Sidemen One Shots

By WroetoShmoo

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A series of OneShots (Or long shots as I like to say) with the Sidemen and friends of the Sidemen, some of th... More

KSIStar - Lost In the Moment
CalFreezy - Dominate Me (Smut) (Part 1)
Freezy4Reason - Unlikely Meetings
CalFreezy - Dominate Me (Smut) (Part 2)
Vikkstar123 - Disappointment
MiniZerk - Pudge (Smut)
MiniZerk - Pudge (Part 2) (Smut)
MiniZerk - Subtle Changes
WroeToStar - Love Will Find A Way
Poofless - For A Thousand Years
Landon x Lachlan - TALK ME DOWN
MiniZerk and Other Ships - The Nightmare
MiniZerk and Other Ships - The Nightmare (Part 2)
The Nightmare (Part 3)
KSIStar - I Don't Think So Harry
The Nightmare (Part 4)
The Nightmare (Part 5)
Please Don't Leave, Our Little Star
Our Little Star Stayed (Epilogue)
WroetoBehz - Those Damn Guernsey Tractor Feet (Smut)
MiniZerk - He's Gone
MiniZerk - Keep Your Hands To Yourself Ethan
Lachdon - I Am Blessed
Landon x Lachlan - Gone To War
KSIStar - Getting Your Attention
MiniStar - Jealous
Vikkstar123 - Secret
Vikkstar123 - Secrets (Part 2)
Lachdon - I Won't Give Up
Fan Girl Dream
Zerkka - Annoying The F*ck Out Of Me
VikkStar123 - Unexpected Happenings at Charity Football Match
Christmas Special - Day 1
Christmas Special - Day 2
Christmas Special - Day 3
Christmas Special Day 4
Christmas Special - Day 5
Christmas Special - Day 6
Christmas Special - Day 7
Christmas Special - Day 8
Christmas Special - Day 9
Christmas Special - Day 10
Christmas Special - Day 11
Christmas Special - Day 13
Behzinga - Piece by Piece
VikkStar - Running from My Friends/ Bullies
Lachdon - I Broke Him
Lachdon - Can I Fix Him? (Part 2)
Valentine's Day Special Thing
Lachdon - The Unexpected (Part 3)
Lachdon - I Had To (Part 4)
Wroetoshaw - Sing Me To Sleep
Poofless - Thinking
Secrets - Part 3 (SMUT)
Zerkaa - I've Got You (Part 1)
KStar - Cherry Blossoms and Kimonos
A Small Tale About the Little Ones
Who is the Real Daddy?
Who is the Real Daddy? (Part 2)
Who is the Real Daddy? (Part 3)
Your Song
Behzinga - Beautiful (Part 1)
Zerkaa - Meeting You
Behzinga - Beautiful (Part 2) (Light Smut)
Jerome - The Voice
Miniminter - Soulmates
Drunken Escapades
Landon - New Job
Stars (52 Weeks)
They Know (52 Weeks Contest Winner)
Gingerbread (Part 1) (52 Weeks)
You Deserve So Much
Gingerbread (Part 2) (52 Weeks)
Anniversary Thing!!!
250 Follower Special
DFRAGS (Preston and David) - Annoying Little Shit
RackaRacka - Jealousy (Part 1)
RackaRacka - Jealousy (Part 2)
RackaRacka - Jealousy (Part 3)
RackaRack - Jealousy (Part 4)
Zerkaa - The Wedding Planner
Miniminter - Everything Has Changed
Jayg3r - I Fucked Up (No Shit) (Part 1)
Jayg3r - You Fucked Up (No Shit) (Part 2)
Jayg3r - I Fucked Up (No Shit) (Part 3)
Miniminter - Trust
TBNRFrags - Tease
Zerkaa - Little Bear
Ratchet x Vik - Going to War
300 Follower Song and Pairing List
Muselk & Vikkstar123 - Treat You Better (SMUT)
300 Follower Special - Part 1

Christmas Special - Day 12

761 50 21
By WroetoShmoo

Third Person POV

Warnings: Slight Smuts, but nothing extreme and poor editing by me, again

Word Count: 2400

-Begin Day 12-

"OH MY FUCKING HELL! ETHAN! YOU ARE A SKET AND I HATE YOU!" screamed out Tobi as he pushed, his body in a great deal of pain. Unlike the others, he was not properly dilated to give birth, but his sons wanted to come.

Ethan stood at his side, his hand holding Tobi's, his other hand in his hair. He wished he could do something to help but he was pretty useless right now.

"Okay Tobi, stop pushing." said Daniel, his voice coming through tired.

Tobi stopped, his body sagging into the bed, tears falling down his face.

Ethan sat there, saying sweet words to Tobi, trying to help him by supporting him emotionally.

The doctor knew, at this rate, Tobi's hole was going to ripped in half unless they did something to help the poor boy. He wished the babies weren't so instant with coming out and could wait, but apparently they were impatient.

"Are you ok love?" asked Sarah, moving to stand next to him, her hand on his shoulder.

"I am but Tobi isn't." he said in a soft voice, not wanting to worry the other boy. "He isn't stretched enough and I can't give him any medicine to relax the muscles, at least not at this stage. I don't know what to do Sarah."

Sarah frowned. Daniel sounded so defeated and Sarah wasn't going to have that.

"Why doesn't Ethan stretch him out with his fingers?" she asked, causing her partner to turn and look at her, his bright eyes widening. "I mean, it will work, plus it will probably get Tobi's body to relax more as well which should make it easier."

"Babe." said Daniel, staring at Sarah. "You are a genius and I love you."

Sarah smiled cockikly as she spoke.

"I know."

"Ethan." called Daniel, catching the ginger haired boy's attention. "I need you to come here for a second. Sarah go grab what he will need."

The brunette nodded and walked away, going to dig through the drawers for some lube.

"Hey baby, I've got to let go of your hand for just a moment but I am not going anywhere, okay?"said Ethan softly, trying to reassure the other boy.

Tobi nodded, squeezing Ethan's aching hand once more before releasing it. The green eyed boy bent down, kissing his forehead before pulling back and moving to where Dr. Woods was sitting.

"Ok, so here is what we need Ethan." he said as Sarah came back with a bottle. "I need you to stretch out Tobi, just like when you two have sex." Ethan blushed heavily. "But, I need you to try and get him up to at least all of your fingers, not fisting necessarily, but as many fingers as you can. It will get him to the stretch we need so he can give birth, plus it should relax his body to make it easier as well."

"Oh ok." said Ethan, sounding lost.

"Here." said Sarah, handing a bottle of lube. "Use this, it's brand new."

"Okay." said Ethan, taking the small bottle, his eyes wide. He couldn't believe he was going to have stretch out Tobi so he can give birth. Fuck.

"Ethan." said the doctor, getting his attention, "Sarah and I are going to leave the room and go get something to drink. Hit the button by Tobi's bed when you are ready for us to come back and we will rush right in, ok?"

Ethan nodded, not saying anything.

Daniel nodded as well before standing up turning to exit the room, Sarah behind him, shutting the door tight.

Ethan stood there for a moment his body frozen, unbelieving of the situation.

"Papa Bear." called out Tobi, catching his attention.

"Yes Baby Bear."

"What's going on?" asked Tobi. He looked so tired. Ethan felt a pain in his heart.

Ethan took a deep breath before he began talking.

"The doctor asked me to stretch you so you can deliver the boys Baby, is that ok?" he asked, wanting Tobi's permission. Even though they had sex many of times and normally he would just go for it, Tobi was vulnerable right now and Ethan was not doing anything without his permission.

"Yeah, but what if." Tobi stopped, his face slightly redder before speaking again, "But what if I get turned on?"

"Then I'll just have to suck you off." said Ethan, matter of factly.

"Ok, um...I guess you should get started then." said Tobi, leaning back, his hands fisting the mattress below him.

Ethan smirked before going to work.

It did take a little while to stretch out Tobi to where he needed to be leaving the small boy moaning on the bed while Ethan fingered him, his mouth on sweet cock he loved so much, bringing to poor boy to completion twice before he was done stretching him.

As Ethan got up, going to push the button on the side of the bed, he decided they needed to explore that a little more later on when Tobi recovered from giving birth.

Daniel and Sarah walked in just a minute after Ethan hit the button.

"Are we ok?" asked Daniel, going to check Ethan's work.

"Yes sir. He is ready to go."

"Ok, let's do this."

Due to the stretching and how relaxed Tobi's body was, the two boy's were delivered easily. Cameron Adam Payne coming first followed by Dillon Isaac Payne.

Daniel noted how much easier it was for Tobi to deliver after stretching that he had Sarah go to Cal, who was with Harry, and ask him to stretch out Harry to about the same amount before he came in there to check them and see about giving birth.

Sarah did just that. After telling and leaving the two blushing blondes, she went to go let Daniel know and check on the new parents.

She was not surprised to see Tobi passed out in his bed, one of his sons curled up against his chest, while Ethan sat to the side holding the other boy.

Both boy's had dark skin, not dark like Tobi's but they weren't light either.

Sarah noted while she was cleaning them up earlier, with the help of Devon, that one of the boys had brown eyes while the other boy had bright green eyes like Ethan did. Both boys had the same head of hair that Tobi had and looked almost identical in every way.

Their facial structures favored Ethan's, giving them both round cheeks and thin lips, they did have Tobi's nose though.

They were both big boys too, which explained why Tobi had so much trouble delivering them.

"Hey Sarah, Doctor Woods." called Trisha at the door. "Harry is ready."

"Thanks Trisha." said Daniel, heading to the door, Sarah with him.

The young blonde was currently resting in the bed, his contractions coming every few minutes, signalling that he was ready.

By this time it was just before midnight and at this rate, Harry's daughter was going to be born on a different day that the other's unless Harry was quick at pushing her out.

When Sarah and Daniel walked in, they noted the flush cheeks on both of the boys but said nothing about it.

"Hey Harry, ready to deliver your daughter?" asked Daniel, getting into position.

"Yes please! I want to meet her so badly." said Harry, excitement filling him as he got into a slightly more comfortable position.

"Okay, now just push when I say and stop when I say and we should be fine."

Daniel was curious to see how big this baby was going to be. Harry's belly was just as big as Tobi's, if not a little bit bigger and on the ultrasounds it appeared as though the baby was way smaller than that.

Pushing the thoughts out of his head, the doctor went on to focusing on delivering the baby.

It didn't take much for Elizabeth Marie Airey to come out of Harry and just before midnight. Sarah took the baby to clean her up and Daniel looked back at Harry, noting that his belly was still swollen. With gentle hands he reached forward, pushing on the belly realizing something.

"Harry, I am so sorry, but I need you to push again."

"What, why?" asked the exhausted blonde.

"Well, it seems the reason your belly was so swollen is because you were pregnant with more than one child."

"WHAT!" screamed out Harry.

"How many more?" asked Cal, slightly scared.

"I think one more, but let's have Harry push and deliver to see."

"Fuck!" screamed out Harry as he began pushing, the second baby coming out just as easy as the first. This time it was a boy, about the same size as his sister but he still didn't account for how big Harry's belly was while he was pregnant.

"I think there is still one more." said Daniel, slightly shocked. How in the world did he miss that?

"Oh MY DAYS!" screamed out Harry. "I FUCKING BLAME YOU CAL!"

"I know baby, I know." said Cal, reaching to run his fingers threw the sweat soaked hair of my fiance. "We are almost done though, one more little one to go."

"He's right Harry, now they should come easily, just like the other two. So I just need you to push a little bit for me."

Harry did push, the last baby, another girl, coming out, slightly smaller than her brother and sister and born just after midnight.

"And we are done." said Daniel, handing Sarah the little girl.

"Thank fuck." said Harry, falling back against his bed.

The surprise triplets looked the same, blonde hair, blue eyed beauties, with pale skin, just like their parents. The boy, who was named Frederick William Airey, looked a lot like Harry, while the two girls, Elizabeth and her sister Georgiana Marie Airey, looked more like Cal, both with full lips and long faces.

After the babies were all fed for the first time, changed, and laid down to sleep, the fathers all got cleaned up before calling their friends and families to let them know them know the babies were there.

Cal and Harry chose not to tell their families about the extra babies until they got there, Cal deciding he wanted to record their reactions to seeing the two additions.

As Josh and Simon laid down in the hospital bed, their son near them in his bed, their eyes closing, a thought crossed Josh's mind about how the fans in his stream reacted when he bolted.

It was then that Josh realized that the fans probably heard Simon and knew that he had given birth.

Quickly pulling out his phone, trying not to disturb Simon, Josh tweet out that his son was born and that he would release pictures the next day. He then quickly put the phone on silent and set it to the side, deciding to deal with the fan frenzy the next day when he was more awake.

The next morning, all of the guys were gathered in a big room, their children in their arms, talking excitedly, waiting for their families to get there. They were all surprised when Harry and Cal came in with triplets, bringing the total number of babies up to seven. Miss Prior was probably going to die of happiness.

Slowly, one at a time, each of the families came, as well as Callux and Sarah, to meet the new additions.

Nurse Sarah stood the side with a camera as Harry's mom walked in, taking in the triplets. She almost passed out but thankfully her husband caught her. When she was right again she rushed over, taking the youngest in her arms, looking down and cooing at her.

Harry's dad offered to build them two more cribs before they got home, Cal's dad volunteering as well. They thanked them and Harry went on his phone, picking out the ones he wanted from Ikea before sending the two grandfather's on their way.

Callux decided to make a joke about how they now had 5 godchildren and didn't need to have any children on their own, which prompted Sarah to hit him, hard.

Later in the day, after all of the families met the babies, Miss Prior came by after having had let Harry and Cal's dad into the house to set up the cribs, to see the babies.

He squealed each time he met them, talking about how cute they were and how he couldn't wait to help take care of them.

The Sidemen asked if he knew of anyone who would also want to be a Nanny because they realized they were going to need more help.

Miss Prior promised to reach out to some people he knew and see who he could find that he trusted.

Finally, the guys got together, taking rounds of pictures to release to their fans who had to be waiting eagerly at the edges of their seats, waiting to see the babies.

Together, they all tweet out at the same time, pictures of the young ones, each one with their parents.

Needless to say, Twitter was taken over by the Sidemen babies, everyone congratulating them and thanking them for the pictures they shared willingly.

A few days later they all went home, Miss Prior along with his Aussie friend name Miles, helped the guys get everyone settled.

That night, after all the babies were all asleep in their beds, the guys went downstairs, baby monitors in hand, breathing a sigh of relief. Each couple curled up together on the couches, everything around them silent. That is until Josh spoke up.

"You know we are going to have to get a bigger house, right?" Said Josh, his eyes closed, his arms wrapped around Simon.

"Yeah." agreed everyone together.

"Can we deal with that tomorrow though? I'm beat." said Ethan, pulling Tobi closer to him.

"Yes." said JJ, Vikk snuggling more into his chest.

"Good." replied Josh.

They all sat there, silence filling the house, Miss Prior and Miles upstairs in their room shared room. For now at least, it would change as soon as they figured out how to get more space.

Each couple was almost sleep when the first wail rang through the baby monitor.

"Fuck." muttered Harry. "That would be my daughter. Excuse me." he said, getting up, Cal with him

One by one, each of the baby monitors went off, causing the other couples to get up and tend to their children, Miss Prior and Miles already up there helping them.

The guys all realized this was going to be a tiring thing, raising children, but it would all be worth it.

Together, they built a bigger house with four wings, one for each family, and a big center area where they could all get together, raising their families, side by side.

-End Day 12-

A/N: Plot Twist! Triplets from Harry! lol. I couldn't resit. I was writing this and I was like, should I? Yes, yes I should. So I did.

There will be one more part tomorrow, Christmas themed of course and then this will be done. Our Little Star will be back soon, I just didn't realize how hard it would be to keep up with all my writing, especially with me having had worked 56 hours this week and everything else that had gone on. So I am so sorry. We will be back on my regular upload schedule, staring the 26th. Promise. 

Thank you all for your patients, I really mean it. I owe you all something, I just don't know what yet.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, smiles, and laughs. 

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