The Gay's Diary {BoyxBoy} [✔︎]

By acollegewriter

2.7K 77 20

"You're never gonna get it I'm a hazard to myself I'll break it to you easy This is hell, this is hell You're... More

New Life
Nathiel Apolyos
Matthias Blackwood
The Cousin
The Blackwoods
The Movies
The Movies (Clean version)
Closer To Solving
Case close along with two broken hearts
The New Kids
The Gay Uncle
The Party
After Party
Invite From The Blackwoods
Thanksgiving Dinner
Dana Apoylos
Christmas Break
Christmas Day
U.S. Route 20
New York
Causal Affair
Nine In The Afternoon. Along With A Surprise
I Do
4 Years Later

The Unknown Texter

58 2 0
By acollegewriter

Dear Diary,

I can't believe what happened last night between Matt and me, but I don't know if this means we are a thing or not. Well, I have to see and find out soon or today...hopefully.

Matt's POV

I woke up and saw Nate next to me and then I remembered what happened last night, I smiled brightly. I kept looking at him, admiring him. He turned over and I saw a piece of hair sticking up, I laughed not trying to wake him up, but he is still cute like that. I heard him groan and he looked at me.

"Goodmorning cutie" I said kissing his forehead, he smiled, sleepily. He looked at me "So last night happened" he said and I nodded "Yes it did" I said looking at him, "So what does this mean?" he asked.

"I don't know whatever you say." I said and he blushed lightly, I got close to him and whispered in his ear "Yes or no dear?" I said, he blushed brightly, "Yes," he said and I smiled "Good," I said and got up. He looked at me and blushed brightly then looked away. I chuckled and got boxers on and a shirt "I will make some breakfast for us" I said and he nodded, I walked into the kitchen and started getting the thing I need for pancake, eggs, sausage, bacon, and hashbrowns. I started cooking and Nate ran into the kitchen "Matt." he said, something was up, I turned off the stove "What is it dear?" I asked "Someone texted me...I don't know them, they texted. "I saw you and Matt last night in the dorms hitting off, bring Matt to the back of the diner and I get him back.

If not, I will tell all of Blackwood and Matthias's parents that you guys are gay and what happened in between you two. I gave you 48 hours." he read the message to me, my eyes widen "What the fuck!" I said, "What are we going to do?" he asked "I don't know," I said sighing "Let's eat and you go back to the dorm, I will figure this out on my own," I said and we sat at the table. We had little conversations and once we were done eating. Nate stood up and left. I laid back in my chair and my phone buzzed, I looked at my phone and my eyes widen as I saw about ten pictures clear as day of me and Nate doing it last night. I got a texted from Nate.

Matt's and Nate's messages

Nate: Wtf?! The person who texted me sent pictures of us DOING IT last night!!

Matt: Yeah! That person sent them to me too, I will find out who this person is don't worry

Nate: Thank you, my knight, in shining armor, see you soon

Matt: See you

Nate's POV

I began to feel nervous, something like this has never happened to me before and I have a risk of losing my boyfriend in the process, I called Anna.

"Hello?" Anna said, "I need you to come over and help me out with something, code John Waston," I said, "I'm on it, Sherlock," she said and hung up, I got my laptop, maybe I should call Trevor. He might be able to find out how the person is that texted me and Matt, I don't know right at the moment if Matt wants to put his family in this he can, wait...techially his family is put into this mess because the person threatens to tell Matt's family that he was gay...I shouldn't add more of his family into this. I heard a knock on the door "Come in" I said and the door opened "Hey," Anna said, "Hello," I said, Anna sat next to me and I explained to her about everything that happened with the unknown texter "That is awful" she said and I nodded,"

Matt's POV

I walked up to Sam's dorm and knocked on the door and she opened the door, she opened it and smiled "Look at what the cat dragged in" she said smirking "What do you want?" she asked.

"So this morning Nate got a text and saying somethings and said if he doesn't give me to that person they will tell my family I am gay..I'm guessing it was you" I said, she laughed "You have gotten to be kidding me. Why do you think that?" she asked "Because you're the only person knows that I'm gay" I said, she rolled her eye "Whatever Matt" she said, "You're the only person who I know that will do something crazy and pervy like that..just to have me all to yourself" I said, she continued to laugh "You are so funny, Matt. Have a good day" She said, closing the door, I sighed and walked back to Nate's place, then knocked on the door "Come in" Nate said and I opened the door, walked in, closing the door behind me. "We are in the living room," he said .

"We?" I said and saw a girl with pastel pink hair "This is my friend Anna Frank" he said, Anna waved "We are Sherlock and John Waston, trying to figure out who the texter is" He said, looking at the phone book "Yeah, it's kind of hard" Anna said, "What about you Matt? Did you have any luck?" he asked "No, I think she is lying" I said "Who?" he asked "My ex-girlfriend the one you went to" I said, "Oh..." he said, sighing "Maybe it could be her and your theory is right Matt she could be lying" Anna said and I nodded "I hope we can't find out who this person is, if not Nate and I have to break up and possibly never see each other again" I said, Nate nodded "Yeah, I don't want that to happen at all" Nate said still looking at the phone book.

Dear Diary,

Night comes over us, Matt, Anna, and I. We are nervous about what the next day will bring to us, all we can think about is solving who this person is and hoping not to lose each other in the process out on this unknown texter and hoping no one else is put into this mess of the unknown texter.

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