
By howto_

244K 20.5K 9.7K

I have quite a lot of pent up anger. More

'Asking For It'
'Your Taste In Music Is Crap'
The Wattpad Rants: 'Update... Now!'
An Open Letter To Anyone Who Has Ever Pointed Out My Flaws
The Wattpad Rants: Stop Commenting Stupid Stuff On My Books... Please
Why Do I Feel So Confused?
People Who Create Unnecessary Drama
The Wattpad Rants: Romanticising Abuse In Stories
People Who Like To Judge Other People
'Your Generation Is Lazy'
The Wattpad Rants: Stop Dissing One Direction Fanfiction
The Wattpad Rants: I'm Not Going To Promote Your Story... Stranger
Parental Intrusion Into Personal Life
Why Is Finding Motivation To Write So Hard?
PE Teachers (Sports Teachers)
I Just Don't Care Anymore
The Wattpad Rants: Updating Is Slowly Driving Me Insane
Hillary Clinton
Donald Trump
Kids Having Phones
My View On Slurs
Why Do People Love Creating Drama?
School Uniforms
White Feminism
The Wattpad Rants: Wanting To Write A New Book
People Who Can't Make Plans
The Things I've Learnt From Wattpad
The Wattpad Rants: People That Ask For Editing When They Don't Need It
The Wattpad Rants: The Stress Of Posting New Books
The Wattpad Rants: The Non-Fiction Genre
The Times I Love Being An Editor
Exams. More Exams. And Some More.
Why Don't We Look After Ourselves?
Literally Having The Weirdest Ideas Ever
The Wattpad Rants: Wattpad And Mature Content
Paranoid Friendships
I Want To Do Some More Serious Rants
Male Abuse
Religious Persecution
Homophobia (+ hate towards all members of the LGBTQ+ community)
Childhood Cancer [from an anonymous ranter]
Feeling Lonely
The Death Penalty
Mental Health: The Taboo
Exam Stress: What I Wish Someone Had Told Me
Storytime: I Need To Rant About This
Music: 2017
Changing Your Life
Suppressed Paranoia
Why I Don't Read On Wattpad Anymore
Acne Update: There Is Always Hope
People On Buses
Storytime: My Crappy Lovelife
I Don't Say This Enough
Being 'Offended'
Burnt Out?
Trying To Fit In
Sharing My 13-Year-Old Rants
I Refuse To Be Scared
This Account Is A Hot Mess
The Wattpad Rants: Pet Peeves In Books
Don't Give Up On Yourself [Wattpad Edition]
I Need To Be Stopped
People Who Are Unwilling To Learn
How Many Fingers Am I Holding Up?
16 Things I've Learnt In 16 Years
Amsterdam (I love it but I may die here)
People Who Don't Care Whose Feelings They Hurt
People Who Ruin Others' Fun
Human Rights
Reading Rants
What To Write Next?
A Little Something I Wrote When I Was Sad Last Night
Results Day
Life Update: The Results Are In
Feeling Left Out
People Who Act Superior
Terror Becoming The Norm
Quick Survey
The Follow Up To The 'Asking For It' Case
The Things I Regret Doing On This Account
Bog Standard Rant Chapter About My Life: Sexuality Edition
Using People's Pronouns
Feeling Like Time Is Running Out
Letting The World Climb On Top Of Me
Fear And Its Grip On Us All
Being The DUFF
The Wattpad Rants: People Being Rude
White Feminism: Part 2
Not Knowing When You're Annoying People
Why America Confuses Me
The Avoidance Of Colonialism In The Education System
Support Group
Wanting to be alone
right...I'm confused
It's Like Everything Has Stopped
Through Tears and Heartbreak Songs
Talking to People is Hard
Never Knowing Other People's Emotions
I Never Thought I Would Be Making This Chapter (BTS related)
Falling Out of Love
I Can't Wallow In Pain
I Don't Want to Grow Up
Stressing Over Nothing
It's Not A Laughing Matter
Taking My Own Advice
Don't Live In What Ifs
It's Back
Sorry For The Absence
Knowing My Own Strength
Short Term Happiness but Long Term Pain?
18 Things I've Learnt in 2018
Rejection (+ why it's okay)
The Wattpad Rants: Feeling Old
Inspiration And Why It Fades

I Have No Idea Where I'm Going

722 68 28
By howto_

This will be long and probably won't make sense to anyone else but me but I need to write it all down, my skin feels like it's actually itching because this has been playing on my mind for so long. My life right now feels as though I am walking into an abyss of the unknown and I'm terrified. You know that guy I was talking about from the last chapter, I called things off. I'm not ready for big commitments and changes to my life because I am so comfortable where I am right now. I like living in this world where I hang out with friends and work isn't the main thing on my mind, and I don't have to think quite yet about university because it's still a while away... right? 

In my mind I'm still thirteen. I'm still just some kid who doesn't understand anything in this world but wants to give it all a go. I wish I hadn't wished to grow up so quickly because I find myself here in a state of panic because I don't know where to go. It's like someone has driven you to the middle of nowhere and then left you without a map to find where you're going. I don't know if I'm good enough to do English anywhere at university, I can barely spell normal words and my vocabulary seems to consist of swear words. I want so badly to go back. 

There are too many things to think about once. On the one hand there's school and this infinite amount of pressure I put on myself to be constantly improving and working but I never seem to get to the level I want to be at. Then there's this new wave of social expectation, to have a boyfriend, to have sex, to go clubbing with fake IDs which I don't have, to be shown to be doing something with your life. Then there's family, and the ever growing strain and distance between myself and my mother who never seems to understand this pressure which I feel constantly under. I can't just have a chill day because in my mind that's a failure both educationally and socially. I have to always be doing things. 

There's this pressure to read everything in the world like it will disappear in a few days, and I now have over 200 unread books on my shelf when I used to have only one or two. I hate what I've become sometimes because while on the outside I probably look like I'm coping and everything is alright, inside I'm barely above water. The stress becomes so much that I can't answer my emails, I can't answer my inbox here, I can't upload chapters even when I have time to write them, and I can't get too close to anyone new. I don't have time. 

I don't know where I'm going and that terrifies me. Where will I be next year? Did I guess I would be where I am last year? What will the future hold? I just wish I could know, just to prepare myself. Will I go where I want to?

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