Prince Harry Ih.sI

By stylesrunsme

827K 22.2K 3.2K

"Everyone please rise and applause for your new Prince and Princess!" Harry squeezed my hand tight and put u... More

Prince Harry


8.2K 261 21
By stylesrunsme

a/n: second update in less than 24 hours. Yas bish.

Oh HAHA guess what? I dropped my iphone earlier today and my screen cracked. Like the whole damn screen is cracked. I had to put duck tape over it all so I don't cut my ear while talking or finger while texting. W/e.


I don't know what made him so angry. I tried to defend myself but how could I? He was already stronger than me and not to mention I'm more than positive he’s drank alcohol, which at this moment makes him invincible.

After much yelling and cursing, me slapping his greedy hands off me, we've reached the house. When Louis stepped outside of the car I quickly shut the door and locked it, trapping myself alone in the limousine while he was yelling and banging for me to open the car door. I couldn’t, I knew he would hurt me, he even told me so after he slapped me for being too loud while we yelled.

The driver ended up unlocking the doors for him.

So here we are, walking towards his mansion while he pulls on my hair and I cry.

I try not to think of Harry but oh how bad I wish he were here to take me away.

But we don't always get what we want in life can we?

At the front door Louis struggles to unlock the locks and has moved his hand from harshly yanking on my hair to grabbing my upper arm. Unlike Harry who constantly has people at his home like maids and security, Louis doesn’t and it’s not hard to know why. The man’s an asshole.

Hiccups start to escape my lips as Louis finally pushes the door open, he unnoticeably tightens the strands off my hair that are wrapped around his hands and I silently yelp.  

When he shoves me in the house, I scream for him to stop but he doesn't. I don't really know what got into him but now that I think of it, I believe I caught him talking with Covetous while I was dancing... Maybe he's the reason? Regardless, these are Louis' actions so this must be what he wants.

Every step we take up the stairs Louis grips onto my arm tighter. He yells nasty things at me and tells me that I'm going to have to do whatever he wants and that he isn't playing Mr. Nice guy anymore. 

My tears have disappeared but that doesn't stop the crazy thoughts that enter my mind of what he's capable of as we'll as the pain I'll endure.

Harry and I only had sex once but he was gentle and loving and kept me calm... And Louis is nowhere near as sweet as Harry when it comes to that stuff. I mean I could just tell. For god's sake Louis has just finished telling me he's going to shove into me till he can't no more... And so the tears have returned as well as the hiccups.

"Get on the fucking bed," Louis yells as he pushes me onto the mattress. I whimper as my back hits the headboard.

Louis doesn't even bother to shut the bedroom door.

I try to crawl away from Louis but he grabs onto my ankles and pulls me to him as I scream.

I won't go down without a fight.


Is this why Harry was training me? Is this why I had lessons?

"Louis, get off!" I scream as he starts to take the belt off my dress. He starts to kiss down my neck. I wriggle my whole body trying to shake his lips away and off of me.

"Gisele, stop it!" He whispers very huskily.

I shake my head as more tears threaten to spill. He's lips attack my neck where he harshly sucks and his left hand has pinned my wrists together, bruising my skin as they're pinned above my head.

I scream at the top of my lungs as he tears and pulls down the top of my dress down to my ribs.

"Please, Louis. Stop this," I sob.

I try to take my hands away from his grasp and to use the little amount of skill I learned from my fighting session but I just can't. I don’t even have the strength anymore.

"Just stop!" I hiccup.

"I want you naked and on your knees, you got it?" Louis says rhetorically.

I nod my head and wipe a tear.

What can I do now? He's got me right where he wants me.

Louis soon gets off me, standing near the bed, eyeing me down, as I still lay flat on my back on the sheets.

"Well... get up and get to it!" He shouts.

I wipe my runny nose with the back of my wrist and sit straight. I pull the ruined dress down my legs and onto the floor. I look up at Louis as I'm left in my under garments.

He's going to have to strangle me to have me take them off.

He licks his lips, observing every wrinkle and scratch on my skin, he notices every curve and I notice his eyes moving to every goose bump that forms on my arm. Why won’t he just stop?

"You don't have to do this Louis." I whisper quietly.

He smiles, bringing his finger to smear the tearstains that are left on my cheek.

"We both know you'll never give it up for me, Gisele."

I close my eyes for a mere second to absorb his sickening words but apparently that was too much time for myself. His hands slowly reach behind my back and unclasp my bra. He does this weird thing where he closes his eyes and inhales the scent off my chest, putting his nose around my nipple... I shiver.

He bites his lip as his right index finger trails down the edge of the curves on my body and he stops at the band of my underwear.

"I knew it was a good idea to get you out of those clothes," he whispers.

I nod my head, hopeless. "Yeah" I sarcastically agree. I don’t seem to notice at first but at the tip of my chin, I feel a single tear start to roll down my neck.

"Sh. Sh. I'd hate to look down at you crying. This could be just as pleasurable for  you as it is for me." He says, putting his hand on my cheek, holding it.

I spit in his face.

Louis’ reaction nauseates me as he wipes my spit off him and smears it onto my neck and chest.

"You're a bitch."

I whimper as he harshly flips my body around, allowing me to barely breathe as he lies across my back, unzipping his pants.

"Don't tell me when to stop," he laughs in my ear.

I squeeze my eyes shut, waiting for him to remove his underwear and mine.

But he does nothing.

"Did you hear that?" He whispers.

I slap my hands on the bed and sniffle, "no”. Really? Fucking really?

I try to look back at him, but my neck is all too sore. "What have you hear-?"

-sh," he cuts me off. "There's someone here. " Louis lifts his body off me, pulling his pants up and zipping them. He grabs a baseball bat from under his bed and asks me to be silent. "Don't move."

I nod my head as he leaves the bedroom, tip toeing out the doors.

I ignore his request and grab at the first shirt I see on his dresser. I look through a drawer for sweatpants but am startled at the loud thuds coming from downstairs. Probably Louis just swinging his bat around.

And so the thought that someone has actually broken into Louis’ home to harm us crosses my mind and I leave the opened drawer and immediately jog over to the bedroom bathroom and close the door, hiding in the tub.

My body starts to shake as the whole house has an eerie silence to it.

What's happened?

I cover my mouth quickly and silently cry as I hear Louis yell in pain. I hear things being smashed and curses filling in the air.

I hear one last thump and Louis scream an "oh fuck," before the silence returns.

I rock back and forth as I hold in my loud sobs, waiting for the intruder to take advantage of me too.

I shrink back in fear as the knob to the bathroom door shakes.

My sobs are heard now.

Why didn't I lock the damn door?

The stranger takes a step forward and the first things I spot are his black combat boots then his long legs.

The man sighs, pulling a ski mask off his face. "Thank god," he says quietly, sighing and sounding relaxed?

I take in his sight and am literally unable to breath properly.

"Zayn?" I quietly question. Could my mind be playng tricks on me?

My eyes roll to the back of my head and my body falls back. A loud thud should be heard from the impact of my back on the tub but I don't hear it.

I can't see and I can't feel.

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