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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**


When James had walked through the portrait door, I literally threw myself on him, pinning him to the floor, my wand drawn. "You change me back right now Potter!" I yelled. His eyes were wide. Sirius came in through the portrai next, and rushed over to his friend. 

"Cas! Get off of Prongs!" He exclaimed. I became livid. I released James and turned to Sirius. 

"What in the bloody hell did you just call me?" I asked venomously. He didn't utter a word. I rolled my wand in my fingers. 

"M-Moony! Get your girlfriend away from me." Sirius begged. I chuckled darkley. 

"Sorry Padfoot, I don't want to get in the way of an angry Rowen." Remus said from the couch. I waited until Sirius caught my eye. 

"Now then, since we are, related, I don't think it would be in best interest to have you killed. But keep in mind, call me Cas again, and I'll curse you into oblivion." I said bitter sweetly. I turned to James and he waved his wand. "Thank you." I said, as I saw the familiar dark color of my hair in the corner of my eye. 

Lily and Rosie came back shortly after, and they were quite confused as to why James and Sirius had kept their distance, Remus just chuckled at them. When dinner was over, Remus left for the hospital wing, as it was a full moon that night. 

So I sat on my four poster bed, listening to my two friends talk and laugh. "How was your break, Rowe?" Lily asked, snapping me out of my trance. I let out a yawn. 

"Very well, actually. Remus and I spent everyday with each other. And that's about it." I admitted. They giggled at me. I turned to Rosie. "And how're you and Caleb?" She blushed scarlet. 

"We're well, actually. He got me this for Christmas." She said as she brought up her wrist. On it was a silver bracelet with small charms. Lily examined it closely. 

"It's very pretty." I commented and she smiled at me. 

"Where's Remus?" Rosie asked. I shrugged. 

"I think him and the Marauders went to go pull a prank or something. You know, to celebrate being back at school or whatever." I lied easily. Rosie nodded but Lily looked at me suspiciously. She was always good at reading me. I faked a yawn and crawled into bed. "I'm gonna turn in for the night." I mumbled. They nodded and I closed the curtains on my bed closed. 

I don't know what time it was, but it was really early in morning when someone was shaking me awake. "Dammit Rowe! Wake up!" Someone shouted. My eyes shot open and I sat up.

"Wasgoinon?" I mumbled. Lily tugged my arm and pulled me towards the window, where Rosie was sitting by.

"Something is going on in the forest." Rosie said, while pointing at the layer of trees. There were faint flashes seeping through the trees. Like spells were being shot. I gasped as I realized that Remus could potentially be in danger.

"I have to go out there." I said urgently. Lily and Rosie gawked at me.

"Absolutely not! I will not allow you to go get yourself killed!" Lily scolded. I grabbed my wand.

"Lily, I have to go out there!" I exclaimed. Lily stood in front of the door. "Please." Lily shook her head.

"As a school Prefect, I forbid you to go out there, it's way past curfew and it's too dangerous." She said. I dropped my wand onto my bed and then went back to  the window. We sat in silence when an ear-piercing howl filled the air. The howl was cut short, as if something got to it. Lily and Rosie looked alarmed, but me? I fainted. 


"Evans! Hey Evans! Get Jones down here now!" A voice shouted from the distant. There was shuffling around and a door opened. 

"I'm trying to Potter! She fainted!" Another voice replied. My eyes opened and I saw Lily and Rosie looking over me. "Oh good, Potter needs you downstairs, now." Lily said. She helped me up, stuffed my wand in my hand and then we went down the stairs. James was at the foot of the stairs, and there were twigs and leaves in his hair. 

"Rowe, Remus is-" He started. 

"Where is he?" I asked, he took off and I followed him. We ran through the castle and then onto the grounds. At the edge of the forest was a large brown mass, a large black dog and a rat. The brown mass was bleeding heavily from his shoulder, and he had gashes along it's torso. 

I knelled beside the injured werewolf. "What happened?" I asked as I tried to recall the spells that could heal. 

"Someone followed us into the forest." James said. The black dog whined. 

"What the bloody hell were you doing in the forest! It's a full moon you know." I said while muttering a spell, cleaning the wounds. 

"Yea, we know. I'm surprised you haven't figured it out yet." James said, looking at the werewolf. 

"Go get Madame Pomfrey, now." I said. I thought James was going to get up and leave but it was the dog who ran back up into the castle. I turned to James as realization washed over me. "You three are animangus!?" 

James nodded. I went back to the werewolf and waved my wand. The wounds were slowly closing, but I could tell that the animal was in a large amount of pain. "He's lost too much blood." I murmured as I said more healing spells. 

It was early morning, as the sun was beginning to light the sky, and Madame Pomfrey and Sirius came running down the grounds. The wounds were closed, I was tired, and the werewolf had returned to Remus. "Oh dear!" Madame Pomfrey exclaimed as she knelled next to Remus. 

"I've healed the wounds, he just lost so much blood." I explained. She nodded and pulled out a vial from her robes. She poured it into his mouth, yet he didn't stir. I turned to the three boys that stood next to me, and I saw pain in there eyes. 

Sirius, to my surprise opened up his arms, and I hugged him. "Will he be alright Sirius?" I asked him. Sirius sighed. 

"He's strong. I'm sure he'll be fine." Sirius replied. 

It was at that moment when I realized that Sirius Black was not that bad. He cared for his friend so much that he was willing to put his own life in danger.

A week went by with no word on Remus, and the Marauders had never been so worried. The student body had wondered what was up with them, yet only James, Sirius, Peter and I knew what had happened. 

When Sunday came, Madame Pomfrey sought all three of us out, and we were all called into the hospital wing. "Remus is doing well." She started before the door opened and Albus Dumbledore came in. "Ah good, thank you for coming Albus." She turned to us. "He is doing well, but is very weak. Now, who was the one who healed him?" She asked. The three boys looked at me and I raised my hand. "I must say, I haven't seen healing that well in a very long time. You saved Mr. Lupin's life!" 

Dumbledore looked at me proudly. "Twenty points to Gryffindor." He murmured. I smiled. 

"Anyway, Mr. Lupin should be fine by the end of January, so there is no need to worry, though I must ask some questions as to how this occured." We all nodded. "How did this happen?" 

James stepped up. "Erm, from our dormitory, we saw some men in black cloaks enter the forest, and then we saw the light from spells being shot. I guess one of the spells hit Remus." James said. 

Madame Pomfrey turned to Dumbledore, "Do you think-" But Dumbledore just nodded. 

"I fear that Death Eaters are starting to recruit magical creatures." He said quietly. The thought of Death Eaters near or possibly in Hogwarts made me cringe. 


Oops i forgot to update... sorry! also, happy november! (and late halloween!) I went as take out chinese food, aka the best costume in the world, haha

<3 Wren

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