Running with the Wolves

Door skaikruwerewolf

127K 3.7K 4.5K

Veronica Stilinski lives with her older brother Stiles and her Dad, the Sheriff, in Beacon Hills. She is star... Meer

chapter 1: this is how it all began...
chapter 2: the boy with the blue eyes
chapter 3: standing on his own two feet
chapter 4: lockers
chapter 5: movies and a burger
chapter 6: the dynamic duo
chapter 7: we have a situation
chapter 8: alpha beta omega
chapter 9: you don't have to worry
chapter 10: mission accomplished
chapter 11: it's all about power
chapter 12: the waves and the starry sky
chapter 13: you did that all on your own
chapter 14: kicking and screaming
stiles stilinski // part 1
chapter 15: the woods
chapter 16: the shadow
chapter 17: part of the pack
chapter 18: the warning of a banshee
chapter 19: the loft
liam dunbar // part 1
chapter 20: all night
chapter 21: broken
liam dunbar // part 2
chapter 22: trapped
veronica & stiles stilinski // part 1
chapter 23: unable to move
chapter 24: promise
chapter 25: screams
stiles stilinski //part 2
chapter 26: admit it
chapter 27: questions and answers
chapter 28: it's not your fault
chapter 29: lab partners
chapter 30: exhale
liam dunbar// part 3
chapter 31: a name to a face
chapter 32: strength in numbers
chapter 33: unconscious
chapter 34: targeted
chapter 35: the plan
chapter 36: we'll figure it out
chapter 37: this is why
chapter 38: driving lessons
chapter 39: painful lessons
chapter 40: because you trust everyone
chapter 41: half light
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 1
chapter 42: dance
chapter 43: betrayal
chapter 44: healing wounds
chapter 45: nothing is ever going to change that
chapter 46: tunnels
chapter 47: favors
chapter 48: paralyzed
chapter 49: in sync
chapter 50: crossfire
chapter 51: guilt
chapter 52: frequencies
chapter 53: despair
chapter 54: perigee-syzygy
chapter 55: I need you
chapter 56: i have all your passwords
chapter 57: don't leave out the drummer
chapter 58: i'll always be here for you
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 2
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 3
chapter 59: good news
chapter 60: even up the score
chapter 61: the borrowed book
chapter 62: the beast of beacon hills
chapter 63: apotheosis
chapter 64: welcome back
chapter 65: what do you wanna know?
chapter 66: we did it, brother
chapter 67: magic
chapter 68: picture perfect
chapter 69: holy ground
chapter 70: heartbeat
chapter 71: sunsets
chapter 72: coffee
chapter 73: wolfsbane
chapter 75: goodbyes
chapter 76: don't worry about me
chapter 77: i've been waiting for this
chapter 78: the echo of his scream
chapter 79: this is how it all ends...
chapter 80: unconditionally
chapter 81: till my heart stops
chapter 82: heartbreak
chapter 83: you can talk to me
chapter 84: i'm sorry
chapter 85: graduation
chapter 86: brother let me be your shelter
chapter 87: love always
chapter 88: the necklace
chapter 89: always
thank you!

chapter 74: where do we start?

495 23 20
Door skaikruwerewolf

liam dunbar

mccall household

Scott and I sit at the kitchen table, finishing our dinner. I called him to see if he wanted to hang out tonight, and he said he was free so I picked up some food on my way over here. 

I'm saying something, but I stop mid-sentence.

"What is it?" Scott asks.

"I don't know. I just felt something's wrong." 

Scott furrows his eyebrows. He's about to say something when his phone rings. "It's Veronica." he says and I could feel my heart pound against my chest as a million scenarios played out in my head all at once. None of them ending well. 

"Veronica?" Scott answers. 

"Scott, Scott help me please." I hear Veronica say through the phone. 

Scott's eyes widen and he brings the phone down, placing it on the table. "Hey, what's wrong? I'm with Liam, you're on speaker."

Veronica yells out, unable to talk. She's in pain. "Veronica, where are you? What's going on?" I ask her, feeling like it's getting harder to breathe. And I won't feel like I can breathe, until I'm with her. Until she's safe.

"I don't-she took him. He's gone!" she says, desperation in her voice.

"What are you talking about?" Scott asks.

"Stiles! Kate, she took him. They're gone. He's gone!"

Scott's eyes meet mine. Shock and fear on both of our faces. I grab my keys and stand up, Scott doing the same. "Hey Veronica, try to take a deep breath okay?" I say as Scott and I walk out the door and towards my car. "Tell us where you are, we're coming to get you."


stiles stilinski 

kate's car

My eye's slowly open, adjusting to the darkness of the road we are driving on. It takes some time before everything comes into focus. My head hurts and I bring my hand up to my forehead. When I pull my hand away, it's now covered in blood.

"Glad to see our guest is awake." Kate says. 

Everything slowly begins to come back to me and I turn towards the door trying desperately to open it, but it's locked. I look back, but there's no one there. "Where's my sister? Where's Veronica?" I ask, starting to panic. "What did you do to her?!"

She laughs, mocking me.

"Where is she!?"

"Shut up!" Kate yells at me, before punching me in the face.

Everything goes black again.


veronica stilinski 

I stand with my back against the Jeep, holding the phone to my ear. I'm hit with another wave of pain accompanied by nausea. 

I've told Scott and Liam what road we were on when Kate attacked us.

"It's not your fault." Liam says over the phone as they drive towards where I am.

"We'll find him." Scott reassures me.

"Okay." I say weakly, trying not to break out in another sob. 

"We're almost there, hold on." Liam says.

There's a sharp pain on the side of my head, like if someone took a hammer to it. The phone falls from my hands and onto the floor. I try to stay on my feet but I can't. My legs give out and I drop to my knees. My vision blurs and I try to reach out for the phone but I feel the pain again. And this time it's so much, that I fall unconscious next to the Jeep.


liam dunbar

The line has gone silent. We can no longer hear Veronica on the other end. I drive as fast as I can, the fastest I have ever driven but it feels like we're barely moving. 

I stop once we see the skid marks from where Stiles drove off the road. We get out of the car and follow the tracks that'll lead us to her. I run in the direction they take me, Scott right behind me. 

We find her on the floor, the phone next to her. I rush over to her and she slowly opens her eyes. "Liam." she says softly when she sees me. 

"Hey, I'm right here." I say, carefully picking her up in my arms. It doesn't matter how gently or how slowly I pick her up, she still cries out in pain and I hate myself for making it worse. I carry her towards my car and I get in the backseat with her. Scott drives to the hospital while I hold Veronica in my arms, taking as much of her pain as I can. 

I listen to her heartbeat, and even in this chaos it helps keep me calm. 


beacon hills memorial hospital

I stand by the door to Veronica's room. I won't leave her side. I don't care what they tell me. My dad tried to get me to leave, but I won't. 

Veronica is awake and talking. My dad is asking her a series of questions that she seems to be answering the way she should. 

"Your shoulder is dislocated. I have to put the bones back in place." my dad says. "It's going to hurt."

I walk towards Veronica. "I'll hold your hand."

"No, it's okay." she says, knowing that I want to hold her hand so I can take her pain. "I can take it." she says, nodding towards me. I reluctantly go back to stand by the door. Veronica lives with pain constantly because of the night she went into the ice bath, and she does her best to take pain from the people she loves so they won't suffer. So when she's in pain, and any one capable of taking it wants to help alleviate it, she refuses because she doesn't want any one to be in pain because of her.

"All right." my dad says with a nod. "Ready?"

"Ready." Veronica says. 

My dad moves Veronica's shoulder bones back in place and she doesn't even flinch, doesn't even make a sound.

"You okay?" my dad asks her and she simply nods. "Okay, I'll be back to check on you in a few minutes." he says and walks out after Veronica thanks him.

I walk over to her and take her hand in mine. She looks down at our hands before meeting my eyes. 

"We have to find him." she says, her voice breaking as tears start rolling down her cheeks. 

"We will." I tell her pulling her into a hug, careful not to hurt her. I hate seeing her like this. It breaks my heart. I'd do anything for her, anything at all so that she wouldn't have to be going through this.


veronica stilinski

Liam sits on the bed next to me with his arms wrapped around me, and I rest my head on his shoulder. I keep shivering, but it's not because I'm cold. 

"Veronica?" my dad asks frantically as he walks into my room.

"Dad." I say, with a sigh of relief.

I get off the bed and walk towards him. He walks towards me too, arms ready to bring me into his embrace and he does. 

"Are you okay?" he asks, his voice full of concern and I know how worried and scared he feels right now too. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say as Melissa walks in to the room. She stands next to us, putting her arms around us.

When we pull away Melissa tells me that the rest of the pack is outside in the waiting room. My dad starts asking me about what happened. He switches between the County Sheriff and my dad as our conversation progresses. Getting all of the information that will help find Stiles, but also comforting me.

"We'll find him kiddo, don't worry." he says, and Melissa puts her arm around me. I hold on to her tightly, her embrace comforting me. 

"I want to help you look for him." I tell him.

"Absolutely not." he says. "You're going home."

"But dad I can help find him, I have a connection with him." I counter.

"I said, you're going home."


"Veronica, that's enough! You're not going out there right now. It's too dangerous." He sighs. "Stiles is missing and I just wouldn't be able to handle it, if anything happened to you too."

I can see how upset my dad is. How scared he is. I nod, agreeing to go home. I don't want to make this more difficult for him. But, just because I'm going home doesn't mean I'm going to sit there and do nothing.

He takes a step towards me and kisses the top of my head. "I love you." he says.

"Love you too, dad." I say. He walks out to meet Parrish. The search for my brother is about to begin for the Sheriff's department. I hug Melissa and she hugs me back before going out after my dad. 

As she walks out, Mason walks in and just being in his presence makes me feel hopeful that everything is going to turn out ok. I smile softly at him, and he smiles back. "Let's get you home." he says, putting an arm around me as he helps me walk out, Liam right behind us.


stilinski household

Everyone that was at the hospital is now at my house. Kira, Lydia, Malia, Scott, Liam and Mason.

"Where could she be keeping him?" Malia asks, not being able to hide the urgency in her voice.

"I don't know." Scott says, almost defeated.

"When Aria's pack took me, they hid me out in this cabin in the middle of the woods." I tell them.

"I don't think she'd take him there." Liam says. "She'd know that's the first place we'd look. But maybe she's keeping him someplace similar or nearby."

"Do you have a map of Beacon Hills?" Lydia asks me.

I nod, getting  up from my seat next to Liam and go into my dad's office. A lot of his things are now in boxes as we prepare to make this Scott's room when he moves in with Melissa. I find it in one of the boxes and walk back towards the living room, handing the map to Lydia. She opens it and places it across the table, all of us gathering around it.

"Where do we start?" Kira asks, feeling as overwhelmed as the rest of us with all of the possibilities. 

"Any abandoned buildings in the outskirts of town, or places that are out in the open and aren't surrounded by much." Mason says. "She wouldn't draw much attention to herself in places like that, especially if she has the Berserkers with her."

We all nod and begin to look into places where Kate may be holding my brother hostage. We search for information on these places on the internet, since we can't exactly make phones calls this late into the night. 

After a couple of hours, we've narrowed it down to a few places but it's still a lot of distance to cover. Malia and I go through the list again together, trying to see if there are any places we could possibly eliminate, but a knock on my door interrupts us. 

I quickly get up and head over to the door but I freeze before opening it, thinking about all of the  reasons why there might be someone at my door right now. Thinking about how opening the door might change everything forever. The fear almost makes me feel like I can't move, but I bring myself out of it. I turn the knob and open the door. 

I was hoping, praying, that it would be Stiles on the other side but it's not. "Parrish, what are you doing here?" I ask, knowing he was out helping with the search.

"I think I should come inside." he says, and I move aside to let him through. 

By the expression on his face, I can tell he's not here with good news and I begin to fear the worst. Liam and Mason are quickly at my side and I reach out for Liam's hand as the room begins to spin. "Did-did you find him?" I ask, fearful of what the answer might mean.

"No." he says with a sigh. "But your dad..."

"What about my dad?" I ask Parrish, confused as to why he's here to talk about him.

"He's missing. We were in two separate search parties when I heard the calls for help over the radio. By the time I got there, he was gone. I think it was Kate and her Berserkers. I'm so sorry." he says.

I try to process what Parrish just told me. Not only has my brother been taken by a psychotic,  murdering were-jaguar, so has my dad. The room goes quiet, everyone trying to process this too. I stumble back, needing to sit down before my legs give out again. "They're both gone?" I ask Parrish, as I take a seat on my couch. "This can't be happening, this can't be happening." I say, starting to panic.

Parrish crouches down in front of me. "Veronica, we're going to find them. I won't stop looking until they are back with you, okay?"

I nod, knowing that Parrish would do anything to get them back as well. I trust him. I wan't to say something, but I can't. All I can do is nod, blinking back tears. He gives my hand a gentle squeeze and I tightly hold on to it. 

"I'll keep you updated. I promise." he says before standing up and walking towards the door. He walks out, ready to continue the search for them. 

I turn to everyone in the room, they all have the same look of anguish and panic that I do. My eyes land on Scott, and he meets my gaze. "We have to call Melissa." I tell him, and he nods.


"Scott, honey is everything all right?" I hear Melissa ask over the phone and my heart breaks a little more.

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