The Possessive Billionaire ✔

By pearl_love_27

653K 18.9K 1K

[UNDER EDITING] Meet Ashley Hayes, the 24-year-old girl who was frowned upon by everyone because she was an o... More

Mini Disclaimer
Chapter 1 - The Rain {}
Chapter 3 - Everything Went Black{}
Chapter 4 - The Hospital {}
Chapter 5 - They Have Arrived{}
Chapter 6 - Work For Me{}
Chapter 7 - Best Friend's Mistake{}
Chapter 8 - Miss Stanford {}
Chapter 9 - Meet The Parents {}
Chapter 10 - Phone Checks & Trust Issues {}
Chapter 11 - Smells Like Love{}
Chapter 12 - The Gold, Black And White Gala {}
Chapter 13 - Passed Out {}
Chapter 14 - Peonies, Italian Food & Abundant Apologies {}
Chapter 15 - Storytelling Time{}
Chapter 16 - Brayden Kruger {}
Chapter 17 - Balls & Brazil {}
Chapter 18 - The Snowflake Ball {}
Chapter 19 - King Of Broken Hearts{}
Chapter 20 - The Talk{}
Chapter 21 - Running Away {}
Chapter 22 - Job Hunting {}
Chapter 23 - My BFF & I {}
Chapter 24 - A Broken Heart & A Tired Soul {}
Chapter 25 - Drinking & Driving{}
Chapter 26 - Carnival Time {}
Chapter 27 - Weddings & Engagements {}
Chapter 28 - The Endorsement Deal {}
Chapter 29 - The Fall Of A Drama Queen {}
Chapter 30 - The Court Case {}
Chapter 31 - Here Goes Nothing{}
Chapter 32 - Conferences & Theme Parks{}
Chapter 33 - Acceptance {}
Chapter 34 - The Engagement Party{}
Chapter 35 - The Spilt Drink{}
Chapter 36 - The Last Straw {}
Chapter 37 - The Visit {}
Chapter 38 - Insult Wars {}
Chapter 39 - Hunter & Claire {}
Chapter 40 - This Is It {}
Chapter 41 - Jumbled Thoughts {}
Chapter 42 - Informing The Hawthornes {}
Chapter 43 - Bride & Groom {}
Chapter 44 - The Flu {}
Chapter 45 - Jitters {}
Chapter 46 - The Preparation {}
Chapter 47 - The Binding Vows {}
Chapter 48 - The Flight
Chapter 49 - Trouble In Paradise
Chapter 50 - Light At The End Of The Tunnel
Thank You
The Billionaires Entanglement

Chapter 2 - The Gala {}

31.4K 872 81
By pearl_love_27

Chapter 2 - The Gala


Melanie pushed me towards my bathroom to get changed. Thankfully I had managed to sleep in until the afternoon before a terrifying Melanie pounded on my door demanding I get up. I had obviously thrown a fit because I didn't take long to get ready but she dragged me out of my warm and cosy bed regardless.

I slipped into my red dress and looked at myself in the mirror. My nails were done to match the deep colour of the dress. The dress itself was gorgeous, it showed a little cleavage, but it flowed down and accented my curves well.  The dress then flared out at the bottom creating a small train behind me. This was almost like an extended mermaid tail. My long brown hair was curled to add volume and my make-up was done perfectly. The nude eye shadow that was applied made my hazel green eyes pop out but it was all-natural - which is how I liked my make-up to be done.

I stepped out of the bathroom and saw Melanie waiting for me on my bed.

"You look hot!" Melanie complimented and I smiled at her. I had just slipped on my red dress and she was now checking me for any flaws.

"Thanks, you do too!" I said complimenting her.

Melanie was wearing a baby pink dress that was also long, it had a slit up her left leg and it also made her blue eyes pop. Her make-up was also natural and didn't look like it was caked on. Her nails were also the same colour as her dress and they also had a few black flower stickers stuck on them.

"Let's get going!" She said as she moved to walk out of my room.

We hailed a cab since Melanie didn't want to take her car. We were supposed to get 'wasted' on the free alcohol and she also wanted me to meet some hot dude that worked where she did. According to her, I had spent enough years mopping over my ex and now it was time to 'hunt for new blood' - her words not mine.

Melanie worked at one of the most successful technology companies. She planned and mapped out the new models for all the new devices. She also did some programming which she had an obsession with when she was in high school, however she did not wish to pursue that in college. Hawthorne Technology was the name of the company but the devices that were produced had HT on them. The HT brand was well known. It was the best brand and globally famous. Even I owned one.

"Wow! this is beautiful!" I say and smiled looking around the massive hall. We had arrived at the gala and there were quite a few guests here already.

"Yeah, I know, I helped to organise all of this." She said proudly.

The theme was red, gold and black. I felt like I fit in right away with my red dress. Even though I generally hated events like this, this one I had fun at.

I went to the bathroom with Melanie so that she could touch up my make-up. When we returned to the hall the opening speech was over and music was playing. Melanie introduced me to some of her friends at work, Samantha, Leigh Anne and Louis. They were all great and welcomed me instantly.

Louis had complimented me about a million times before he finally stopped. He was however very sweet and I immediately picked up that he had some sort of feelings for my best friend because he hovered by her all the time. Melanie was blind to all his advances. The night passed on with great success. Melanie and her friends had convinced me to drink and I was pretty certain that I was tipsy.

I was holding my last drink of the night, a weird gold colour substance, that Melanie handed me. I grabbed my phone and saw that she was calling me which then in turn caused me to turn around and walk smack bang into a wall. That was what I thought too, most likely because I had been drinking a little too much.

"I'm so sorry!" I said and scrambled back and looked at the man I had just walked into.

"It's okay." He said with a soft smile.

To say he was hot was underestimating him, he was incredibly good looking. It was like he had just walked off the runway with his dreamy blue eyes and glossy black hair and full out shoulders. He smiled at me and the world faded away, that too was an exaggeration but I couldn't stop the butterflies floating around in my stomach.

"Brandon." He said extending his hand forward to greet me.

"Ashley. Nice to meet you." I said with a small yet shy smile.

"Fantastic to meet you too," Brandon said and showed off his perfect pearl white teeth.

"Cool," I said - as I had nothing better to say - and took a sip of the golden drink in the glass I was holding.

I grimaced as the awful tasting liquid went down my throat.

"Don't you like scotch?" Brandon asked with a smirk.


"Hey, I honestly would like to get to know you better. May I have your number?" He asked.

I debated whether I should give it to him. First of all, he was a complete stranger and I had just met him, although he did seem familiar to me. I scanned him and decided that he did not look dodgy and he seemed like a genuinely nice person. I debated the whole debacle in my head before I finally caved in and decided to just give it to him.

I gave it to him and he saved my number and he also gave me his. I saved him as Brandon and then he smiled, apologised, and excused himself because apparently, he had urgent matters to attend to.

I found Melanie and she was absolutely drunk. She was on the dance floor with her co-worker Louis and they were both dancing. I smiled at them both and wondered whether Melanie had picked up on the fact that Louis had feelings for her or if she was just oblivious to the whole thing. 

"You see it too don't you?" Samantha said as she came up to me and I kindly smiled at her.

"I do," I said with a small smile. I was not the only one who picked up on something.

"I personally ship them!" Samantha said and I smiled and glanced back at them. Louis was shamelessly flirting with her.

"Me too!" I said and sipped my horrible tasting drink.

I made a bit of conversation with Samantha, I learned a few things about her but we didn't instantly click. She was extremely arrogant and I hated people like that. We never exchanged numbers and after a while, I got tired of her and decided to leave. My head felt swirly as I stumbled towards the bathroom, I felt light-headed and slipped on my sky-high heels before strong warm hands caught me and I passed out.

I groaned as I rubbed my sore head and looked around the unfamiliar room. It was spacious and filled with highly modern things. It looked like a suite. I was terrified as I scanned my environment trying to find out where I was and how I had managed to actually land myself here.

I tied my hair in a brown messy bun. I looked towards the door that had opened and I saw a familiar man. Blue eyes. Black hair. Then I remembered that it was Brandon from last night. He smiled at me and came forward as I tried to back away into the bed. My heartbeat was soaring as I realized there was no one in the whole place beside him.

"Good morning!" He smiled.

"Morning..." I trailed off looking past him and out the open door.

"I brought you home last night after you fainted. You didn't have any type of identification or key on you so I was not sure where to take you," He admitted as he rubbed his neck, "There is an extra toothbrush, some clothes and you can use the shower in here." Brandon gestured towards another door in the room.

"I want to leave." Was the first thing I managed to blurt out. I was nervous but scared.

"Do I scare you? My name is Brandon if you do not remember. We met last night at the gala. I don't want to hurt you and I have no intentions of doing so. I promise you that." He said and stepped backwards to give me some space to breathe.

"Are you sure? I don't want to be a burden on you, this lovely morning." I replied, sliding out of the bed and seeing I wasn't wearing the red dress from last night. Instead, I was in loose grey sweat pants and a white cotton top.

"Don't worry Ashley, you are not imposing any burden here," Brandon assured me kindly with a smile and I nodded with a sigh.

"Thank you I guess... I do have a question to ask..." I said trailing off and Brandon looked at me nodding with encouragement.

"Umm," I felt my face flush red under his gaze before I sputtered out the next few words, "Who undressed me?"

"That was my housekeeper Gloria," Brandon said as he rubbed his neck, "I hope you do not mind, I thought it would be more comfortable for you to sleep in some of my spare clothes."

"Thank you but I really need to leave!" I said as I attempted to get out the bed, "Where's Melanie? Is she here too?" I asked hopefully.

Brandon shook his head, "No. It's just you, me and Gloria." He said.

"I need to leave!" I said scared.

My best friend wasn't here and I was in a house with a man I had just met. I didn't even remember how I ended up in this apartment! My hands were slightly clammy as the nerves in my body continued building up.

"Please I have prepared some breakfast and clothing for you." He said.

"I can't!" I said, "I don't know you!"

"Please stay. I promise that I'll take you home straight after. I will not hurt you. I promise you that, Ashley. I am not a bad guy."

"I can't..." I trailed off.

"Please Ashley I feel uncomfortable allowing you to leave without extending my hospitality." He said, "However if you want to go I will not force you to stay here. The decision is solely up to you."

It was weird to say this but I felt as though I could trust him. He had a warm and friendly vibe to him. I know that I met this man only last night, but something deep inside made me feel safe in his presence. Somehow I knew that he wouldn't hurt me. I mean, if he had wanted to cause me any harm he would have done so by now. Also, I simply couldn't shake off the feeling that I knew from somewhere. I was certain that this was not the first time we had met.

I sighed and nodded my head, "I'm only taking a shower and having some breakfast and then leaving!" I insisted and he nodded. 

I headed off to shower but it took me a good few minutes to figure out how the tap works. I washed with his soap and smiled that I smelled just like him. I think I forgot to mention that he smelled absolutely divine. The lemon and mint smell was captivating and he was so handsome. I got out of the warm shower and wrapped a towel that I had taken from the nearby cupboard and smiled when I saw an outfit of clothes on the countersink with a toothbrush and a tube of toothpaste. Spying a note on top of the pile I took it and read it.

I have left these for you to make use of. Don't worry everything is brand new. -Brandon

I smiled at the note and dressed and after that, I washed my face and brushed my teeth with mint toothpaste. I walked out and saw Brandon waiting outside in the hallway messaging someone on his phone. When he heard me he immediately looked up and gave me a smile.

"I prepared breakfast! I hope you are hungry!" He said with a grin.

"Yes, thank you!" I said and he nodded.

The house was huge, and three stories up. We passed several room doors all closed, on the second level, I saw a home theatre, a huge dining table and a pool table. Also a mini gym and what looked like an art studio. The last floor had a huge kitchen and a thirty-six seater dining table. There was a huge flat-screen plasma TV on the wall and a few remote controls strewn over the couches.

I saw two plates of food that were freshly made and my stomach loudly grumbled as the smell wafted into my nostrils. I felt my face flush and Brandon let out a soft chuckle.

We sat down and ate. We had eggs, bacon and sausages with some toast and freshly squeezed orange juice.

"Ashley, you seem rather familiar. Where do you work?" Brandon asked starting a conversation with me.

"I work at Colleen's Orphanage and at The Waterfront," I said.

"Waterfront? I have been their plenty of times, I think that is where I have seen you." He said nodding his head at his own thoughts, "I knew I recognised you from somewhere."

"Wow, that's really nice. I am a waitress." I said.

"That's nice."

"Where do you work?" I asked him, as I drank the last of my orange juice.

"At Hawthorne Technology." He said.

"Wow that is cool, I heard that it is one of the most successful businesses in the whole wide world. I even have a HT!" I said showing him my black coloured sleek smartphone.

"So do I!" He said showing me his phone and I let out a soft chuckle.

"What model?" I asked him.

"HT9, yours is an HT5." He said gesturing to it.

"That is correct!" I said and he smiled.

After a few moments, we finished eating our breakfast. I helped him place all the dishes in the sink before I watched him pull on his navy blue blazer to match the rest of the suit he was wearing.

"Let's get going! I have a meeting to attend to in a couple of minutes." He said and I followed him, placing my phone in my pocket. Brandon gave me my pair of heels and dress in a packet which I thanked him for and then he opened the door leading to his garage. He flipped a switch on before, row by row, light by light, they began to turn on. He had a set of a million different cars from Porsches to Ferraris and Bogati Verrones. I thought nothing of it because no one said he owned these. The owner could be anyone, even his father, and not necessarily him.

He chose the bright red Ferrari and opened the passenger door for me. I slipped in and he shut the door and walked elegantly to the driver's side and got in. He grabbed the set of keys and pressed the button and the garage in front of the red car opened. He drove out and I gave him my address and we headed there. He insisted on walking me to the door and I smiled at his gesture. He gave me a hug before telling me it was nice to meet me officially and then he left, he rushed off to his meeting in half an hour.


Hey guys!

The second chapter is out! I hope you like it and don't forget to comment your thoughts and vote if you liked it ❤

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