Running with the Wolves

By skaikruwerewolf

128K 3.7K 4.5K

Veronica Stilinski lives with her older brother Stiles and her Dad, the Sheriff, in Beacon Hills. She is star... More

chapter 1: this is how it all began...
chapter 2: the boy with the blue eyes
chapter 3: standing on his own two feet
chapter 4: lockers
chapter 5: movies and a burger
chapter 6: the dynamic duo
chapter 7: we have a situation
chapter 8: alpha beta omega
chapter 9: you don't have to worry
chapter 10: mission accomplished
chapter 11: it's all about power
chapter 12: the waves and the starry sky
chapter 13: you did that all on your own
chapter 14: kicking and screaming
stiles stilinski // part 1
chapter 15: the woods
chapter 16: the shadow
chapter 17: part of the pack
chapter 18: the warning of a banshee
chapter 19: the loft
liam dunbar // part 1
chapter 20: all night
chapter 21: broken
liam dunbar // part 2
chapter 22: trapped
veronica & stiles stilinski // part 1
chapter 23: unable to move
chapter 24: promise
chapter 25: screams
stiles stilinski //part 2
chapter 26: admit it
chapter 27: questions and answers
chapter 28: it's not your fault
chapter 29: lab partners
chapter 30: exhale
liam dunbar// part 3
chapter 31: a name to a face
chapter 32: strength in numbers
chapter 33: unconscious
chapter 34: targeted
chapter 35: the plan
chapter 36: we'll figure it out
chapter 37: this is why
chapter 38: driving lessons
chapter 39: painful lessons
chapter 40: because you trust everyone
chapter 41: half light
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 1
chapter 42: dance
chapter 43: betrayal
chapter 44: healing wounds
chapter 45: nothing is ever going to change that
chapter 46: tunnels
chapter 47: favors
chapter 48: paralyzed
chapter 49: in sync
chapter 50: crossfire
chapter 51: guilt
chapter 52: frequencies
chapter 53: despair
chapter 54: perigee-syzygy
chapter 55: I need you
chapter 56: i have all your passwords
chapter 57: don't leave out the drummer
chapter 58: i'll always be here for you
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 2
l. dunbar & v. stilinski // part 3
chapter 59: good news
chapter 60: even up the score
chapter 61: the borrowed book
chapter 62: the beast of beacon hills
chapter 64: welcome back
chapter 65: what do you wanna know?
chapter 66: we did it, brother
chapter 67: magic
chapter 68: picture perfect
chapter 69: holy ground
chapter 70: heartbeat
chapter 71: sunsets
chapter 72: coffee
chapter 73: wolfsbane
chapter 74: where do we start?
chapter 75: goodbyes
chapter 76: don't worry about me
chapter 77: i've been waiting for this
chapter 78: the echo of his scream
chapter 79: this is how it all ends...
chapter 80: unconditionally
chapter 81: till my heart stops
chapter 82: heartbreak
chapter 83: you can talk to me
chapter 84: i'm sorry
chapter 85: graduation
chapter 86: brother let me be your shelter
chapter 87: love always
chapter 88: the necklace
chapter 89: always
thank you!

chapter 63: apotheosis

709 25 81
By skaikruwerewolf

beacon hills animal clinic

Scott and Liam walk in, holding up the only surviving Dread Doctor, as I hold the back door open for them. I walk in after them, Deaton and Stiles look at us with wide eyes.

"He's still alive." Scott says and Deaton takes Mason's medical file, placing it aside so that we can lay down the Dread Doctor on the examining table.

"Can you keep him alive?" Scott asks.

"I'm not sure he technically is alive." Deaton answers.

"Screw keeping him alive. How do we get him to talk?" Liam asks.

"Personally, I don't think we utilize torture nearly enough." Stiles adds.

"Yeah, I agree with them." I say. "We need to find a way to save Mason."

"Did you hear that?" Liam asks. But no one has time to answer, as the Dread Doctor suddenly sits up. There's a high pitched noise that makes us cover our ears. It even begins to shake the walls. Scott puts his hand out in front of Stiles, and my brother grabs on to his arm. Deaton, Liam and I move towards the corner, trying to get away from the Dread Doctor, but Liam begins to run towards it when it starts walking towards the door.

"Liam, wait!" Scott calls out to his beta. And just like they've done to me, with a simple motion of his hand, he sends Liam flying back into the cabinets and then he lands by my feet. I crouch down, and help him back up.

With another motion of the Dread Doctor's hand, all of the metal objects in the room come together to block the door, not allowing us to get to him anymore. There is a barrier between us and him.

Scott and Liam share a glance and then run towards it, ready to pick it apart and get through to him.

"Stop!" Deaton calls out and the two boys do. "It's electrified." he points out.

Scott uses his werewolf hearing to listen in to the conversation between the Dread Doctor...and Sebastian. "He's looking for the cane. It's the pike."

"They took it." Liam says. "The Argents took the cane."


Gathered around the examining table with Mason's medical file open we go over some of the possibilities as to how we can bring Mason back.

"Somewhere in Sebastian, he has to still exist. A spark of energy. A flicker of memory." Deaton says. "Liam, you said Mason said something right before he turned."

"He said, 'that's not my name'."

"He finally remembered his name."

"Damnation Memoriae."

"They wanted Sebastian to remember his name."

"Scott you know the myth of what happens when you call a werewolf by it's given name?" Deaton asks.

"It turns back to human." Scott answers.

"So someone can just walk up to the Beast, yell Mason's name and turn him back?" Liam asks.

"Not someone." my brother says.

"Lydia." I add.


My brother texts our dad before we head out to the Sheriff's station for Lydia, but he never replies. On our way there, we get a call from Melissa. Sebastian has already been there, and Lydia has been hurt. My dad brought her to the hospital. They are there right now.


beacon hills memorial hospital

Scott and Stiles are with Lydia and Melissa right now, while Liam and I sit in the waiting room.

Liam's leg keeps bouncing up and down and he can't keep his hands still as he rubs them together again and again.

I place my hand over his hands, and they stop trembling. He turns to look at me and takes my hand in his, neither of us saying anything. We lean back in our chairs, and I rest my head on his shoulder, doing my best to keep it together.

We sit up when we see Scott walk towards us.

"Is she okay?" Liam and I both ask.

"She's gonna be fine but...she can't really talk." Scott answers.

Liam and I both sigh in defeat.

"Then it's over, isn't it?" Liam asks. "There's nothing we can do to save him."

Hearing Liam say those words makes everything feel so real. My hand is on his shoulder and I squeeze it gently, trying to give him some sort of support.

Scott's phone rings with voicemails from Kira. "Give me a second." he says and goes off to the side to listen to them.

Liam reaches for my hand and grabs it tightly. We look at each other with panic in our eyes, not knowing what else we can do to save our best friend.

"Get up." Scott says as he walks back towards us.

"Why?" Liam asks, confused.

"Because I've got an idea. And because this, this isn't over."

Once again, Scott gives us the strength and hope to carry on.


lydia's hospital room

"Lydia this is going to have to be just between us, since I can get fired for it." Melissa says, and Lydia slowly nods to show her understanding. "It's a cortisone shot. It's gonna bring down the inflammation a bit." Lydia brings out her hand from under the covers, so that Melissa can administer the shot. "Not there." Melissa says as she begins to take off the medical dressing from Lydia's wound on her neck.

Scott takes Lydia's hand, ready to take her pain, but as Melissa is going to give Lydia the shot we hear a thud as Liam hits the floor. He fainted. Scott rushes over to him, to make sure he's okay.

"Yeah, okay. I'm gonna need to leave." my brother says. "I think I might faint too."

"Don't faint." I tell my brother as I pull him away from Lydia's bed so that I can get by.

I sit next to her and take her hand in mine. "Don't worry Lyds. I won't let you feel a thing." She smiles softly at me and I gently tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and nod towards Melissa, who plunges the needle into Lydia's wound.


I help Lydia change into some new clothes and then Stiles, Liam, Scott, Lydia and I get into the elevator. When the doors open we walk out, on our way to find Parrish but my brother isn't coming with us.

"I gotta go get Malia." he says.

I look between Stiles and my three friends. Torn between who to go with. My brother and I are inseparable, but...

"It's ok, go with them." he says and I nod.

He begins to walk out when Scott calls after him and hands him something in a brown paper bag.

"What is this?" my brother asks as Liam and I help Lydia stay on her feet.

"Something I've been working on for a while." Scott answers. "Just make sure Malia gets it."

"Is it plan B?"

Scott says.

"Plan A never works."

"This one will."

My brother turns to leave. "Be careful!" I call out to him.

"You too." he calls back.


The Argents have corralled the Beast down in the tunnels. Lydia, Scott, Liam and I walk through them, trying to find Parrish. We hear something that makes us stop and listen closely.

"You hear that?" Liam asks.

"I heard that." Lydia says forcefully.

"Lydia, save your voice." Scott tells her.

Liam looks down at his feet, and I do the same. We are standing in a puddle of water, but he connects it all before we do.

"Get out of the water!" Liam says as he pushes Lydia and I out of the way, into safety. The two of us watch, hand in hand, as Liam and Scott are electrocuted.

What we didn't know is that Theo was lurking in the shadows, and with just a flip of a switch he electrified the water. Lydia and I are about to rush to their side when Theo does it again, electrocuting the boys one more time.

Without warning, Theo appears, pulling Lydia away from me and pushing me back. I land on my back next to Liam.

"Lydia!" I yell out as Theo pushes her into a hole in the ground. Scott reaches out and grabs her hand. She hangs on to Scott. Before I can even get up, Theo plunges a syringe into Scott, like the ones we would find in the operating theater.

"Feel that Scott? Kanima venom." Theo says, as Scott becomes paralyzed. "Just let it happen. Let everything go."

I kneel by them, grabbing on to Lydia's arm and pulling her up.

"No. I don't think so!" Theo says and he comes up from behind me and wraps his hand around my throat, his claws slightly beginning to cut through my skin.

I'm trying to use my hands to inflict pain in his direction, but I can't because I can barely breathe.

"Let her go!" Liam yells, as he struggles to get up, trying to shake off being electrocuted. I try to free myself of his grip, but nothing works. His grip keeps tightening, and tightening but I can still hear Lydia scream as Scott is no longer able to hold on to her. I hear Theo laugh, and he tightens his grip even more. I can't breathe anymore, and the edges around my vision blur and then begin to turn black.

"Veronica!" Scott calls out, as he lays paralyzed.

Liam is on his feet now and rushing towards us, when we hear the Beast roar. Theo lets go of me, and I draw in a long breath of air as I fall to the ground on my hands and knees.

"You hear that? That's the sound of real power." Theo says as he walks away.

Liam kneels down in front of me and places both hands on my shoulders. "You ok?!" he asks, but all I can do is nod. I can't say a word as I continue to gasp for air and have a coughing fit. When my breathing is almost back to normal I look up at him and I can see how panicked and worried he is.

"I'm-I'm okay." I'm finally able to get out and he sighs in relief. He pulls me towards him and turns me, so that my back is against his chest. He wraps his arms around me tightly, and kisses my cheek as I still try to steady my breathing.

"Scott you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I think I'm already starting to heal."

Liam gets up and holds his hand out to me and he helps pull me to my feet. We walk over to Scott, hand in hand and help him sit up. After a while, he gains back some movement and we help him stand.

The first thing Scott does when he stands up is see how bad I'm hurt. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I say, despite the burning sensation in my throat, the bruising around it, and the streaks of blood caused by Theo's claws.

He brings me towards him and kisses my forehead. He then turns to Liam. "We gotta go."

The two boys begin to walk in the direction Theo left.

"You go." I tell them and they both stop and turn to look at me. "I need to find Lydia. You need to find Deucalion and Chris." I can tell the two boys are worried about me going off alone, especially after what happened. "It's fine. Guys, this plan is going to work."

"Ok." Scott nods.

I turn to Liam and smile softly at him. I turn around, but Liam reaches out and takes my hand. I turn to face him.

"Come back to me." he says.

"Always." I reply, looking in his eyes.

We let go of each other and walk in opposite directions.


Not really sure where to go, I carefully roam the tunnels calling out Lydia's name. Turning one of the corners I bump into someone.


The two of us so relieved to see each other embrace in a tight hug.

I tell her what happened, and how I'm trying to find Lydia.

"I'll help you." she says and we continue looking.


Despite having taking her pain earlier, Lydia's pain came back. I do my best to try and find her pain, almost as if it were a scent. I try to feel out for a specific pain.

I close my eyes, and run my hand along the walls of the tunnels. That's when I feel it. Her pain. Lydia's pain.

"We're close. This way." I tell Kira, and she follows closely behind.


We finally reach Lydia. She's trapped inside this room. She can't get the door open. I can't get the door open. I stop trying to yank it open when I hear Kira take out her Katana.

"Lydia, stand back!" she says and breaks down the door using her Katana, smiling at Lydia.

We make sure she's ok before heading out to find the others. We've been hearing gunshots, screams, and growls. Times running out. We have to move fast.


We can hear the Beast, and follow it's roars because that's where Scott and Liam will be.

It suddenly goes quiet and I begin to run, desperate to get to them. Kira and Lydia follow behind.

When I reach them, I see Sebastian with his hand around Scott's throat.

"No!" I yell as I rush over to them but Sebastian's grip loosens.

"Marie-Jeanne?" he says. And that's when Scott breaks free of his hold.

Liam is at my side now and Lydia and Kira are here too.

"Mason!" Lydia says.

"I think you're gonna need to try it a little louder." Kira says.

Using everything she's learned from Meredith, Lydia uses her banshee scream to call out his name as Sebastian walks towards her. "Mason!"

Liam and I move to the side as Lydia's scream reaches the Beast. It's hard to explain what happens next, but it's as if Mason separates from the Beast's black, shadow like figure. 

He lands right in Liam's arms. The two boys smile at each other before embracing in a hug.

The Beast's shadow like figure makes it's way through the tunnels, when it's met with Parrish who stops it. "Scott!" he calls out.

Scott reaches down to grab the cane, which Chris gave him, and throws it in the direction of the Beast.

It pierces right through it and then disappears.

I turn to find everyone smiling as they watch Liam and Mason still in their embrace. I put my arms around them and they each wrap an arm around me.

"Is everyone okay?" Scott asks.

I'm about to reply that we are, when Theo shows up. "Not everyone!" he says, charging towards us.

Scott snarls at him, but Kira is the one that walks forward to meet him.

she says, and he stops, panic and dread coming over him. "Your sister wants to see you." She brings her Katana into the ground, and it begins to crack open making it's way to Theo.

Right next to him, a hole in the ground appears where Theo's dead sister comes up and drags him down by his ankles.

"Scott! Help me, Scott!" Theo pleads, and Scott takes a step forward, but then let's Theo be taken. It's the punishment he deserves.

We all stand around speechless for a little while, taking in everything that just happened. We look around, and slowly smiles start forming on our faces. Happy that we've managed to save Mason and that everyone is ok. 

Liam and Mason finally pull apart and Mason turns to me. I smile at him with tears in my eyes. Words can't express how happy I am that I have my best friend back. It almost feels like a dream so I hug him tighter, just to prove to myself that it is real, and he does the same.

The rest of the pack comes over to him and he begins to thank them all. 

That's when I feel a sharp pain by my left shoulder. I grab it and lean back against the wall as it intensifies. It's almost so much I scream.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks, as everyone else walks towards me.

"It's Stiles. He's hurt."


beacon hills memorial hospital

"He's gonna be just fine. Doctor is just finishing stitching him up." Melissa tells me and my Dad, and I sigh in relief.

My dad gives Melissa a light kiss on the lips before she walks out of the room, and I smile at him.


When Stiles walks out, ready to go home, Malia is with him. I can see some scratches from her encounter with her biological mom, in which she was the one who came out victorious. The two are holding hands, and when they say goodbye, Stiles kisses her hand and she smiles at him.

She hugs me goodbye and then we all head home.

Things are finally starting to come together, and we have too.


a few days later; sheriff's station

Stiles and I sit on the couch in my dad's office. I look over at my brother, who looks out the window lost in thought.

"You saved their lives." My dad says. "Mason. Malia."

"And half of the population of Beacon Hills." I add, placing a hand on his shoulder. He just looks down at his hands.

"That's got to feel pretty good." My dad says.

"It did. For a while." my brother answers.

"But it's something you want to feel again." my dad adds.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Welcome to your future in law enforcement, kiddo." my dad tells him.

I squeeze his shoulder and he turns to look at me. I nod, and he smiles softly at me. My brother has always had this instinct, I guess you could call it. His mind works just like our dad's. I don't think he knew his calling until now, but I always knew. His future has always been with law enforcement. Just like dad. I kiss his cheek and get up, waving goodbye to my dad and walk out the door. 

I love those two so much, I'd do anything for them.


a few days later; beacon hills high school

Liam, Corey, Mason and I are in the library. I lean back against a bookshelf and Liam stands in front of me, placing his hand on the bookshelf behind me as he leans towards me.

I look over to Corey and Mason who stand by, holding hands as they flip through the pages of a book. That's when I see Scott walk into the library. He smiles at me as he passes by and I smile back at him. At my brother.

I remember what Stiles told me, about how Sebastian saw Scott's memories of Allison. She must've looked a lot like his sister, because that's why he said Marie-Jeanne. It gave Scott a chance to break free.

She saved him. Allison saved his life.

Lydia and Stiles walk in, too deep in conversation to notice us.

Corey and Mason begin to head out, and Liam takes my hand leading me out as well. At the door, I turn back to look at Scott, Stiles and Lydia.

I look at Scott and Stiles, who sit next to each other. I've known them my entire life, and I couldn't be prouder of them. I look at Lydia, a girl who I've gotten to know very well and who is one of the strongest and smartest people you will ever meet. 

These three started out on a journey back in their sophomore year, just like I did my freshman year. I look at the empty chair next to Lydia, and can't help but think that's where Allison would be sitting, and my heart breaks a little.

The three of them sit together, smiling at each other. I'm so proud of them. I'm proud of all of them. It makes me happy to see them so happy, which is sometimes hard with the life we lead, and my eyes fill up with tears. I'm not sure why. If it's because of how proud I am of them, how happy I am for them...or just because I love them so damn much. I bite my bottom lip to try and stop them from rolling down my cheeks. 

I love them so much, and words could never be able to describe how much. 

"Veronica, you coming?" Liam says to me from outside the library, through the door I hold open.

I turn to look at him."Yeah. Be right there." I say.

I turn around one last time to see the three of them at the table. Stiles looks at up me and smiles. I smile back and give him a small nod as I walk out and take Liam's hand.

When they graduate, Beacon Hills will never be the same. But my brother is right, we will always find a way back to each other.

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