Danger // J.N

By everydayisecstasy

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"You know, I never once thought in my life I'd fall for a rebellious chain-smoker like you. But damn, I fell... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 21

772 25 5
By everydayisecstasy

Anna's POV.

Last night was an up and down mix of emotions. Shortly after Jace started hanging out my mom and I, my mom accepted him. Which is great! She understands that even though he uses drugs and alcohol, he's still a human being. And he treats me well.

But before Jace left, we were in the lobby and two police officers walked into the lobby.

And of course,

I watched them take him away.

My mom was shocked. I was too. I thought it was because of a robbery. But it turns out, he never even did the robbery he was telling me about. The guy who wouldn't keep his hands off me, called the police on Jace for assault.

My mom isn't too happy about that. But she understands that the reason he was arrested wasn't a terrible reason. He was standing up for me. The guy wasn't even hurt.

Im upset Jace is in jail. The second time he's been in jail in our two week long relationship.

Crazy, right? Two weeks. Two weeks and SO much has happened.

Anyways, I'm just upset how Jace is always in trouble with the law. I wish he wasn't. I wish he found something that he loves doing besides getting in trouble.

But I guess that's just him.

I can't do anything about it.

My mom and I are staying a couple more nights here at the hotel. Dads still lost his mind. Addy and Andrew are terrified of him. Maddy came home and is basically watching them. A lot has happened, and it's weird knowing that a big part of my families issue right now is because of me.

But for some reason, I still don't regret a thing.

I sit in the student lounge. I scroll through online websites, looking clothes. I usually have English this hour, but since I got my work done, I got released early.

My phone vibrates. Jace texted me.

Jace: just got out.

Anna: celebrate?

Jace: I was going to. idk bout you.

Anna: when are you gonna come to my school 😂

Jace: my mom said I got accepted, I just have to audition or some shit.

Anna: YAY. OMG.

Jace: it's not that great.

Anna: yes it is!!!! you'll love this school. I swear. it's great.

Jace: honestly I won't last 😂

Anna; wym

Jace: I get kicked out or something. it's a cycle.

Anna: promise me you won't get kicked out? don't start fights? 😂

Jace: no promises.

Anna: whatever. I'm sure you'll like it here.

Jace: the last school I liked was the kindergarten center I went to in New Mexico.

Anna: you lived in New Mexico???

Jace: you didn't know? 😂

Anna; nope 😂

Jace: wanna go out for lunch.

Anna: I got two more classes.

Jace: idc.

Anna: ok.

Jace: k I'll be there in a few minutes.

Anna: dammit Jace

Jace: what??

Anna: wait until I have lunch. I don't want to miss class.

Jace: omf Anna.

Anna: sorry haha

I roll my eyes and look back at my computer. I close it and slide it back into my bag. I stand up as I grab my phone.


Jace's POV.

I didn't tell Anna, but while I was in jail last night, an FBI detective came by. He's trying to find out who killed Jack and Montgomery. He knows I was there the night of the shooting at the warehouse. He knows I had a gun, but I didn't do anything.

That's what he doesn't believe.

If I was told that two guys shot each other at the same time, I wouldn't believe it either. But it's true. Oddly enough.

Anna can't know that they're still questioning me. She's always pissed off because I constantly get I trouble. This will make her even more mad.

And I can't lose her.

It's weird because, none of my girlfriends cared about me. They say they did, but when I'd get in trouble or something, they just saw it as a bad-boy thing. They weren't actually worried about me like Anna is.

Anna's special. She's different. She's unique. She's stunning. She's sweet.

She's a keeper.

I'd be dumb if I let her go.

I didn't think I'd fall in love with a girl who comes from a Christian family. Maybe that's what I need. A girl who has self respect, and is smart and caring.

I stop in front of Anna's school. She sits in the grass, writing on a sheet of paper. She looks up as the wind blows her curly brunette hair. She picks up her paper and puts it in her notebook. She closes the notebook and slides it in her bag. She stands up and runs over to the passenger side door. She opens it.

"Hey!" She says. "Hey, Anna," I say. She sets her bag down on the floorboard.

"How'd last night go?"

"Boring. I barely got any sleep," I say, turning right out of the parking lot.

Anna looks at me. "My mom really likes you," She says.

"Really? I thought after the whole police scene she'd hate me," I say.

"She doesn't hate you. She's not too happy that you were arrested. But it was an understandable reason. She's happy you were sticking up for me. She said that you're a nice boy," She says, giggling. I smile.


I sit on my bed, texting Peyton.

Peyton: why didn't you come last night? you fucked up the whole plan!

Jace: Anna needed me.

Peyton: you can't just bail on your gang for a girl.

Jace: sorry. but Anna's important to me.

Peyton: my god, Jace. what's gotten into you? you've changed.

Jace: I've changed?

Peyton: you don't do anything with us anymore. you're always with Anna. Anna's a great girl and all, but we wanna hang out with you too.

Jace: okay.

Peyton: Clays is gonna be in an alleyway tonight at 10. you're in charge. it'll be just us two.

Jace: okay.

I sigh. I can't help I'm addicted to this life. I run around and steal things. I commit crimes. I get in fights. Anna hates it. I want to change for Anna, but at the same time, I enjoy this life. I'm not sure why. There's just something about it, that makes me happy.


Peyton and I walk down the sidewalk. I feel adrenaline rush through me. Peyton turns the corner into the alleyway.

"You came!" Clays says. Peyton smirks. I follow him. "Of course we did. You have our stuff," He says.

Clays holds up the plastic bag. I watch him look in it. I look down in my hand, my gun tight in my grip.

"Where's the money?" He spits. Peyton looks at me. I bite my lip. I look down at my pockets. I reach in and take out a twenty. I hand it to him. He looks at me. "Danger, aren't you the quiet one tonight?" He says. He walks closer to me. He looks me in the eye. "Get any closer, and I'll blow your head off," I threat. He jumps back.

"Are you quiet because I know your secret, or you know I have backup?"

I squint my eyes. "Backup?"

He smirks. "Johnson!" He yells.

Out comes the same tall blonde I beat up last night. My eyes widen.

"No," I mutter under my breath. "You fuck," I mutter again.

Peyton looks at me. "You know this guy?"

I nod. I walk closer to Johnson. "Forced any girls lately?"

His eye twitches. He punches me in the jaw. I grab my jaw. I look up and swing at him. "Anna could've been mine, if you didn't come and attack me," He says.

"She's already mine, buddy. You weren't even close to getting her," I spit. He smirks.

"You got your money. Do we really need to do this?" Peyton asks.

I feel anger build inside me. I look at Johnson. I grab the collar of his shirt and pull him close. "Look, if you even come near Anna again, I'll bust you up so fast you won't see it coming," I threat. He shakes his head. I let go. "Fuck off, Johnson," I say. He stares at me with anger in his eyes. He backs up, then turns around. Him and Clays walk away.

I turn to Peyton. "What was that all about?"

I run my hands through my hair. "That jerk was flirting with Anna last night. I caught him forcing her to make out with him. I beat him up. That's how I ended up in jail last night. He's a dick," I say.

We turn the corner. Sean and Corey walk up to us. "How'd it go?" Sean asks.

Peyton holds the bag. I stare at the ground, my thoughts all stuck on Johnson and Anna.

God, I have a feeling he won't leave her alone. It feels like this is my fault. I always feel like everything's my fault. Even when it's not. I just push everything on myself. Then the depression comes and I hide away in my room.

"Jace? You okay?" Corey asks.

I bite my lip and shake my head. "No, but don't worry. I'll get over it," I say. I look up. Peyton, Sean, and Corey look at me. I start walking forward and push past them.

Sean runs up to me. "Jace, you know I'm here for you."

"I don't need anyone, Sean. Thanks. But I really need time to be alone right now," I say as I keep walking.

Sean stops. I let out a deep breath. I keep walking.

I stop at my car and lean against it. I take out a pack of cigarettes from my pocket. I take out a lighter. I open the pack and take out a cigarette and stick it between my lips. I quickly light it. I take it out of my mouth with my index and middle finger, blowing a cloud of smoke.

I stare at the ground as I flick the ash off my cigarette. I see Corey and Sean walking up to me. "We heard what happened last night. We're really sorry," Corey says.

"Well, it wouldn't be an issue if Johnson wasn't so stuck on himself. He'll probably go after Anna and hurt her. I gotta get rid of him," I shake my head. "Can't he go to jail for what he did to Anna?"

"I don't think so. He doesn't need jail, he needs to die," I say, taking a drag from my cigarette.

"Are you gonna kill him?" Sean asks, chuckling.

"I wouldn't be laughing, Sean. I'm dead serious. I'm gonna fucking kill him if he even gets close to her. I gotta protect her at all costs," I say.

Corey and Sean look at each other. They look at me. I blow a cloud of smoke. "Isn't that going against what you're going through now, with questioning and all?"

I glance up at them. "I didn't shoot Montgomery or Jack! Okay? Anna's my witness. She knows I didn't. But I will brutally murder Johnson if he hurts Anna," I spit.

"You really love her, don't you?" Corey asks.

"Of course I do. She's my girlfriend," I say.

"Yeah, but in the past, you didn't show it as much as you do with her," Sean says. I raise my eyebrows and flick my cigarette again. "Anna and I shouldn't be together. She's risking a lot just to be with me. I can't just let her go. You know? No girl ever fought as hard as she is, just to be with me. I love that," I say.

Sean nods. I take another drag from the cigarette and toss it to the ground. I smash it with my shoe. I turn around and walk around to the drivers side of my car.

"There's a party tomorrow night," Corey says. I look at him. "I'm not going. Sorry," I say. I open the door and sit down in the seat. I slam the door shut. I turn on the car. I grab the seatbelt and buckle in.

I feel my emotions run through my body. None of them are good. I just feel empty.

Damn, depression hits hard, and fast.

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