A New Kind Of Life

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

A New Kind Of Life-

It was about the middle of September, when I realized that this new gift I had really paid off. I never got an answer wrong and even Lily and Remus have begun to question my knew found knowledge. 

"I'm telling you right now Lily, I just happened to read some books over summer and picked up some things." I said to Lily, who was walking besides me. We were on our way to class, and here she was again asking me the same questions. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous." I joked. 

She hit me in the arm. "Am not! I was just curious, that's all." She huffed. I laughed as we entered the Charms classroom. Remus was already there, waiting for us. "Remus, you agree with me, Rowe is hiding something." 

Remus straightened up. "Err- I hate to admit it, but I do find it quite strange." Remus mumbled. 

"Whose side are you on anyway?" I chuckled as I slid onto the bench next to him. Lily followed suite. 

He put his hands up defensively. "I'm just saying." He chuckled. I rolled my eyes and pulled out my parchment and quill. The bell rang and then the lesson began. I wrote down the notes and drew little doodles on the side of the page. 

"Aguamenti, is also known as the water-making spell." Professor Flitwick said, reading off of a book that was at least half the size of his body.  "It can be anything from a jet of water, to something as large as a wave depending on the caster's intentions." I looked up and raised my hand. "Yes? Miss Jones?" 

"Sir, can the water from the charm withstand a Fiendfyre?" I asked. Flitwick's eyes glowed. 

"Ahh! Excellent question Miss Jones. The water from this particular charm doesn't evaporate when it contacts the Fiendfyre." He replied. I nodded my head and continued to write. When his lecture ended, he had us pull our wands out and put our notes away. "So now we will practice the charm, you can be in groups of three to four, and you will cast the charm and aim to put water in these buckets." He said, pointing to the buckets in the center of the classroom. 

Lily, Remus and I of course were in the same group. We removed ourselves from our seats and stood a few feet from the bucket. "So who wants to try first?" I asked, and Lily stood up. She scrunched up her face and waved her wand. 

"Aguamenti!" She said, and sadly, only a few drops came out of the tip of her wand. She frowned. "Wow, it's harder than it looks." Remus stepped up and did the same thing, managing a limp stream that just dripped straight to the floor. 

"Maybe we aren't concentrating hard enough." Remus said, saying the spell again. I took out my wand and thought hard. Tips on the Aguamenti charm, I said in my head, and the book that has been aiding me over time appeared. It flipped through the dusty pages, and then landed on a certain page. I read the tips eagerly. 

1.) Concentrate hard! The key to perfectly cast is concentration. 
2.) Speak clearly and confidently. 
3.) Wand movement is also key, you have to move very precisely. 

"What are you reading?" Lily asked, breaking me from my concentration. I blinked a couple times and then the book was gone. 

"Nothing, erm just trying to remember the notes." I lied. I turned to the buckets. "Aguamenti!" I said, and was surprised that it worked. Water streamed from my wand and into the bucket, causing the students from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff to look. 

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