Vengeance Of The Lost..

By my_curious_mind

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|| Highest ranking yet #7 in action || || Editing on hold || There is a thin line difference between Reve... More

A Short Message
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
not an update
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Part 1)
Chapter 25 (Part 2 )
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
THANK YOU (Do read)

Chapter 17

56 8 0
By my_curious_mind

This is very important..

This chapter or can say this whole story is dedicated to some writers who might not know me, but they have indirectly through their stories always encouraged me to write and have helped in keeping my faith in good books. 





And also dedicated to others who I have communicated with earlier.



Just felt a little overwhelming so everyone thanks a lot...

Kelly's POV:

Never had I thought that moving away from Wood Pine would change Alex entirely. I had not expected that the old Alex who was kind, forgiving and who hated the sight of rage and blood would turn to a cold-hearted person. I had led her all the way to make her who she is now, the anger and rage she felt were even bigger compared to what I felt and so I knew it had to be let out before it explodes in a wrong direction taking everything with it on its way. We had successfully killed Adam Connors without much arousal of suspicion. There was a new person I had met in between the turn of events, Jeremy. Unlike the profile, he had put up online, he was a cute, kind man and extremely intelligent. I knew Alex did not trust him much before but now she has started believing him more but is reluctant to show it. After working and staying with Jeremy for quite some time, I have started falling for him, and I know that I feel as if I have fallen for different people many times before also but this time, I feel, no, in fact, I know that he is just not any other guy, for me, Jeremy might be the someone. I just totally hope it's not a one-sided love. Even though I am aware that this mission is the sole priority of our life at the moment and that Alex would never approve of it, but I know that he would never betray me, betray us. So, after I and Alex had killed Carl, I asked her whether I could go and spend some time with Jeremy. And the conversation went this way

"I want to go out with Jeremy. Not as on a date a casual outing." I asked her pretty uncertain as I swayed from side to side. I have always asked her about who I can go out with. She always seems to give a good advice.

"I think you may" she said in a quiet way which made it hard for me to figure out if she was being serious or just sarcastic or speaking it against her wish.

"Alex please say it from your heart. I know you are not saying it by heart and you never do. "I said annoyance clear in my voice

"Okay then listen I don't trust him and I won't allow it." She answered looking straight at me. Why was it so hard to ensure her nothing bad would happen?

"Come on just because you don't trust anyone doesn't mean I don't trust anyone. I don't care if you don't have any place to go or any friends to be with but I do. So let me go" before I could comprehend what could be the consequences I spoke and instantly regretted as I saw a spark of hurt flash in her eyes. I knew I meant nothing of what I said but I was not sure if she knew that.

"Fine then go" she said and left the room.

So now I was standing here in front of this Café Délice with Jeremy. We went in and the smell of coffee hit my face and rejuvenated my soul, my memories.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" Jeremy said tapping my head as if it's a door

"I am here, just spaced out a bit" I said and directed myself towards an empty seat.

Jeremy was talking but I couldn't listen, I was just hearing, my thoughts were stuck, I was regretting about the things I said to Alex and when Jeremy noticed a troubled look on my face he asked me what was the reason.

"Nothing... no, wait, actually everything. I got into a fight before we came here with Alex, and I regret saying some stuff" I said to which he answered that I should not worry about it and that Alex will understand that whatever I said was not what I meant. He told me to go and freshen up in the washroom while he orders something so I went telling him my order.

The washroom was quite spacious surprisingly because from outside it looked that it would be small. I splashed some water on my face, there was not much makeup, only a little bit which got washed. Drops were trickling down my face and I looked at my reflection, people said I looked like my mother and I did, now I see the reference, I was so engrossed in my mother's memories that I did not notice another woman by my side until she started talking.

"You seem to be thinking about something serious" She said. The woman had a warm smile on her face with green welcoming eyes, she must be in her forties or fifties.

"Uh.. yeah. I mean nothing much is going in my mind" I replied copying her warm smile.

" Oh, I know.. young girls have lots going on in their minds nowadays but don't show" she said

"No it's nothing much" lie "thanks for asking by the way," I said " hope your day goes well " I continued and started collecting my stuff and got out.

I stared at the cafe, now it was filled and the bad news was that I had forgotten where I and Jeremy were sitting because everywhere I saw two heads and I am pretty sure I left him alone when I went away. So I searched around and finally found him sitting along with some other man?

Was he giving away something confidential?

'Don't trust him'

Alex's voice rang in my head. I ignored it and before jumping to any conclusions went to the table. At my arrival, the table went silent. Both the man and Jeremy stopped talking. I glanced at the man sitting across him. 

"Oh you back," Jeremy said

"No I am still on my way " I retorted sarcastically because I was not happy with any other man sitting on our table.

"Calm down Kelly," he said fanning me and passing me the chocolate milkshake I had asked for  "Let me explain" he continued

"What I am asking for no explanation. I know this must be your friend and I just... wait, explain? Is there something I need to know?" I said exaggerating my emotions.

" Umm.. yes. He knows.. he knows that I am involved in some.. some killing" he said nervousness clearly dripping down each word and left me baffled for some minutes and when I realized, I tried my best to hide what was going to show up on my face. Fear. Shock.

I composed myself "I don't know what you are talking about but whatever it is wherever you are going take me" I said trying to signal him that we need to take him along with us.

"Oh okay let's go. Let me eat first don't know if I will be able to after this " he said slowing down at the end.

He sat there and ate while I observed the man.

Jeremy's POV:

My life changed entirely when two people came and mugged me..ok not seriously mugged me but I was taken into two beautiful girls' custody and was asked questions. I am working with them now and I absolutely love it. There is Alex whom I am very afraid of, and then there is Kelly whom I am scared of too, but only when she is infuriated, otherwise I have fallen for her and we are off to have food while we roam around. So we enter into this café Délice which is very welcoming and I see Kelly in a trance state. I don't find her so worried so often so I try to lighten up the mood.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" I said tapping her head as if it's a door

"I am here, just spaced out a bit" She said and directed us towards an empty seat.

I started telling her about some old memories I had along with my friends when I noticed Kelly had spaced out again.

"Okay am I that boring or something is wrong?" I asked her finally

"Nothing... no, wait, actually everything. I got into a fight before we came here with Alex, and I regret saying some stuff" she said 

"Ah. don't worry about her, I know you did not mean it and she knows it too. You go and freshen up a bit till I order the food" I said and she went to the washroom.

I was ordering and thinking about Kelly when a man sat across me and started a conversation with me. Out of nowhere.

"Excuse me, but this seat is already occupied," I said to that person

"Oh I am sorry, but can I just have 2 minutes of your schedule," The man said. He must be around my age, he had a well-built body and an air of confidence.

"I guess yes go ahead" I said and took a sip from my glass of water.

"Hi, my name is Ethan. Ethan Young. Just like Bond, James bond" He said and stretched out his hand for me. I shook his hand and gave my introduction.He was funny. We were just talking about random things and I was waiting for Kelly to come and for this man to spill out his aim of being here. And it finally happened.

"Is it true that you are involved in the recent killing incidents?" He asked in a low voice, slowing my heartbeat. How? The first question, how come he knows that I am involved. Do Kelly and Alex know this man?

"Ki-killing spree? What are you talking about man?" I said coolly trying to shrug off any suspicion

"No lies man, I mean you are Jeremy Tanner and you went missing and then this killing spree. I am sure something's off. Take me in please" He said and I saw Kelly coming towards us. I am officially dead.

"Oh you back" I said enthusiastically

"No I am still on my way " She retorted sarcastically. Okay she seems pissed

" Calm down Kelly" I said fanning her and passing the chocolate milkshake I had ordered for her. "Let me explain" I continued 

"What I am asking for no explanation. I know this must be your friend and I just... wait, explain? Is there something I need to know?" She said and I told her about Ethan's observations.

"I don't know what you are talking about but whatever it is wherever you are going take me along. Now" She said rather calmly, surprisingly and I observed her she definitely wanted me to take this dilemma to Alex. The situation and the man.

"Oh, okay let's go. Let me eat first don't know if I will be able to after this " I said slowing down at the end.

I swear to god this is going to be my last meal. Again, I am officially dead. The car ride back to the house was awkwardly silent and the quick glances and glares I was getting from Kelly were mesmerizing. Sarcasm. We reached there and got out the car. Me first, then Kelly and then the man, and we were welcomed by Alex holding a gun.


Alex's POV:

"Oh shit" Said the guy backing away

"Oh keep it down Alex. He is a friend" Kelly said giving me the let-him-come-in-and-then-we-could- handle-him look

"Oh come in" I said politely " Let me go and call the boss" I continued and went off.

"Sure" He said and sat down

I went towards my room and changed into the attire of a man. I came out with a gun in my pocket and black sunglasses on. Altering my voice into a hoarse one I sat down opposite of the man and stared at him even though he couldn't see where I was looking. The man was around my age and quite good looking with blue eyes, brownish hair with streaks of gold and pretty good jawline, he had a tanned skin and a scratch around his neck.Judge me all you want but I am an observer too. I knew I had to act tough so I just looked at him and finally, he broke the silence.

"Hi, I am Ethan Young." He said and stretched out a hand to me but I refused.

"Did I ask? No, I did not"  I said harshly in my cold style.

"Sorry," He said and held his face down. There is something wrong with him. An air of confidence in a situation where it is not required. I looked at Kelly and she took a gun and we both pointed our guns towards his head.

"Let's get down to business. Who are you? And how do you know that Jeremy is involved in any killing" I said 

"Well I figured it out, he went missing and then there is this killing going on and then break in into the system of Adam and Carl, only one person can do this and I have always been a great supporter of Jeremy so I just figured it out" He said trying to act timid as he raised his hands over his head.

"Well, it's good you followed him but bad because you followed him to a wrong area. Now you die. I don't care who you are, you are in our way so you die." I said and loaded the gun

"Please hear me out" He begged " I know you are trying to kill James. I wanna kill him too. Take me on your team" He said as my eyes widened, luckily I was wearing sunglasses

Shoot, Shoot him, he is not one to be messed with he knows too much but then I looked at Kelly. She shook her head. What ? what did she mean. No way he is coming in. Or is he?


Author's Note:

Thanks for reading.

I need suggestions for casting this character- Ethan Young. 

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