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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**


The day the students returned to Hogwarts was the day I was dreading and yet anticipating. I was excited to see Remus, only to realize we weren't exactly together anymore. Lily and Rosie tried hard to cheer me up though. 

It was already late evening, and off in the distance, I could see the smoke from the Hogwarts express rising into the air. I was sitting on the windowsill next to my bed. The grounds were covered in white snow and I smiled at the simple beauty that was Hogwarts. I opened the window slightly, and let the cold breeze graze my skin. 

I started aimlessly out the window, watching and waiting for the carriages bringing students back to the castle. 

"Don't fall out now." Someone said from behind me. I jumped a little, and then turned my head. Standing there was Brandon Nelson. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I shook my head. 

"No, your fine." I said. "Say, how did you get into my dorm? Boys shouldn't be able to climb the stairs." I pointed out. I closed the window and turned to him. 

"James told me how to get up here." He said. I nodded. "So, how are you?" I smiled. 

"I've had better days you know." I replied. "Not to be rude, but is there something you needed?" Brandon sighed. 

"Your brother gave me a sickle to come check on you, apparently you haven't been acting your normal self. I have to admit, he's right." Brandon explained. I smiled. 

"I'm just going through something, so you can go tell my brother I'm doing perfectly fine." I said. Brandon gave me a smile before trudging down the stairs. I turned back to the windowsill and enjoyed the view once again.  

When I was interrupted again, I rolled my eyes. "I said I'm fine Sirius! I don't know why you have Brandon checking in on me." I sighed. 

"Guess again." The voice said. My body froze, and I didn't dare turn around. I would know his voice from anywhere. I shook my head, hoping he would understand. "Rowen-" He started. I heard footsteps and I knew he was standing behind me. "Please look at me." He begged. 

"Why? So you can see the pain in my face?" I whispered. "Just tell me Remus, do you still love me?" 

"Of course." He whispered. He placed both of his hands on my shoulders and I sighed at his touch. "I will always love you." I didn't say anything else for a while. We just sat in silence. I finally mustered enough courage to turn around. 

"Can I just have a little space Remus? For a few days. I just need a few days to think things over." I whispered. He nodded quietly. He placed a kiss on my forehead before retreating downstairs. I sighed and sank to the floor. 


"Miss Jones, please stay after class." Professor McGonagall said. My head whipped up and I saw the teacher scowling down at me. I guess that's what I get for nodding off in class. When the bell did ring, I walked up to her desk. "Take a seat." 

I sat down reluctantly. "I know returning to school from Christmas break has nothing to do with your new behaviors. Is there anything wrong dear?" She asked. 

"Just some personal stuff, professor." I replied. She locked eyes with me. "It's this war that's going on. It's tearing my best friend and I apart." I admitted. She sighed sadly. 

"Mr. Lupin, I'm guessing." She insinuated, and I nodded. "What did he say, may I ask?" 

"Voldemort's after people like him, and he doesn't want me getting hurt because of that. But I feel more protected with him.. do you see my dilemma professor?" 

She thought long and hard about this. "My dear, just think about this: It takes one person to forgive but it takes two people to be reunited." 


It was later that night, when I was sitting on the Gryffindor common room couch. Rosie was with me, doodling on the corner of her potions textbook. "You shouldn't do that you know, I mean, what did the book ever do to you?" I laughed. 

Rosie looked up from the book to me. "Hey Rowen, can I ask you something?" I nodded. "Would you find it weird if I date your brother?" I chuckled. 

"Not at all, I mean, I only actually met by brother last year. So it's not weird at all." I replied. "Maybe you two will last." I mumbled. Rosie frowned at me. 

"Hey," She said suddenly. I looked up and watched her come from her corner of the couch towards me. She sat nearly on top of me and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm here for you whenever you need it." 

"Thank you." I replied. "Hey Rose-" 


I shifted in my seat so that I faced her. "Do you think.. Umm.. What Remus is doing is completely right and I'm just overreacting?" Rosie thought for a moment. 

"I definitely can see Remus' point of view on this subject. But I also don't think you are overreacting. I mean, not to be harsh, but he dumped you in the middle of a war! So what I'm trying to say is, in a way you both reacted the way I would have." And then there was silence. The silence drew on and on like a never-ending summer's breeze. 

And when I broke the silence, it sounded louder than I wanted. "I'm going to go talk to Remus." Rosie gave me a thumbs up and I ran up the boys dormitory. After knocking on the door, I sort of just barged in. There were two people in the room, both quietly snoring on their own beds. The rather larger one was Peter, and the more slender one was Remus. I walked up to Remus and flicked him on the forehead. 

"Blimey James! Leave me alone!" He shouted, and I chuckled. Once he recognized it wasn't James, he rolled over. He smiled sadly at me. "Are you ready to talk now?" I nodded and he sat up. His hair was sticking out in a number of directions, and it made him look incredibly handsome in a way. 

"I've seen reason." i said simply. "And what you are doing is incredibly brave and I understand why you're doing it now." Remus lifted his hand and cupped my face. 

"I still love you, you know. I always will, and once this whole ordeal is over, once we know we're safe we can go run away from here. We can create our own happily ever after." He murmured. I hung onto each and every word. His voice sent shivers down my spine and I had to resist the urge to kiss him. 

I turned quickly and looked at the lump on the other bed. "So tell me what happens next, in the present, I mean." I said. 

"We go on with our lives, we can't be together in the way we both want, but we can still be best friends." He said. I nodded. 

"I'm glad we've got that settled." I murmured. 

"Will you still love me? After all this is done." He asked suddenly. I sighed. 

"Of course Rem, your my first boyfriend, my first love." I said with a smile. He gave me a quick hug. "Well, I'll let you get back to your sleep." And so I exited the room with a smile on my face. On my way down, I bumped into Sirius and James. "Hello boys." 

"You didn't hurt Remus did you?" Sirius asked worriedly. I rolled my eyes. 

"No you tosspot." I laughed. I turned to James. "Do you know when our next quidditch practice is?" he grinned and tapped his wrist. 

"In about half an hour." He said. My eyes widened. 

"You aren't serious, are you?" I gasped. Sirius grinned. 

"No he isn't, I am-" He started, but stopped immediately when I smacked him in the shoulder. "I have no idea where any of my quidditch gear is!" I said as I barreled passed them. Rosie called for me when I reached the bottom of the boy's staircase. "I'm sorry Rosie! I've got to go, I have quidditch practice!" 

It turns out that I was the last one at the pitch, and honestly, it didn't surprise anyone at all.


Sorry I didn't update! I just got back from vacation and I'm super duper tired but also relieved to be home. 

<3 Wren

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