How To: Survive Teenagehood

By howto_

567K 42.3K 13.6K

There is a stage between childhood and adulthood that makes us all want to bang our heads into a concrete wal... More

0/Always Introduce Yourself (This Is The Introduction)
1/Rock Orange Trousers
2/Don't Argue In A Stationary Cupboard
3/Crying At 3am Will Leave You Dehydrated
4/Maybe Don't Watch Movie Trailers For Four Hours
5/You Don't Look Like A Pepperoni Pizza
6/ Pears Are For Baloo To Pick
7/ Knights In Rusty Armour Are Equally As Outdated As Shiny Ones
8/ Be An Armadillo
9/ Live Like An Indie Movie Or At Least Watch One
10/ Buy Yourself Roses
11/ It's Not A Bargain If You Have To Justify Buying It
12/ You Uncultured Swine
13/ Yoga Pants Are Actually For Yoga?!
14/ We All Go Through A Goth Phase
15/ You Are Not Peter Pan
16/ You Haven't Lived Without At Least One Bad Haircut
17/ Scream If You Have To
18/ Is There A Box For What Is This?
19/ It's Called A Crush For A Reason
20/ I Have To Have Actual Skills?
21/ You Need Oxygen
22/ Walk A Mile In Their Crocs
23/ It's Not Worth Your Tears
24/ Do Not Be Blinded By The Filters
25/ I'll Only Watch One Episode....
26/ Exercise? What's that?
27/ Is That An Afterparty I Hear?
29/ This Isn't Such A Funny Chapter
30/ Try Meaningful Rather Than Mundane
31/ You Don't Need That Fidget Spinner Nike Kylie Lip Kit
32/ Do Not Be That Puppy Dog
What Are You Struggling With?
33/ You Better Stop, Stop Before...
34/ To The Left To The Left
35/ sNObs
36/ Let It Wash Over You
37/ We All Fit In Somewhere
38/ Well This Is A Bloody Nightmare
39/ Let's Try And Stop Crying Into Ice Cream Cartons
40/ A Chapter In Which I Save Your Academic Career
41/ Stop Throwing A Hissy Fit
42/ Perfection Is A Myth, Pass It On
43/ Imaginary Relationships Can Be Better Than Real Ones
44/ We're All In This Together
45/ I've Run Out Of Chapter Names, This One Is About Sexuality
46/Being Alone Doesn't Always Have To Be Lonely
47/ Let's Talk About Sex Baby, Let's Talk About You And Me...
48/ Finding Magical Time
49/ Insecure? Here's the Cure!
50/ Hey I Just Met You... And This Is Crazy
52/ You're Toxic, I'm Slipping Under
53/ It's Not Quite How The Movies Portray It
54/ Don't Cringe Out Of Your Skin
55/ Take The Last Cookie
56/ It May Not Be Lemons But They're Too Sour Anyway
57/ You Can't Hold 5.972 Sextillion Tons
58/ Hello Miss Trunchbull
59/ 'Can't stand the silence. I need to speak to you.'
60/ It All Happens For Something
61/ I Can't Believe We're Related Sometimes
62/ This Isn't Awkward at All
63/ Be Your Own Captain and Crew
64/ Faker than Kylie Jenner's Lips
65/ Mother Nature Made You, So Repsect Her Creation
66/ You've Got A Friend In Me
67/ I Should Probably Be Revising
68/ You Can Live Without Them
The End... For Now

28/ I Have 15 Journals- Is That Excessive?

5.4K 461 82
By howto_

Mindfulness is the kind of thing your teacher will mention to you once in a blue moon, and you never really listen to the advice they give. You're pretty sure you're in tune with your emotions, and your self discovery is near complete. But is this actually true?

Looking after your mental health is incredibly important, and we all need a release and escape to keep our mental health stable and healthy. If you keep all your feelings inside you and don't let them out, they'll only manifest into much bigger things that can potentially be dangerous for your mentality.

I am a huge journal-advocate, and notebooks and journals are my favourite things to collect. I currently use around 15 journals on a daily/weekly basis, which may sound excessive but for me this allows me to let out everything I need to as well as learning new things about myself.

Here are some really easy ways to practice mindfulness in your life which require zero money. All you need a notepad or paper and a pen.

1. Start a journal. This may sound lame, we all had diaries when we were kids that we all inevitably gave up after one week, so our association with journals is something childish. But journals are extremely productive and useful tools to release any bottled up feelings and it gets everything off your chest. I've been keeping a journal for 3 years now, and I feel like I have a much easier time in understanding my emotions and coping with things in my life. A journal provides a space for me to talk about things that I wouldn't usually.

2. Stream of consciousness writing. Very similar to a journal, writing continuously for a few pages a day about anything and everything that comes to mind is healthy for your brain, and allows you to just dump all your ideas onto paper. Don't think too much about what you're writing but instead just go with whatever thoughts you're having at that moment.

3. Start a gratitude journal. Writing what you're thankful for everyday takes little to no time, and makes you feel so much more positive. It's so easy to get caught up in the negative parts of life, so remembering that there are good things in your life will hopefully improve your positivity.

4. Start a positivity journal. In my positivity journal I have quotes, goals, and affirmations mainly, and it's so great to look at all this positivity because it rubs off on you when you're down or upset. You could draw, stick in pictures or write whatever you want.

It may sound like a pain to do a lot of these things, but they take a maximum of 20 minutes a day, and from them my mental health has improved so much. Journals help me to feel less alone, and make me feel like I always have someone to speak to as sad as that sounds.

So rule twenty eight of surviving Teenagehood: dig out your old barbie notebooks because you're going to need them.

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