Star-Crossed Myth: The Divine...

By Starlight-Writer

8.7K 279 25

A Star-Crossed Myth Fan-Fiction. Abbey thought her life would be nothing but mundane until she is to see six... More

Chapter I: Shooting Stars
Chapter II: When It Rains It Pours
Chapter III: Burden by Destiny
Chapter IIII: Count Your Blessings
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story I
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 2
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 3
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 4
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 5
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 6
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 7
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 8
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 9
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 10
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 11
Leon, The Sadistic Ruler: Story 12 (END)
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 1
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 2
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 3
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 4
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 5
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 6
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 7
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 8
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 9
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 10
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 11
Scorpio, The Abrasive and Cool: Story 12 (END)
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 2
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 3
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 4
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 5
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 6
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 7
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 8
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 9
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 10
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 11
Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 12 (END)
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 1
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 2
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 3
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 4
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 5
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 6
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 7
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 8
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 9
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 10
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 11
Dui, The Split Personality: Story 12 (END)
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 1
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 2
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 3
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 4
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 5
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 6
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 7
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 8
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 9
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 10
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 11
Huedhaut, The Snarky Intellectual: Story 12 (END)
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 1
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 2
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 3
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 4
Ichthys, The Mischievous Trickster: Story 5
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 6
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 7
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 8
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 9
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 10
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 11
Ichthys, The Mischievious Trickster: Story 12 (END)
Chapter V: Losing Sleep
Chapter VI: One Thing After Another
Chapter VII: The End Of The Dream
Chapter VIII: Race Against Time
Chapter IX: Last Piece of the Puzzle
Chapter X: Last Piece of The Puzzle Pt.2
Chapter XI: Rewrite the Stars
Chapter XII: One Wish
Author's Note

Teorus, The Greedy Prince: Story 1

98 2 0
By Starlight-Writer

His friendly demeanor is a force that has me leaning towards him. Even though I don't care much for looks, since there is always more than what meets the eye. But it's hard not to notice his blond hair, gold eyes and charming smile that much resembles a prince from a fairy-tale. As for right now and my situation he seems to be the most approachable and...normal?

"How about you?" I gesture my hand towards him. "Teorus, right?"

He smiles brightly. "I figured you'd choose me."

"Tch, unbelievable." Scorpio grumbles as he exits the room.

Dui and Ichthyst follow behind. "See ya' later!" They wave, closing the door behind them.

"Okay, well now that's settle can I leave now?" I turn back to the three that remain.

Teorus pouts, much like a child who is not getting his way. "You can't leave yet, Goldie!"

"I chose a God, I think that's enough for tonight." I rub the side of my head feeling a headache coming on. "Besides I have to come up with some explanation as to what happened tonight"

"We can take care of that, don't worry!" Teorus reassuringly tells me with his kind eyes.

"Take care of it. Seriously?" I ask.

"Who do you think you're talking too?" Leon, intimately says.

"Besides, it would be much easier if we handled it." Huedhaut tells me.

"Exactly! So why don't you relax and have some tea?" Teorus asks while giving me a lonely-puppy dog face.

I cringe at the pleading look, but I give in. "Fine. Just only for a little while, okay?"

"Yay!" Teorus cheers, his attitude doing a complete turn-a-round.

I take a seat on the couch. "I can't believe this is happening." I murmur.

"Lady Abbey." An innocent voices chimes in.

"Whoa!" I look up to see Vega. "Where did you come from?"

She giggles and hands me a teacup. "Here you go."

"Uh...thanks." I say taking a sip.

I watch as Vega pours and gives tea to the other Gods.

Clearing my throat and set me teacup down. "So...about this whole...absolving your sins—"

Next thing I know Teorus is beside me. "Yup, you're our precious goddess that's going to save us!"

"Save you?" I almost find the phrase laughable.

Then Leon, looking intimidating speaks. "You Goldfish are so ignorant."

"I'm sorry, okay? Sheesh." I speak with attitude. "You're all Gods, god's of the zodiac, sinned and exiled to earth. Is there anything else I should know about you guys?"

"The three of us are god from the Department of Wishes." Leon says.

"Ah, good...please explain." I say with such fake enthusiasm.

"Meaning, that we're in charge of receiving and granting human wishes."

My hand rubs my forehead as I let out a laugh. "Human wish-granting God's who mock us humans and want nothing to do with earth. Fascinating. No wonder you've sinned."

"Careful, Goldfish." Leon glares and speaks with warning. "Because of that trickster king, we can't return to the heavens."

"Well...we can't return until we've completed out penance." Huedhaut intervenes.

"See!" Teorus excitedly yells.

When I look over at Teorus his upper body has been stripped of his clothes.

"Whoa!" I jump and fall over the side of the couch. "What the hell are you doing?"

Teorus moves closer to me as I stare at his toned and perfect body with a slack-jaw.

"Take a look." Teorus indicates to a spot on his lower back.

"Great, you got a badass tramp stamp, now cover up!" I yell, throwing his shirt at him as I shield my eyes.

Although, I did get a glimpse at black bird and stars tattooed on his back.

With a serious tone and expression Teorus stares at me. "This is my mark of sin. This is what I was branded with when I fell from grace. I can't go back....not until it disappears."

I peek through my fingers, to see he still hasn't put his clothes back on. "Sorry to hear that..." I mumble, my cheeks feeling heated.

"And that's why I need you Goldie!" Teorus smiles.

"Right, this is where I come in as an ex-goddess...."

Huedhuat speaks with confidence. "Yes, since you have the stars of a reborn goddess in your eyes."

I groan, running my hands through my hair. "How is this real?"

"How many more times are you going to say 'this is impossible', 'it's all a dream' and such." Leon, irritated, asks.

"As many more times as it takes for it to not actually be happening to me right now." I say.

"I can't completely disagree with you..." Leon sighs. "I just don't see how a dull woman can be the ex-goddess we need."

"Wow, please, tell me more of what you really think of me." I drag out more of my sarcasm the more I talk to these guys.

Leon ignored my comment and continues. "And the fact we can't use our powers without touching you."

I suddenly find myself curled up in the corner of the couch, hugging my knees to my chest to act like I have some personal bubble around me. "I don't like it any more than you me."

"That's right!" Teorus, fully clothed again, sits next to me and places a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, I would appreciate it if you asked before touching." I snap.

Teorus, unfazed, speaking calmly, asks. "Are you hungry? Is there something you'd like to eat?"

I stare at Teorus for the longest time. Feeling his large hands on my shoulder is making it go numb. "Uh...I don't know...maybe, chocolate covered donut?"

Leon scoffs. "How childish and unsexy for a woman."

I stick my tongue out at him. Who asked you, jerk! For some reason a donut was the only thing that I could come up with, and it doesn't sound too bad right now.

"Don't be mean, Leon." Teorus shoot Leon a pouty look.

And with a snap of Teorus' fingers he made a donut appear before my eyes. "Wow...uh, thanks. Why did you want to do this all of a sudden?"

"Why wouldn't I want to do this for a cute little goldfish?" He says, proudly.

"Uh, right. By the way, why do you keep calling me goldfish and Goldie?"

"What do you mean?" Teorus cocks his head to the side.

"It is exactly what I mean it to sounds like."

Teorus laughs. "Ooh, well that's because humans are like goldfish to us Gods."

I glance at Leon and Huedhaut who nod.

"You've got to be kidding." I grumble.

"We don't directly meddle in human affairs, but we watch over humans from another world. Bestowing our mercy and occasionally punishing them. Gods care for humans like humans care for goldfish." Teorus explains more in depth.

So we're nothing more than pets to them?! What the actual hell!

Not saying my thought out loud to avoid an argument or slap his face, I stand up. "Well, thanks for the tea, the donut and everything else, but I'm going home now." I wave to them.

"What? Already?" Teorus looks surprised.

"Yeah, so if you could snap your fingers and teleport me home that would be great." I extend my hand for him to touch. Waiting for his snappy-finger trick.

"But I wanted to spend more time together." Teorus depressingly speaks, his eyes casted downward.

"Maybe tomorrow." I say anything at this point that will get me out of here.

"Well in that case!" Teorus jumps up and takes my hand, dragging me over to the main door.

Looking at Teorus, then to the door I question. "What are you doing? Aren't you going to snap you're fingers?"

Teorus chuckles. "It will be much easier this way." He stops just before the door. "Here is where you'll find the way to your home." With his free hand he opens the door to reveal my apartment.

"Whoa! H-how did you do that?"

Teorus smiles. "I'm a god, silly goldfish."

It's though as if I could feel someone drop-kick my head. "R-right..."

"The mansion and your home will be connected, all you have to do is think of where you want to go and you'll be there." Teorus explains.

"Huh...okay. Well thanks, I guess."

I shake my hand free from Teorus and cautiously walk through the door where, at first a skeptic, but knowing fully well I'm back in my cozy apartment. I hear the door close behind me and I feel relieved. I take a breath and drag myself to bed where I toss and turn, thinking about all that happened.

Gods of the zodiac have been exiled to earth due to sinning, now it's up to me...the goddess of fate to absolve them and send them back to wherever they came from...

No matter how many times I repeat it, it's impossible for me to wrap my ahead around it. Especially the part of me being a reincarnated goddess.

How am I supposed to erase their sins?!

"I guess...finding out what they did to end up with that brand..." I whisper to myself. The mark on Teorus' lower back pops into my head.

Teorus' words echo in my head. "This is my mark of sin. This is what I was branded with when I fell from grace. I can't go back....not until it disappears."

My eyelids start to feel heavy. "At least...they're marks can disappear." With my hand, it reaches to the back of my neck where a small area of the skin is rough and uneven. It is where the scar remains.

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