Pure Pain, Excruciating Love

Por White_n_Roses

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Life for Samantha Hale seems to always find a way to break her. At the age of 17, she attends high school, ac... Mais

Pure Pain, Excruciating Love
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's Note
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
New Story

Chapter 7

145 3 0
Por White_n_Roses

      My foot wouldn't stop tapping on the damn, rickety hard wood of the front porch. Ashton was on his way to come pick me up for our second tutoring session. My mom was sober inside the house so I decided to wait outside just in case she opens her mouth and speaks trash in front of Ashton. As I waited and thought about how it would turn out (the tutoring that is), I found myself smiling as I recounted yesterday's event (the last part that is). When Ashton and I arrived at the ice cream shop we asked for our delicious ice cream – he asked for chocolate chip while I asked for pralines and cream – and we headed out to find a spot to sit. We decided in the end on hanging around at the ice cream shop as the smell was so sweet. The place was cool and there weren't many people. So as we each sat at one side of the booth, we devoured in our ice cream and kept talking, joking, and laughing until the late hours of the afternoon. Ashton would tell me about some of his embarrassing days in Europe, he'd want me to tell him more about my days in the soccer team; we went on and on until we left at around eight when the sky was dark and the stars were illuminating the night. Ashton did end up walking me home, he kept his hand around mine as we lazily made our way to my house. He rechecked that he'll pick me up today, he told me he's glad he asked me to stay out longer and then when we reached my porch – thank god George and mom were sleeping as they'd drunken their asses off – he hugged me affectionately and then ever so softly and sweetly, kissed my cheek and placed my loose strand of hair behind my ear. It was amazing, his lips on my skin, the tingles and shivers that tinged at my skin. It was when I ended up in my bed that I finally confessed to myself, I like Ashton Weston and I liked him a lot. 

A truck's honking made me jump in my place. Ashton waved at me as I practically ran over to his truck, pulled open the door and hopped in. 

"Hey," he greeted. 

"Hi," I replied back with a smile. 

"Ready for some fun maths?" Ashton started off to his house. 

"Oh please maths will never be fun," I grunted. 

"Not when you're with me?" He faked disappointment. 

"Maybe," I shrugged, trying to hide the amusement in my face. 

"Whatever," Ashton grumbled, but finally cracked a grin. "So, Anna's home but my mom's at work, that okay?" 

I nodded to his question. 

"Great," he beamed as he turned into a homey neighbourhood.

 It was beautiful. Houses of different shades of cream and beige stood beside each other with small gardens between each one. Some houses had those white picket fences while others didn't. I could easily identify single storied, double storied houses. Ashton kept driving until he stopped in front of a fair looking house. It was of a deep, creamy beige, with windows which were covered from the inside with what seemed like soft, skye blue curtains. The house had one of those brick roofs, it had three steps which lead to the front door. There were two pots of plants beside the edges of the front door and a double seat swinging chair to the far side of the porch. It was beautiful. Although if compared with the surrounding houses, it'll seem just normal and not much to talk about. But compared with my house, this is just breath-taking. 

"Your house is beautiful," I complimented as we stood in front of it. 

Ashton chuckled, earning my attention. 

"What?" I wondered. 

"It's technically not mine," he explained. 

"Oh, right, you have an apartment, Gotcha," I winked at him teasingly. 

"Let's go ms smarty ass," he gave me a playful shove and we started off to the front door. 

Ashton turned the handle of the door and gestured for me to go in. Once I stepped inside, I could instantly pick up on the homy atmosphere. Right to my side there's a side table with a little mirror hang up above it. There were keys and some scattered papers on the table but then to the side there was a photo of Ashton and Anna as young kids. 

"I'll show you around," Ashton  quipped as he grabbed my hand, and so the zaps, butterflies and shocks erupt! 

As we stepped in, to the right was a stair case which led to the second level and then right in front of me was the living room which was so light and quite. There was a flat screen TV which was settled onto the wall, right underneath that was a small table with some DVDs lined up and the DVD player as well as decoder. To the sides, right against the wall, were book cases with pictures, books, vases, CDs, and some simple ornaments. In the middle of the living room was a coffee table, and around the coffee table were three couches all puffy and cream color. It was heavenly. 

"This is beautiful," I whispered, almost to myself. 

"Yeah, my mom likes to go all the way," Ashton laughed next to me. 

I wish my mom was like that, I thought to myself. 

"C'mon," Ashton softly pulled at my hand as he led me to the next part of the house. 

We entered what seemed to be the kitchen, which was halfway open to the living room as well as the hallway to the front door. It had sparkling clean counter tops, perfect wooden brown cabinets and then a large counter top in the middle where books (cooking books I'm assuming) and a vase of yellow flowers stood. There was a back door which led to the back yard and from the door's window the sun was beaming into the kitchen. 

"This is so cool," I exclaimed. 

"I knew you'd like it more than any room," Ashton chuckled. "Now c'mon, let's head up stairs," he pulled me out of the kitchen and led me to the stairs. 

Once up stairs, I could make out that there were four rooms. 

"Each one of us has a room, the fourth is my grand pa's for when he stays over and other times for when a guest comes over," Ashton explained as we headed to what I assumed was his room. 

He pointed to the far room, his mother's, the one opposite the one we're in front of, as Anna's where I could hear hard and loud music erupting and then a few feet away from his mother's room was his grandpa's. 

"Now, behold my peace and quite in this crazy house," Ashton joked as he opened the door to his room and pulled me in with him. 

It was nothing like I would've expected. The walls were simple grey (almost blue actually), there was a not too huge bed to where the board was against the wall, the covers of the bed were of plain blue and black (as in checkered). There was a window and right underneath it was a table where laptop was placed, papers, and note pads were scattered. There was a TV on the wall with wires dangled from it which were connected to a DVD player and some video game box or whatever. Then in both corners of the room, right to the TV and left to the TV, is a bathroom and to the other corner was a closet. All in all, the room was pretty cool. 

"Cool," I mumbled, as I looked around. 

"Yep," Ashton nodded. 

I walked in looking around. He had a few posters of some soccer players stuck on the wall, there was a basket with some dirty clothes, then there was a mirror standing up next to the closet. I spotted some CDs lined up on his bookcase which was situated right next to his working table. 

"Okay, how about we start?" Ashton grabbed a book from his book case and plopped onto the ground where it was carpeted. 

I plopped down next to him and retrieved my maths note book, calculator, pencil, and ruler. 

"So, we have a test this week. I guess we're gonna focus on that then," he explained as he flipped the pages of the book. 

"Yes sir," I chuckled. 

"Yup, that one's correct." 

I kept scribbling. 

"Okay now moving on to this one here," he pointed over to the problem on his book. 

I was propped up on Ashton's bed as he was sat right in front of me on his swivelling chair. We were halfway through, refocusing on my weak points which were the worded problems. As Ashton walked me through them, gave me simple examples, I found them easier and easier. He kept making jokes out of the situation, making me laugh and scoff at his silly talk. He's an amazing tutor....yeah, amazingly handsome, cute, hot.  

"I got it," I exclaimed full of pride, with a huge grin. 

"Let's see," Ashton smirked, leaning forward as he checked my work. 

He had a pencil placed behind his ear, his hand would rub at his jaw, or his fingers would run through his hair. 

"Correct," he exclaimed placing his hand towards me so I'd high five it. 

And so I did. 

"I guess we're done then," he sighed, closing his book and placing it back on his table. 


Ashton nodded. 

"Are you sure? I don't need any more?" I asked. 

"You've covered more than enough and you worked out the majority very well," he explained as he stood up and plopped beside me. 

"Thanks," I smiled at him shyly, with the way his eyes bore into mine, who wouldn't feel shy or just stuck under that gaze? 

"Not a problem," Ashton smiled back sweetly. 

Just then his door burst open and what I considered our moment was interrupted. 

"Ashto-" the person who barged in stopped mid sentence as she noticed me. "Ashton Marcus Weston why the hell didn't you tell me my friend was here?" Anna yelled at her brother. 

She seemed cute and funny as she yelled at him with her red cheeks (when she's angry, her cheeks redden), her frown and her tiny pink shorts and baggy white shirt. 

"Chill sis, we're studying," Ashton replied to his furious sister. 

"Jerk," she mumbled. "C'mon Sam let's go to my room," she chirped as she took my hand. 

"Oh no you don't," Ashton interjected as his arm came around my waist holding me in place. 

"She's my friend, I have as much right. No actually I have more rights than you to take her with me. She was my friend first," Anna argued, pulling at my hand. 

"Guys," I tried to reason with them, but it's like neither heard me. 

"No you didn't, that's bull Anna," Ashton retorted. 

"Yes I did. I talked to her first and I befriended her before your ass did," she shot back with a redder face. 

"I met her first. She walked into me before you," Ashton smirked as he just proved his fact. 

"Bull shit," Anna yelled. "She spilled your coffee and then left. She actually stayed by and we spoke," Anna smirked back. 

"Yeah, no need to restate that," I mumbled, referring to our first embarrassing (for me) encounters. 

"Ashton," Anna whined. 

"Anna," Ashton mimicked with the same whine. 

"Ugh," she stomped her foot. 

Her phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket. As she answered it, her face lit up. 

"This isn't over," she muttered to her brother before leaving. 

"I hate her sometimes," Ashton mumbled. 

It was until then that I noticed how close we were. I was almost sitting on his lap as his arm was wrapped around my waist securing me to him. It felt really nice! 

"You know, I really don't know anything about you," Ashton let go of me and turned around to be directly facing me. 

"What do you mean?" I asked, dumbfounded. 

"Anna knows almost everything about you. Your favorite book, your favorite food, your favorite music, everything," he ticked off on his fingers. 

"Well we're girls we....talk," I chuckled. 

Anna and I have really bonded. Sometimes, when I'm all depressed and just sad and Anna's there to comfort me, I find myself wanting to tell her, but not like when I'm with Ashton. I love Anna, she's my best friend, but Ashton has this way of making me feel at ease, it's something I only get with him. 

"Well I wanna know you. Know more than that you work at the best coffee shop, or that you cook heavenly food, or that you blush and bite your lips whenever you're shy," he smirked my way as, of course, I blushed and bit my bottom lip.

"Okay fine," I huffed. 

"How about we play the twenty question game?" I suggested. 

"Awesome," Ashton chirped as he lay on his side, his hand propping his head up. 

"So we have to get to twenty questions and both have to answer the question we asked and the question we're asked," I explained briefly. 

"Got it," Ashton nodded. 

"You go first," I chirped. 

"Okay, favorite color?" 

I thought about this and answered.

"Yellow...oh and red," I replied. 

"Okay, well mine is grey and green," Ashton said. 

"Explains the grey wall," I mumbled. "Okay my turn," I waved my last comment off. "Favorite food?" 

Ashton smirked at this. 

"I'll eat anything except for broccoli and egg plants," he fake gagged. 

I chuckled and slapped his arm playfully. 

"I'd eat whatever except for eggplants and tomatoes. But if I'd choose a favorite dish it would be any kind of pasta," I grinned. 

"I've never met anyone who hates tomatoes," Ashton chuckled. 

"Hate them with all my guts. But I do love ketchup," I quipped. 

"Wow, that's a first," Ashton laughed lightly. "Okay let's see," he rubbed at his jaw. "Birthday?" He piped. 

"February ninth." 

Ashton nodded and answered the question as well, "June fifth." 

It was my turn. "Favorite movie?" 

Ashton shrugged. 

"To tell you the truth, I don't have any, I just watch a movie when Anna's watching, so none I guess." 

I nodded along, interesting! 

"I don't have one either. I barely watch television so," I replied with a smile as I noticed something we had in common. 

"Okay, my turn," Ashton rubbed his palms together. "Favorite song?" 

I grimaced at that. 

"That's a hard one. I love music, I really can't choose." 

Ashton nodded in understanding. 

"Well, I have many but the one I find myself repeating is Bryan Adam's Please forgive me," his cheeks flushed and his fingers played with the back of his hair. 

A slow song? Wow. I poked his side and gushed. 

"Aw, that's so cute," I teased him, as he reddened. 

"What? It has a nice message," he mumbled. 

And that's how we spent the next thirty minutes. Ashton asking me, me asking Ashton until we ran out of questions. I finally knew enough about Ashton and I felt content. I could say the same thing for Ashton, something about the look in his eyes told me he was happy about how it went. 


Ashton grumbled as he raised the volume of the playing song. We were currently splayed on his bed listening to some music and telling one another random things that popped into our heads. 

"Ashton," Anna yelled again and this time she ripped open her brother's door. 

"What now?" Ashton sat up with a huff. 

"I'm fudging hungry," she complained. 

"So?" Ashton drawled out. 

By now I sat up and was watching another series of the siblings' bickering. 

"You're in charge, get to cooking," she crossed her arms over her chest. 

"Brat," Ashton muttered a she got off his bed, offering me a hand. 

I placed mine in his and he pulled me up gently, not letting go of mine. 

"Let's go," he gestured for Anna to get out of his bedroom. 

We headed to the kitchen, only then did Ashton let go of my hand, and Ashton started searching for some food in the fridge. 

"I'll be in the living room, call me when you're done," Anna said as she headed to watch some TV. 

Ashton mumbled a sure as he kept moving things in the fridge. He finally placed some vegetables on the counter top and then got a pack of spaghetti. 

"Do you even know how to cook?" I asked, holding in my laughter as he quizzically looked at the zucchini which he held. 

"Hell no," he exclaimed. 

He then looked at me and his eyes glimmered and a smirk formed on his handsome face. 

"But you can," he said it as if he was speaking to himself. 

"Yeah... I can," I drawled out, confused by his sudden words. 

"And your cooking is heavenly," he added. 

"Thank you," I said, unsure. "Ashton what are you implying here?" I asked. 

"If I'm gonna cook, then you're gonna eat burnt spaghetti and sloppy vegetables which will not be finely cooked," he explained. 

"So?" I pushed him to go on. 

"Would you please, please, pretty please cook?" He pleaded. 

He was actually pleading, for me to cook. Hey, maybe I can use that for my advantage! 

"Fine," I huffed after watching him almost squirm in his spot. I made my way to his side. "You owe me beach boy," I chuckled as I started with the vegetables. 

Ashton grinned and winked my way as he helped me out. 

An hour later and we were calling Anna to come eat lunch as we placed the served lunch on the bar in the middle of the kitchen. 

"It smells good," Anna chirped. 

As we sat grabbed our plates Anna stopped and eyed Ashton with narrowed eyes. 

"Wait a second, they aren't burnt, and there's chicken, and herbs, oh and sauce," Anna pointed out with hungry eyes. 

"Just try it," Ashton prodded.

 And they both took their first bites at the same exact moment, and they both moaned, they're eyes rolling back into their eye sockets. It was actually funny. 

"Oh my god, I'm in heaven, someone pinch me," Anna cried. 

Ashton pinched his sister and she scowled. 

"I was joking you moron," she growled as she smacked his arm. "Okay, you did not cook this," she stated as she took another bite. 

"Nope I did not," Ashton shook his head. 

I kept on eating as I watched them both. 

"Neither did mom," scoffed Anna. 

"Funny Anna," Ashton chuckled. 

Guess they both agreed that they're mother was a bad cook. 

"Then who the hell did?" Anna asked. 

"Rose cheeks did," Ashton chirped, and right on cue my cheeks reddened. 

"Huh?"Anna looked at him as if he grew two heads. 

"Sam, Rose Cheeks," Ashton repeated again as he stepped closer to me. 

"Sam you cook?" Anna looked at me with wide eyes. 

I nodded as I kept on eating. 

"B-b-but this is amazing. You lucky bitch. You're like the whole package," she exclaimed. 

"She is," Ashton murmured, only for me to hear as his voice was so low I think he didn't even mean for me to hear it. 

I looked up at him with the most softest gaze as his words just melted my heart. No one's ever been this sweet, this nice to me. 

"You'e coming over every day, even if I have to pull you all the way here," Anna chirped as she finished off her plate. 

"Thanks Anna," I mumbled with a shy smile. 

"You should try her cupcakes, they'll get you addicted the second you take a bite," Ashton commented as he placed our plates in the sink. 

"Cupcakes?" Squealed Anna. 

"Okay, you guys really need to stop," I chuckled. 

"Well when you have a mother who's talent in the kitchen is zilch, zero, nada, you'll get our excitement," Anna explained as she gulped a glass of water. 

Oh if you only knew Anna, I'd die for a mother like yours, even if she can't cook, I thought with a sad smile. 

Ashton sensed my reaction as he cleared his throat and said, "Okay, we're gonna head out." 

Anna looked at her breath with quirked eyebrows. 

"Where to?" She asked. 

"None of your business, I'll be back in a couple of hours," he told her, as he pulled me out of the kitchen. 

"Bye Sam, see you tomorrow," Anna called. 

"Bye Anna," I called back. "Where are we going?" I asked Ashton as we neared the front door. 

"You'll see," he smirked, and with that he pulled out of the house. 

Ashton ended up taking me to an ice cream shop. He said it was a treat for both of us as we studied pretty hard and I cooked for them. The ice cream shop was a small homey place right by the street across from the beach. We ended up ordering two scoops each and then decided to head over to the  deck. Once there we both sat down, side by side, and just ate our ice cream and watched the gentle water and the sun's gleam. 

"Sorry about what Anna said," Ashton broke the silence between us just as we finished our ice creams. 

I turned my gaze to him, just to see what he really meant. His eyes were soft, his expression as if regretful. 

"It's fine," I shrugged, throwing in a smile. 

I knew what he meant, he was referring to when Anna commented about her mother's kitchen. In someway it triggered at me; people just keep commenting and whining about how their parents are, they never think how grateful they are for even having their parents, unlike me who'd give anything to have sober, attentive parents! 

"No, she should've known not to say something like that, she should've been more considerate," Ashton continued. 

Then it hit me. He thought Anna knew

"Ashton," I spoke softly, to really grasp his attention. "Anna doesn't know," it came out so low and so weak, like a small child's scared voice. 

"What?" He looked at me with no confusion, and then it hit him. 

"I never told Anna, I never even took her to my house," I elaborated, picking at my shirt. 

"She doesn't know anything?" He asked. 

"You're the only one who knows." His eyes and expression went from confused and surprised to shocked and affectionate. 

"But what about Kayla, Aaron, and Chace?" Ashton asked the obvious. 

Shrugging my shoulder and pushing my hair behind my ears, I answered, "They know my mom drinks but they don't know it's this bad. I tried to keep them away from my house as much as possible."

 It was true. When we were young, I'd always make up excuses to avoid asking them over to my house. In the end they got used to it and we hang out at Kayla's as her parents were most welcoming and most sweet. 

"So it's only me?" 

I nodded, smiling at the fact that this guy right here was the only person who really knew the state of my mother and yet he was still around and just supporting me. 

"I won't tell a soul. You can trust me with anything. I'm right here," he smiled softly at me as he tenderly held my hand. 

"Thanks," I grinned at him, lightly shoving him with my arm, a gesture to break this tight atmosphere around us. 

"So, I've got to ask you something," Ashton rubbed the back of his neck as he looked out over the water. 

"Okay," I drawled. 

"The first game, you know, the soccer team's game, is this Friday and my mom, grandpa, sister and my two best friends- who by the way are my cousins," he stopped to take a breath and check if I'm still listening, he looked cute as he rambled on, "anyway, they're all gonna go watch , and I know Kayla's going to be there, obviously." 

I chuckled at the way he said the last part, as if it's known to the whole wold. 

"Any who, I was wondering if..you know... maybe, only if you want of course....you um... would like to...umm...come watch?" 

His eyes were right on me, his cheeks somewhat pink (maybe because of the heat?), and his hand that held mine played with my fingers relentlessly. Ashton Weston was nervous. Ha! He was nervous to ask me to go watch him at the game? Wait, he said watch...not watch him

"So you want me to go watch the game?" I repeated, enjoying the way his nerves affected him. 

"Uh, yeah," Ashton meekly nodded. 

"Oh, so just the game?" 

I was sort of disappointed that he wanted me to go in order to watch the game, I wanted him to say he wanted me there for him. 

"Well, I was kinda hoping you'd say yes," he replied, now with a smug look. "See, I'm the new player, and I need to have a good luck charm wherever I go," he started, now he seemed much calmer, with his wide smile and that smirk of his. 

I gave him a 'what the hell are you talking about' look, which I assumed was funny because he chuckled before squeezing my hand softly. 

"I'm not making any sense," he huffed out. "I was trying to talk all nice to make you come, but it sounded creepy," he explained. "I was trying to insinuate that you're my lucky charm." 

I did not see that one coming! 

Ashton rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at me with determined eyes. 

"I want you to go to watch..um.. to watch me play, not for the team," and finally those words! 

I was happy dancing in my inside, but my face- I presume – held the most shocking expression as my eyes bulged wide and my mouth slightly open (not attractive at all!). 

"You want me to go for you?" I repeated the oh so wanted words. 

Ashton meekly nodded. My shocked faze slowly melted into a heart felt one. His eyes were focused on the space between us as he awaited my reply. 

"I'd love to go watch you play," I softly answered.

 His head swept up in a second, I thought his neck might actually crack. "

Really?" His voice seemed surprised but yet so sweet. 

I have it bad for this boy. 

"Sure," I grinned. 

Ashton grinned back at me and as his own way of saying thank you, he winked and squeezed my hand – which by the way he was still holding. 

The sun was slowly setting and the colors in front of us in the sky was breathtaking. This is why I loved this spot here. I could sit here alone, with no one knowing where I am, no one breathing down my neck and pressuring me, and just watch this beautiful scenery in front of me of the sky and the calm water. It was different for me, it was a change from the hectic, crazy, dark life I have in my house. Ashton was sat beside me, quite, but yet soothing me in his own way. Our hands were perched behind as us we steadied ourselves to get a better view. We had spent the last couple of hours chatting, I asked him so many questions about Europe and his soccer and he never tried to manipulate me into answer personal questions. It's amazing how, it's only with him that I feel free, not pressured or not having the need to be extra careful. Feeling at ease, I dropped my head to his shoulder and just relaxed there as he moved his arm closer to me, our hands were touching and so was our arms. His muscular arm was so warm next to my white, pale arm. It was beyond me, how pale and white I am considering that I'm always under the sun. I can never get a tan, the more I lay under the sun, the more I get sunburnt than a tan. There's a reason to why I've been calling Ashton 'beach boy'. At first it was just a way to tease him, but then I found it fitting. His beach blond hair with that carefree swept style, his tanned tone, and lean, toned body was a perfect fit to a beach boy type. I knew he didn't mind it, but I loved the way he'd complain about. 

As he slightly moved his arm beneath my head, my mind figured a surprising fact. Ashton is the first person I've let touch me. When George first started hitting me and abusing me, I would stay away from people as much as possible. Even at work, I wouldn't let anyone come near me. I'd jump at every sound (I still do sometimes) and I'd avoid hugs or high fives. It was nerve wrecking for me to have someone close. But along the way, with Jace becoming close to me, I slowly let things go. I let him put his arm around me, and even though I'd quickly move, it was a step for me. But with Ashton, I never seemed to back away, I seemed to want him here. That first time he spoke to me, that first time he stood up for me in front of Sandy and Eric, the way he put his hand in my back as Eric and Sandy shot me devilish glances, that was the first time in a long time that I didn't flinch from someone's touch. Sitting right here, I knew why that was. It was simply because he made me feel safe. He was sweet, caring, always standing up for me and always being there for me. He noticed my bruises and dropped the subject the moment I didn't answer him truthfully but he still assured me no matter what he's there. When Anna commented about their mother, he sensed my uneasiness and took me out to free my mind. I really like this guy, and it scares me how much I depend on him and how much I seem to always need him. 

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted, so was our comfortable moment, as my phone rang loudly in contrast to the soft nothingness. Murmuring a sheepish sorry, I retrieved my phone from my pocket and checked the caller ID. Jace. I debated with myself whether to answer or not. It kept ringing and ringing. Ashton looked at me, awaiting my action. I pressed the silent button and placed it back into my pocket. Ashton was now sitting up straight, so I mimicked him. 

"Everything okay?" He asked, referring to how I had just ignored a call. 

"Yeah, it's just Jace," I shrugged. "He's a friend. I met him at the diner I work at, Rick's Diner," I briefly tell him, trying to keep some hair strands behind my ears as the wind picked up. 

"You guys had a fight?" Ashton guessed. 

"Yeah, we did," I huffed out. "He's a great guy and all, but I just...I don't know...his actions take over his true self you know?" I exasperated. 

"I don't think I'm following," Ashton chuckled. 

"I'm not making any sense," I murmured, almost to myself. "He's attending collage, and it's like all he does is party and you know.... sleeps around," I mumbled the last part in a low, monotone voice. 

Ashton chuckled next to me and grinned. 

"So you don't like that he's sleeping around?" He asked me with a teasing glint. 

"No you idiot that's not just it," I gawked at him, playfully slapping his arm. "He just.... he...ugh," I groaned, rubbing my face with my palms. "He acts all cool and cocky, then he's all sweet and understanding, and then he's all judgy and ignorant," I huffed out. 

That's what bothers me about Jace, he acts like a different person every now and then just to be able to have this image that fits with the people around him, and frankly I hate it. He judges me for hanging with Ashton and then he goes out drinking and sleeping with some random chic! 

"Did anything happen between you two?" Ashton asked me softly. 

"We had a fight and I told him not to talk to me," I mumbled. 

"Was it serious?" 

I shrugged. 

"He said something he shouldn't have," I spoke lowly. 

"Like offensive?" Ashton inquired. 

"Sort of," I nodded. "He judged me for hanging out with this person and he doesn't even notice how he acts," I said with pure anger, remembering the way Jace kept talking about Ashton, as if he knew him. 

"Can I ask who the person was?" Ashton seemed hesitant. 

I nodded and looked down at my lap where my hands were pressed together. 

"It was you," I whispered. 

I risked a glance up to watch Ashton's expression. He was looking at me with a soft expression which was just so heart warming. 

"So Jace doesn't like you hanging out with me?" Ashton rephrased the whole thing I've said. 

"Kind of. He thinks you're just like all the jocks," I mumbled. 

Ashton nodded and looked over to the water before adverting his gaze to my own once again. 

"What do you think?" Ashton meekly uttered. 

His hazel, shining eyes held deep emotions, it was hard to decipher it. 

"About what?" I was able to let my voice out, as my chest constricted tightly as I looked my eyes were stuck to his. 

"Being with me, having me with you?" He elaborated. 

It took me a while to let out a sincere answer, the sincere and most utter truth. 

"I wouldn't prefer anyone else," I whispered, hoping he heard my voice. 

I guess he did, as his jaw relaxed, his eyes softened and a slight smile formed on his lips. 

"Good, I wouldn't prefer anyone else too, and whomever disagrees then they'll have to deal with it," he stated with a grin at the end.

 I found myself grinning as well at his words. 

Ashton ended up driving me home at around eight at night. We spent such a long time together, but it was so sweet and nice. We ended up grabbing dinner at a small burger stand. It was so easy to sit with him and talk. He promised he'd visit Rick's Diner some time when he's not needed at the garage. Jace kept calling but I didn't bother answering, he'd apologize, I'd forgive him and then he'd just say something stupid again. I always forgave him, only because he was the only person I can run to and not be questioned (because he wouldn't notice). But now it's different. I'm gonna make sure he understands that this is serious. I may be selfish, but for some reason I find myself noticing that I might be doing this not just because of what he said about Ashton but also because of all the times he ditched me for a one night stand or for a party and never realized how in pain I was, especially the nights I'd be stricken by George. I dismissed Jace from my mind and focused on what I was attempting to do right now. Sneak into the house without George noticing. My mom was asleep, I'm guessing, and George was the only one in the living room with a drink in his hand. I tried to slowly and quietly take the first step of the stairs, but he caught me the moment I advanced the stairs. 

"Where the hell have you been?" He slurred. 

Uh-oh, he's drunk, heavily drunk. I watched, my hands trembling by my side and my heart beating at a very quick pace, as he trudged out of the living room and towards me. 

"Uh...at work," I answered, because if I didn't I would've gotten a strike straight away. 

"Liar," he growled as he stared me down. 

"I called the dang cafe, you're off today," he seethed as he fumed with anger. 

Shit. Shit. Shit! I couldn't answer a word, I knew what was to come, I knew what would happen. 

"You really are a bitch," he scowled. 

"I-" I couldn't continue as the back of his hand met my cheek with full force. 

"DO NOT ANSWER ME," he screamed. 

My hand went up to my cheek and I winced at the touch, it'll definitely bruise. It hurt so badly, even my neck ached. My eyes pooled with tears, ones I could not control. It never ends, the moment I have a little bit of happiness and fun, I have to get punished in the end. 

"Where the hell have you been?" He restated with pure anger. I was surprised how he wasn't slurring."What? Now cat's got your tongue?" He spat. 

I shook my head, biting my bottom lip. 

"Then speak you idiot," he commanded as he side slapped my head. 

It might've been a light slap but his bulky hands held so much strength and power. 

"I was out with a friend," I mumbled lowly, my voice slightly shaking. 

"Who's the god damned friend?" He asked with narrowed, evil eyes. 

"You don't know him," I mumbled. 

I couldn't tell him his name, god knows what he'll do. 

"Oh so it's a him?" His eyes widened with mock. "Give me a name now," he ordered as he grabbed my chin with a strong and fierce hold as he said each word slowly. 

"A-ashton," I stuttered with tears flowing down my cheeks now. 

George roughly let go of my chin. 

"You better not be ratting out to your boyfriend, d'you hear me?" 

I nodded furiously. 

"Now go heat up dinner," he ordered. 

I didn't prepare his dinner. This is bad, so bad. My shoulders and back stiffened as my heart rate picked up if that was possible. 

"I-I umm...I forgot to prepare dinner," I stuttered out nervously. 

The way his face changed in expressions, it was like the devil himself in front of your eyes. His hand collided again with my cheek and this time it was so hard that I fell to the side, hitting the steps. I winced in pain and my tears were soon a waterfall. 

"You ignorant, insensitive bitch," he yelled as he grabbed me by my hair to move my head to his level as he squatted beside me. 

His drink was now spilled on the ground beside his feet, the glass shattered into pieces. 

"I-I'm sorry," I sputtered as I tried to keep my sobs in. 

George snickered and threw me again to the ground as his foot collided once with my ribs. 

My eyes instinctively shut tight as I tried not to scream out loud. 

"Get up," he shoved me. "C'mon move," he ordered. 

Slowly, in excruciating pain, I pushed myself up and stood on my feet. 

"I swear to god if this happens again, I'll take it to a level you'll be pleading me to stop," he threatened. 

To prove his point, he pressed the shard of glass which he had picked when he got up from the ground and pulled my arm to him. He sneered when I tried pulling away. George pressed the sharp glass on the inside of my arm. 

"Got.." pressing into my skin, "it?" Moving downwards as a small cut was evidently forming. 

I nodded and he let my arm drop. 

"I don't want to see your face," he pushed me to the stairs. 

I took it as my escape and ran up the stairs as fast as my feet could take me, but before I could make it to the hallway, I heard him mutter something that made the oxygen inside me get completely sucked. 

"What a waste you are. He'd be so disgusted."

 No, he wasn't referring to Ashton. He was referring to him. To my dad. 

Once in my room, I closed the door behind me, locked it, and scurried to my mirror. There was a bruise forming on my cheek, my chin had a slight pinkish color, and my arm was slightly bleeding. My face was streaked with tears as I cried. My phone suddenly buzzed and I retrieved it quickly. It was Jace. I answered, for the simple reason that I needed to know I wasn't alone, even if he wasn't here and didn't have a clue. 

"Hello?" I spoke quietly, trying to calm my cries. 

"Sam? Finally," he huffed. 

I wish it was Ashton I was talking to. 

"I'm so sorry Sam, please forgive me. I'm just worried about you. Please?" He rushed out. 

He didn't even pick up on my voice. 

"It's fine," I said, with a hoarse voice. 

"Thanks Sammy," he chirped. 

Like always.

"I'll see you tomorrow okay? I miss you," he spoke softly now. 

"Yeah, me too," I mumbled, trying to keep down the sob. 

We ended the call, and that was that. I turned to my mirror again and just felt disgusted. How the hell could I turn into something like this? Someone so broken and pathetic. I hated myself, I hated my life. He really would be disgusted, he would be disappointed. I muffled my cries with my hand as I ran to my bathroom and there changed into my pajamas. Once I got out and went under the covers of my bed, I noticed a message on my phone. It was from Ashton. Hey. So glad we spent the day together. I'll see you tomorrow ;) Night beautiful, sweet dreams. It only made more tears spring to my eyes. Oh Ashton, if only I could tell you. If only you knew how much I needed you. 

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