Light of blindness

By Hesty0055

271K 6.1K 360

Skyler Watts is a seventeen year old blind girl. Her wish is to see and to live a normal life. One day she ge... More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chatper 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
Chapter 29
chapter 30
Chapter 31 *finale*

chapter 11

10K 230 16
By Hesty0055

sorry fort the lat update,, as you know i got a job and it really busy there now in this time of year. i work in a cafe in a garder center,, so lots of people  are now bying plants and stuff,, but enough about my work,, :P

here is the new chapter,, enjoy,,

Vote,, Comment,, Fan,, do as you want,,

-----> picture of Allen,, (Chris jones)


As we walked in to the office, the director was still in his seat. The air in the room felt heavy on my shoulder.

‘’ah… ladies just in time’’ he said. ‘’please take a seat.

 We both took a seat and he placed some tea in front of us. The aroma was fresh and fruity. I made me calm down.

‘’why did you call us, Sir?’’ Layla asked and I agreed on that question.

He let out a sigh. I could tell it was hard for him to speak about it. Although I really wanted to know what was going on.

‘’well…’’ he started. ‘’it’s about what happened, about that incident in your room. We don’t know who it has done, but I know what have done it. It’s too early to tell you all this but you both will be placed under protection. You both will be placed in the third section boys’ dormitory.’’

‘’ but why de boys’ dormitory?’’ Layla asked.

‘’this is what Mr. Carter wants and I can’t ignore it. You both will be save there. Layla you will be protected by Jason Hammington and Skyler, you, you will be protected by Allen Carter.’’

Jason Hammington? Is that not Victoria’s brother? But why, Victoria was the one who did this. Allen said to the director that he needed to keep an eye out on his sister. So why did he needed to protect Layla? She was not in danger, I was. She wanted me.

There was a knocking on the door and the director let it in.

‘’Sir… were here to pick up Layla and Skyler’’ Allen said. I could feel his eyes on me. But it didn’t bother me. I somehow knew he would protect me no matter what happens. I made me feel save.

‘’yes, very well… Ladies your stuff have already been moved to their room. If you all will excuse me, I need to make a phone call.’’ He said and I heard him walking away. As soon he was gone I felt that Layla grabbed my hand and leaded me towards the boys.

‘’so you are Skyler Watts. I have heard a lot about you from Allen.’’

‘’and you must be?’’ is asked even thought I knew who he was because of his voice.

‘’sorry… sorry… how rude of me. My name is Jason Hammington. I know Allen since…. Well since we were born. Our parents are friends so, that’s why’’

‘’okay so nice to meet you Jason’’

‘’shall I tell you a few things about Allen’’ he said and placed his arm around me. ‘’come I’ll take you to the canteen and treat you and Layla on a lunch’’.  And he started to walk.

I could hear Allen let out a sight. Layla was giggling all over the place. I think she was happy to be so close by Allen. Well she kind of likes him so I could understand. I felt a sharp pain in my heart, by only thinking about that someone else like Allen. Is that what you called jealousy? If that is what it is, than I wish to never feel it again.

Jason opened the door in front of me and I could smell all the food in the canteen. He leaded me towards the stairs. All the students left in the canteen were looking at me and talking about me.

 ‘’she is only out on the money’’

‘’She is just a slut’’

‘’I’ve heard that she is pretending to be blind’’

Me pretending to be blind!? I felt my blood boiling inside me. I can handle a joke about me being blind, but this? This is going too far. I could still hear her talking and walked over to her.

‘’excuse me. But where did you heard that?’’ I asked her. ‘’wait I don’t want to know. Why don’t you look me in the eyes and tell me if I’m pretending!’’ I opened my eyes and I heard a gasp.

‘’I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to. I only heard it from Victoria’’ she said with guild in her voice.

Victoria. She was all so the one from that sick stunt in mine and Layla’s room. I felt angry but also scared. I was angry about the rumors and scared for a new stunt.

‘’Skyler… you okay?’’ I heard Allen say and placed an hand on my shoulder. ‘’come, leave it rest for now’’.

I nodded and walked away with him to the stairs. Ones op there I heard Layla gasping.

‘’OH MY GOD… this place is amazing. I want to sit here every break. I just love it”

‘’well you can… from now on. As long as you both are under our protection, you may feel free to us it op here’’ Jason said. ‘’and you don’t have to pay for any food. We pay’’.

Layla and Jason were talking to each other a few tables further, while Allen and I were sitting here both in silence. I couldn’t bring myself to start talking, I was too embarrassed. All the things that happened were still roaming around in my head.

‘’uhm… Sky?’’ I startled as he said my name.

‘’y-y-yes’’ I stuttered.

‘’are you really okay now? With that what happened yesterday.’’

‘’yesterday?... oh that… I still a bit more time to get my answer ready’’

He let out a snicker trough his nose. ‘’ yes I know…. But that is not what I meant. What I mean is about what happened in your room.’’

I felt really stupid right now.  My face was already red and now even more. It was so hot that you can fry bacon on my face. I never have felt like this.

‘’sorry. But every time I think about it, I start to feel nauseous and sick. The smell of blood was so strong’’’ I laughed. ‘’I am really glad that I can’t see at moment like this and that I can only see the darkness’’.

‘’well… I can understand that.’’

‘’why that so?’’ how could he understand he can see. Why can he understand what it is to be blind? The only thing I see is darkness. I don’t even know what light looks like. Let’s stand all the colors. I know the names but not what they look like.

‘’I know how it is to be surrounded by darkness’’ he let out a sigh. ‘’I know it very well’’.

‘’you… surrounded by darkness? You don’t even see it let stand be surrounded by it’’.

‘’if you know me better than you understand what I mean.’’

 ‘’than let me know you better’’.

‘’it’s still too early for that. I only can say that I am not what you think I am. But what I am is strong enough to protect you. And I will… no matter what it is or what will happen. I ‘ will’ protect you. you are too important to me and you must know that, Skyler.’’ he stood up and took the seat right next to me.

I could feel his heat from his skin against mine. It made me shiver. I got the feeling that I wanted to hold him. To be close to him, to be next to him all the time and not to let go. He cupped my chin and pulled my face towards his.

‘’open your eyes, Sky’’ he whispered. ‘’I want to look you in the eye.’’

I slowly opened my eyes. I could feel his eyes on mine. My face started to heat up again. Why am I flushing so much lately? I never was shy before.

‘’I really what to help you to show you the world with your own eyes. I know it sounds crazy, unbelievable, stupid and like a lie but that is it not. I know a cure and I want to give it to you. I want to help you to grant your wish. Will you let me?’’

I was in shock. Was he joking to me? I know that there is no cure for my blindness. It’s impossible, but he sounds so sure and I somehow believe him. Does he really know a cure? Well I want to do everything to see.

‘’ do you really know a cure?’’

‘’yes I do. I know where I can get it and it easy for me to lay my hand on it’’.

‘’okay… I take it. Only because I feel I can really trust you’’

‘’do you mean it?’’

I nodded and smiled. I felt that he was coming closer. His sweet and lovely, warm breath brushed against my skin. His forehead toughed mine and I felt that shock again through my body.

‘’you know that I love you, right? I will get the cure tomorrow. I promise.’’


His finally toughed mine and I felt happy.


yay chapter done,, i know the beginning is a bit crappy, but i still like it.

i will update every sunday,, i hope,,

please vote, comment and become a fan,,

loves me,,  XoX

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