Lock It **Remus Lupin Love St...

By xxWrenxx

446K 15.5K 6.9K

Rowen Jones is a Muggleborn at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She's very protective of her famil... More

Lock It **Remus Lupin Love Story**
The Summer I Was Called 'Freak'
Back At Hogwarts
Here's A Daisy
The Real World
Delving Deeper
Hogsmeade Date.. Interrupted?
The Cat's Out Of The Bag
Some Friendships Don't Last
Welcome To The Noble House Of Black
Bellatrix Black
Surprise! I Need Somewhere To Live
Summer Adventures
Checking In
Feeling Watched
Sixth Year Shennanigans
A New Kind Of Life
The First Signs
Birthday.. Awkwardness?
Coming Clean
The Day The Marauders Broke
Death Eaters?
Winter at Hogwarts
Valentine's Day
Happier News
Revealing Secrets
Sixth Year Is Coming To An End
A Midsummer's Night Dream
New Beginnings
And Let The Classes Resume
Remus' Favorite Time Of The Month
Birthday Presents

Big Mistake

18.4K 587 443
By xxWrenxx

**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Big Mistake-

I sat on the old couch in the sitting room, Sirius' mum sitting in front of me. "So, I never caught your name dear." She said in a gently tone. I smiled shyly at her. 

"I-I'm Rowen Jones." I replied simply. 

"Well Rowen, you can call me Walburga." She said. I tried hard not to laugh at her ridiculous name. I nodded to her. "Well, supper will be ready in an hour, you can go upstairs and rest. Your room is next to Sirius'" I scampered up the stairs, but instead of going to the room she gave me, I stomped into Sirius'. 

"You idiot Black!" I hissed at him. He was startled at my sudden outburst and rolled off the bed. "Look what you got me into!" Sirius gave me an annoyed look. 

"I don't know why you're complaining, you have a place to stay, food to eat, and you get to look at this handsome face all day." He chuckled.  I walked closer to him, until our faces were a few inches from each other. 

"This is no time for jokes you idiot! To put it simply, I do not like you Black. You are a pompous jerk who just follows Potter all day long. The fact that I'm even in the same room as you makes me sick! Now, you better get me out of this, or else I'm going to give you hell all summer long." I said menacingly. Sirius swallowed and stepped backwards. 

"Why don't you just go with your parents?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. 

"They're in Switzerland. I can't exactly just walk there." I snapped. 

Sirius gave me a look. "What the bloody hell are they doing there?" He inquired. I sighed, knowing that anything I say will probably go in one ear and out the other. 

"My aunt is dying if you must know." I sat on the edge of his bed. "She's my only aunt and I couldn't even go see her for the last time." Sirius, for the first time ever, gave me a sad smile. I could tell he felt bad for me. 

"I'm sorry." He mumbled, sitting on the opposite side of his bed. "Is tha- Is that why you've been acting different lately?" I shook my head and got up. 

"Whatever. It doesn't matter. I-I'll see you at dinner." I sighed, striding out his room and into my. I nearly barfed when I saw all the Slytherin banners and posters hung up on the walls. Even the bedsheets were a dark green. "Yuck, they're that kind of family." 

I sat on the bed, completely exhausted. This is definetly not how I wanted to start out summer. 


"Jones!" Sirius' voice said through the door as he pounded it with his fist. "Dinner's ready." I threw the door open and gave Sirius a look of pure hatred. 

"I hate you." I hissed as I followed him down the stairs. He chuckled at me. 

When we reached the dining table, I took a seat in between Walburga and Sirius. She seemed delieghted. Dinner was anything but normal. Walburga and Orion (as I learned, was his name) asked me strange questions, all which made me want to scoff. Sirius kept butting in and answering the questions. 

"Sirius Black, have some respect. There is a guest here who is completely capable of answering questions, so be queit." Walburga hissed. Sirius was pissed, but shut up. "So Rowen, what house are you in at Hogwarts?" 

I finished chewing the steak, swallowed it and answered. "Gry-" I started, when I felt someone kick me. From the corner of my eye, Sirius shook his head slightly. I sighed. "Ravenclaw." I answered simply. Walburga and Orion looked displeased. 

"Well, it's better than Gryffindor. Can you believe that my eldest son, dishonoured the Noble House of Black by becoming a Gryffindor?"  Walburga said, in a rather nasty voice. 

"It's bloody better than Slytherin!" Sirius retorted. And then all hell broke loose. Sirius had a yelling match between his parents and after a few minutes, I slipped away from the table and back upstairs to the bedroom in which I was sleeping in. 

I opened up my school trunk and grabbed a parchment and quill. I messily wrote a letter to Lily. 

Dear Lily, 

Help! Sirius Black kidnapped me! Well, he actually didn't kidnap me, but his parents found me on the platform with my parents no where to be found, and offered me a room to stay the night. Which means I'm actually staying in the same house as Black. Please, Please have your parents come pick me up tomorrow. Please! 


I wrote Sirius' adress, gave it to my owl and hoped that Lily would save me from this place. 

That night, as I was already snuggled up in the bed, there was a slight knock on the door. "Hey, Rowen, it's me." Sirius said, in an unusually normal voice. 

"Come in." I said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear. He opened the door and stepped in. "What do you want Black?" I asked, not in a mean tone, but rather gentle. 

Sirius just gave me a weird look. "I just don't understand." He mumbled. I gave him a confused look. "I don't understand why my mother likes you so much." I glared at him. 

"If you're here to insult me-" I started, but was cut off my his laughter. 

"No, no I'm not. It just makes me wonder, how on earth can my mother like someone they've only just met, and yet she doesn't like her own son." He confessed. It was weird seeing this side of Sirius. For four years, I've only know the cocky, arragant Sirius Black. 

"Black, your mum doesn't hate you." I said. "She just can't adapt to the ways of Sirius Black, you're doing nothing wrong." I told him. I sat up and gave hime a look. "Lily's coming to get me tomorrow." He frowned. 

"You're just going to leave me?" He smirked. 

I rolled my eyes. "Black, you and I both know how much I dislike you." I pulled up the sheets. "Goodnight Black." Sirius left me and I soon fell asleep. 


I woked up bright and early thhe next morning. I was really hoping Lily was actually going to come and get me, because I've never felt so awkward in my entire life. I got up out of bed, freshened up and packed the clothes I had used yesterday into my school trunk. 

And then I played the waiting game. 

It was only an hour after I woke up when the doorbell rang. I ran out my bedroom, trunk and owl cage in tow, only to come face to face with Sirius. He smirked as he ran down the stairs. "Dammit Black!" I hissed at him as I followed him. He opened the door and grinned at Lily. 

"Well, hello Evans!" He said, grinning. Lily gave him an irrataited look. She saw me behind him and gave me hug. 

"Oh Rowe! Why didn't you ask to stay over at my house?" She said, grabbing my owl's cage. I frowned at her. 

"Well, for some reason I thought that maybe you and Petunia could make up this summer, and I did't want to be a burden." I confessed. I looked up at Mrs. and Mr. Evans. "Thank you so much." 

Walburga and Orion came into the room at this moment. Walburga looked upset and Orion was silent. "Is thi- Are these your parents? I-I don't really see a resemblance."  Walburga stuttered. 

"I-I'm adopted." I lied. "Thank you for letting me stay the night, I really did appreciate it. But as my parents and sister are here now, I have to go." I said as kindly as possible. 

"You're welcome back anytime dear." She said. And with that, I was off with Lily and her family. 


A few weeks later

"Sirius! You better clean up! Your cousin Bellatrix is coming over." Walburga snapped as she fixed up Regulas' tie. Sirius groaned. 

"Can't I just stay in my room? I don't want to be in the same room as that crazy litt-" Sirius started, but was cut off by his angry mother. 

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT YOUR DEAR COUSIN LIKE THAT!" Walburga was fuming. "Maybe if you followed her footsteps, you would honor the Black House." 

Sirius scoffed. "And what, become a Death Eater? I'd rather die." Orion stood up from his chair. 

"Get upstairs now, I don't want to hear a single word from you." He hissed. Sirius, without reluctance ran up the stairs. 

A few hours later, Bellatrix Lestrange was leaving. Sirius, completely disobeying his father's orders, sat at the top of the stairs. He knew that Bellatrix, if not officially, was a Death Eater. She supported the idea that Purebloods were superior and that Muggleborns didn't deserve to live. 

"Bellatrix dear, I have something else to tell you." Sirius heard his mother say. "You know how when Sirius was born, he had a sister, a twin?" Sirius' eyes nearly bulged out his head as he strained to listen to the conversation. 

"Yes, you told me she was a Squib, so you got rid of her." Bellatrix pointed out. 

"That's the thing, I think I just found her, and she's not a Squib." His mother said firmly. 


Also I didn't edit this one so sorry if there are mistakes.

<3 Wren

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