A Ninja's Daughter (Naruto fa...

By SecretAngelgirl

39.5K 1K 94

She was known as the Hokage's daughter to her village,but to those who knew she was known as the Beautiful be... More

Team Konohamaru
He's always known about her
A hint about the child of danger
The eyes tell the lies
Not by blood,but by love
And so the day came
The one who sees
Inojin's life
Disguised yet he saw her
Prison Hell
The eyes
Owners of Yin&Yang
Like mother like daughter
Pacify her
Her Demons
One in the same
Emergence of talents
Love from a distance
A heart of compassion
Love is the saviour
The heart of a true ninja
Sasuke's plea
Blood Of My Blood
Mikoto's Dragon
The kiss that lies
A dance with the Devil
The Demons of Kumori and Satsune
Daughter of Lightning
Uzumaki Love
Moonlit night
Shikadai's Shattered Apology
I don't want to leave,I don't want to stay
The eyes of fire
Passion and betrayal
Mikoto Uchiha's Hero
Himawari's Strength
The Devil's Flash
Otsutsuki Woman
Hinata's Heartache
Lioness Queen

Shikadai's darkness

446 19 1
By SecretAngelgirl

Mikoto's POV;

2 months after searching for Shikadai

Mikoto held her sword tight to her leg and smiled like the devil himself. 

She was so close...So god damn close and she wasn't going to lose this opportunity. For two months now they had figured out that Shikadai got imprisoned by the new Akatsuki. And they had finally found out their hideout place. 

At last...

They were standing in front of a bunch of guards,after these two months...Finally so close to Shikadai. 

Mikoto could feel her heart raise. 

They all were cloaked in their own cloaks,and Mikoto looked up a little from her cloak to reveal her smile to the guards. 

"Who are you?" One of the guards asked her as Boruto walked to her side,leaving Kawaki and Mitsuki behind them. 

Mikoto revealed her rinnegan through her cloak,and the guards backed down. 

"It's her! Red alarm! Ring the damn bell!" They all started shouting at each other as they took out their weapons,trying to attack them with kunais and shurikens. Mikoto blocked them with her sword and within a split second she was in front of one of the guards and took him by the neck,taking him up as if he was air. 

She threw him away as she fought the other guards off just as Kawaki took one of them to the closest wall against the building. He was the last conscious one.

"I haven't done anything!" the weak guards protested. "Please,I'll do anything! I have a wife and I have-"

"I don't care." Kawaki said,tightening his grip around the man's neck. "Shikadai Naraa,where is he?" 

Suddenly the man got a cocky humor as he smiled,blood visible on his miserable teeth. "He might just be dead." he said laughing. 

Mikoto was like a flash when she pushed away Kawaki,taking out a kunai and putting it into the man's hand,making him scream. 

Everyone looked at her with horror. 

"You better fucking tell me where he is before I kill you and I promise I will slaughter your entire family." 

"You don't know them-" Mikoto took out another kunai and put it into the mans other hand,making him scream again as her sharingan shone red and bright. 


"Tell me where he is!" Mikoto almost roared out the sentence,interrupting her brother as she said it. 

"Fine!" the man said,sweating from his forehead. "He's inside the building! He's kept as hostage on the second floor in the exit room,chains." Chains? Mikoto felt rage inside of her. 

Shikadai had been in chains this whole time? Her anger seemed to rise within seconds as she left the man there and started to run for the building. 

"Mikoto!" Mitsuki shouted. "We don't even-"

"He's in there!" Mikoto said,still running as the others followed close by. "He's waiting for us!" 

"Mikoto!" Kawaki's powerful voice reached out to her,his voice made her stop running,standing still and almost paralyzed. She felt as if his voice coursed through her bones,and stopped her legs. 

His voice had some kind of power over her at this very moment. 

"We can't go inside without a plan." Kawaki said to her. "If you do,you're just as stupid as these guards." 

Mikoto looked back at him,but she couldn't stay here... All she could think about was Shikadai. He was inside that building,and she couldn't just stand here and listen while they make up a plan. 

She just couldn't.

"If you're not going to do it," Mikoto said quietly. "Then I will."

And within seconds Mikoto punched the wall with such strength that the entire wall almost broke. 

And then she ran off. 

Shikadai's POV;

"Red alarm?" One of them said as Shikadai weakly looked around. He had no energy whatsoever as he only lived on water and bread. They had tried to get him on their side,but he refused..He had even tried to come up with a plan,but these chains took all of his rebuilding chakra. 

And no one could save him. 

Expect for when he heard a really loud smash..A smash greater than any smash he'd heard,and the whole building started to shake. 

"She's like the devil himself,leader!" 

"She can't-"

"She's stronger than anything I've ever seen! She has the rinnegan!" She? Rinnegan?

There's only one person with the rinnegan that Shikadai knew,and that was Mikoto. Which means that she's here... She's here!

"Find her and bring her to me!"

He felt his heart beat faster,he was happy,but at the same time worried. These akatsuki members were pretty strong. 

And just like Shikadai thought... She was here

"Looking for me?" Her voice was heard,but no one saw her,no could even spot her. It was like her voice was echoing through the room,making it impossible for anyone to spot her.

"Where is she?!" 

"I told you,sir...She's like the devil!" The leader of the akatsuki pushed the man away and looked around.

Then he looked at Shikadai. "Where is she?" 

"How should I know?" Shikadai said weakly. "I'm just as oblivious as you."

Suddenly loads of shurikens were thrown out of nowhere to the men.. Mikoto had gotten allot better at throwing shurikens,usually when she did it you'd see where they'd come from. But now? You couldn't tell which way. 

Everyone tried blocking them and withing seconds Shikadai's chains were ripped off somehow...

And that's when he saw her. 

Black onyx hair to her hips and that sword she always carries around. That exact same sword she got from her father. 

Everyone suddenly turned around to look at her,and she slightly looked to the side,showing off her amazing blue eyes to Shikadai. 

As soon as the chains were off Shikadai's hands he could feel his body surging with chakra. He didn't know if it was because of the necklace,but it must've been something... He can't just gain chakra like that. 

"So you're the one everyone's talking about?"

"And you're the one that put an explosion in the woods on me right?" 

"Nice to meet you." the leader of the akatsuki said to Mikoto just as Shikadai coughed out a little bit of blood. His body was still in bad condition. 

"Finish her off boys." The leader said just as a bunch of members started throwing kunais and shurikens to her. 

Mikoto,fast as lightning,blocked every single weapon with just her sword. Shikadai swore that he had never seen such fast movements... Not even the Raikage. 

Shikadai knew that Mikoto,just like the Fourth Hokage,used a bunch of Uzumaki seals to be faster. But her eyes were a big help as well.. However,that speed was something else. 

"What the hell are you waiting for?! Finish her!" 

Shikadai expected Mikoto to protect herself like she always did,but this time something weird happened. Despite her being so sharp and powerful like she always is,she kind of lost track of what was going on when she got hit in her leg and almost got hit by a shuriken coming right towards her head. 

Shikadai,with all of his force,got up to his feet,running in front of her and grabbing the shuriken lightly in his hand without a scratch,pushing Mikoto away. 

"Shikadai!" Mikoto shouted

Shikadai was still very weak,but he wouldn't let anything happen to her. He would keep his promise forever. 

Shikadai got ready and with an incredible strength kicked a guy down to the ground with his foot as he turned around and punched another guy. 

He was attacked from every corner but he kept going. 

"Shadow possession,great punch!" His shadow possession was far greater tan before thanks to his training. As four guys cornered him his shadow came up in a fist and cleaned them off the floor with a single punch.

Shikadai turned around to look at Mikoto and she looked as shocked as ever. 


"No time for questions,Mikoto,we have to get going!"  There was allot that Shikadai had been training on that Mikoto didn't know. After all,the Hokage himself had trained him along with Mikoto's father,the two greatest shinobi's. 

He took a hold of her hand and just as he was about to run he saw that even more came to attack. 

"Shadow shuriken!"  Shikadai's shadows moved like snakes to the members of the akatsuki and suddenly their bodies were hit with thousands of shurikens by Shikadai's very own shadows. 

Shikadai took Mikoto's hand once again as he started running with her. Why hadn't he at least try to use his powers before? It was almost like he gave up until he saw Mikoto. 

"Shikadai,my leg!" He looked down at her leg and saw that it wasn't healing. These shurikens must be poisonous,or else she'd be healing but bit by bit she was only bleeding more and more. Shikadai didn't care what the cost was,so he took Mikoto in his arms and started running. 

"Shikadai,you're not strong-"

"I'm not going to leave you here if that's what you think!" Shikadai said as he started running with Mikoto in his arms,her hands around his neck. 

An explosion was in front of them but Shikadai dodged it nicely as he slowly stopped and got down on his knees,Mikoto still in his arms,and put a sealing mark to the ground. 

This specific sealing mark was one that Sasuke himself had taught him. One that Mikoto wasn't able to do. 

It was a release seal to the amaterasu along with an explosion big enough to destroy the entire building. 

And Shikadai was lucky he jumped out of the building just in time... Cause the minute he got out,the whole building started to explode,bit by bit,and they almost got hit by the black fire. Almost. 

Shikadai landed to the ground with Mikoto still in his arms and he was sweating,clearly very tired and exhausted. He had no power whatsoever and had used the little bit of chakra he had rebuilt. 

"Shikadai!" Mikoto said just as she stood up next to him. 

"Your leg..." Shikadai said,clearly very tired. "It's bleeding." 

"Shikadai,look at me!" Mikoto ordered,and he did. He looked at her. He looked at her beautiful face and imagined nothing else but her beautiful eyes. Those blue illuminating heavenly eyes.  Such stunning eyes... 

"What happened?" Mitsuki said,sounding worried,which surprised Shikadai just a little. Mitsuki wasn't the type to worry. 

"He fought because I got injured,the shurikens were poisoned." Kawaki got down on his knees and looked at Mikoto's leg,laying his hand over her leg and suddenly her leg was completely okay. 

"Thank you-Shikadai!" He had barely noticed that he was falling down to the ground because of how weak he is. 

"He shouldn't have fought in his condition." Boruto said as he grabbed Shikadai by the arm,putting him down by the wall against the burning building. Luckily,that spot wasn't burning. 

"Shikadai,look at me..." 

He tried,but he could only hear her voice as everything got darker and darker. 

And somehow,the last thin he saw before he couldn't see at all was her perfect blue eyes,the last thing he could hear was her saying his name and the last touch belonged to her as well. 

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