Miraculously In Love

By jason828

18.4K 654 119

Marin and Adrienne also known as Lady Beetle and Chatte Noire are about to face the most dangerous akuma in h... More

Author's Note
Chapter Two: Will You Be My Valentine?
Chapter Three: Fashion Show
Chapter Four: We're A Couple...Hooray.
Chapter Five: Making It Work!
Chapter Six: The Three Musketeers!!!
Chapter Seven: There's A Ghost In The Mirror!
Chapter Eight: I Become The Next Demi Lovato!
Chapter Nine: Chatte Noire Comes For A Visit!
Chapter Ten: It Was A Misunderstanding...
Chapter Eleven: The Titanic Made Me Cry.
Authors Note
Chapter Twelve: Confession!
Chapter Thirteen: Marin Got Sad And Mad...
Chapter Fourteen: Nightmare!!!
Chapter Fifteen: Goodbye...
Chapter Sixteen: Goodbye Selena! And...What Happened To Marin!?
Chapter Seventeen: Holy Guacamole! So That's What Happened To You...
Author's Note
Chapter Eighteen: Mistress Fu, Never Heard of Her...Oh Wait, I Did!
Chapter Nineteen: Sir Flame Is Feeling a Bit Punny
Chapter Twenty: He's Back, But At What Cost?
Chapter Twenty One: Do Cats Get a Side Order of Grumpy Blueberries?
Chapter Twenty Two: No Wonder We Got Along So Well...
Names of the Characters
Chapter Twenty Three: Coming Back Home
Chapter Twenty Four: Hello, Dear Sister!
Chapter Twenty Five: Marin and Felisha Meet!!!!
Chapter Twenty Six: Marin, Adrienne, Felisha and the Juice Box!
Not A Chapter But Still Read
Author's Note
Guess who's back?
Chapter Twenty-Seven: A Friendly 'Chat' In The Park.

Chapter One: A Special Visit

1.6K 44 8
By jason828

Marin's POV

I was awoken by a ray of sunlight, shooting through the window, directly in my face. I yawned and checked the time,to see how long I had until it was time for school. It was now 6:00am. 'Boy! I woke up early!' I thought to myself.
I rolled off my bed and went to the bathroom. I quickly used the toilet and brushed my teeth. After, I climbed down the ladder and headed to the kitchen. I prepared myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch and baked cookies since it was Valentine's Day.
Today was the day I would confess to my crush, Adrienne. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever met. She was kind and gentle. She was my ideal. She was the complete opposite of my partner, Chatte Noire. She was flirty and annoying. Who ever was under that mask, I'm sorry for their Kwami. She calls Lady Beetle  bugaboo and calls me (Marin) her prince.
I ate cereal and drank some tea before heading into the shower. I grabbed my towel and stripped off my clothes. The shower was nice and relaxing. The water was not to hot and not to cold. I spent an entire 10 minutes singing my heart out in the bath.
       I sighed and exited the bathroom. I opened the closet and grabbed a white shirt,red jeans and black leather sneakers.
       In a matter of minutes, I pulled on my red jeans, stuffed my feet into my black leather sneakers and threw on my shirt. I rolled up my sleeves and attached a watch to my wrist.
       I walked to the mirror and looked at my reflection. I have to admit, I looked good.
        While watching myself in the mirror, I thought I had forgotten something. After thinking for a good few minutes, I realized what I had forgotten. I ran to my desk and grabbed a box from the drawer. I opened the box and pulled out a chain, and hooked it around my neck.
       This chain was special to me. It was a gift from my childhood friend before she left Paris. She moved away to America with her parents, because her mother and father had to do photoshoots and all that stuff.
       I hadn't seen her for the past 10 years. She left when we were both 6 years old and she was going on 7. Before she left, I gave her a box of cookies and a rainbow bracelet. In return, she gave me a chain to represent our friendship.
      There were two chains. She had one and I had the other. Together they made a heart. I miss her. Her auburn hair,her piercing light green eyes. She was equal in beauty to Adrienne.
      I may have had a 'little' crush on her...okay, a BIG, crush on her. She was my best friend. And she always will be.
      I think the cookies were done because a chocolaty fragrance filled the room. My chocolate chip cookies aren't as great as my mom's. My mom and dad own the best bakery in Paris. They sell home made bread,cake,cookies,sweets and any type of desert you can think of.
       Since it was Valentine's Day, they made a heart shaped cake for my class. Since they made cake, I made cookies and chocolate.This was probably gonna be the most awesome day ever.
        I checked the time,it was 7:00am. This was the best time to carry the sweets to school. I ran to the kitchen and took out the pan of cookies. I grabbed containers and put 5 cookies each into it. In total there were 16 boxes. The cookies were packed, now all that was left was the chocolate an cake.
       I took the chocolate out of the fridge and cut it into cubes. Each box got about,15-19 pieces of chocolate. Now that the chocolate part was done, I took the cake out of the freezer and cut it into 16 slices. I placed each piece of cake into the box and wrote a letter on each box, wishing them a "Happy Valentine's Day!"
      With that done, I placed them into a huge box and carried it to the roof. DANG WAS THE BOX HEAVY! When I reached the roof, Tikki flew towards me.
      "Are you ready?"she asked.
       "Yep!" I shouted. "TIKKI! SPOTS ON!" I shouted,and with that, I transformed into Ladybetel.

       I grabbed the box of...boxes and jumped from roof to roof of all the buildings until I reached the school. I quickly transformed back into my regular self before anyone saw me. My hair was still a little damp so I slicked my hair back for the time being.
        I grabbed the box and entered the school, walked up the steps,and sat at my seat, with the box on the ground next to me. I was the only one here. Eventually I got bored and took out my phone to play some games. About 15 minutes went bye and still no one showed up.
      I walked out the class and scattered down the stairs. I headed towards the door and opened it. Outside,it was pouring daggers. No wonder no one came for the past 15 minutes. It was raining.
       I sighed and ran back to the class. This was gonna be pretty boring without anyone around.
I walked up to a front window and watched the raindrops pound on to the ground.
       In my astonishment, someone ran out of their car and into the school. Since I was bored and the only one in school, I decided to go and talk to the girl.
        I walked down the steps and saw one of the most prettiest girls in the world. For some reason she reminded me of Adrienne. Was it because of her blonde hair? I definitely would've thought it was Adrienne if she had green instead of blue eyes.

     The girl was beautiful. Her skin was flawless and her hair complimented her appearance. My thoughts were interrupted when the beauty spoke.
      "Hello. You wouldn't have a towel with you? Or, at least a blanket I could borrow?"she asked. Her voice was angelic. The way she spoke, I could tell she was British.
      "I think there are towels in the nurse's office. I could go get one for you."I said.
      "Oh that would be great. Thank you. Where must I go?"she asked.
      "Where must you...go?" I asked. "Oh! Go to class #2. It's on the second floor. Right there." I said, pointing to my classroom.
      She smiled." Okay then. Once again, thank you."
      "Please,don't thank me. Im just concerned about you getting sick. That's all."I said.
     She giggled. Wow! She's even cuter when she giggles.
      I pointed her to the direction of my class, and headed to the nurse's office. When I reached, I opened the door and walked to the closet. I grabbed a towel and some medicine,concerned about her well being.
      "Marin...you like her,don't you?" Asked Tikki,who somehow managed to slip out of my bag.
     "I don't even know her name. But I do think she's pretty."I confessed.
     "Oh Marin. You have to figure out your feelings."she teased.
     "Hahah. I know. I'll decide soon. Don't worry. Now, beat it. I have a shivering girl to take care of."I joked. With that, she flew into my backpack.
      Afterwards, I left the nurse's office and entered my class, to see a wet blonde, shivering in my seat. I laughed softly and walked over to her." Hey! I got some towels!" I said, while placing a towel over her hair.
      She smiled and stared into my eyes." Thank you very much, umm... What is your name?"she asked. I was waiting for this question since we met.
      Since we still didn't know each other, I decided to joke around with her. "I'm Kablowki. Nice to meet you. What's your name?" I asked.
      "I am Rose. It is nice to meet you...Ka-blow-ki."she said, uncertain about my name.
      "Well Rose. You wouldn't have come here if you weren't looking for someone. So who are you here to see?"I asked.
      "Oh! I completely forgot! I came to visit my cousin. Her name is Adrienne. Do you know her?" She asked.
     "Adrienne! No wonder you look like her! You're cousins! Jeez, I'm so dumb! I should have noticed you two were related!"I exclaimed.
     "Well, that expression shows much that you know her." She said, giggling at my reaction.
      I blushed. I sounded like a idiot! I quickly looked away, not wanting to make eye contact. She noticed my behavior and called my fake name.
      "Hello? Ka- Kablowki?" She asked.
      "Yeah...my name's not Kablowki."I confessed. She  looked at me and frowned.
   "Then what is your name?"she asked.
     "My REAL name is Marin. It's,once again, nice to meet you." I said.
       Now, it was her turn to look away. She tried to be serious, until she sneezed. I was right. She would get sick. I took out a spoon from my bag and poured some medicine into it.
       I held the spoon to her, but she wouldn't look in my direction . I sighed. "You know, I'm sorry I lied. Please take the medicine, then you can continue ignoring me."I pleaded.
       She turned her head towards me and drank the medicine from the spoon. With that, she turned her head away and ignored me. This Valentine's Day was gonna be sooooo much fun.

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