Birthday Presents

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**All Harry Potter characters/wizarding world go to J.K Rowling. Roseanna belongs to @karley_fryman. Rowen and any other character that pops up belong to me! :)**

Birthday Presents-

"It's October 1st!" Lily shrieked. I groaned, knowing what was going to happen next. "Get up you lazy bum! It's your-" 

"LILY EVANS SO HELP ME IF YOU DON'T SHUT YOUR MOUTH I WILL SHUT IT FOR YOU WITH MAGIC!" I shouted. I grumbled and hid underneath my blankets. I heard Lily chuckle. "Just go wish Sirius a happy birthday and then come back for me." I said. I heard the door close and I slowly got out of bed. 

I picked up a plaid shirt, leggings and boots and changed. I brushed my long black hair until there was no knots in it before walking down the stairs. Remus was at the bottom of the steps, and once I reached him he picked me up from the waist and spun me around. I laughed happily as he placed me on my feet. 

"Happy Birthday." He whispered before kissing me. I smiled into the kiss and enjoyed this moment of pure bliss. We parted from the kiss before he reached into his jacket pocket. "I got you this." He said before handing me a black velvet box. 

I slowly opened the box and grinned when I saw it's contents. It was a silver locket. I grabbed the locket and opened it, and inside was a picture of Remus and I from my seventeenth birthday. "Remus! I love it!" I squeaked. I opened the chain and handed it to him. "Will you put it on for me?" I asked. He grinned as I turned around. The cool metal rested against my chest as Remus clasped the necklace around my neck. 

"Rowen!" Someone called. Remus and I both turned to the person who had called my name. It was Sirius. We both walked over to him. Rosie and Lily were with him, along with James. 

"Sometimes I forget we're twins." I said to Sirius as I gave him a hug. "Happy birthday Black." He hugged me back tightly. 

"Happy Birhtday Jones." He replied. "So what are our plans today?" He asked. I shrugged and turned to everyone else. 

"Anyone have any ideas?" I asked. 

"A day at the lake sounds fun." James suggested. We all turned to each other and nodded. "But first, let's get some breakfast, I'm starving." We all nodded and set off. 

"Wait." I said, halfway to the Great Hall. "Where's Peter?" Sirius and James started to chuckle. 

"He's dead asleep right now. Won't wake up for anything." Sirius explained. I chuckled. "No time for him though. I left a note, let's go get breakfast!" He announced. We all trudged to the Great Hall, Lily and James were swinging there hands between them, Sirius had a strong arm around Rosie's small waist, and Remus had slung his hand over my shoulder. 

As the three of us walked the halls, I saw many female students watch us enviously. "Hey Remus." I murmured. He grunted in response. "Have you noticed the way the girls stare at us, James and Lily, and Sirius and Rosie?" 

"Of course I've noticed." He replied. "I do not want to sound a bit conceited, but we the Marauders are quite known around the school and so they are obviously a bit envious of the girls we love." He smiled. I gave him a cheeky grin before we entered the Great Hall. 

On the way to our usually spot along the Gryffindor table, Sirius and I received many birthday wishes. I honestly already knew this was going to be a fantastic day. 


"I want to go swimming." Rosie said, dipping her petite little hands into the shore of the freezing cold lake. All of us gaped at her. 

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