Pure Pain, Excruciating Love

By White_n_Roses

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Life for Samantha Hale seems to always find a way to break her. At the age of 17, she attends high school, ac... More

Pure Pain, Excruciating Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
New Story

Chapter 8

126 2 1
By White_n_Roses

Author's Note: This one goes to @softballqueen48 and @CarleyMorgan13...Thank you guys so much for voting and commenting, it means a lot!! Hope you enjoy :)


      The next day, I woke up with the most sore eyes. I tried my best to cover the bruises but it didn't go very well. When I went downstairs, the shattered glass was still on the floor, so I swept that up quickly and left the house with my granola bar halfway eaten and my lunch in my bag which I managed to quickly repair. I was extra early, an hour early. I didn't take the car, I decided to walk. It wasn't a long walk so it didn't bother me at all. I kept walking and walking, with my mind repaying everything from yesterday. I wasn't in my best mood and best state today. I wish I could get through the day without being noticed, but I know that isn't possible, so I'll have to put the best front I could.

     The parking lot was empty, well almost. There were some cars and some students sitting by the trees. I decided to sit on the benches which were to the side of the parking spaces. I couldn't stop the words from yesterday night repeat in my head, he'd be so disgusted. It instantly brought tears to my eyes, and I found myself wiping a lone tear. I couldn't cry in front of everyone here. I sucked in a breath and tried to calm my breathing. It wasn't easy as a voice I hated boomed from across the parking lot. Eric and his little group greeted one another as they all stepped out of their fancy, expensive cars. I kept my head low as to not attract them. Let's just say I did a very terrible job as I sniffed and they all turned to face me. Eric was the first to react. 

"Well well well, it's our dear Sammy," he mocked as he approached with his friends. 

I stood up from my seat and tried to make it to the entrance but was stopped as he stood right in front of me. 

"Aw, c'mon Sammy don't ruin the fun," he snickered as his friends chuckled. 

"Eric move," I stated as I tried to go around him. 

"Why, you gonna go tell about us to your new bud?" 

He took a step forward, closer than my usual, and my heart picked up. After George hurts me, I can't help but be alert the next day. 

"Eric move," I stuttered. 

He laughed out loud, it was a devilish laugh, one like George's. My hands trembled and my breathing seemed shallow. 

"Not a chance," he stated with dark eyes. It was his gaze that replayed all the events of last night. "Scared are we?" 

His voice was so low, so menacing. 

"Eric," someone yelled out from across the parking area. Eric turned around briefly, and I took that as my chance. 

I ran, sprinted to the entrance. Once inside, I stopped by my locker to catch my breath. As my hands trembled and my heart beat erratically faster, I wasn't aware of the person behind me. 

"Sam," I jumped in the air with a yelp as the voice sacred me. 

Turning around to face the voice, I noticed it was Ashton and slowly calmed down a little. 

"What the hell?" He looked me over with concern. 

I was still shaking, still scared. 

"Sam," he spoke. 

I couldn't stop the tears from forming in my eyes. He noticed and his eyes widened. He looked around him as one or two students were staring at us. Grabbing my hand softly, he pulled me with him, and without hesitation I followed, because I knew I was safe with him.

      Ashton stopped us in front of a door, and only then did I realize where we were. It was the boys' changing rooms. 

"No one's here, c'mon," he ushered me. 

I followed, for the simple fact that I just needed to be alone with him. As we entered, he closed the door behind him, never letting go of my hand, and then turned to me as I stood there with tears piling up in my eyes. 

"Sam," he softly said as he tenderly moved his thumb over my cheek. 

I closed my eyes to relish his touch but all it did was make me feel worse. Opening my eyes, I gazed into his concerned hazel orbs, and that was enough for me to break down. Shaking my head with horror, I started sobbing. He didn't hesitate for a second as he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me tightly to him. My arms instinctively caught onto him, as if he was the only source to my survival. My hands grasped the back of his shirt as one of his hand stroke my hair. Now and then he'd slightly crane his neck to kiss my forehead as he murmured soothing words. Not 'everything will be ok' , or, 'it's alright'. No, he simply murmured, 'I'm here,' and, 'let it out'. That's exactly what I needed to hear. So as he had his arms around me and as I clung to him, I sobbed and sobbed until I finally calmed down. Ashton didn't let me go, but my hands did let go of his shirt and move to his chest where I was now just wrapped in his arms. 

"Was it Eric?" He asked. 

I shook my head. 

So it was him who saved me from that moron! He called out for Eric. Ashton slowly moved his arms from around me, only to softly hold my face in his hands. His thumbs stroke at my tears. He was being so tender and so careful. I found myself staring into his eyes, it was like he wanted to say something but he suddenly stopped himself from doing so. 

"You know I'm always here right?" 

I nodded. 

"You can tell me. Whatever it is, okay? Whenever you want." 

I nodded again. 

"For some reason Sam, I feel so attached to you," he murmured as he stroke my cheek, not the bruised one. "And all I wanna do is keep you safe," he whispered. 

Oh how I wanted to hear those words! 

"I won't hurt you, I never would." 

For the first time, since he saw me this morning, I used my voice. 

"I know," I croaked out. 

He softly smiled at me and then so tenderly kissed my forehead. 

"I'm sorry for getting your shirt wet," I mumbled as I noticed the stain on his blue t-shirt. He chuckled and then shrugged. 

"I really don't care," he mumbled. 

I found myself wrapping my arms around his waist, and he reacted instantly as he pulled me closer into him. 

"Thank you," I murmured. 

"I'll always be here Sam," he whispered into my ear before he set a sweet peck onto my bruised cheek. 

I did not wince nor freak out, I fell deeper into his embrace, loving his touch and closeness as we fit perfectly into one another's arms.

       The first few lessons were like a blur to me. Now I was sitting in my seat, in english class, my eyes were cast down to my notebook as Ms Ross spoke about the recent poem we were analyzing. I had no idea what the teachers have been teaching us the past few lessons, and even though it seems bad, I didn't mind. My mind wasn't in its best state right now. After Ashton held me in the boys' changing room, we departed back to our lockers. He never left my side, not for a single second, and for that I was greatly thankful. Luckily I had the first lessons with him. I could feel his eyes swivel to me now and then. I kept my hair over my cheek, covering half of my face. No one seemed to notice...I think. Eric and Aaron were sat lazily in their chairs as they scribbled some notes. When Ashton and I first walked into the class they greeted us, all I could do was nod and hurry to my seat. I noticed how they asked Ashton what was wrong with me, if I was fine, but I knew Ashton would've come up with something so I sat in my seat and ignored everyone around me. Those damn words, they wouldn't get out of my head, he'd be so disgusted. The bell rang and I closed my notebook, placed it in my bag and stood up. Everyone was hurrying out, except for Ashton who walked up to my seat, waiting for me. 

"Ready to go?" He softly asked. 

I nodded and we made our way down the seats. 

"Samantha, can I have a word with you please?" Ms Ross' voice stopped us both. 

I turned around to look at her, unsure if I should make up an excuse or just nod. 

Ashton nudged me softly, "I'll wait outside by the door." 

And with that he left me there alone with Ms Ross, the only woman that I could consider close to me. Ever since I was in fifth grade, Ms Ross has been teaching me. She knows me very well, but she doesn't know about my life outside these school walls. Slowly, I approached her desk. 

"You seemed distracted today Samantha, is everything okay?" Her voice was neutral, not strict nor ordering. 

"No Ms Ross, I..um...I just slept late yesterday. Had to study for a maths tests," I replied meekly. 

That was the best I could come up with. 

"Okay then," she nodded, as she placed a strand of her hair behind her ear. For a thirty six year old she seemed pretty young. "I noticed you've made a new friend. Ashton," she smiled at me. 

For some reason, I found it hard not to reciprocate that small smile. 

"Yes, his sister as well," I mumbled. 

"Well that's awesome sweetie," Ms Ross beamed in her motherly tone. 

Is it crazy that sometimes I wish she were my mother? 

"Sam, I noticed a little something on your face," Ms Ross told me, making my eyes snap to hers.  

"I-uh-I.." I didn't know what to say. 

"It's okay," she chuckled. "I have something that can help," she reached to her locked drawer. 

Placing the small key in the keyhole, she opened the draw and retrieved a small container, like a cream container. 

"Here, this is my little secret. It'll cover any blemishes," she winked at me as she handed me the container. 

"Uh..T-Thank you," I stuttered, surprised, yet touched. 

"Now, go on. I'll see you tomorrow, make sure you get some sleep," Ms Ross smiled at me as she shuffled some of the papers that were stacked in front of her. 

"Thank you Ms Ross," I whispered, before turning around and heading to the door. 

Once outside, my eyes caught sight of Ashton, leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets. Oh god, I'm starting to ogle my friend. He noticed me and I hurried to his side. 

"Are you in trouble?" He asked once we walked to my locker. 

"No, she gave me this," I showed him the container. 

"What is it?" He asked as one of his eyebrows rose as he inspected the little container. 

That actually made me chuckle, quietly. 

"She said it'll cover...you know," I didn't know what to tell him. 

Should I say bruise? Blemishes? Marks? 

"Oh," he nodded as if it just hit him. 

"We'll stop by the restrooms then and then head out," Ashton said as I closed my locker door. 

"I can't do it with all the girls in there pampering up," I stated with panic. 

"Okay, okay, how about..." he bit his lower lip, thinking. "I know, come with me," he suddenly smiled, widely.

 I furrowed my eyebrows confused, but followed him non the less.

      We stood under the big, old tree. It was the largest tree on school grounds and was located near the pool entrance. Yes, we had a pool, but it was closed as last a year some students thought it's be cool to sneak in and throw a party there. It was crazy and stupid, so the principal shut down the pool, especially as it was the swim team who decided to break in. Anyway, no one ever comes here as there's nothing fun about it. Sometimes those druggie goths may stop by and have a smoke, but not anymore. So this is where Ashton brought me, no one was here and we were hidden under the tree's huge barks and shadow. 

"How did you find this place?" I wondered. 

He's new to the school, so how could he know about this if it was never mentioned before by any teacher or even the principle? 

"I had after school practice the other day and I wouldn't find Anna, she had her phone on silent, like always," he scoffed. 

I slightly chuckled as I remember how these two keep bickering at one another. 

"So, I went around the school looking for her, at some point I came here. I took a look at the pool which I had no idea about. I went back to the football field and found Kayla there so I asked her about it and she explained and that's when Anna shows up telling me she was in the ladies' room," Ashton finished his explanation as he with a smug expression.

 We stood there for a second before Ashton spoke up. 

"No one's here, I'll cover you if someone shows up," he asserted. 

So, I took the container out of my pocket, but there was one more problem. How will I see? 

"I need a mirror," I murmured. 

Ashton looked around, as if searching for a solution. He then grabbed his phone from his pocket, unlocked it and positioned it in front of my face with the front camera on as I could see my reflection. 

"There," he beamed. 

I chuckled. Swiping my fingers onto the somewhat looking concealer, I applied it to my cheek, slowly as I tried not to hiss from the pain. Looking at Ashton's phone wasn't much help. Due to the sun over us, I couldn't see a thing. 

"This is hopeless," I huffed. "The screen is too dark because of the sun light," I furthermore grumbled. Ashton sighed and placed his phone back in his pocket. 

He looked at me in concentration, which truthfully made me squirm in my spot. 

"There's one other way," he said, slowly. 

Slowly, very slowly, his fingers were on my cheek and tenderly stroking as he tried to blemish the concealer onto my skin. 

"I never would've imagined applying make up or any product on a girl," he chuckled, making me nervously chuckle as well. 

His fingers against my skin were no help, they only made my insides celebrate in glee and it wasn't such a cheery sensation as I stood in front of the cause. 

"Am I hurting you?" Ashton's eyes caught my own, and all I could come up with was a shake of the head. 

He placed his fingers onto the container and applied some more, as his hands stroked my cheek again. His eyes kept flicking to my own and then he'd be concentrating some more onto my bruised cheek. 

"There," he stated as he stepped back, slightly. 

Oh Jesus. I could breathe normally again

"Thanks," I murmured. 

"No problem, now how about we head out of here. Cause I am starving." 

I giggled as he rubbed his stomach with a pouty lips which only made him seem silly.

      "I have a proposition." 

Finally he cracks! I've been eating my lunch with unease as Ashton has been giving this weird look and then his gaze would just go far away...creepy. 

"What is it?" I asked as I ran my palms over my jean shorts (wearing quarter sleeves in this weather is seriously no help!). 

"I was thinking about how I always head to the cafe and hang around with you. Well, why don't you come to my work today?" He explained, leaning forward across the table. 

"I have work," I mumbled. 

"Sam, both you and I know you won't be able to do your best. During class you were barely present. C'mon, you'll wait here with Anna and Kayla after school until I finish practice and then you'll spend the day with me. I promise it will be fun and will completely distract you," he was almost pleading, but his eyes were so soft and determined. 

Well...it's been so long since I've taken a day off work, especially with the six day shifts I pleaded for in order to stay home. C'mon Sam, it's Ashton! 

"Fine," I finally mustered up to say. 

"Awesome," Ashton exclaimed. 

I quickly tapped a message to Angela and then another to Jace. Angela replied with a no problem while Jace just pleaded me to go work so we'll hang out. You didn't even notice my shaking voice yesterday, I thought as I told him that I felt tired and drained. I locked my phone then and turned back to Ashton. A grinning Ashton. 

"Hey guys," a chirpy voice broke our stare. 

Anna plumped herself down on one of the chairs. 

"Why are you here?" Ashton asked her as she plopped a grape into her mouth, from Ashton's unfinished fruit container. 

"Gee, nice to see you to brother," she grumbled. 

She seemed different today. Her hair was up in a ponytail, and her face was so alight. Her strikes of color were hidden in between her dark locks. 

"Hey Anna," I greeted her with a slight smile. 

"Hello dear friend," she smiled teasingly. 

"Anna, seriously what is it?" Ashton pressed his sister for answers. 

"Fine, fine, mom called me," she finally spilled. 

"And?" Ashton asked with raised eye brows. 

"Aunt Kristen needs someone to babysit Aden," she replied, now looking at her brother with softer eyes, as if readying him for a plea. 

"No, Anna. You know I have work today," Ashton stated. 

"C'mon, please. He loves you, while me he just likes playing with my hair," Anna pleaded. 

"I'm sorry sis, but we did agree on taking turns, now it's yours," Ashton shrugged, as if she knew he's won this argument already. 

"Ugh," Anna huffed as she slumped back against the seat. 

I was just looking between the two, with no idea what the hell was happening. 

"Aden's our five month old cousin, and aunt Kristen is our aunt, my mom's sister. She has this restaurant she owns and she at times she can't have Aden with her so, we babysit. The kid loves this idiot," Anna gestured to Ashton, "but he just likes me because he can pull my hair and laugh at my grumpy face."

 She crossed her arms and frowned. I nodded, trying not to laugh. My mind was picturing Anna frowning, with a baby boy laughing and pulling her hair. Then, as is uncontrollably, my mind pictured a handsome, sweet Ashton with a baby boy. Oh dear God

"Look, Sam's coming with me today, so can you keep her company during practice?" Ashton asked Anna, breaking the ice between them.

 Anna's lips lifted into a beam. 

"Of course," she exclaimed. 

"Great," Ashton sighed. 

The bell rang just then and we got off our seats, heading to the school building. 

"I'll see you guys later," Anna waved as she skipped to one of her groups of friends. 

"Whew, she's a nut case," Ashton chuckled.

 I playfully smacked his arm, "Don't say that about your sister." 

He just pulled his tongue out at me in a joking manner making me laugh. First true laugh of the day.

      I was nervous. I know it might seem stupid, but I am so nervous. School is over and I was going to wait for Ashton as he went for his soccer practice. I'll be sitting there in front of all those boy, and don't forget the cheerleaders. Anna, Kayla, Chace, and Aaron will be there, but still it's nerve wrecking. I'm still not completely over the little scare with Eric. But I have to say, I am sort of....somewhat...looking forward to spending the day with Ashton. I know we've known each other for almost a month or more, but I find myself feeling safe with him. Maybe it's because he treats me differently, I know he knows something is wrong and that's why I find myself attracted to him, to his company. It's because he doesn't wave it off, he senses my every hesitations, my every fear. Anyway, I'm just over thinking everything like always. So I prep talked myself and made my way to where Ashton said he'd meet me. Right as I passed the lockers, I spotted a, tall blond, masculine figure. He had one foot propped up on the wall and a hand in his jean pockets. I bet he senses someone watching him as he lifted his head up and smiled as he met my gaze. Approaching me, he led me out of the school building. 

"Anna and Kayla are waiting by the bleachers already," he informed me. 

I nodded, fiddling with the straps of my bag. I felt a slight jab to my sides which was Ashton's elbow. Looking up at him, he gave me his 'everything's okay' look which I've become accustomed to. I smiled thankfully at him, feeling a tiny bit better. We headed to the field and just as Ashton mentioned, Anna and Kayla were by the bleachers, chatting. Chace and Aaron were also there, as well as some other soccer players who were doing some simple dribbles and passes as they waited. 

"Hey man," Aaron spoke up as he noticed Ashton. 

They did the whole man-hug or whatever. 

"Sam," both Chace and Aaron beamed.

 Shyly -for some reason- I waved and stepped up to their little circle. 

"What brings you here?" Chace asked.

 "She pleaded that she wants a chance to watch me so I brought her over," Ashton said before I could answer. 

I gasped at his response and slapped his arm. 

"Liar," I grumbled as he chuckled. 

"Fine. She's spending the day with me so she'll be watching the girls," Ashton replied. 

"You are aware that we do not watch you. It's our time to gossip," Kayla interrupted. 

"Sure sweetheart, you tell yourself that," Chace scoffed as he flung an arm around her shoulders. 

"Well, don't flatter yourselves boys. We'll take good care of dear Sam big bro," Anna beamed as she hooked her arm with mine and patted Ashton on his arm. 

Right then a group of guys came snickering by onto the field. Eric and his followers. I instantly paled. Everyone noticed and we all dropped the joking acts. Eric and his buddies had their training uniform on unlike Ashton, Aaron, and Chace who were just leaving to do that. I had my eyes on their direction for a while, and in that while Eric noticed my presence. His face changed into one of amusement. 

"The circle is complete," he bellowed as he approached us. "If it isn't our little Sammy," he stood in front of me with his buddies snickering behind him (they were only three buddies). 

"Cut the crap Eric," Kayla hissed. 

"Oooh, you got a feisty one," Eric snickered to Chace. 

"Seriously man, cut the crap," Chace retorted as he moved closer to Kayla. 

I noticed how Anna took a step next to Aaron, rather than next to her brother. I wonder if.....

"Oh c'mon. Sammy knows I'm just kidding. We got rudely interrupted this morning. We were just getting to the fun part, right Sammy?" Eric's eyes darkened in some way as he took a step toward me. 

George's face popped into my head and I couldn't stop my hands from shaking, or my chest from constricting. 

"I warned you," Ashton threatened as he stepped closer to Eric. 

"And I told you I don't care," Eric stepped closer with a threatening face as he wanted to seem more in power. "You're not gonna run away that easily babe. You asked for it," he sneered at me. 

"Eric fuck off," Ashton stated, trying to get some space between me and Eric. 

They were nose to nose now, and that was freaking the hell out of me. 

"You sure are whipped. Bet she's good huh. She may seem innocent but she's a devil in disguise," Eric looked straight at Ashton then straight at me. 

"I told you already. Shut. The. Fuck. Up." 

With that Eric winked at me and left with his followers. 

"Asshole," Anna snickered as she glared at his retreating back. 

"Sam, sam," Kayla shook my shoulders and at that motion I flinched away as it all crashed onto me. Kayla stepped back with worry. 

"It's ok Sam," I knew that was Ashton, as his hand that grabbed my shaking one eased my mind. 

"Boys, ten laps if you're not ready in five minutes," the coach bellowed as he stepped onto the field. 

Aaron and Chace left after making sure I'm fine. 

"If he gives you shit again I'll take care of him, okay?" He spoke with certainty as his eyes bore into mine. 

I nodded meekly and my fingers grasped his hands which were holding my own. 

"I have to go," he softly smiled, squeezed my hands and ran off to get changed. 

"C'mon Sam," Anna softly nudged my arm.

      As we sat on the first step of bleachers, where we could easily watch the practices, Anna and Kayla gave me worried glances. 

"It's nothing. Eric's just being Eric," I assured them, lying of course. 

"I wish I could punch him right in the face," Anna spat as she flipped her pony from her shoulders. 

"I'll go with you," Kayla chirped. 

"Deal," Anna stated as she held out her hand to Kayla and they both shook on it. 

"Thanks guys," I said truthfully, because it's been a long time since anyone has shown this much of interest in my well being. 

They both sent me a smile and softly bumped their shoulders with my own as I was seated between them. I looked over the field and noticed Ashton,Chace, and Aaron already practicing with the ball. Damn that practicing kit! I've never felt my palms sweat so much, or my eyes glued to one person, or my surroundings slightly slip away. It was all because of Ashton. His white shirt with the team's logo stuck to his body, accentuating his toned physique. He looked good in shorts. Dammit, what the hell's wrong with me? The boys started dribbling some soccer balls around. I noticed how Eric and his buddies were joking around and being childish while everyone else was so focused yet having fun. Eric was always like that, he knew he didn't have to work hard for anything, his parents are a huge influence on the school so whatever he wants he gets. Why do you think he's the team's captainÇ 

"Sam," a voice interrupted my thoughts. 

I jumped in my seat as I faced Kayla. 

"Huh? Sorry," I blushed as I looked down at my lap. 

"I was asking if you're gonna come to the game on Friday," Kayla chuckled. 

I looked up at her and nodded. 

"Yeah, I guess I am," I confirmed. 

"Great," she exclaimed. 

With that, my eyes wandered back to the boys. Chace, Ashton, and Aaron seemed to be grouped together as they were in a circle doing some tricks. He's good! No, seriously, he's like really really good. The way he kept controlling the ball, or the way he moved it around with ease, it all screamed 'professional'. 

"My brother's a show off when it comes to this," Anna snorted as she also watched the boys. 

"But he's good," I told her as Ashton had the ball on his foot, tapping it up and not letting it touch the ground. 

"I know," she sighed. 

It was almost like a sad sigh, like it hid some unknown feeling or memory maybe. 

"Aaron's pretty cool too," she surprised us with that. 

"Really?" Both Kayla and I looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. 

I knew it

"Well yeah," Anna said, now more attentive to our expressions. 

"Why don't you just admit it Anna?" Kayla poked Anna's arm. 

"What?" Anna acted dumb. 

Oh god this is exciting. She likes him, I'm sure. Even Kayla is sure. 

"You like Aaron. I've been wanting you to confess for a few days now," Kayla persisted. 

"I do not like him. He's a good friend," Anna quickly said. 

Ooooh, she likes him bad. 

"Really Anna? You think we're that dumb?"

I looked at her with a hidden grin as I tried to look as serious as possible. Anna's eyes drifted to Aaron, then to us, then back to Aaron and then finally to her lap as she huffed and admitted, "Yes, I like him. There. Happy?"

 Kayla and I squealed as we finally let out our grins. 

"Of course we are. This is so exciting. You have to tell him," Kayla chirped. 

"What? No. I'm not going to tell him," Anna hissed as she spoke in a low voice.

 "Oh come on. Don't be blind women. He likes you too. Can't you notice how he's always joining us whenever you're around." Anna fell silent. 

"She's right Anna. He likes you. That day at the beach you guys were inseparable, and today with the Eric thing, I saw the way you got close to him and the way he did too," I assured her. 

It's true, when Anna stepped closer to Eric, I noticed how Aaron instinctively stepped closer to her side, his hand almost touching the small of her back. I've known Aaron for a long time, and I know when he likes a girl. He likes Anna. 

"Ugh," Anna groaned.

 "Look how about you just think about it okay?" Kayla asked. 

"Fine," Anna sighed.

And then they were back to their gossiping. I couldn't contribute to their gossips as I only had one lesson with one of them and all they spoke about were the bitches and jocks in their classes. I found my self watching the boys once again. They were now huddled around the coach, listening to him rant on about the game.

      Thirty more minutes. Thirty more minutes and I'll leave with Ashton. Kayla and Anna were watching the boys with me. It was fun by now because they were getting put into groups to play a game. Eric, of course, was the captain of the first team, Ashton was the captain of the other. In Ashton's group were Chace and Aaron, as well as some other boys. While Eric had all his buddies and some other scary looking guys. The coach placed the soccer ball in the middle where the two captain faced each other. Eric said something to Ashton as the latter's face changed into one of hate and anger. The coach whistled and they were off to play. Ashton had control of the ball, and soon he was passing it around. The coach was yelling out orders as he told the boys how to improve some faults. Ashton was close to score the first goal, but he couldn't as Eric quickly rushed over to him and started pushing him around. Ashton was keen to keep the ball and not give up, but eventually he passed it to Aaron who was free and shot the goal. Anna beamed as Aaron looked to our direction, his eyes completely focusing on Anna. So cute! 

The game went on and on, slowly Eric was starting to get more rough as Ashton had the ball. But this was the roughest he's gone. Ashton was clear to shoot a goal, but as he steadied himself to do so, Eric came out of nowhere and dived for the ball knocking Ashton over on his foot. The coach seemed angry as he blew the whistle and marched over to the scene. Kayla, Anna, and I gasped as we stood from our seats and looked over to what has happened. Thankfully Ashton got up but was slightly limping. He gave the coach a thumbs up as the coach approached Eric. 

"What the hell was that Jensen?" He bellowed. "That would've caused the other team a penalty if you'd done it in the game," he kept on yelling in an unmoving Eric's face. "You pull that off and I swear you'll be off the squad."

 Eric didn't move. 

"And who you'll replace me with? I'm the captain," Eric stated. 

"After this crap today, I'd replace you with anyone," he bellowed at Eric. "Ashton seems pretty cut for the job," he added. 

Eric's eyes bulged, hiss nostrils flared and his face grew red. 

"Everyone," he yelled, looking around. "Get to the showers, training's over." 

With that the boys headed for the changing rooms. Ashton, Chace, and Aaron were last to head down. Eric stayed behind as he was told by the coach to complete five laps and then pack up. 

"Karma," Anna snickered, making us laugh.

"Hey," Anna chirped as Aaron came towards us. 

"Hey," he smiled back. 

Chace also came out as he wrapped his arm around Kayla's shoulders. My eyes were on the exit of the changing rooms as I awaited for someone specific to come out. In just a fraction of a second, a certain blonde walked out. He caught my eye and smiled, making me smile back. As he approached us, he stopped next to me. 

"Hey," he softly greeted. 

"Hi," I said back. "You okay?" I asked referring to the knock. 

"Yeah, it was nothing," he waved it off. 

"We are going to head off, so we'll see you guys tomorrow," Chace said as we hugged them good bye. 

"I should leave too," Aaron spoke up, I noticed how his eyes drifted to Anna. 

We hugged him good bye and he was soon off to his car. 

"Let's go then girls," Ashton exclaimed, placing his arms around our shoulders. 

"Weirdo," Anna mumbled. I chuckled at their childish bickering.

      After a twenty minute ride of nonstop bickering, mocking and teasing of the two siblings, we came to a stop at the Weston's house. 

"Home sweet home," Anna chimed as she stepped out of the car and slammed the door. 

"Watch it," Ashton scolded her as he stepped out of his car and slowly closed the door. 

"Oh, mom's home," Anna exclaimed as she ran off to the door. It was then that I realized there was a car already parked in front of Ashton's truck.

"You don't mind do you?" Ashton caught my attention. "If you want we can just go have lunch somewhere else and then head to the garage," Ashton suggested as I hesitated in answering.

 "No, it's just..." I let it hang there, stressing over how to finish the sentence and say what it was I was feeling. 

"Look, my mom doesn't mind friends coming over. She's as cheery as her daughter," he chuckled. "She'll love you," he added at the end. 

I looked up at him, contemplating what to do. With a reassuring smile, and his hand clasping around mine, I sighed and nodded. If Anna and Ashton are this sweet and nice, then I'm pretty sure their mother would be great. But would she like me? That I don't know. We walked to the front door and entered the house. I could hear some rattling and clinking of objects, as well as Anna's chirpy voice as she rambled on about her day. 

"She's probably in the kitchen," Ashton said as we dropped our bags by the door. "She's almost never home at this time," he added. 

I looked at him confused as he further explained. 

"She's a doctor so she's almost always at the hospital. But it's not a problem," he smiled proudly. 

I could make out that he adored his mother and was proud of her. It was sweet, and cute! 

"Mom," he yelled. 

"Here sweetie," a soft, motherly voice called out. 

"She's probably rolling her eyes by now. I do that on purpose." 

I giggled at that. We finally stopped at the kitchen, and right in front of me was a young woman, probably in her late thirties, with curly brown hair and green, gleaming eyes. She was smiling brightly at us. She had a knife in her hand as she was chopping some vegetables. 

"Hey mom," Ashton greeted her as she placed her knife down. 

He pecked her cheek and stood next to her with his arm around her shoulders. He was a few inches taller than her. The image in front of me of Anna, Ashton and their mother riled up an uncomfortable, sickening feeling. One of despair. I never had that, I never came to know how a child's relationship with their own mother would be like. I probably looked like a scared little kitten as I stood there watching the mother and her children. This wasn't normal for my eyes nor for my mind. What do I do? Do I stand behind? Should I say 'hi', 'hey', or 'hello'? Right then Ashton spoke up. 

"Mom, this is Sam. Sam, my mother." 

His mother looked at me with excitement as her smile widened. 

"So this is the famous library, coffee girl?" 

Anna nodded as she beamed, "The one and only." 

Their mother dropped the knife and moved around the countertop. 

"Well it's nice to meet you Sam," she extended her hand to me.

This was when I tensed and my body froze as the color drained from my face. I had to touch her? The images were returning to me like a movie put on fast forward. My eyes were locked on her face and in a millisecond I noticed how a weird expression passed by her smiling face. What was it? My eyes darted to Ashton and he gave me a reassuring smile as he noticed my hesitation. I looked to Anna and she had a sad smile on her face. It was calming yet made me feel so pitiful. Finally, after much hesitation, I placed my slightly shaking hand in hers and quickly shook it uttering a "Nice to meet you Ms Weston". She smiled sweetly at me -again- and waved her hand in an 'oh please' manner. 

"Call me Carol, I'm not that old you know," Carol chuckled. 

I nodded and tried a smile of my own. 

"Not long to go mother," Anna teased her mom as she patted Carol's shoulder. 

"Oh shush," Carol went back to chopping. 

"So mother dearest, watcha cooking?" Ashton piped in as to change the subject. 

"Some meat loaf and vegetables," Carol beamed. Both Anna and Ashton grimaced, looking at each other with horrification. 

"What's with the look?" Carol looked at both her children. Her hand on her hip. 

"Well.... Mom you see..." Anna started off trying to find the best way to say it. 

"Mom you always burn the loaf and we end up ordering take out," Ashton dove right to it, blurting it out like a bomb. 

Carol opened and closed her mouth several times. 

"It's not my fault I can't cook," Carol huffed. 

"We know," both siblings mumbled. 

Anna's head snapped up with a grin. 

"Mom. Sam the other day prepared this amazing platter of chicken. It was heavenly. She can give some tips right?"

 She pleaded me with her eyes. Maybe I can use this against her when I need a favor! 

"Anna," shrieked Carol. "Sam is a guest," she scolded her daughter. 

"I don't mind. I'd love to help," I told Carol. 

She seemed hesitant but then with my pleas she nodded.

       Ashton and Anna put the table while I was showing Carol how to prepare the meat loaf, vegetables, and the sauce (giving her my secret ingredient). 

"Oh Sam this is amazing," she chirped once she completed one of the loafs...without burning it. 

"It's easy once you get the hang of it," I encouraged her. 

"You are such a cook," she beamed at me. 

That was the first time I was told such a thing by an adult. I got complimented by Anna and Ashton but never by an adult. I must've been thinking hard about this because I heard Carol's voice calling me over and over again. When I looked at her, I could see her concern. 

"You okay sweetie?" 

She had turned off the oven and placed the loafs on a plate. 

"Uh yeah," I nodded. "Thank you," I weakly said, referring to her compliment. 

"You are most welcome." 

From her voice, I could detect her sincerity. 

"C'mon let's go eat," she winked at me and gestured to the dining table. 

Ashton and Anna were standing aside speaking but once we entered all conversation ceased. 

"Food is ready," Carol chirped as she waved everyone to sit.

 Anna sat next to her mom while I sat next to Ashton. 

"Dig in." 

Anna and Ashton placed a peace in their mouths and their eyes widened. 

"It's not burnt," Ashton mumbled. 

"It's delicious mom," Anna exclaimed. 

"Oh no, tell that to Sam," Carol told Anna as she smiled my way. 

"Sam. You are invited to eat whenever you want," Anna chirped making us all chuckle and me blush. 

"Mom, the game's Friday did you remember to tell grandpa?" Ashton changed the subject as he noticed my blushing. 

"Yes I did, he'll be here and we'll all take off," Carol replied. 

"Awesome," Ashton mused. 

"You have to meet grandpa. He's full of sarcasm but yet very stern," Anna chuckled directing the words to me. 

"She will. On Friday," Ashton interrupted. 

"Oh are you coming to watch as well?" Carol chirped. 

I nodded my head as I swallowed the piece of meat in my mouth. 

"Yeah, Ashton asked me to," I answered, my eyes catching how Ashton's ears were slightly reddening. 

"That's great," she beamed at me then her son. 

"As I was saying, she'll meet grandpa when I pick her up," Ashton gave his mom a stern 'drop it' look. 

"I can meet you there, I'll go from the diner," I told Ashton. 

I don't want to be the girl who has her friend pick her up and do almost everything for her. 

"Great then, I'll pick you up from the diner," Ashton exclaimed with sarcasm. 

I have to admit, the way he said it and the way he was giving a mocking stare right now made my lips twitch, almost letting out a laugh. 

"Oh, you guys are just too much," Anna quipped as she shove food into her mouth. 

And that's how lunch went.

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