Hetalia One Shots (Part 1) (C...

By the-sexiest-potato

14.7K 153 76


Little Sunflower
PruCan one-shot
Stroms (UsUk)
Poland x Shy!Reader x Latvia
Ukraine x Fem!Reader x Belarus x Russia
The Hanatama Family *Request*
Nerves (Sealand x OC)
Yandere!2p!England x Fem!Chubby!Reader
Lovely Drunk
2p!Nyo!America x Plump!Nyo!Canada
Curls and Cowlicks *Lemon*
2p!Nyo!America Headcanons
Knight In Shining Armor
Spankings *Lime*
Summer Camp
Good Enough
Plz Read
Fight! *Request*
Pick Up The Phone
DenNor *Request*
Study Buddies *Lime*
Do You Believe In Love At First Sight?
Arranged Marriage
Take a Break
Janitors Closet *Lime**Request*
"Wh-what are you wearing!?" *Request*
Pet Names *Request*
Sleeping In *Request* ✅
The Troubles of Parenting *Request*
Get To Know The Author
Seduce Me *Request**Lime*
Q & A *Birthday Special*
Dead Girl Walking *Lime* *Request*
*Lemon* *Request*
Accidentally In Love
More Prompts
Hej Everyone

Who-No, /what/ are you?

217 3 0
By the-sexiest-potato

Greece x Reader

Had she meant for this to happen? Of course not! She had been staying in a hotel in Greece and when she woke up the next morning she was in a meadow, dressed in what seemed to be a sheet styled in the shape of a dress. She looked around wildly, her (e/c) eyes searching desperately for something familiar.

When she spotted the two men sword fighting, she let out a gasp, which was a bad move. They stared at her bare legs, not even trying cover up their longing gazes. The one that looked like a Greek god began to advance towards her as she backed away. The other took one last gaze at her legs before taking his chance to run off.

She tried to run off, but he grabbed her wrist before she could. Her heart leapt into throat as his honey brown eyes stared into her's.

"Who-no, what are you? A nymph, a nomad, a goddess? Your beauty is astounding." She opened her mouth to figure out what the hell was happening when she fainted.

He wasn't expecting her to faint, but he took that moment to study her. She truly was a sight to behold. With fair (s/t) skin and lovely, flowing locks of (h/c) hair.
The sleeves of her white gown slipped down her shoulders, revealing them along with some of her cleavage. He'd be lying if he said he didn't stare.

In all honesty, she looked like she had to at least be a minor goddess. She was positively glowing with beauty. It was incredible, really. He decided, that if this woman turned out to be mortal, he would marry her. Even if it meant completing a million tasks made by the gods themselves.

When (Y/n) awoke, she had absolutely no idea where she was or who that sexy man sleeping beside her was. Her eyes widened and she tried to squirm away but found she couldn't, due to his incredibly strong grip.

"Hey," she shook him. "Wake up!" Nothing. This process continued for a bit until he finally woke up.

"Hmm? What's wrong, darling?" He asked, sleepily petting her head.

"Who the hell are you?"

"Women shouldn't have such vulgar language. But, to answer your question, I am Heracles Karpusi. Who might you be, lovely maiden?"

"(Y/n) (L/n). Now let me go, I have to find a way back home."

"It's dark out and a lady such as yourself shouldn't be out there alone. Just stay the night at least." He looked at you with those beautiful honey colored eyes, and you couldn't help but melt.

"Fine, I suppose. But only one night, alright?"

"Alright." With this he drifted off again with you in his grasp. With a sigh, you fell back asleep as well.


The next morning, when Heracles woke up, he immediately noticed his face was in the crook of (Y/n)'s neck, he inhaled her scent and couldn't help but let out a contented sigh. She smelled really good.

He placed feather light kisses on her neck, causing her to shiver in her sleep. One of his hands found it's way up to her chest and began to grope one of her breasts. He knew he shouldn't be doing this but he couldn't help himself. She was just to damn irresistible.

She let out a small, but sleepy moan. Gods, how was she so cute but sexy at the same time? He didn't notice as her eyes began to open.

"Wh-what are you doing?!" She stuttered out, her face lighting up a million shades of red. Slowly he removed his hand.

"I'm sorry. You're just too irresistible." She blushed brighter, if that was even possible. "You never answered my question from earlier. What are you."

"Last I checked, I'm human..."

"That's great, now I can marry you!" He smiled, pulled her close and nuzzled his face into her neck.

"W-what?! We don't even know each other!!"

"That's what relationships are about, right? You get to find out everything about the other and fall in love in the process."

"I have a home and a life! I have a family! I can't just drop all of that!"

"You woke up in a field. Obviously your family doesn't care that much. You obviously have no clue where you are either. So, you might as well just accept my proposal." You bit your lip and thought for a moment. You sighed and thought 'yolo' before nodding.

"I suppose..."

Six years later you're still married and you now have two children. You slowly fell in love with him and all was well.

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