Persuade Me (Student/Teacher...

By eflagella

17.4M 123K 17.5K

'Standing up I looked straight at Professor Garrett, smirking evilly. "Hi, my name's Christy Evans and I'm an... More

Lamenting Love
A Not So Stellar Start
Please Tell Me This Is A Joke
The Essay
A Good Man Is Hard To Find
A Truly Rude Awakening
Raggedy Whore
Asphyxiation Caused By My Knee To Your Balls
The Explanation: Manwhore
The Hangover
Confused Ape
All Mine
Stupid Hormones
If I Just Had Red Lipstick I Could Surely Pass As A Clown
Called Out
Winner of the Biggest Dumba$$ of the Century Contest
The Dilemma
Stupid A$$ Bear
The Retreat
Second Guessing
Queen of the Hippos
Tough Decisions And Secret Regrets
Five Days Or Less
Own It
'Cause That Doesn't Make Me A Hypocrite At All
Bumps In The Night
At Least There Were No Hitchcock Moments
Self Proclaimed Judge And Jury
I Guess Sexercise Isn't A Real Form Of Exercise After All
My Unhealthy Not So Wise Addiction
If I Were A Cat, I'd Be Purring At An Embarrassingly Loud Level
New Life Goal: Lose the Crazy
Practically Geriatric

Birthday Surprise

429K 3.2K 508
By eflagella

^^^^So since I dedicated the last two chapters to amazing poets I figured I may as well do it on this one too. This is to @JackkDaniels for his phenomenal poetry that always manages to astonish me with its intensity even after reading it several times. If you haven't read his work...well then why not?! His poems really are must reads so please check them out :) And if you read this Jack you are amazing and please don't feel obligated to read any further.

Christy's POV

"Are we there yet?"


" bout now?"

"Leslie I swear to God if you ask one more time I will leave you on the side of the road for any random hillbilly to pick up!" Ryan shouted, clenching his teeth as his fingers turned white from the force he was using to grip the steering wheel.

"No need to be a dick about it," Leslie mumbled crossing her arms and pouting petulantly.

This is what I had been dealing with for two hours now and I was ready to choke them both out with their seatbelts.

Plus they were still refusing to tell me where we were going, which didn't help my mood at all.

I hated surprises... No hate isn't a strong enough word for how much I absolutely, completely from the bottom of my heart loathe surprises.

In my mind, no surprise was a good surprise. It's probably because I have the patience of a level of someone with OCD stuck in a house with a hoarder... Huh, wonder what that would be like? Who would dominate the obsessive compulsive or the hoarder? Or would it be a draw...?

Okay so its official, I'm losing my mind. Who in their right mind would think of things like that? I've got issues. Maybe if I sleep some more I'll be less mentally unstable soon....

"Wake me up when we get there guys," I grumbled before leaning my head back fully intent upon dozing off for the remainder of this never ending ride with my two crabby best friends. What an awesome birthday.

"Oh no you don't! Stay awake. We'll be there in about ten minutes according to the directions I was given," Ryan demanded while poking me in the side making me even grumpier - if that were possible.

"Ten minutes? Ryan we're in the middle of freaking nowhere and I'm pretty sure this place is dominated by hillbillies and the Amish. It's like we're asking to be the next victims of some freak cannibals! Have you seen 'The Hills Have Eyes'? I'm pretty sure it looked a lot like this!" I exaggerated pointing out our surroundings like I was Vanna White on 'The Wheel of Fortune'. Glamorous, I know...

"You do know that was a movie right? As in, fictional...?" Ryan queried, looking at me like I had magically grown another head and sprouted a couple sets of rainbow swirled horns while sporting a bedazzled sweater vest.

"I know that, but it doesn't mean it couldn't happen," I insisted a bit lamely before joining Leslie in her pouting session. I heard Ryan snickering and shot him my best death glare before poking my tongue out at him.

Closing my eyes again and ignoring the occasional poke in the side he was giving me, I felt myself drifting off right as the car pulled to a stop.

Frowning, I opened my eyes and saw a sign that said, 'Welcome to the World of Zorbing." What the frick was zorbing?

"You'll see," Ryan responded causing me to scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. Smirking and suppressing a laugh he continued, "You asked what the frick zorbing was."

Forming an 'o' of understanding with my mouth I mentally berated myself for speaking my thoughts out loud like an idiot.

Feeling a tug on my hoodie I was suddenly being propelled towards the entrance of the park or whatever it was we were at.

"This is going to be so flipping epic!" I heard Leslie squeal excitedly as she continued to propel me forward. Glancing behind me I saw Ryan following with a wide grin plastered across his face.

"Welcome, you guys must be the ones who called about your friend's birthday," A lady with warm brown eyes and blonde shoulder length hair asked politely in greeting.

"Yes we are," Ryan responded pleasantly, while sticking his hand out to shake hands with the lady.

"Great!" She replied excitedly while pumping his hand a little too enthusiastically. "I'm Meghan and I'll be the one helping you today, just follow me! I've got it all set for you guys! You're going to have so much fun! I swear I'd be in one all the time if I was able! It's such a rush!"

With those words I couldn't help the mounting apprehension from building, but oddly I was a bit exhilarated as well.

"Alright guys, just follow me and I'll get you all set up!" Meghan chirped. How could one person be so bubbly? It was kind of annoying...

Following behind, we soon came upon a rather large hill with a huge ball resting at the top. Looking at it curiously I couldn't help but wonder why one would need such a large ball. What could you possibly do with it?

As we got closer I realized it was hollow and felt my heart rate pick up, hammering at a pace that would put the rate of hummingbirds' wings to shame. We couldn't possibly be going inside that thing, right?


As we settled inside I felt my hands go clammy and my breathing became choppy.

"Calm down Christy, we're right here with you," Ryan soothed and I could hear the underlying excitement in his voice. "It's going to be fun, no amazing! Something that we can say we did together when we get older and look back on and laugh about how crazy we were!"

"Hell yeah," Leslie piped in giving Ryan a high five. "Now stop being such a pussy and enjoy," She demanded right as I felt the first spray of water enter the chamber we were in. Apparently it was to help us slide around better and to 'enhance' the experience. Right now though it was just cold and bothersome as it caused my clothes to cling to my body uncomfortably.

Suddenly the water stopped and we were fully locked in.

And then we were falling, rolling down what seemed to be a never ending hill as we slid around each other becoming entangled in each other before breaking away, again and again.

It was incredible.

I couldn't help the giggles that escaped me as adrenaline coursed through me, making me wish it would never end.

In this giant ball at this time with my two best friends I was happy for the first time in weeks. Not just kind of happy, but fully happy with nothing on my mind but the flutters that were taking over my stomach and the laughter of my friends surrounding me in this giant ball.

As we began to slow down I couldn't help but be sad that it was ending. It was by far the most extraordinary thing I had ever experienced, made even better for having had my two best friends there to share it with me.

James POV

It was her birthday.

I couldn't get her out of my mind and all the drinking I had been doing this past week wasn't enough to push away the memories of her.

I could still smell her intoxicating scent wherever I went, and taste her unique flavor on my tongue no matter what I ate or drank to try to wash it away.

She was all I thought about, all I cared about... And I knew it was taking its toll on me. I couldn't begin to count the number of times I had stood outside her door so tempted to knock and make her talk to me. To make her listen to me.

I never wanted her to feel like a slut... I just wanted a chance.

Cursing out loud I slammed another shot back, before holding it out to the bar tender in a silent request for one more.

Tonight tequila was my best friend, yesterday it was rum and the days before that I had lost track of.

I still taught but I lacked the passion and motivation I had felt only a week ago. I still saw her a during class, but she was unattainable to me now.

Completely closed off and unresponsive to all the desperate looks I shot her way.

'Well fuck her then,' I thought belligerently. There were others out there. Hell, there were tons of others who wanted me. Why was I settling for one who didn't?

Looking around I took inventory of what the night had to offer me. I caught a glimpse of red hair and felt my heart rate sky rocket, before she turned around and I saw her mud brown eyes instead of the beautiful mossy green I had been secretly hoping for.

Tossing down enough money to cover my drinks I stumbled outside and slowly weaved my way back to the college.

I just wanted to sleep... At least my dreams were usually kind enough to let me have her for myself.

As I stumbled along, half blind since the world refused to hold still long enough for me to take in my surroundings properly, I ran into something hard and fell over landing on my side hard.

Mentally I thanked the alcohol for its numbing effects, but winced slightly at the thought of how I was going to feel tomorrow once the alcohol wore off completely. I was going to hurt like hell.

Sitting up awkwardly I noticed a cart in front of me with flower bouquets and pushed up to my feet when I noticed a bunch of exotic looking red flowers that reminded me of how her hair looked when the sunlight reflected off of it.

"How much?" I slurred to the lady who was standing behind the cart, already pulling out my wallet.

"Which ones, sir?" She asked and I thought I could make out some disgust in her tone and wanted to tell her to shove it... But I wanted those flowers too much to risk it.

"Red ones," I muttered crossly.

"Those ones are $50 as they're quite rare," She replied smugly as if she thought I couldn't possibly afford them. Bitch. She was the one selling flowers from a cart in the middle of the night and she thought she was better than me. Screw her.

Pulling out a fifty from my wallet I tossed it at her and grabbed the flowers before turning my back and continuing on into the night in search of the college.

It had to be around here somewhere... It was rather large, so it's unlikely they moved it in the few hours I had been gone...

Finally seeing it ahead I increased my unsteady gait and did a fist pump in victory when I finally made it inside and up to my room.

Pausing at my door I glanced over to her room and made a split second decision.

Yanking out my keys from my pocket I squinted my eyes and searched for the master key I had been given. Finding it I made my way to her door and let myself in.

I felt my heart plummet when I noticed it was empty but decided to settle in anyways... She had to be back sooner or later and then I'd make her listen.

Setting the flowers on a desk, I made my way over to the bed directly on the other side of the wall from mine and settled in to begin my wait all the while reveling in her scent that was surrounding me like a cocoon.

Alright my lovelies, how many guessed her birthday surprise? *smirks* Loved hearing your thoughts on it, so keep them coming! Threw in James' POV as a few of you requested it. Hope you liked this chapter :)

Remember to comment/vote and maybe fan if you did like it! And Happy Mother's Day to any moms who are reading this!!! :D

Also if you get a chance and enjoy The Hunger Games you should check out my friend hopelessromantic1993's fan fic of it! She's an amazing writer so I'm sure you'll enjoy it! :)

Love you guys!!! Erin <3

Pic on side is of some zorb balls in action--------->

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