A Stabler and a Benson [A Ben...

By GirlandHerKeyboard

13.4K 626 39

Another story based off of my one shots, which turned out to be a three part series! Olivia and Elliot have r... More



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By GirlandHerKeyboard

Olivia's POV

Later that night, Maggie was waking up but she would just zone out on the wall and not speak. David and I took turns trying to get her to wake up more by talking, but it was like she wasn't Maggie right now. I walked out of her room after David got back from getting something for dinner, and I headed down to the cafeteria to get dinner, and to also call Catie, so I could check up on Mason.

"Hey, Momma." Catie answered.

"Hey, love. How is everything going?" I asked, as I took the stairs instead of the elevator so the call wouldn't drop.

"Everything is okay. I opened up to Eli about Sophie's death, because Mason brought up how scared she is about maybe losing Maggie to this cancer." Catie sighed, and I frowned.

"Nothing is going to happen, and I wish she'd trust me with that. Did you manage to get her mind off of this?" I mused.

"We actually did. I was wondering if next Wednesday, Mason could come down to DC with us because on Thursday we have a big appointment." She spoke, and I knew my daughter was smiling.

"What appointment?" I sighed, because I was exhausted.

"Did you forget?" She asked slowly, and I knew I had hurt her somehow.

"Catie, what did I forget? I've been up for almost 17 hours. I can't remember every little thing."

"You know, never mind. Can she just come to DC with us? To help her get her mind off of all of this?" She asked, and I groaned.

"Sure. Fine." I huffed, and she hung up on me. I swore before dialing her number again, but she ignored it.

Yes, I was being insensitive towards my daughter, and her hormones are all over the place, but I have some pretty big things that are happening right now, and I need to focus on Maggie's health.


Eli's POV

Catie walked into her old bedroom where I was laying on an air mattress since her parents were in the middle of changing this bedroom into a library office thing for Olivia. Her face wasn't bright from a smile, but it was dark from a frown.

"Cat, what's wrong?" I questioned, and she sighed.

"I'm going to contact my father in the morning and see if maybe we could take Mason down to DC for the next week."

"Did something happen?" I questioned, as she lowered herself onto the mattress. She rolled onto her side so she was facing me, before she spoke.

"My mother pretty much said that she doesn't care about my appointment. It's kinda freaking me out, because all I wanted her to do was to tell me she was excited to know what her first grandchild was going to be, but instead she doesn't care." She frowned.

"I'm sorry, baby."

"Yeah, well it's kinda always been this way. The twins always come first, because they are her babies. I'm used to it, but it hurts a lot right now. But I'm just being crazy. I'm sure-"

"Don't try to come up with excuses for her response. You-"

"Can we sleep, please? I don't want to do this anymore. I love you." She spoke, before leaning over and kissing me, before cuddling into my side.

I wrapped my arms around her and went silent, as her breathing calmed down, and I knew she was sleeping. 

I kept looking up at the roof until she rolled over onto her other side, and just laid there and ran her hands over her stomach even though she was sleeping. I stood up and walked out of the room before going and grabbing my phone from where it was charging next to the TV.

I dialed Catie's father's phone, before waiting for him to pick up.

"Eli, is everything okay?" David yawned into the phone.

"I was just wondering if we can keep Mason for next week?"

"I guess, why?" He questioned.

"Because Catie wants her to stay with us in DC for the week. On Thursday morning we are finding out the gender of the baby. Mason wants to be there to find out." I spoke.

"Of course! It'll be good for Mason. When are you going to leave? Cause I want to see her before she leaves with you." David spoke, and it was nice that he showed interest.

"We are leaving Saturday because we have some people coming over to our place to do the roof. So she'll be there from this Saturday to next Saturday. We'll bring her home, but then we might want to move back to DC." I spoke, and he drew in a quick breathe.

"Liv came back and was upset. Do you know what happened between her and Cat?" David questioned.

"Uh, it sounded like your wife isn't that interested in Catie's appointment. She said she couldn't remember every little thing, but this isn't a little thing. This is a huge thing for Catie, and not having her mother being supportive is getting to her. So we want to be here for you all, but I think, to keep the stress level to a minimum, we should be living in DC."

"I'll talk to her. But I understand."

We ended the call and I plugged in my phone before walking back into the room. I laid back down and pretended like nothing happened, because if Catie found out, she'd be pissed.


Catie's POV

On Saturday we left for DC with Mason. Since the roof was getting redone, that day we spent at the beach. The on Sunday and Monday, Mason enjoyed painting the living room with me. Then Tuesday we went and picked out some stuff for the nursery with Eli.

"I really like that." Mason smiled, as she pointed at a glider instead of a normal rocking chair. I looked over and laughed to see my husband already sitting in it.

"Ooo, this is nice. I think that I might be sleeping in here with our baby instead of in the bedroom with you." My husband grinned and I laughed.

"Well then I guess I'll be investing in that." I smiled, and Mason laughed before going over and grabbing Eli's arm so he would get up and she could try it out.

I walked over and looked at a free cribs that have the same wood color as the glider, and Eli walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How are you doing?" He asked, and I shrugged.

"I'm doing okay. I just can't wait for Thursday." I smiled, as he placed his hands on my stomach, which has became more noticeable since we moved up to Manhattan for a few weeks.

"So, once we are done here, can we get something to eat?" Mason asked, as she walked over and grabbed the side of the crib that I was looking into getting.

"I think we can, now, help your sister, we need to get some stuff ordered."


Thursday came around, and my mother still hadn't talked to me. I wasn't going to try with her, because just like when I was younger, the twins were more important.

We went into the room where they were performing the sonogram, and Eli stood to one side, and while Mason was on the other. It didn't take long for the tech to find the baby's heart beat, and then she moved the wand around my stomach before she grinned.

"Right there you can see that you are having a girl." She smiled, and I looked at Mason.

"I'm getting a niece." She whispered, and I smiled.

"You're not excited are you?" Eli asked, as he leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so excited. I can't wait to tell Maggie!"

Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Please vote and comment all of your feedback below! :D

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