn't protect him anymore and Michael definitely wouldn't, Reece had reason to stick around with Luke when he had Elizabeth back, Luke was after all just a replacement of his past love because they looked so similar.

"He said he loved me, I didn't say it back because I was scared."

Charlotte pulled him in for a hug, "Reece and Elizabeth have a history together, but you are his now, you're his future." Char said, trying to soothe Luke but the blond didn't think that would happen, Reece wouldn't stay when he had her back.

Before Luke could reply they heard a door slam and talking and Luke remembered that Junior would finally get to see his sister after so many years and Luke didn't want to steal Charlotte from seeing her daughter. "You should go to them." Luke told her. "I'm gonna go back to my dorm."

"Are you sure?" Charlotte asked.

Luke nodded, "yeah yeah, I'll be fine."

They went down the stairs together but Luke hung back out of view from the family reunion, when he knew they were in the living room, Luke left through the front door quietly.

He walked down the steps swiftly and back towards the lights of the town that he could see from the hill the house was on, but before he could even reach the end of the drive way, he heard Reece.

"Luke." He said.

Luke stopped mid step and nibbled on his bottom lip as he turned to his now ex boyfriend. He hated that. Reece stayed at the top of the steps, by the door. "Yeah?" Luke said.

"Thank you," Reece said slowly.

Luke nodded once, and turned on his heel and left the house.


That's some shady witch business my dudes

I have 11 chapters left holy poop, this is one of my faves but it doesn't get a lot of attention and it's sad lol

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