Star-Crossed Myth: The Divine...

By Starlight-Writer

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A Star-Crossed Myth Fan-Fiction. Abbey thought her life would be nothing but mundane until she is to see six... More

Chapter I: Shooting Stars
Chapter II: When It Rains It Pours
Chapter III: Burden by Destiny
Chapter IIII: Count Your Blessings
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story I
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 2
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 3
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 4
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 5
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 6
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 7
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 8
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 9
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 10
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 11
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 12 (END)
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 1
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 2
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 3
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 4
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 5
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 6
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 7
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 8
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 9
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 10
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 11
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 12 (END)
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 1
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 2
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 3
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 4
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 5
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 6
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 7
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 8
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 9
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 10
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 11
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 12 (END)
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 1
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 2
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 3
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 4
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 5
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 6
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 7
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 8
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 9
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 10
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 11
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 12 (END)
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 2
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 3
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 4
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 5
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 6
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 7
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 8
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 9
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 10
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 11
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 12 (END)
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 1
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 2
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 3
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 4
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 5
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 6
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 7
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 8
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 9
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 10
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 11
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 12 (END)
Chapter V: Losing Sleep
Chapter VI: One Thing After Another
Chapter VII: The End Of The Dream
Chapter VIII: Race Against Time
Chapter IX: Last Piece of the Puzzle
Chapter X: Last Piece of The Puzzle Pt.2
Chapter XI: Rewrite the Stars
Chapter XII: One Wish
Author's Note

Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 1

107 5 0
By Starlight-Writer

Eyes that are clear as the bluest sea have done nothing but gaze upon me right from the beginning that speaks with a painful longing. As if under a spell I find myself mesmerized by his wavy dark blue hair that I can only imagine is silky soft, his complexion as pale as a porcelain doll's, and his eyes...

Before I know it, I'm drawn to him and I stand only a few feet away, taking in a shallow breath before speaking the name of the god I've chosen. "...Huedhaut?"

My voice comes out quiet as I look up at the calm and collected god, noticing his rather tall and slender stature.

However, the god I chosen, furrows his brows like he's conflicted.

"Why me...?" Huedhaut breaks eye contact with me as he thinks to himself.

Felt as if I've been slapped in the face I stand there slack jawed. "...Huh?"

"It's nothing. Never mind." He quickly responds, avoiding my gaze.

"Um... okay..." I awkwardly stand there, unsure what to do.

It doesn't sound like 'nothing'... I think to myself as I notice the same expression on his face as if something is bothering him.

"I suppose it can't be helped now, seeing as the six of us won't be able to return to the heavens until our sins are absolved and our marks disappear..." Huedhaut sighs.

"Wait, you have marks?" I ask.

"Yeah, these things." Ichthys pops up as he lifts up his shirt and jacket to reveal a inky-black tattoo on his side.

"Whoa..." I lean in close to get a better look at the details.

Huedhaut nods. "Yes, that's a mark of sin. It signifies that we have broken the laws of the heavens."

Teorus steps into the conversation looking rather unsettled. "The truth is we've all committed different sins and exiled to earth as punishment."

"And that's when I come in..." I sigh heavily as I feel a headache coming on.

I still can't believe this is happening... I groan internally.

The rest of the gods look at me as I'm the their ticket out of here, and even if that's true, we all don't have any sort of idea on what needs to be done.

"However," Huedhaut begins to speak. "It's true she is a reborn goddess... the stars in her eyes prove it. But she no longer has the powers she possessed when she was a god. She's human now."

I breath with relief hearing him say with understanding. Was he.... protecting me?

Just when I'm heartened by his words, his thin lips twist into a frown.

"In other others, she's an encumbrance. Let's get you out of here, useless goldfish." He says, looking directly at me.

"Excuse me?" I look back at him dumbfoundedly.

"You're right. If she's of no value to us, there's no reason to keep her here." Leon declares in an intimidating voice.

"Tch, what a waste of time." Scorpio clicks his tongue.

I raise my hands in surrender. "You know what?'s no skin off my back. Good luck with your sins."

I begin making my way to the doors to exit when Huedhaut abruptly steps in front of me.

"I'll take care of her disposal if that's all right with you all." Huedhaut says to the others.

"I don't need an escort." I glare at him.

"It pays to have workaholic like you around sometimes. Dispose of her as you wish." Leon says with an arrogant smile spread across his face.

I roll my eyes. Great... they're going to kill me...I'll need to make an escape plan...

"Don't forget those words." Huedhaut return the smirk as his almond-shaped eyes narrow.

I continue to walk out of the room with Huedhaut suddenly taking the lead at a brisk pace.

Walking down the many corridors of the mansion, I shove my hands in my pockets as I gaze out the lancet windows and into the night, as there's nothing but the sound of our footsteps clacking against the marble floors.

Occasionally looking at the windows reflection I notice Huedhaut's expressionless face, as he doesn't even bother to look at me. I drop my gaze down at my feet as I continue to walk, thinking as how I'll be able to escape before he has the chance.

"This way." Huedhaut's calm voice echoes. late...

I look up at notice him standing in front of a rather large door.

Looking between him and the door with a rather skeptical expression. "And this is where you'll 'dispose' of me?" I comment, reminding him of his words from earlier.

Huedhaut chuckles. "There's no need to think of that. Besides, look where you're going, and go home."

"Home?" I raise an eyebrow. "Then what was with the whole 'I'll dispose of her' conversation?"

"Were you thinking dispose as in kill? I can if you would like." He smirks.

I raise my hands as I back away, shaking my head. "Nope, I'm good, thanks."

He chuckles again as he points to the large door. "This door can connect to anywhere depending on the will of the user. Use it to return to your world."

"Oh...okay." I say taking a single step towards the door, until I hear him continue to speak.

"We'll probably never see each other again. Forget about today and live a happy life as a human." Huedhaut speaks lowly.

I turn around to face him, giving him a confused look with those words of departure. His eyes glistening under the lighting, and his voice soft as it cracks ever so slightly with emotion, I find myself unable to move as I can only stare.

Why...did he say it like that?

Wait, why did he say that at all?

"Well then, hurry and be on your way." Huedhaut says.

I blink repeatedly to bring myself back into reality after zoning out, as I realize how his words had a strange effect on me.

"Well...can I see you again sometime?" I blurt out, unexpectedly.

His eyes widen by my words. "Excuse me?"

Why did I say that?! I scream internally, with obvious embarrassment written all over my redden face.

"Even if we could meet again, it would probably be for the best if we didn't. Think about the positions we're both in. You're no longer a goddess."

"Yeah, I get that. But what about that talk about me being the key to absolve your sins?" I ramble on, rather confused.

"That being said..." Huedhaut hesitantly steps closer to me. "I won't forget that you asked me that. Well then take care."

With that, Huedhaut turns around and I watch his tall form walk away as he disappears turning down a hallway.

I slowly turn back around myself, facing the door once more, thinking of my home in mind, I go to grab the doorknob.

Suddenly someone clasps their hands around my mouth.

"Be quiet or they'll spot us." A voice says.

"Mmph!" I struggle to break free from whoever has me embraced from behind.

"Hurry, that room will work." Another voice says.

What the hell is going on now?!

I continue to struggle but it's no use as I'm dragged out of the entrance hall and into a dark room.

As whoever still holds my bounded, I take a moment to calm myself down and focus my strength, starting by stomping my foot on theirs.

They instantly let go with a howl.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?!" I spin on my heel as I raise my fists.

"Ow!" Ichthys shows himself as he holds his foot in his hand. "You're stronger than you look."

Teorus also appears by Ichthys. "I don't think no one notice. We're safe."

I take a deep breath. "What the hell?"

Teorus laughs. "You're cute when you're scared."

"Shut up, or I'll do to you what I did to him...but harder." I sternly say.

Then Ichthys swiftly moves in front of me, his cool fingers tilt my chin upward. "We just want to have a little fun, that's all." He voice is low and raspy. "I mean we went through so much trouble to catch you goldfish. It would be a waste to throw you back right away, you know?"

I gag at his words, as I slap his hand away. "I think I'll pass."

I go to leave but Teorus blocks my path looking at me with a rather sensual smile on his face, leaning in closer to whisper in my ear. "But we want to play with you."

"Then go find another 'goldfish'." I coldly say to them.

"Come on..." Teorus steps closer. "Close your eyes. If you don't you might get hurt."

I back up, and realize I'm trapped between the two mischievous gods.

I look between the two gods with my best intimidating glare. "Get away from me."

The two gods press in closer until my back is against the wall, their hands extending out to touch me. With no weapon, no one else around and not even my own self-defence techniques to help me in this situation all I can do close my eyes.

Just then, I feel a refreshing, cool breeze.

"You all look like you're having an awful lot of fun." A calm voice says.

I crack open my eyes to see Huedhaut standing in the doorway.

"Hue?!" Ichthys looks shocked by his sudden appearance.

Huedhaut sighs when he sees me. "You, I just let you go." His eyes then observe me from where I stand, trapped. "You must love taunting death. Either that or you like worrying gods."

"No... that's not—"

"Either way, you're troublesome." He sighs.

Before I know it, he's next to me. His long slender fingers grasp me and pull me into him and it takes my brain a few seconds to register that's he's hugging me from behind.

"Close your eyes for a little while." He whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Why?" I ask, trying not to show my nervousness. "You're just going to do something to me, aren't you?"

"...I swear on my name as a god that I am not." Huedhaut vows earnestly. "I may have been thrown out of the heavens, but I am still a god."

I remain silent for a moment as I still feel doubtful of what he's asking. "...If you do anything, I'll punch you." I flatly say.

"I won't hurt you..." He kindly says. "Trust me. Close your eyes."

His soft voice and gently touch has me obey his command and I close my eyes for him.

"Good." He says approvingly.

Then the cool skin of his palms rest against my eyelids shutting the world out, as I feel nothing but secure and at peace.

"Now then..." Huedhaut says as his touch may be gentle but the tone in his voice gives off a certain harshness.

" down." Teorus nervous stammers.

"We were just playing around...whoa!?" Ichthys shouts in a panic.

Huedhaut doesn't waste his breath answering the two scared gods, but instead the snapping of fingers rings out. A moment later the room is veiled in a powerful, icy cold gale.

Kinda want to know what's happening... but then again, kinda' don't...

"Keep holding on to me." Huedhaut says to me.

I nod my head. "Okay..."

With his arms around me, I feel.... protected.

With his cool touch, instead of it giving my chills, it actually seems to have a calming effect on me.

The howling of the wind whipping around us grows more powerful and I find myself gripping onto Huedhaut tightly.

I hear him chuckle. "You're not very trusting, are you? I don't break my promises."

The wind howls and cuts off part of Huedhaut's sentence.

"Certain someone..." He says.

I piece of the words together. He must've said 'unlike a certain someone'."

Cocking my head to the side, confused by his sarcastic words all of a sudden.

"You look awfully stressed. Are you cold?" He asks me.

"Surprisingly no. You're actually really warm." I giggle.

Huedhaut drops his hand from my eyes, as he doesn't say a word.

Glancing up at him I see myself reflecting back off his dark blue eyes.

We stand there in each other's embrace, gazing at each other without saying a single word. Strangely enough, I gain a strong sense, a premonition of what's to come, of which it being that Huedhaut and I aren't out of each other's lives quite yet.

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