The Real World

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

The Real World-

It was mid October, and the weather had dramatically changed. The grounds had become cold and damp and there was constant rain drizzling. I was in the Great Hall, enjoying a nice warm cup of tea, because Herbology class was canceled. The professor, and many others have become ill with small colds and there were no substitutes to take over for the sick teachers. Lily and Rosie had become ill and they had been missing classes. 

As I took another sip of my tea, someone took a seat across from me. "Hello Remus, enjoying free period?" I asked, not bothering to look up. When there was no response, I looked up and caught his eye. He looked horrible to be honest. He was rather pale, and his eyes had bags under them. "Are you alright? You look ill." I said, placing my cuppa tea done. 

"I feel dreadful." He groaned, placing his head on his hand, propping it up. 

"Have you got a cold?" I asked, concerned. He shook his head. I decided to not question it further, and we sat in silence. It was when the bell rang that Remus became startled, letting his head fall from his arm and hit the table. I stiffled a giggle as he shook his head. I walked around the table to his side, and held out my hand. "Ok Lupin, time to go to the Hospital Wing." He took my hand as I lead him through the corridor. 

We entered the infirmary, where Madame Pomfrey was running around, helping sick students. I saw Lily and Rosie in the corner, both very pale. I lead Remus to an empty cot and he layed down. "Thanks for taking me here Rowen." He mumbled. I smiled at him. 

"I've got to get to class, feel better Remus." I replied. I didn't bother to say his to Rosie and Lily, I would be there after classes to talk with them. 

I made my way to Transfiguration, a class taught by Professor McGonagall. I took a seat in the back, not wanting to talk to anyone. But my plan soon failed, as James and Sirius took a seat either side of me. "Hello Jones,have you seen your lover around lately?" James asked. I gave him a look. 

"What are you on about Potter?" I asked. He smirked at me. 

"Well I noticed you've been spending a lot of time with Remus." He said. I rolled my eyes. 

"I'm sorry to tell you Potter, but Remus and I are just friends. He's a nice guy, and I happen to enjoy his company because he's a gentlemen." I replied. Sirius straigtened up. 

"We're gentlemen." He said cooly. I started laughing, earning me a few strange looks. 

"Oh please, I saw you two in the corridor a few days ago, hexing a fourth year! Shame on you two! Have you no respect?" They said nothing. "This is why Lily doesn't like you James, you go around hexing students, especially Severus," James cringed. "and not to mention all the childlish pranks you play on the other houses." I turned to Sirius. "And maybe if you were nicer to your own mother, she would treat you better. " 

Sirius face grew dark. "You have no idea what I have to go through at home!" He snapped. Even James was surprised at his friend's behaviour. 

I grabbed my bag and slung it on my shoulder. "You're right, I don't know what you go through Sirius, because anyone who asks gets hexxed by you." I turned to leave the now full classroom. I was not dealing with these to idiots for an entire period. "And if you're still wondering where Remus is, he's in the Hospital Wing, ill." 


"Oh come on Padfoot! You are still being ridiculous about this whole thing." James said as he played around with the snitch he nicked from the school. 

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