diabolik lovers drabbles

By Alisugawa

450K 10.4K 4.8K


[ Introductions! ]
a sliver of gold // kou ; subaru
alone with you // yuma
period // sakamaki brothers
anime! // laito
sweet smell of blood // ayato
moan // shuu
punishment time // ayato
b e t t e r // subaru
maths // ayato ; reiji ; subaru
Scenario #1 •Sakamakis, Mukamis•
anime! #2 // laito
possessive // ayato
Scenarios #2 •Sakamakis Mukamis•
teacher // ruki [LEMON AU]
top // shuu [LEMON]
the chase // laito
Kou's P.O.V.
eyes // azusa
his property! // ayato
sleepy // shuu
i love you // subaru
period #2 // sakamaki ; mukami
boku no neko // kanato
tight // laito ; yuma
the deal // shuu [LEMON]
naughty naughty in the library // kou
angry christmas // sakamaki ; mukami
takoyaki overload! // ayato
anime! #3 // laito
tea party // kanato
punishment? // reiji [LEMON]
dungeon sex // laito [LEMON]
hugs! // ayato
don't leave me // kou
water fun // ayato [LEMON]
Kou's P.O.V. #2
birthday crack // laito
~~In Heat~~ •Kanato• LEMON
~~Typical Day~~ •Ayato•
~~Angry Christmas #2~~ •Sakamakis, Mukamis•
~~Kou's P.O.V. #3~~
~~Dark Pleasure~~ •Yuma• LEMON
~~Shuu's P.O.V.~~
~~Emptied~~ •Ayato•
~~Period #3~~ •Sakamakis, Mukamis•
Scenario #3 •Sakamakis, Mukamis•
~~Shuu's P.O.V. #2~~
~~My Masochistic Bitch-chan~~ •Laito•
~~The War of Claim~~ •Reiji, Ruki•
~~Ayato's P.O.V.~~
~~Disheveled~~ •Kanato•
~~Exhibitionists~~ •Ayato• LEMON
~~To Evanesce~~ •Ruki•
~~Reiji's P.O.V.~~
~~The Sleeping Beauty~~ •Shuu• AU
~~Alice of Vampire Sacrifice~~ •The Triplets, Mukamis• AU
~~False Tranquility~~ •Yuma• AU
~~Pleasureable~~ •Azusa• LEMON
~~Subaru's P.O.V.~~
~~To Evanesce #2~~ •Ruki•
~~Guilty x Guilty~~ •Ayato, Laito• LEMON
~~Midnight Mystery~~ •Reiji•
~~The Archer Fish~~ •Kanato•
~~Façade~~ •Kou•
~~Unyielding Tenacity~~ •Ayato• AU
~~Mutual Christmas~~ •Subaru•
~~Kisu~~ •Azusa•
Scenario #4
~~A Dream Birthday~~ •Kou•
~~Dead Loss~~ •Ruki• LEMON AU
~~Catastrophe~~ •Shin• LEMON AU
~~Snow White~~ •Subaru• AU
~~Laito's P.O.V~~
~~Subaru's P.O.V. #2~~
~~Beauty and the Beast~~ •Yuma• AU
~~Beauty and the Beast #2~~ •Yuma• AU
Scenario #5: Let's go on an adventure!
~~Beauty and the Beast #3~~ •Yuma• AU
~~Hope led astray~~ •Shin•
~~Alice in Wonderland~~ •Laito• AU
~~Inspiration~~ •Ayato• LEMON
~~Refugee~~ •Shuu•
~~Maleficent~~ •Reiji• AU
~~Azusa's P.O.V.~~
Cinderella •Ayato•

~~Ruki's P.O.V.~~

1.1K 29 24
By Alisugawa

Ruki's P.O.V.

[Y/N]... [Y/N]... Where are you?

I can't see you, where could you be going when I'm here like this?

Have you possibly abandoned me?

Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands enveloping me with its warmth, decomposing the uneasiness clouding my chest. However, droplets of tears fall upon my skin as well.

[Y/N]... please, somehow, forgive me——

— × —

"A carnival in the demon world?"

Your sweet voice entered the vampire's ears, carving a smirk upon his face. He nodded his head before taking a sip of his coffee, sitting on the couch in front of you.

"Yes, we are all invited by Lord Karheinz." He spoke, "What do you think? Will you come?"

"Is it really okay for me to come?" You put down the book you were reading and looked at him in the eye in which he replied, "Of course, I'm with you so it will be alright."

"Ah, okay." You cracked a smile, "It sounds interesting too."

"Well then," Ruki displayed a rare genuine smile on his face, "Let's get prepared. I'll have to tell the others before that too."


At that time, I did not think for a second that disaster was awaiting us ahead.

I wonder if this is the punishment for going against that person.

I wonder if I'm being cursed for I've become the snake that tempted the Eve.

This pathetic me who can never become Adam...

But why... let the Eve suffer as well?

— × —

Your eyes twinkled as you witnessed for the first time what kind of place the demon world was. It was not a grim and a dark realm as you expected. Stands were set up, music was playing and vampires were walking alongside each other. To be honest, it reminded you of the world you grew up in.

"Livestock." Ruki called, intertwining his hand with yours. "Don't wander off on your own. This place may look like your world but they are still vampires. Once they realize you're a human, you'll be hunted."

You let out a nervous chuckle and squeezed his hand, "Don't worry, I'll always be by your side."

Always... by my side.

Really, you are too true to your words.

"Oh! They sell cute cat plushies over there!" Kou suddenly shouted, surprising the two of you. "Yuma-kun, Azusa-kun, let's go!!"

"K-Kou?" You called out though he didn't hear you as he continued running to the said stand. "Is it okay, Ruki?"

"It's fine, don't mind them."

It was hard to tell whether Kou was being considerate or what. I glanced at the human by my side, she seemed very fascinated by the demon world.

True, this carnival was just like one you would see back in the human realm. It must all be Lord Karlheinz's work.

The ignorant Eve who had yet to be aware of what a callous place the demon world was... I wouldn't want to taint that beautiful thought of yours.

"Ruki?" You tugged on his sleeves, summoning him back to reality. "Do you have anywhere you want to go?"

"Not really." His eyes still travelled his surroundings as he replied. "But since we're here, let's go look around."

You nodded almost immediately and exclaimed, "Let's go!"

"Aren't you very excited?"

"E-Eh? Not really..."

The vampire chuckled. Though it might sound very cold, you knew it meant well. Your hand interweaved with his own, walking side by side like what lovers do.

— × —

"Sweets, huh..." Ruki mentioned, watching you stuff your mouth with a colorful cake. "Do you like it so much?"

"If I have to say, I like it as much as you like my blood."

"Oh?" His lips curved into a smirk, "That's a lot then."

"Yes, yes. It's super a lot."

The moon looked beautiful that night, shining upon the carnival everlastingly accompanied by infinity of stars. It was the perfect kind of night to be out on a date, wasn't it?

"Ruki, where do you want to go next?" You drank a glass of water as soon as you finished your question.

"I wonder." He started looking around, "What about you?"

"I'm fulfilled by this." You beamed, rubbing your full stomache. "I'll be fine going anywhere you want to."

"Hm..." He hummed, glancing around further until his grey eyes spotted something. "Then, how about a haunted house?"


— × —

A haunted house.

Yes, a haunted house.
In demon world.

You clinged onto the vampire's arm like a baby monkey, eyes completely on the look out for all sorts of creatures that might appear.

"I'm starting to think this might be a bad idea."

"Is it?" He teased.

"Y-Yes." ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

"Don't worry, didn't I say I would protect you?" You would be relieved if only he didn't say that with such a teasing (evil) smirk on his face.

You sighed though didn't lower your guard for a second. Suddenly however, you felt something sticky on the bottom of your shoe. "E-Eh? What's this?"

"What's wrong?" Ruki asked, forcing you to let go in order to inspect the truth.

"It seems like I stepped on something... blood!?"

"Blood?" Ruki narrowed his eyes and bend down. "No, it isn't. It's strawberry jam."

"Jam, huh..."

"As if they would waste precious blood on something like this." Ruki chuckled in a dark manner, standing up once again. "Then, let's go."


Except from living bats flying through the house, gore decorations and jam as blood, the haunted house wasn't particularly scary. There weren't any surprise attack from fake ghosts nor monsters, you wondered why.

The exit was now in front of your eyes and that was when Ruki spoke up, "This is an attraction for kids if you're wondering. It's not supposed to be scary."

"O-Oh, I see..."

His hold of you tightened suddenly, making you question him inside your mind though decided to keep silent. The way his cold hand enveloped your warm one was one of your favorite things in the world. Those hands once confined you against your will, inflicting pain over pain and wrapped themselves around your neck to impose fear. But as time passed, those hands gently embraced you, protected you from harm and showering you with cold affections.

Since when had you fallen so hard for him, a vampire who belonged in the dark?

Since when had you threw away your humanity for him?

"[Y/N], are you tired?" He retreated his hand from yours and placed it on your shoulder.

"I'm okay." You shook your head and displayed a smile, "Is something the matter?"

"This path leads to another attraction." He mentioned, "Do you see the house over there?"

You traced where his finger was pointing, finding a house almost as big as a mansion. What kind of attraction was it? The house looked somehow gorgeous and alluring, it was as if it was set to draw everyone from the haunted house there.

"Shall we check it out?"

"I guess it won't hurt to give it try." He  took your hand once more, giving birth to a smile on your face.

"Let's go then."

Ah, if only this happiness could last...

— × —

The inside of the mansion was dimly lit, walls decorated by gruesome paintings and spider webs could be seen at the ceilings.

You squeezed the vampire's hands, leaning your body against his more. "C-Could this be a haunted house targeted to adults?"

"It does seem like it." The male replied. "Are you afraid?"

"A little..."

"Then, let's hurry find the exit."


Venturing the dark hallway further, you eventually spot a glimmer of light ahead of you. Was that the exit?

Closer and closer towards the exit, you started to smell a very familiar scent. It was the fragrance of the flower you knew so well.

"Rose garden?" Ruki spoke up. "These are some unusual roses."

You nodded in agreement, following the vampire as he gazed upon its different colors.

A color caught your eye, causing you to head towards it. It was a blooming black rose, its darkness almost seemed as if it was sucking in light.

"Ruki, are these flowers artificial?" You returned to his side, tugging onto his sleeves. "I highly think so." The male bent down, admiring the plastic beauty closer.

You gazed into the sky, the dark sky painted grey by clouds. You could feel something uneasy growing bigger and bigger in your chest, almost like it was telling you to run from this place.

"Ruki." You called, "The clouds are gathering. Don't you think we should return?"

He looked up for a second before standing up. "You're right. We've to get back to the castle before it starts pouring."

You nodded and marched towards the exit ahead, only to stop after a few steps and turned around in surprise.

For some reason, a particular flower caught my attention. It drew me in, looking as if it wanted me to touch it.

These flowers must be made by fellow creatures of the demon world, I was curious as to what kind of spell they placed inside. Though no matter how much curious I could get, there was no way I'd touch an unknown form of life like a child would.

Then, why was my finger on top of its stem, pierced by its thorn?

Why was blood cascading down my stone cold skin?

"R-Ruki!?" You were there by his side in no time, taking his hand into yours and gasped when you saw a thorn inside his flesh. "This is bad, we've to get it out--"

"The curse of eternal suffering." Your eyes widened as soon as a new voice entered your ears. "The spell has been casted, you will be doomed for the rest of your life."

"Who..." The vampire's uninjured hand clutched his aching chest, growling at the old lady. "Who are you?"

"I am a witch who's bound to curse everyone who enters this garden." She announced, swinging her staff. "This entire place is cursed-- no, this entire world is! It smells of death, it reaks of destruction."

"What is with this mad lady?" You muttered, your hold of his hand tightening while you felt him struggling through the pain. "We've to get the thorn out as soon as possible."

"[Y/N], it's..." Your eyes widened in horror, the thorn that was only piercing his finger had completely gone inside as if his ice-cold blood had sucked it in. "What's happening, Ruki?" You dared yourself to question, hands shaking though your grip of him was still strong.

"Yes, it is too late." The old lady said, earning the two's attention. "Vampire and human aren't supposed to be together, nothing good will come out of it. Especially if he works for Karlheinz." Your eyes watched as her finger pointed at Ruki, exclaiming, "You! What awaits you is only utter suffering. Give it up already?"

"The fuck are you on about!?" You suddenly shouted, tears on the brink of streaming a waterfall down your cheeks. "What's your problem, what do you want from us!? Why does it have to be us!?"

I had never heard her shout like that, let alone be so desperate. This shaking hand holding onto me so tight-- I wanted to embrace her and told her it was going to be okay.

But my entire arm felt as if it was being crushed by a boulder, it hurt so much to the point its pain reached my head. Who was that witch? What did she want from us? Was it particularly us she was targeting or did she target the entirety of vampires?

We never did find out.

After that, my body began to worsen. It was almost like I was being tortured every single day, despite me only lying on my bed with her by my side.

"[Y/N]..." I call out to her.

"Yes?" Her voice breaks as she replies me. She has been crying every single day she is with this dying me, I can never make her happy anymore. I cannot do a single thing.

You had lost your sense of time. How long had it been from the day he was cursed? How long had Ruki been suffering in front of you? Weeks? Months? Years?

Was there really nothing capable of curing him?

"Stay..." I beg. To think there would come a day I would beg for someone. To think that some petty curse can rob me off my pride. What kind of joke is this, really?

"I will never leave you, how many times do I have to tell you that?" You questioned, rubbing his cold hand against your cheek.

No, you were wrong. There was one thing that could cure him – thaw his eternal curse.

'If you can hate him, free him of your love and learn to love another, he is free to live.' Was what the witch said.

'If you leave his side and die, he will live a normal life and love another.'

But you were too selfish, there was no way you could let him go. You could never release him, he was forever yours, wasn't he?

"Ruki, I love you." The words left your lips, casting a kiss upon his cheek before lying down beside him.

"[Y/N]..." He could feel his consciousness fading, "When I wake up, will you be there?"

"I will." You nodded, wrapping an arm around him, "I'll be there to greet you and give you a morning kiss."

He weakly nodded, trying his best to hold your hand as well. "I trust you."

"You can always trust me."

— × —

What I see is a bottomless darkness.

Everything is merely dark – black in color. There is nothing to see, nothing to expect.

I race back and forth between this abyss but there is nothing different. I am being swallowed by a perpetual shadow from the inside, I'm sure its madness will eventually consumed my being.

And I will die.

Leaving [Y/N] on her own.

If she learns to love another and forget all about me, I will live.

If she dies, I will live.

Don't be ridiculous, there is no way I could let her be with someone else. Not even if my life is at stake.

Even if I am to die, I still don't wish to let her go. She is mine, only mine. And I only want to be with her. I can't let her die for if she does, I'll fall in love with another like what the curse said.

No, I do not want her to let go of me.

After all that we have gone through, there is no way I'd let go of this bond we created.

"[Y/N]..." I whisper. "Are you still there?"

My voice will not reach her in this endless dark. Yet still, I keep calling out to her.

Even so, I trust her words, I believe her. When I wake up, she'll be there to greet me with a smile and a kiss to my lips.

When I wake up...

— × —

You rapidly opened your eyes, realizing that morning had come and the sun rays were penetrating through the curtains.

"Ruki?" You called, "Ruki?"

Was he still asleep?

Yes, he was.

But how could you tell whether he was asleep or dead?

Would there be any difference?

Vampires didn't breathe, vampires possessed no pulse.

Vampires were as good as dead already, weren't they?

"Ruki..." A cry broke through your throat, tears soaking his clothed chest. "Ruki, don't leave me..."

"I thought there would be a smile and a kiss."

A gasp replaced your cry. "Ruki?" You questioned, holding his hand. "I-I'm glad..."

He forced himself to smile, "It is near but it won't be now." Placing a hand on top of your head, the vampire tried his best carressing your hair.

"[Y/N]..." He struggled to speak, "I want you to hear my last wish."

"L-Last? No, you can make as many wishes as you want. There isn't going to be a last."

"But there is." He coughed, his vision blurry once more. "And this is it."


"Please listen to me." He pleaded, desperately holding your hand. "Come closer."

You obeyed, leaning against his chest as you listened to his last words.

He was going to disappear from the world.

He was going to leave you all alone.

You could not help him.
You could not even follow after him.

Why... did this have to happen to you and Ruki?

— × —

Days, weeks, months and years had passed.

The Mukami had long since mourned for the death of the eldest.

None could ever get over it.

But it was a whole different story for you.

He was dead but he was still with you, by your side, haunting you.

Like a curse was placed upon him, he casted a curse upon you as well.

"No matter what happens, don't let go of me. Always, always confine me in your arms, never again to let go. I'm yours entirely, [Y/N] and you're mine. Even if I suffer way more than this, don't ever think of dying. I... want to die with you as mine."

He had already, hadn't he?

If you died, he would be resurrected and fall in love like the prophecy said.

If your love for him ceased, he would come back to life. If you ever loved him again, he would fall into the curse once more.

You couldn't afford to die, not even if your flesh had rotten and your bones had been lost in the earth.

You absolutely could not die.

Though years after years after his death, even if you wanted to obey his last wish, your body could not stand it.

Until your human body surpassed that of time, your love for the vampire would not disappear.

Until you have become one with the soil, until your soul had been reaped--

— × —

"Kou, hurry it up!" The brunet shouts. "Damn it, how long does getting new clothes take you?"

"Geez, Yuma-kun, you have to learn to be patient!" The blond Mukami pouts, crossing his arms in front of his chest like a child.

Azusa silently chuckles seeing his older brothers quarreling. It would be nice if the eldest was also there with them, wouldn't it? But no, Azusa can't think that way. Such thoughts will only make Ruki unable to rest in peace.

But from afar, he feels as if he has seen Ruki, walking and talking like he does. It really has been a long time, hasn't it?

"What's wrong, Azusa? You're awfully quiet." Yuma waits until the youngest catches up to him.

"No, it's just that I saw someone looking so similar to Ruki..." He shakes his head and walks past his older brothers.

"Where?" Kou questions, looking around though he can see none.

"That is..." The brunet has his eyes opened wide, his hand shivering for a second before he shakes his head. "No, it couldn't be. Ruki is no longer..."

"What is it, what is it, Yuma-kun?" Kou stands in front of him, sky blue eyes full of wonders.

Though he is the third eldest, Ruki wanted him to take his position, didn't he?

And as his wish said, he shouldn't make his brothers worry.

"Nah, it's nothing." He shrugs and walks ahead of the two. "Hurry it up or I'll leave you!"

"Geez, there comes his impatient side again." Kou whines (。>﹏<。)

"Wait, Yuma, Kou..." Azusa runs after the two, leaving behind the silhouette of the eldest.

Years after years after his death, the Mukami has gotten over him.

Though years after years after her death, Yuma realizes the eldest's soul has been reincarnated like the prophecy said.

"Lord Karlheinz," He whispers to himself. "Maybe you're right. They're just not meant to be with each other."


Oh my, what is this 😭😭😭

I'm supposed to update a lot sooner but I couldn't bring myself to write and finish this so here I am, updating on the 25th.

I don't think I can finish the Ayato smut in 5 days, especially since exam week is starting next Monday so I AM HERE TO APOLOGIZE.

I've said twice I'd update twice a month but I've never even succeeded :))

Forgive me 😭😭

My friend inspired the idea of this oneshot btw. But after finishing it, I realized it's kind of weird XD But oh well, I quite like it ☺️💕

I started watching Gangsta. yesterday and I like it very muchhh. I should've watched this sooner XD

OH, OH. One or two weeks ago, I started writing a Terushima Yuuji from Hq!! fanfiction. It's an AU where he's a teacher teaching at Reader-chan's school ;) But I don't think I'll publish it soon lol.

Wish me luck for my exams! I'll try my best writing the lemon as well!

See you all soon,
me love you ‎٩(* ˘ ³˘)💜


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