A Ninja's Daughter (Naruto fa...

By SecretAngelgirl

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She was known as the Hokage's daughter to her village,but to those who knew she was known as the Beautiful be... More

Team Konohamaru
He's always known about her
A hint about the child of danger
The eyes tell the lies
Not by blood,but by love
And so the day came
The one who sees
Inojin's life
Disguised yet he saw her
Prison Hell
Owners of Yin&Yang
Like mother like daughter
Pacify her
Her Demons
One in the same
Emergence of talents
Love from a distance
A heart of compassion
Love is the saviour
Shikadai's darkness
The heart of a true ninja
Sasuke's plea
Blood Of My Blood
Mikoto's Dragon
The kiss that lies
A dance with the Devil
The Demons of Kumori and Satsune
Daughter of Lightning
Uzumaki Love
Moonlit night
Shikadai's Shattered Apology
I don't want to leave,I don't want to stay
The eyes of fire
Passion and betrayal
Mikoto Uchiha's Hero
Himawari's Strength
The Devil's Flash
Otsutsuki Woman
Hinata's Heartache
Lioness Queen

The eyes

602 20 4
By SecretAngelgirl

Almost the entire village was destroyed now. And Mikoto had to admit,it was hard for Boruto and her to wipe them all out. Although,they had mostly injured most of them. 

Mikoto felt like this was a start.. This was definitely the start of something bad happening. And despite them winning the battle,she wasn't sure they were going to win the war. 

She walked over the burnt houses,towards the one person that was her target. Luckily,Shikdai and Mitsuki had freed all the prisoners and made sure the children were unharmed. On this mission,they could've used Tadashi,her cousin,as a help. Considering he is,just like his mother,a great healing ninja. 

However,hadn't it been for..

"Kato." Mikoto said,her eyes dark,her voice even darker. "You're working for her." 

"That is none of your fucking-" Mikoto pointed her blade at him within a second,Boruto right on her side,not even trying to stop her. 

As she pointed the blade,Kato went completely silent. What a ruckus of a douchebag,huh? 

"I could kill you right now,right here,and have no regret whatsoever!" 

"Can you really kill me though? Despite you not having killed anyone at all?" 

"Do you know who you're talking to?" Mikoto almost hissed at him,feeling how her heart started beating faster and faster. She felt like she could do anything at this point. 

Cause at this very moment,the only thing she could think about was her father. And that's what gave her absolute strength..Her father,her best friend,Sasuke Uchiha. 

"Since you're working for her," Mikoto said,crouching as she picked up her kunai. "I take it you already know that I'm not just an Uzumaki,but also an Uchiha. And let's not forget I have Senju and Hyuga blood in my veins,and I'm not afraid to kill anyone as long as I'm protecting my friends and family,my village." 

She pointed the kunai at his chin and smirked,feeling completely good about this.. 

"How can you go around and kill innocent people,Kato?" Mikoto said,her voice sharp,her eyes narrowed. She was pissed.. The peace they kept had been good for a while,but now that was erupting. 

"I do what I have to do in order to make Narumi as happy-" Mikoto punched Kato right in the face,her face going directly dark. 

"Do not speak of her as if she's in the right state." Kato spit out blood and started to laugh like the maniac he was.

"If you just came to our side,her side,you wouldn't have to fight her."

"You do realize you're all going to die?" Mikoto said to him. "You're all going to die when that thing has erased the earth." 

"She won't-"

"You're right,she won't." Mikoto interrupted. "Because as long as I'm alive she'll have to go through me to do so." 

"You're shit,you know that?" he said. "I don't value this earth,or any human living on it! I will die for her,for everything she desires,because I want all of these stupid reckless humans to die!" 

And that was pretty much it for her. 

Mikoto felt her fists clutching to each other,her nails digging so deep into her palm that she started to bleed. She was completely loosing it,and her eyes went completely dark,her black hair covering her entire face. 

She punched him once,then twice and again,again,again and again... 

She heard her friends trying to stop her,tugging at her and begging her to stop.. But it was like everything went completely black. It was as if all she could do was keep punching this guy,and no voice could dig deep enough in her mind to make her stop. 

Except for one.

"Mikoto." She stopped,looking at her knuckles,her hands.. "That's enough."

Sasuke's POV;

He never meant to interrupt,never meant to actually come cruising into this fight that she had handled so well. But he knew Mikoto,and she pretty much hated when people didn't value each other and when all they wanted was violence and war and death. 

Despite her hard shell,she was a very soft and emotional person. 

And that,in return,could make her very violent too. 

When Sasuke saw how she punched that guy,while the tears were rolling down her eyes,and while her friends tried to stop her. Even Boruto. 

It broke Sasuke,and he just had to jump in. 

She was on her knees,watching the blood on her hands,and an almost dead Kato on the ground before her. 

Sasuke could tell that Mikoto was shocked by her own act. Good thing is that she didn't use her chakra to gain more strength in her fist. Otherwise,Kato would've been long gone. 

"Boruto," Sasuke said,looking at his nephew. "Get Mikoto out-"

"No." Mikoto said as she looked at her father. Her eyes looked different,and Sasuke knew exactly why. 

But it must be impossible,Sasuke thought to himself. 

Sasuke thought he might need to clean this mess up really quick and get Mikoto out of here as quick as possible. This clearly wasn't good.. 

Sasuke was just about to deal with Kato,but the guy knew what he was doing.. he absolutely knew what he was doing. 

Within a second,Kato had gattered his chakra,and despite Sasuke being able to escape landscapes.. It might've been a little too late for that. 

He had looked away for too long.. 

"SHIKADAI!" Mikoto screamed as Kato put Mikoto's kunai right in Shikadai's chest. 

And that's when Mikoto's eyes completely changed. 

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