HOPELESS || carl grimes

By lizzyslazy

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Lilly Jennings. 14 years old alone in a world were the dead are walking and trying to eat you. She's been alo... More

Alternate Ending


916 17 0
By lizzyslazy

Lilly Jennings

Maggie and Carol almost died. Denise died. Carol left and now Maggie is sick. We are packing up the RV to take her to the Hilltop. Me, Carl and Enid go to the armory to get some guns. Carl is trying to get me and Enid to stay.

"Glenn's still not back. I need to be there for Maggie." I say "me and Enid need to be there for Maggie"

"I said no" Carl says

"Carl" Enid says

"Look, you were wrong before. This place isn't to big to protect. And you both need to stay back and help protect it."

"This place is ready. Most of us have been trained, you know that" Enid says "If you were worried about an attack, you wouldn't be leaving"

"You know how far the Hilltop is? You what what could happen? Those Saviors are out there. You know what they did to Denise, what they tried to do with Maggie and Carl, to Daryl, to Rosita, to Eugene. That's not happening to you, all right? I'm not going to let it."

"Carl you know there is no way in hell you are making me stay"


"Carl you know I think if Maggie as a mom and Glenn as a dad and with Glenn not here I need to be with Maggie."

Carl turns around to put some ammo into a backpack. Enid walks over to the other side of the room.

"You wanna run into them, right" Enid ask Carl. "You hope they show up. Jesus, this is about getting Maggie to a doctor, but about, screw you, I'm going"

"Enid stop, just wait" Carl says and stand in front of her.

Carl cares for Enid I know that. But I always know it's not like how he cares for me. Ended had been through the same shit we have. Lost her parents was out there alone. Carl knows she knows how to fight but he doesn't want her hurt. Neither do I.

"Get out of my way. Carl" Enid says

"Just grab some pistols from the closet" Carl says "but hurry we've gotta go now"

Enid goes onto the closet and Carl closes the door and puts a chair against it to lock Enid in.

"Carl" I say

"You didn't want her going either. I can't stop you but I can stop her" he tells me.

"Carl! Lilly! Dammit" I hear Enid say trying to open the door. "Carl! Lilly! What happens if you don't come back? How am I supposed to live with that? What the hell am I supposed to do?"

"Just survive somehow" Carl says and grabs my hand so we can leave.

Me and Carl go into the RV. We leave Alexandria. I sits next to Carl holding his hand in my lap and my head on his shoulder. Maggie is on the back on a bed. Aaron is in the back with her then I see Rick go back there. Carl stands up and waits at the doorway listening in on his dad and Maggie's conversation. I stand behind him.

"What the Bitch" I hear Abraham say

There is a group of people blocking our way. There's a guy laying on the ground.

"Are we doing this" Abraham ask.

"No" Rick says

We all get out of the RV. Rick holds his hands up to show that we don't want any trouble.

"He's someone who was with a whole lot of someone's who didn't listen." The man standing in the middle says

"We can make a deal" Rick says "right here, right now"

"That's right, we can. Give us all your stuff. We'll probably have to kill one of you. That's just the way it is, but then we ca start moving forward on business. All you have to do is listen."

"Yeah, that deal's not gonna work for us. Fact is, I was about to ask for all your stuff, only I'm thinking I don't have to kill any of you. Any more of you."

Another guy starts to shake a can and spray paints on an 'x' into the guy who is laying on the ground's chest.

"Sorry, my deal is the only deal. We don't negotiate."

"Me and my people are leaving." Rick says and we all start to head back into the RV.

"Okay friend. Plenty of ways to get to where you're going."

We are all in the RV when we hear Rick say. "You want to make today your last day on earth?"

"No" the man yells "but that is a good thing to bring up. Think about it. What if it's the last day on earth for you? For someone you love? What if that's true? Maybe you should be extra nice to those people in that RV, 'cause you never know, just like that. Be kind to each other. Like you said, like it was your last day on earth."

"You do the same"

Rick gets in the RV and slams the door. We start to head back the way we came to find a new way to get to the Hilltop.

We stop. Me, Carl and Aaron are in the back with Maggie. Carl stars to mess with the blinds. He opens them and a sees a walker. Carl turns towards Aaron.

"Why didn't you stay back and help guard the place?" Carl ask

"I owe her" Aaron says "Why did you come?"

"I owe them"

I lean against Carl and look out the window. Eugene finds a new route and we head in our way.

Maggie wakes up and smiles over at me. I smile back.

"Aaron, Carl, let me talk to Lilly alone for a bit" Maggie says.

Carl and Aaron leave. I kneel next to Maggie and hold her hand.

"I just want to let you know, how proud I am of the woman you have become." She tells me

"What do you mean" I ask

"From when I first meet you at the prison to now you have change so much"

"So have you"

"You are my daughter Lilly. Blood or not you are mine and Glenn's"

I smile with tears in my eyes. She kisses my forehead. We then stop and I go up to see why. There is even more men blocking the road than before. All armed.

"We among our stand" Sasha ask

"Yeah, we end it" I hear Carl say

"No, not now" Rick says "they've been waiting. They're ready. With one of us behind the wheel, that's 6 on 16. We're goons play it our way, how we want it. Right?" He turns to Carl.

"Right" Carl says

"Alright go slow"

The men start to shoot up into the air as we leave. Me and Carl sit back down. He hold my hand and rubs his thumb on the back of it. We find a new route to go down hopefully nothing to block us. But there is a row of walkers tided to a chain.

"Can't go through it. Can't risk the RV" Rick says "You stay behind the wheel just in case" he says to Abraham. "We'll cleat it"

We get out of the RV. We hold up our guns.

"Putting together a red rover like that takes people. A lot of them" Eugene says

"Come on lets do this" Rick says

"Dad" Carl says

"That's Michonne's." Aaron says. Referring to the walker who has dreadlocks in its head.

"That's Daryl's" Sasha says looking at the walker with his arrows in its chest.

Rick goes to start killing them then gunfire starts coming at us.

"Get back to the RV! Go!" Rick yells at us.

Abraham comes out and starts to shoot. Carl. Sasha and I shoot at people we see in the woods. Rick and Sasha kill the walkers so we can get through. Carl's grabs my hand and we run into the RV. Abraham, Sasha and Rick follow and we start driving again.

Me and Carl sit in the back with Maggie. She's asleep. I have my head on Carl's shoulder with his on top of mine. I hand his hand. I see why he didn't want me and Enid to go. The RV is making weird noises but I block them out.

"I see why you didn't want me to come" I say

"Yeah" Carl says

We stop again. With an even bigger group of people. So we turn around again. I feel like we are going nowhere now. The saviors are purposefully making us go in circles. I look down in my lap looking at mine and Carl's fingers interlocked together.

Rick come in the back and sits with Maggie. Me and Carl leave knowing Rick wants to comfort her. She's really not doing well.

We keep driving but get stopped again. There's a road block of wood. We all get out do the RV.

"These tracks, they would indicate they not only have people, but some big ass toys and capabilities." Eugene says

"What ur indicates is we are neck deep up shit creek with our mouths wide open" Abraham says

We then hear screaming behind us. We looks behind us and there's the man from before now hanging. Aaron raises his gun to shoot then man.

"Don't" Abraham says

"I can try and break the chain" Aaron says

"It won't work"

"I can try"

"It won't work" Rick says "we need the bullets."

We all stand around and watch this poor man die. All bloody from getting beaten and now just got hanged. These people are disgusting for what they are doing. The wood behind us then starts to burn.

"You're treating your people good, right?" The same savior from before says "like it was your last day on earth? Or maybe one of theirs? You better go. It's gonna get hot. You go get where you're going."

"Go, go" Rick says and we al run back to the RV.

We drive a little then stop to figure out a plan.

"So whats the play?" Abraham ask

"She needs a doctor" Rick says

"There are 2 more routes north from here" Sasha says

"They're probably waiting for us right now" Aaron says

"So their ahead of us, probably behind us" Eugene says "but they're not waiting on us, per se, they're waiting on this rust bucket. And they don't know the moment-to-moment occupancy if said rust bucket. And the sun sets soon."

When it gets dark we start to get ready to go throw the woods. Eugene stays behind to try and lead the saviors away. Rick, Sasha Aaron and Abraham carry Maggie on the bed like a stretcher and me and Carl stand in front to kill any walkers that come our way.

"Aaron please" I hear Maggie say "just let me walk it"

"Relax. Just a few more miles" Aaron tells her.

Carl then starts talking to his dad. "I heard what you told her when we were leaving. We can do anything, 'cause we'll do anything we need to do. We have and we will. What happened to Denise, I'm not gonna let anyone die like that again."

"Son" Rick says


Then we start to hear whistling in the woods and people's shadows.

"Go! Go!" Rick says and we start running.

The whistling continues as we run through the woods. We get to a clearing and lights from cars turn on and many people start to whistle. The RV is there and Eugene. We look around and seeing a bunch of men with weapons.

"Good." The same savior from before says "you made it. Welcome to where you're going. We'll take your weapons. Now" he pulls out a gun and points it to Carl.

"We can talk about" Rick starts but gets cut off

"We're done talking. Time to listen."

Men come over to us and take all the weapons off of us. I swear one of them touched my ass. Making me disgusted even more by them. The savior we meet before is talking to Carl. Taking his weapons off him.

"That's yours right?" he says to him. "Yeah, It's yours." He flicks Carl's hat up and puts the gun in his belt "okay, let's get her down and get you all on your knees. Lots to cover"

Men start to walk over to Maggie to get her off the makeshift stretcher.

"Hold up" Abraham says "we got it"

"Sure, sure" the savior says telling the others to let us help Maggie ourselves.

We walk over and we all stand around. Abraham is on the ground holding up Maggie.

"Gonna need you on your knees"

Rick looks over at me and Carl. He can tell we are scared. Rick kneels so we all do.




This Dwight guy goes over to a car and opens the back. Out comes Daryl, Michonne, Rosita and Glenn. Glenn sees Maggie and tries to get to her but what stopped.  My breathing gets heavier.

"Alright. We got a full boat. Let's meet the man."

The savior knocks on the RV and our comes a man.

"Pissing our pants yet?" The man ask "boy, do I have a feeling we're getting close. Yep. It's gonna be pee-per pants city here real soon. Which one of you pricks is the leader?"

"It's this one" The savior points to Rick. "He's the guy."

"Hi. You're Rick right? I'm Negan." So this is the Negan guy "and I son it appreciate you killing my men. Also, when I sent my people to kill your people for killing my people, you killed more of my people. Not cool. Not cool. You have no idea of not cool that shit is, but I think you're gonna be up to speed shortly. Yeah. You are so gonna regret crossing me in a few months. Yes, you are."

He is carrying a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire which scares me. I really don't think this is a guy you mess with. We already saw what is people can do and now we are crossing paths with the leader. Makes me scared for my own life.

"You see Rick, whatever you do, no matter what, you don't mess with the new world order." Negan continues on saying. "And the new world order us this, and it's really very simple. So, even if you are stupid which you very may well be, you can understand it. You ready? Here goes. Pay attention. Give me your shit or I will kill you"

Negan brings the bat close to Ricks face. He smiles. I have noticed he's smiling a lot. Does he get joy out of scaring people to death to something.

"Today was career day. We invested a lot so you would know who I am and what I can do" He says as we walks down the line. "You work for me now. You have shit you give it to me. That's your job. Now I know that is a mighty big, nasty pill to swallow, but swallow it you lost certainly will. You ruled the roost. You built something. You thought you were safe. I get it. But the word is out. You are not safe. Not even close. In fact, you are pegged, more pegged if you don't do what I want. And what I want is half your shit. And if that's too much. You can make, find, or steal more, and it'll even out sooner or later. This is your way of life now. The more you fight back, the harder it will be. So if someone knocked on your door, you let us in. We own that door. You try to stop us we will knock it down. You understand?" He ask Rick "what, no answer? You don't really think that you were gonna get through this without being punished, now, did you? I don't want to kill you people. Just want to make that clear from the get-go. I want you to work for me. You can do that if your dead now can you? I'm not growing a garden. But you killed my people, a whole damn lot of them. More than I'm comfortable with. And for that, for that you're gonna pay. So, now I'm gonna beat the holy hell out of one of you."

That's what I was afraid of. Someone dying. I'm scared it's Carl, Glenn or Maggie. He's probably gonna used that bat.

"This, this is Lucille, and she is awesome." Who names a bat for god shakes. "All this, all this is just so we can pick out which one of you gets the honor." 

Negan walks down the line looking at everyone. He stops in front of Carl.

"You got one if our guns. Whoa. Yeah. You got a lot of our guns. Shit kid, lighten up. At least cry a little." He then walks more and stops in front of Maggie. "Jesus. You look shitty. I should just put you out of your misery right now."

"No! No!" Glenn yells getting out of line to get to Maggie. Someone start to hit him.

"Nope. Nope. Get him back in line" Negan says

I think Dwight drags him back to his spot. Glenn keeps saying no. Negan smiles at him.

"All right, listen. Don't any of you try that again. I will shit that shit down, no exceptions. First ones free. It's an emotional moment, I get it. Sucks, don't it? When you realize you don't know shit." He then looks from Rick to Carl back to Rick. "This is your kid, right? Oh, this is definitely your kid."

"Just stop this!" Rick yells

"Hey! Do not make me kill the little future serial killer. Don't make it easy on me. I gotta pick somebody. Everybody's at the table waiting for me to order." Negan starts to whistle now.

I'm really scared now. He basically threatened to kill Carl and could've killed Glenn and almost killed Maggie. I breathing really heavily. I look over at Carl. He looks over at me. I can tell he's scared too.

"I simply can not decide. I got an idea." He walks over to Rick and points the bat to him. "Eenie" he starts to I go down the line. "Meenie, miney, mo, catch, a tiger, by, his toe. If, he hollers, let him him go. My mother, told me, to pick the very best one, and you, are, it"

He stand in front of the person.

"Anybody moves, anybody says anything, cut the boys other eye out and feed it to his father and then we'll start. You can breathe, you can blink, you can cry. Hell your all gonna be doing that"

He takes the bat and bashes it on his head and continues to do that till it's a mush.

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