The Gay's Diary {BoyxBoy} [✔︎]

By acollegewriter

2.7K 77 20

"You're never gonna get it I'm a hazard to myself I'll break it to you easy This is hell, this is hell You're... More

New Life
Nathiel Apolyos
Matthias Blackwood
The Cousin
The Blackwoods
The Movies
The Movies (Clean version)
The Unknown Texter
Closer To Solving
Case close along with two broken hearts
The New Kids
The Gay Uncle
The Party
After Party
Invite From The Blackwoods
Thanksgiving Dinner
Dana Apoylos
Christmas Break
Christmas Day
U.S. Route 20
New York
Causal Affair
Nine In The Afternoon. Along With A Surprise
I Do
4 Years Later


31 4 0
By acollegewriter

Author's note: Hey guys. I just wanted to say I'm going to end this story pretty soon and I wanted to say thank you to all the people that read this story and stayed around. I made some pretty amazing characters and storyline too. But in the future when I'm done there will be some bonus stories. And I am very pleased that I have created a story that you love. Enjoy.

Dear Diary
My anxiety is coming. Slowly. Matt offered to drive to Georgia. I'm glad I have him.

Dana's POV
I woke up and looked at my husband. Jayce. He was still asleep. The baby moderator didn't go off. I stood up and I heard my phone buzz then I grabbed my phone. The message was from Matt. I opened up the message. The message said "We just woke up and we are on our way. Nate already asked if we can't go. He woke up this morning, crying. I feel bad" I frowned at the last part. I just did a simple reply.

I walked to my closet and opened it up. I have to wear something good but not too dressy. I grabbed my flower dress that it something you would wear for a picnic. I walked out of my room and did what I need to do in the bathroom, I cracked the door open to my babies' room. They were still asleep.

I walked into the kitchen, I should make a welcoming breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage, milk or whatever you want to drink. I started cooking, after a couple of minutes Jayce woke up and had the twins downstairs. He changed their diapers, clothed them, and feed them. I finished breakfast and set plates on the table along with cups, drinks, and food. I heard a knock at the door, I walked up to the door and opened the door. My parents were standing in front of me. They are supposed to be here later on in the day. Nate's anxiety is going to seriously kill him. Or something. "Hello mom and dad," I said, they smiled at me "Hello sweetheart," my mom said, I stepped aside and they walked in. I lead them to the table, they say down "Nate should be here soon" I said as I sat down, my dad rolled his eyes "That faggot" my dad said, I frowned slightly. This day is going to be fascinating.

Nate's POV
I knew where we are. On the street that my sister lives on. I tapped my foot, anxiously. I looked out the window and saw my sister's house and my parents' car, my heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest as my anxiety rose. I grabbed Matt's thigh, my hands trembling, he turned in her driveway. I felt short of breath "M-Matt can we please turn around now?" I asked he shook his head. He parked the car "I will give you some time to collect your feelings and anxiety together. Just come in when you're ready" he said and got out the car, I sighed shakily and ran my fingers through my hair. I took a deep breath in and exhale slowly, I repeated this for a couple of minutes. I spoke softly to myself "You got this Nate. It's your life. You can date who you want to date. You're attracted to guys. Try not to What my parents say to me, get to me. I'm happy with who I am" I said as I unbuckled and got out. Now or never Nathaniel. I looked at Matt, he nodded and walked up to the door. I followed him, my heart beating faster as I got closer to the door.

"You should knock. It's your sister's place" Matt said, I nodded and walked up the door then knocked, clear, loud and hard. A couple of seconds passed by, I knocked again and the door opened. Dana was standing there, smiling "Welcome home," she said, I nodded and grabbed Matt's hand, she stepped aside and we walked in. I looked around and I saw two figures at the kitchen table, my heart sank even though I knew they were here. Then I had a flashback, I walked into the house my parents at the table and I ran up to them, hugging them. We laughed together, a happy family. Matt put his hand on my shoulder and whispered: "Are you ready to go eat some breakfast?" He asked  I nodded.

N,o I wasn't ready. Not or never Nathaniel Aries Apolyos! Don't be afraid! No turning back now.  I held his hand tightly, Dana walked in front of us and walked into the kitchen. We walked behind her, I looked at my parents, they looked at me. With a disgusted look in their eyes. We sat down across from them "Hi mom and dad" I said, grabbing a plate, my hands were still trembling. Matt grabbed the plate out of my hand, I don't know why, probably afraid of me dropping it. "Apolyos," my dad said, not even adding a hi before. My mom looked at me and I looked at her, there was another look in her eyes, I couldn't make it out.

Dana cleared her throat "So Nate are you going to introduce your boyfriend to mom and dad?" She asked  I nodded "I will love to do that." I said, looking at Matt and at my parents "Matthias Blackwood. He had been my boyfriend after a couple of weeks when I moved to Seattle" I said and grabbed his hand then put our hands on the table. "I don't care" my father mumbled, I frowned slightly. Don't let it get to you. I sighed and Matt handed me a plate, I took it and started eating the food on my plate.

"In fact. I hate your presence Nathaniel" my dad said as he leads in, I looked at him "Excuse me. You hate your own flesh and blood. Someone that you help create. Someone that you waited for 9 months to come in this world" I said leading in too "You're a disappointment" my father shoot back at me "If I'm such a disappointment then why haven't you died yet?" I asked. Everyone was looking at me in such shock. "You faggot!" My father yelled at me, a flashback went through my head. Back on my birthday. My father called me a faggot. I stood up and my father did the same, Matt grabbed my hand and whispered "Nate. Chill" he said as he rubbed my back. My mom had her hand on my father's back.

"I shouldn't be a disappointment. I'm actually getting a life. I'm going to be a writer and own a business with Matt. We are going to have a family and get married in the future. I don't give a damn if you approve it or not!" I yelled at my father, we were leading up to the table. I could feel the heat between us. The anger, the fear that the others had and the shock, disappointment in the air. The vibe.

My mom stood up "Tom. Stop" she said, demanding sound in her voice and she looked at me "I'm so sorry for the way I treated you Nathaniel" she continued to talk but in a polite way. I felt myself soften up to her. I wanted to shed a tear. My father looked at her "Wait!? Mary what has gotten into you!?" My father yelled, "Tom I want a divorce!" My mom shot back at him. She stood close to him "And I'm serious about this" she said as he poked his chest "You can't treat our son like that. Now go" she said as she pushed him a bit. My father walked out of the house. Piss. I looked at my mom and started burst into tears of joy, she walked up to me and hugged me.

I got accepted by my mom.

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